Mike (Delta Forces Book 1)

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Mike (Delta Forces Book 1) Page 7

by Elizabeth Lennox

  “Damn you, Mike!” she grumbled and pulled her hands away, turning around and pacing back and forth across her tiny apartment. “I don’t want this!” She smoothed her hair back, taking a deep breath. “I don’t want to want you!”

  Swinging around, she glared at him. “I didn’t invite you into my life, you jerk!” she snapped.

  He chuckled. “I know, love,” he said, and pushed away from the door. “I wasn’t expecting you either. You weren’t in my plans.”

  She huffed a bit, stepping back when he moved closer. “I’m not going to love you.”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “Too late, honey. You love me. Admit it.”

  “NO!” She sidestepped his arms again. “No, Mike. We don’t trust each other.”

  He continued to come closer. “You trust me. And I trust you.” He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her closer. Lexie contemplated fighting him, knowing that he’d release her if she demanded it. But…well, he felt good!

  “I don’t trust you.”

  He lowered his head, nuzzling her neck and Lexie sighed. Closing her eyes, she wasn’t aware of her arms moving around his neck of their own volition.

  “You trust me, Lex. The problem is that you’re curious and my work is top secret.” He lifted his head and looked down at her, serious now. “But Lex, even if I could tell you what I’m doing or where I’m going, I wouldn’t.”

  “Seriously?” she gasped, the heels of her hands braced against his shoulders. “Why not?’

  He let her go, but only because he knew that they needed to work this out. He couldn’t live without her. So, that meant that they needed to talk. He didn’t let her go very far though.

  “Because it would put you in danger. If you knew something about my team’s activities, then someone could hurt you in order to get that information.” His mouth quirked up slightly. “And I’d never put you in danger.” He reached out, sliding his hand down her arm. “I love you, Lexie and I won’t put you in danger by giving you any information that someone might try to extract.”

  When he put it that way, she felt warm and fuzzy. “I just…”

  He lifted his hand. “Lexie, you’re curious. Not distrustful.”

  Lexie stared at him, tossing those words around in her mind. Curiosity? Was that all it was?


  “Think about it. You trust me completely, don’t you?”

  Lexie licked her lips, thinking it over. In the end, she had to be completely honest with him. “Yes. I trust you.” When she said those words, her head fell back. “Damn it, Mike!”

  He laughed, and swung her legs up over his other arm. “Exactly!” he growled. “You’re curious, not distrustful. You just want to know what I’m doing because you’re curious. Not because you think I’m doing anything wrong.”

  He kicked her bedroom door closed with his foot.

  “I’m still not ready to tell you what I’m doing,” she whispered, as he laid her down on the bed and, with nimble fingers, tugged her jeans off.

  “You write romance novels.” Mike leaned over and pressed a kiss to her belly, then nipped at the soft curve.

  Gasping, Lexie sat up. “How…how did you figure it out?”

  He grinned, his fingers wrapping around her wrists to pull her hands out of the way. “That first night we met?”

  “Yeah. What about it?” she asked warily.

  “You defended the book a bit too vehemently for just a reader. It was personal.”

  Lexie bit her lip and he thought it was sexy as hell.

  “Yes. It was very personal.”

  He grinned and stood up, stripping off his tee shirt and jeans. “You wrote it.”

  Now his body distracted her. Reaching out, she ran her nails delicately down the ridges of his hard stomach. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I read it.”

  Lexie froze. “You what?”

  He took her hand and wrapped her fingers around his shaft, closing his eyes as he savored the sensation. “I read the whole damn thing, Lex,” he growled, and guided her hand, moving her fingers along his erection.

  Lexie’s mouth dried as she watched their hands explore his length. When it was too much for her, she leaned forward and kissed the tip. Just the tip! But when that didn’t satisfy her, she licked it. All over. Again and again, she licked that shaft as if it were a lollipop, loving the way he groaned or hissed when she found a sensitive spot. His fingers moved into her hair, tangling it as she moved her mouth over him.

