Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2)

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Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2) Page 25

by Erin Raegan

  It was awful that Uthyf’s problems would solve ours, but Tahk seemed totally fine with it. Haytu was our biggest supporter, often suffering through endless meetings with the other Council members, arguing the benefits and the possibilities of outer species mating. He was laying the groundwork for Uthyf.

  We hadn’t been attacked, and no one stoned me in the streets. I only suffered through disgusted looks, some just curious, but a lot of scorn. I knew though that it was only the beginning. If they knew I was pregnant, it would be worse. Tahk wouldn’t have just snubbed his consorts for his human mate, he would have changed the game.

  The future was unknown. But I was content in my place in it for now. I knew Tahk and Haytu held secret meetings with Uthyf, talking options and scheming on their own. They probably would have to for a while. Home World was changing, and they faced enemies from all sides. I only hoped the Dahk didn’t start a war they couldn’t afford at home.

  Tahk was the Commander, but lately, he had been a spy. Watching the King’s Council, carefully. Waiting for them to slip up. He was needed in the stars with his army, but he couldn’t afford to leave. Though I knew he planned to take me with him when he did, I had a feeling Dahk One was returning for more than just to come home. They were coming for their Commander. Something had happened with Wohn a few days ago, and Tahk had told me he would tell me when he knew more. But I saw how Syn and Borv grew more alert when we left the House. The ten other guards assigned to me. How Tahk got more and more agitated when I wanted to leave. It was only a matter of time before I was forbidden to at all.

  But I knew it was only for my safety. Tahk would never trap me, and I wasn’t safe here until Uthyf weeded out the traitors and those that sought to usurp him.

  I just had to be patient, and I was more than happy to do that with a little dahkling on the way.

  Tahk was my kidnapper and my savior.

  My Pythen.

  He would keep this baby and me safe.

  I was lucky to have survived the invasion, but I was so much more than lucky to be here in Tahk’s arms. I had a long life to live with him and our baby, and I would cherish every moment of it.

  The universe was scary and full of conflict and unknowns. But here in these arms, no matter what the universe threw at us, I was safe and loved and I knew I always would be.



  My mate slept peacefully. The glow of the toyl stone shining off her skin, illuminating every dip and curve of her beautiful body. My hand curved around the round bump of her abdomen. My son was in there. Inside her. Growing.

  I bowed over her slumbering form. My lips against her chest. I whispered words of thanks and gratitude, but not to the ancestors. I had visited temple some time ago for them, now I whispered to my mate. For her ears and that of her father’s. I did not know what powerful being granted the universe life, but I did know our hearts closest companions followed us even when they passed on.

  Perhaps my mate’s father guided me that day on Earth to her, but perhaps not. I believed in fate, in my destiny. I knew without a shred of doubt, I was to do nothing more in this life greater than find her, to mate her and create the life I cradled in my palm.

  She sighed, shifting against me. I chuckled as she whispered words of cahke and maarshmahlloows. My mate revealed quite a bit in her sleep since growing my son. I had a surprise for her in the morn. I had ordered Fihk on one last mission before leaving Earth. My mate would have all she desired in her dreams, even the peekels.

  I would spend my remaining time in this life fulfilling her every need and desire. Some may say I was foolish to worship my mate in such a way. My father never coddled his mates. But I knew what they did not. Pehytohn was not just my mate. She was my Pythe, my confidant, my companion, and heart. There was no other in all the universe I would rather see, no other I would rather touch. And I knew down to my gut she felt the same of me. Her eyes shown with her heart’s love when she looked upon me. Her mouth spoke the words, but I saw them in her glorious sparkling eyes when they lifted to meet mine.

  She whispered my name in her sleep and I clutched her to my chest, nuzzling her neck until she drifted back into a deep slumber.

  There was no greater joy than holding my mate and son in my arms.

  The future was a series of choices and risks.

  I chose my mate, and I would choose her always no matter the Juldo, or any other that would harm my Dahk.

  But I would never risk her.

  I would risk many things for my kingdom, and I very well may be doing so very soon. But my mate would live a long life with me and our son. No matter the fate of the universe. Because there was only one truth I held close. One truth I would honor above all others.

  She was mine, and I was hers. The universe be damned.

  The End.

  But also, the Beginning.

  The War for Earth will be fought alongside Fihk, Olynth, and Bailey in Book 3

  Hector’s story will be told in Book 4

  Uthyf will battle for his throne in Book 5

  And then, I might have a little something up my sleeve for Chyn… and many others ;)

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  Here’s my email, stalk me, yell at me. Give me feedback! Tell me what you loved, what you hated:

  [email protected]

  Tell me who’s your favorite! I’m a Tahk girl, he is my heart.

  And I am swooning hardcore for Olynth and Fihk right now!

  And PLEASE PLEASE―yummy cotton candy pineapple on top―Review!

  They help immensely and I am so grateful for every one of them!


  First and most of all. My readers. Holy Wow. You guys, there are no words. You have championed the first book in a way that took me off guard. Tahk and Peyton were a dream of mine for so long, and you helped fulfill it. I cannot thank you enough. Your words and encouragement meant everything to me.

  I am living my dream because you are reading. Hugs and thanks and all the love.

  Slightly embarrassing factoid―that I am not ashamed of― I have an email from the very first reader who reached out to me framed on my wall. It was awesome and momentous to me. It reminded me so much of all the emails I sent out to other authors over the years. To be on the receiving end of one of those…. Let’s just say I went through a crap ton of tissues.

  So, to that reader. I acknowledge you. You helped drive Book 2 in the early stages when I was too nervous to concentrate. Thank you.

  Betas. YOU ROCK. Seriously, you guys blew me away with all your feedback. I want to be a better writer every time I open my laptop and you help me get there. Thank you.

  To my sister. Thank you for listening to my rants and freak-outs. Thank you for my beautiful cover art. You work crazy hours but still make time for me. Thank you.

  And my husband. Oh man, I know you hate listening to me wax on and off about aliens and all things fantasy. You’ve put up with it for ten years and will for much longer than that. I hope I give you a little of that back when I suffer through your game rants. Just kidding. I love you. It’s not all that bad. But, for all the late nights I ignored the dishes, all the lunches I forgot to make, the dinners I made you go pick up because I was too busy to cook, you are awesome. I couldn’t write a word without you picking up all my piles of slack.

  And to my kid. You suffer the most when I get stuck in my books, but you are also my greatest inspiration. 90,000 books, eh? I’ll give it a shot.





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