Love under Fire

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Love under Fire Page 25

by Randall Parrish



  The sun was slightly above the horizon, still showing round and redthrough the slight mist of early morning, as the major and I passed downthe deserted front steps, and circled the house on our way to the placeof meeting. Under his arm was the leather case containing thederringers, and we crossed the intervening turf without exchanging aword. I was myself in no mood for conversation, and Hardy appearedequally inclined to silence. I glanced across at him, noting howstraight he stood in his well-worn uniform, how gray his hair was, andthe stern manliness of his face. From head to foot he was the gentlemanand the soldier. By some chance our eyes met, and, with a quick glanceback at the house, he stopped suddenly.

  "Galesworth," he said quietly, his glance searching my face, "I do notwish you to have any misunderstanding about my exact position in thisaffair. The war is not personal with me. We differ politically, and I amas loyal to the South as any one, and you wear the Blue with just asmuch honor as I wear the Gray. But when it comes to men I stand withthe one I believe to be nearest right. Le Gaire forced this quarrel onyou deliberately; he was threatening to do it before you came in. Infact, his manner ever since our capture has disgusted me, and when hefinally dared to drag Billie's name into the controversy, I naturallyrebelled. If there is anything I despise in this world, sir, it is abullying duellist, and, by Gad! that's what the fellow looks liketo me."

  "I comprehend perfectly, Major Hardy," I said, as he paused. "You aremerely doing as you would be done by."

  "Well, yes, that's a partial explanation. I prefer to see fair play. YetI am going to confess that isn't all of it. I rather like you, youngman--not your damned uniform, understand--and the way you've actedtoward my girl. You've been honorable and square, and, by Gad, sir,you're a gentleman. That's why I am going to see you through thisaffair. If all I hear is true, Le Gaire came back to me with a lie, andthat is something I have never taken yet from any man."

  He stood straight as an arrow, his shoulders squared, his slender formbuttoned tightly in the gray uniform coat. The sun was upon his face,clear-cut, proud, aristocratic, and his eyes were the same gray-blue ashis daughter's. Then he held out his hand and I clasped it gladly.

  "I cannot express the gratitude I feel, Major Hardy," I faltered. "Onehardly expects such kindness from an enemy."

  "Not an enemy, my boy--merely a foeman. I am a West Pointer, and some ofthe dearest friends I have are upon the other side. But come, let us notbe the last on the field."

  He tried to talk with me pleasantly as we crossed the garden, andapproached the stable, and I must have answered, yet my mind waselsewhere. This was all new to me, and my mood was a sober one. Myfather was an old-time Puritan to whom personal combat was abomination,and even now I could feel his condemnation of my course. I regrettedmyself the hot headedness which had led me on, but without the faintestinclination to withdraw. Yet that earlier hatred of Le Gaire had leftme, and his blow no longer stung. No desire for revenge lingered, only awish to have the whole matter concluded quickly, and a hope that we bothmight leave the field without serious injury. It was in this frame ofmind that I turned the corner of the stable, and saw the chosen duellingground. It was a smooth strip of turf running north and south, with thestable to the left, and a grove of trees opposite. The building cast ashadow over most of the space, and altogether it was an ideal spot, wellbeyond view from the windows of the house. Hardy opened the leathercase, placing it upon the grass, and I saw the two derringers lyingagainst the plush lining, deadly looking weapons, with long steel-bluebarrels, and strangely carven stocks. Someway they fascinated me, and Iwatched while he took them up and fondled them.

  "Rather pretty playthings, Galesworth," he said admiringly. "Don't seesuch often nowadays, but in my father's time they were a part of everygentleman's belongings. He would as soon have travelled without hiscoat. I've seen him practise; apparently he never took aim," he held theweapon at arm's length. "Wonderfully accurate, and the long barrel isbetter than any sight; just lower it this way; there's almostno recoil."

  The sound of a distant voice caused him to drop the pistol back into itsplace, and rise to his feet. Then Le Gaire and Bell turned the corner ofthe stable, stopping as they perceived us standing there. The majorremoved his hat, his voice coolly polite.

  "I believe everything is prepared, gentlemen. Captain Bell, if you willexamine the weapons, we will then confer as to the word and the methodof firing."

  "I prefer choosing my own pistol," broke in Le Gaire bluntly, "andloading it as well."

  Hardy's face flushed, his eyes hardening.

  "As you please, sir," he retorted, "but I might construe those words asa reflection on my integrity."

  "When a Confederate officer takes the side of a Yank," was the instantangry response, "he can hardly claim much consideration."

  "Captain Le Gaire," and Hardy's voice rang, "you have enough on yourhands at present without venturing to insult me, I should suppose. Butdon't go too far, sir."

  "Gentlemen," broke in Bell excitedly, "this must not go on. Le Gaire, ifyou say another word, I shall withdraw entirely."

  The Louisianian smiled grimly, but walked over to the weapon case, andpicked up the two derringers, testing their weight, and the length ofbarrel. Hardy stared at him, his lips compressed.

  "Well," he burst forth at last, "are you satisfied, sir?"

  "I'll choose this," insolently, and dropping the other back into itsplace. "Where is the powder and ball?"

  The major pointed without daring to speak.

  "All right; don't mind me. I always load my own weapon, and just now Iam anxious to shoot straight," and he looked across at me sneeringly.

  If it was his purpose by all this theatrical display to affect mynerves, he failed utterly, as instead, the very expression of his facebrought me back to a fighting spirit. Hardy saw this, and smiled grimly.

  "Step this way a moment, Bell," he said quietly, "while we arrangedetails. I reckon those two game-cocks will wait until we are ready."