  “Dam it, Lex, I can’t…I can’t take anymore!” He pulled away, lifted her back, and spread her legs. “You drive me wild,” he growled, sliding a finger into her heat.

  A moment later, he pulled his finger away and surged into her, stretching her and thrusting deeply, then pausing while she adjusted to his size.

  “Mike,” she sighed, closing her eyes even as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Lifting her hips, she silently urged him on. Slowly, being careful not to hurt her, Mike began thrusting into her. When she gasped, he thrust harder, pressing himself against that nub. Faster than he expected, she was arching into him, her body tightening.

  “Look at me, Lex,” he urged, slowing down their lovemaking because he wanted her, not just to understand, but to accept. “At me!” he snapped when she stubbornly kept her head turned away.

  “I don’t want to!” she sobbed, lifting her hips as she fought him.

  Despite being on the edge himself, Mike stopped. “Lexie, look at me!”

  She turned her head and stared up at him. Only then did he start moving again. “I love you,” he groaned.

  “Mike, I…!”

  He knew she was resisting and he wasn’t going to let her. Not this time. Not ever! “Love me back, Lexie,” he urged, softly this time, and he moved again, pulling her in closer so that he could nibble on her neck as he brought her to pleasure.

  Screaming, she wrapped herself around him, “I love you! I love you so much!”

  That was all it took to take Mike over the edge as well. Holding her close, he thrust again and again, enjoying the quaking of her body as they experienced the throes of climax together.

  When it was all over, he collapsed against her, then rolled to his side and pulled her on top of him. It was the moments like this that he enjoyed the most. Lexie was limp and exhausted. He savored the moment as he closed his eyes, running his fingers through her hair.

  “I love you,” she whispered and Mike smiled when he felt her soft kiss against his chest.

  “I love you too,” he replied softly. “Marry me, Lex,” he demanded, smoothing a hand up her spine.

  Lexie laughed, shaking her head. “Is that a proposal or a command, Colonel?” she teased, tugging at the hair on his chest.

  “Both,” he growled, rolling over so that she was underneath him. “And a request,” he added, kissing her tenderly. “I love you and you love me. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Lex.” He kissed her again. “I know that I can’t tell you everything that I’m doing, but I promise that I’ll make you happy.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Well, if you promise…” she teased.


  Lexie’s breath caught in her throat as she stepped into the small chapel filled to the breaking point with friends, family, and military personnel. Since she didn’t have any family and only a few friends, most of these people were Mike’s friends and coworkers. But it wasn’t the other guests that Lexie’s eyes saw. It was Mike. Only Mike and he looked…she couldn’t even describe how handsome he was.

  Everyone stood and Lexie wanted to shout at them to sit down so that she could feast her eyes on Mike in his uniform. But this wasn’t his normal “dress greens”. This one was dark navy, almost black, and looked similar to a tuxedo but…wow! This uniform was more. So much more! And how did he stand up straight with all of those medals on his chest?

  Then her eyes lifted to his face. Mike. It was Mike she was marrying today. N
ot the uniform. Not the medals or the hero underneath all of that stuff. Just Mike.

  Goodness, she loved him! She loved his honor and strength. She hated that he went into dangerous situations to protect this country, but she loved him for doing it. Lexie couldn’t believe how much she loved him!

  When she finally reached him, Lexie placed her hand in his. Together, they stood in front of the minister, staring into each other’s eyes. The minister started the ceremony, but it took several moments before Lexie could pull her eyes away from Mike.

  “That’s your line,” the minister whispered.

  Lexie blinked, vaguely aware of the guests chuckling, and blushed. Mike’s fingers squeezed hers.

  “I’m sorry. What?”

  The minister chuckled and repeated the words. “Do you take Michael Donovan Cain to be your lawfully wedded husband, to honor and cherish, to–”

  Lexie turned back to look into Mike’s eyes. “I do,” she whispered fervently, before the minister even finished.

  The minister smiled, then turned to Mike. “Do you take Alexandra Emily Martin to be your lawfully wedded wife? To honor and cherish, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, from this day forward, until death do you part?”

  “I do,” he replied in a loud, commanding voice.

  In the background, Lexie heard several men calling their approval, but her focus was on Mike. Unconsciously, she stepped closer.

  The minister said something else, but Lexie didn’t hear it. She watched as Mike’s lips curled up and suspected that she had a similar expression. His fingers tightened on hers and she grinned.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may…”

  Mike didn’t wait for permission. And Lexie was already in his arms with Mike’s lips covering hers before the minister finished. The roar of approval was resounding as Mike kissed her, sealing their vows.

  When he finally lifted his head, he whispered, “I love you!”

  She grinned. “I love you too!”

  As they turned and walked together out of the small chapel, the music played and the guests cheered loudly. There were hoots and whistles and, as soon as they stepped out, someone shouted an order. Shining swords swooped into the air, forming an “arch” for Lexie and Mike to walk under as they headed for the waiting limousine.

  Lexie laughed, delighted with the fanfare. But what she really wanted was to be alone with Mike. As soon as they dove into the limousine, she threw herself into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her as she kissed him with all of the love in her heart on her lips.

  Author’s Note: I truly hope that you enjoyed Mike’s story. If you wouldn’t mind, would you take just a few moments to leave a review? They are extremely important – not just for the success of the book, but they also give me feedback so that I can write better stories. Or your reviews tell me that I’m doing it just right!  Either way- I read every single review and sincerely appreciate all of them.

  If there are comments that you’d rather not share publicly, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. And thank you!

  Keep flipping for a sneak preview of “Zeke”! (There are four books in this series! Mike, Zeke, Derick and Joe! All four of these were previously released to my subscribers for free. I try to release at least one free novella to my subscribers every year – and subscribers always get news of sales, free book introductions and other fun events! If you’d like to subscribe, Click HERE)

  Excerpt from “Zeke”

  Release Date: October 30, 2020

  To get Zeke’s story, click HERE!

  “Zeke! You’ve been shot in the back! You’re going to the emergency room!” Major Derick Jones snapped.

  Lieutenant Colonel Zeke Jeffers glared at him. “I’m fine! It’s just a scratch! The bullet only grazed me.” In truth, his back hurt like a mother…bad! He felt wetness and knew that the wound was bleeding, but…he seriously didn’t want to go to the hospital.

  Zeke could handle snakes and terrorists. He and his team routinely swam through shark and piranha infested waters when necessary. One time, he’d even walked through one of those bird eating spider webs. Those bird eating spiders were the stuff of nightmares. Those suckers could grow bigger than both of his hands put together – and he had huge hands. In that instance, he’d simply pulled out his pistol and shot the massive spider, then muttered expletives while he fought his way out of the disgusting spider web, all the while, threatening his team members with violent repercussions for their amusement at his expense.

  But the truth was, Zeke would rather deal with a bird-eating spider any day than go to the emergency room. Too many needles!

  Just considering the possibility made him shudder with horror! And that hurt his back, so he banished the thought of…those things…from his mind.

  “You’re going,” Colonel Mike Cain seconded, his hands fisted on his hips as he glared at Zeke. “PFC Jones!” Mike barked.

  Immediately, a young and eager private first class sprinted over and stood at attention. The enlisted man saluted smartly and yelled, “Yes sir?”

  “Take Lieutenant Colonel Jeffers to the emergency room. Make sure he goes inside and sees a doctor.” Mike’s lips curled slightly upwards as he continued. “I want you to make sure that he sees a doctor and, if Lieutenant Colonel Jeffers doesn’t follow the doctor’s orders, I want to know about it.”

  The enlisted man gulped as he glanced at Zeke. Zeke was a big guy, well over six and a half feet tall. And he was massively built with muscles on top of muscles. Colonel Cain was also tall and muscular, as was Major Joe Hancock and Major Derick Matlock. But there was just something about Lieutenant Jeffers that…he scared the enlisted soldiers! He was mean and demanding, although he never asked anything of the enlisted men that he wasn’t willing to do himself.