  The two officers moved away a dozen paces and stopped in the shadow ofthe trees, conversing earnestly. I endeavored to keep my eyes off fromLe Gaire, and remain cool. It seemed to me I saw every movement of aleaf, every dropping of a twig, yet could scarcely realize the positionI was in. I was about to face that man yonder--now carefully loading hisweapon--to deliberately fire upon him, and receive in return his fire. Ifelt as though it were a dream, a nightmare, and yet I was conscious ofno fear, of no desire to avoid the ordeal. I can recall the scene now,clearly etched on my memory--the outlines of the trees silhouettedagainst the sky, the dark shadow of the stables, the green, level turf,the two figures--the one short and stout, the other tall andslender--talking earnestly; the deep blue of the sky overhead, the steelgleam of the derringer in the open case, and Le Gaire loadingcarefully, his eyes now and then glancing across at me. Then the two menwheeled with military precision, and walked back toward us. I saw Hardytake up the second pistol, and load it in silence, while Bell whisperedto Le Gaire, the latter with his weapon tightly clasped. A moment laterthe major thrust the carved stock into my hand, and I looked at itcuriously.

  "Gentlemen," he said clearly, stepping to one side, "we will make thisas simple as possible. You will take positions here, back to back."

  The sound of his voice, the sharp ring of authority in it, awoke me tothe reality as though I had received an electric shock. I felt thefierce beat of my heart, and then every muscle and nerve became steel.Without a tremor, my mind clear and alert, I advanced to the pointdesignated, and stood erect, facing the south; an instant, and LeGaire's shoulders were touching mine.

  "Now listen closely," said Hardy, his voice sounding strangely far off,yet each word distinct. "I am to give the first word, and Bell thesecond. When I say 'forward' you will take ten paces--go slowly--andhalt. Then Bell will count 'one, two, three'; turn at the first word,and fire at the third. If either man discharges his weapon before'three' is spoken, he a
nswers to us. Do you both understand?"

  We answered together.

  "Very well, gentlemen, are you ready?"

  "I am."

  "Go on."

  There was a moment's pause, so still I could hear my own breathing, andthe slight noise Le Gaire made as he gripped his derringer stockmore tightly.


  I stepped out almost mechanically, endeavoring not to walk too fast, andregulating each stride as though I were measuring the field. At the endof the tenth I stopped, one foot slightly advanced for the turn, everynerve pulsing from strain. It seemed a long while before Bell's deepvoice broke the silence.


  I whirled, as on a pivot, my pistol arm flung out.


  Le Gaire stood sideways, the muzzle of his derringer covering me, hisleft hand supporting his elbow. I could see the scowling line betweenhis eyes, the hateful curl of his lip, and my own weapon came up, heldsteady as a rock; over the blue steel barrel I covered the man'sforehead just below his cap visor, the expression on his face telling mehe meant to shoot to kill. I never recall feeling cooler, or moredetermined in my life. How still, how deathly still it was!


  There was a thud of horses' hoofs behind the stable, Bell's half-spokenword, and the sharp bark of Le Gaire's levelled derringer. I felt theimpact of the ball, and spun half around, the pressure of my fingerdischarging my own weapon in the air, yet kept my feet. I was shocked,dazed, but conscious I remained unhurt. Then, with a crash, threehorsemen leaped the low fence, riding recklessly toward us. I seemed tosee the gray-clad figures through a strange mist, which graduallycleared as they came to a sharp halt. The one in advance was a gaunt,unshaven sergeant, lifting a hand in perfunctory salute, and glancingcuriously at my uniform.

  "Mornin', gentlemen," he said briefly. "Is this the Hardyhouse--Johnston's headquarters?"

  The major answered, and I noticed now he had Le Gaire gripped by thearm.

  "This is the Hardy house, and I am Major Hardy, but Johnston is nothere. Who are you?"

  "Couriers from Chambers' column, sir. He is advancing up this pike.Where will we find Johnston?"

  "Take the first road to your right, and inquire. When will Chambers beup?"

  "Within four or five hours. What's going on here? A little affair?"

  Hardy nodded. The sergeant sat still an instant, his eyes on me asthough puzzled; then evidently concluded it was none of his business.

  "Come on, boys!" he said, and with a dip of the spurs was off, the twoothers clattering behind. Hardy swung Le Gaire sharply around, hiseyes blazing.

  "You damned, sneaking coward!" he roared, forgetting everything insudden outburst. "By Gad, Bell, this fellow is a disgrace to theuniform--you know what he did?"

  "I know he fired before I got the word out," indignantly.

  "The blamed curb--yes; and when those fellows rode up he tried to blurtout the whole situation. Good God, Le Gaire, aren't you even a soldier?"shaking the fellow savagely. "Haven't you ever learned what parolemeans? Damn you, are you totally devoid of all sense of personal honor?"

  "I never gave my parole."

  "You lie, you did; you are here on exactly the same terms as Bell andI--released on honor. Damned if I believe there's another man inConfederate uniform who would be guilty of so scurvy a trick. Were youhurt, Galesworth?"

  "No, the ball struck my revolver case, and made me sick for a moment."

  "No fault of Le Gaire's--the noise of the horses shattered his aim.Lord! how I despise such a cowardly whelp!"

  He flung the man from him so violently he fell to his knees on theground. The look of amazement on Le Gaire's face, his utter inability tocomprehend the meaning of it all, or why he had thus aroused the enmityof his brother officers, gave me a sudden feeling of compassion. Istepped toward him. Perhaps he mistook my purpose, for he staggeredpartially erect.

  "Damn you!" he yelled. "I'm fighting yet!" and flung the unloadedderringer with all the force of his arm at my face.


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