  Except go to the emergency room!

  “I can manage myself!” Zeke snapped.

  Mike wasn’t having it. “PFC, you have your orders,” he replied, not taking his eyes from Zeke’s. “Drive him to the emergency room and…” Mike paused slightly and smirked. “Make sure he doesn’t get blood on my truck.”

  “Yes sir!” the private first class responded with another smart salute.

  “Payback,” Zeke muttered to Mike. Thankfully, Mike was able to keep a straight face until Zeke was in the passenger seat of the truck. But as soon as the two men had driven off, Mike turned to Joe and Derrick and burst out laughing!

  “He’s going to faint,” Joe predicted, high-fiving his friends.

  Mike chuckled. “He wouldn’t dare. Not around Jones.”

  They pulled out their wallets, offering the normal amount. A ten dollar bill was retrieved from each person by Derick who pocketed the money until they heard from PFC Jones. The enlisted soldier would report on Zeke’s emergency room visit and that would determine the winner of this particular bet. Unfortunately, that might not be for another few hours.

  “So glad Zeke is providing the entertainment as well as beer for tonight,” Derick laughed.

  Joe pounded the other man on the back, chuckling as they went to observe the training of the newest potential Delta Force members.

  Mike looked at the group of soldiers who were standing in small groups, shocked at what had just happened. “Okay, gentlemen, how about if we do it again! And this time, let’s not shoot the officers, shall we?” Mike announced.

  Thirty recruits from all over the country, the best soldiers the Army had trained, didn’t protest even though they’d been through the complicated obstacle course three times already today, beginning at four o’clock this morning. Since it was now two o’clock in the afternoon, and they were starving, it was going to be a test of their endurance. They’d paused for breakfast and lunch, but this obstacle course was tougher than normal, built to challenge their capabilities, their strength, and their ability to think on their feet. One needed more than just brute strength to get through this course. One had to think, to maneuver, and wor
k together to get through. What the recruits didn’t realize was that it wasn’t just a test to get through the course. It was a test to get through the course with every member of one’s team alive and unharmed.

  Zeke walked into the emergency room and looked around, irritated that Mike had demanded that he come here. It was just a freaking scratch! He’d endured worse on missions in the past, so why was Mike being such an ass about this now?

  “Sir!” a youngish looking nurse hurried forward.

  Zeke stared at the woman’s horrified expression and sighed. “I’m fine,” he told her gruffly. “It’s not a big deal!”

  The nurse eyed Zeke’s back. “Uh…right.” She nodded. “Okay. Right. Tough guy. Why don’t you come this way and we’ll…well, I’ll just…” she trailed off, laughing a touch uneasily. “I’ll just clean you up. How’s that sound?”

  Zeke liked the sound of that. “I don’t need a doctor,” he told the nurse. The PFC who had driven him to the hospital followed and Zeke rounded on him. “STAY!” he ordered.

  Startled, the private backed away, completely intimidated. But he stayed. The nurse chuckled, leading Zeke towards the exam rooms. “This won’t take long,” he decided.

  The nurse’s gaze flicked to Zeke’s back, then she nodded. “Right. Just a few minutes.” She led him to one of the ER beds and patted the end. “Why don’t you sit right here, and I’ll just…get a doctor to take a quick peek. Nothing to it.”

  Zeke eyed her warily, not sitting down. Instead, he started to cross his arms, but pain shot through his back and he dropped his arms to his sides with a sigh. For a moment, he felt a bit dizzy, but told himself that was caused by the creepiness of being in a hospital, which he’d always hated. Doctors, hospitals…everything about them gave him the willies. He hated needles most of all, but even the hospitals were bad. He avoided them like the plague!

  At that moment, a woman with lots of beautiful, dark, curly hair piled haphazardly on her head came over to him, led by the nurse that had abandoned him moments ago. “Right here, Doctor Fisher,” the nurse explained. “He says it’s just a scratch.”


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