Love under Fire

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Love under Fire Page 31

by Randall Parrish



  I stared at him in surprise, and then sprang forward, and glanced intoher room. It was empty, except for a trooper kneeling at the window. Ifaced Hardy again with a question:

  "Not here! Where has she gone?"

  He shook his head, without attempting to speak.

  "You don't know? Conroy, have you seen anything of a young lady sinceyou came up here?"

  "No, sir; all these doors was standin' wide open, and this Johnny Rebwas prowlin' 'round in here. I didn't know what his business might be soI collared him. Ain't that right, Murphy?" appealing to the soldier atthe window, who had faced about at sound of our voices.

  "Straight as far as it goes," was the reply, "but maybe that guard backin the ell saw the lady afore we come up."

  "What guard?"

  "One o' your fellows," said the corporal. "Anyhow he had his buttonscut off. I guess he's there yet."

  I was out into the hall as quickly as I could turn, Conroy and the majorfollowing closely. A dozen steps took us beyond the chimney jog, and tothe top of the back stairs. There was no one there. The side doors stoodopen, and the narrow hallway was vacant. My eyes met the corporal's.

  "Well, I'll be jiggered," he exclaimed. "He was right there by thesecond door when I saw him. I was goin' to post Murphy at that endwindow, sir, but I didn't think there was any need o' two men there."

  "Did you speak to him?"

  "I told him what was up, sir, and that he better stay by the window."

  "Did he answer you?"

  "He said 'all right,' or something like that, an' went back. I neverthought anything was wrong; all I noticed particular was he had only arevolver, but most o' yer fellows was armed that way. I meant to get hima gun as soon as I had time." He strode forward, looking into the rooms."He ain't here now anyhow, and I'm damned if I know where he could o'gone. Did I make a mistake, sir?"

  "No, this is no fault of yours, Corporal, but it's strange nevertheless.We had no guard up here, but this fellow, wearing our uniform, has beenseen before--Miss Hardy, this gentleman's daughter, saw him, and now shehas disappeared. There was murder done in this hall this morning."

  The corporal crossed himself, his lips murmuring as he glanced about,and then into my face.

  "Murder, sir! The Confederate captain lying in yonder on the bed?"

  "Yes; he was waylaid here, and struck down from behind. I found his bodyout in front of that door, the skull crushed."

  "An' ye think that feller did it?"

  "I don't know who did it. But I should like to discover where that ladhides, and what he is here for. We have accounted for all our men, andsearched this floor inch by inch. I began to think Miss Hardy wasmistaken, but now you've seen him also."

  "An' Murphy," broke in the horrified corporal, edging closer. "Murphysaw him too. Bedad, maybe it was a ghost!"

  "Ghosts don't talk, and I never heard of any wearing revolvers. Major,when did you see Billie last?"

  I noticed how haggard his face was, and he answered slowly, his handsgrasping the stair-rail.

  "We were together in the front hall when your men came. You were talkingloudly, and the new voices attracted our attention. We both wentforward to the head of the stairs."

  "You overheard what was said?" I interrupted, a new possibility dawningupon me.

  "Much of it, yes," he admitted.

  "The plan of attack?--the orders sent me?"

  His expression answered.

  "And what were you going to do with this information, Major Hardy?"

  "Nothing. I considered myself a prisoner on parole. I merely proposedasking your permission to leave the house with my daughter beforehostilities began. I started down the stairs for that purpose."

  "And Billie?"

  "I told her this, and sent her to her room after some things. Before Igot down you had disappeared, and I returned up stairs. She was not inher room, nor could I find a trace of her."

  I thought rapidly, staring into his bewildered face, insensiblylistening to the continuous roar without. It was tragedy within tragedy,the threads of war and love inextricably tangled. What had occurred hereduring that minute or two? Had she left voluntarily, inspired by somewild hope of service to the South? Did that mysterious figure, attiredin our uniform, have anything to do with her disappearance? Did Hardyknow, or suspect more than he had already told? By what means could shehave left the house? If she had not left where could she remainconcealed? Each query only served to make the situation morecomplicated, more difficult to solve. To no one of them could I findan answer.

  "Major, did you tell your daughter why you could not carry thatinformation to your own people?--that you considered yourself aparolled prisoner?"

  He hesitated, realizing now what it was I was seeking to discover.

  "Why, I may have said something like that. We spoke of the situation,and--and Billie appeared excited, but,--why, Galesworth, you do notimagine the girl would try to carry the news out, alone, do you?"

  His doubt was so genuine as to be beyond question. Whatever Billie haddone, it was through no connivance with the father, but upon her owninitiative. Yet she was fully capable of the effort; convinced the causeof the South was in her hands, she was one to go through fire and waterin service. Neither her life nor mine would weigh in the decision--heronly thought the Confederacy. Still it was not a pleasant reflectionthat she would thus war openly against me; would deliberately expose meto defeat, even death. Could she have made such a choice if she trulyloved me? Her words, eyes, actions continually deceived me. Again andagain I had supposed I knew her, believed I had solved her nature, onlyto be led into deeper bewilderment.

  "Major," I said soberly. "I do imagine just that. There is no sacrificeyour daughter would not make for the South. She realized the importanceof this information, and that she alone could take it to Chambers."

  I turned to the back stairs, and went down, feeling my way in the gloom,until I touched the door. To my surprise it opened, although I knew Ihad locked it, and the key was still in my pocket. There were fourtroopers in the kitchen, and they turned at the noise to stare at me.

  "How long have you boys been stationed here?" I questioned.

  "'Bout fifteen minutes, I guess," answered the nearest. "Ain't thatabout it, Joe?"

  "Not no longer."

  "Room empty when you came?"

  "Not a rat here, that we saw; did we, Joe?"

  The other shook his head.

  "Was that bar across the outer door there then?"

  "No, sir, there wan't no lock on it, an' Bill rigged up that contrivancehisself."

  I believed now I comprehended how it had occurred, all except themysterious unlocking of the door at the foot of the stairs, and thisfellow in our uniform that haunted the ell. To make certain I retainedthe key, I took it out, and fitted it into the lock. Still there mightbe a duplicate, and as for the soldier, I was hardly half convinced ofhis reality. Billie had acted quickly, under the inspiration ofdiscovery, and all the circumstances had conspired to make her escapefrom the house easy. Miles had withdrawn his men on my orders, and wewere all grouped together in the front hall. She had simply slipped downthese back stairs, used a duplicate key, passed through the kitchenunobserved, and out into the garden. Where then? To the stable,without doubt, and, mounted, into Chambers' lines, taking hernews to the highest officer she could reach. We would hear from itpresently,--strange if not even already some of those troops werewheeling to invest the house. I called back up the stairs,

  "Conroy, send Major Hardy down here."

  The Confederate appeared almost instantly, his eyes anxiously surveyingthe room.

  "Have you found my girl?"

  "No, but I have satisfied myself as to where she is. Without doubt shecame down those stairs, and out this door, while we were in the fronthall. A battle-line is a rough place for a woman, and I am going toturn you out now to see if you cannot find and protect her. One of youmen take d
own that bar."

  The major stared at me, and then extended his hand.

  "You--you don't suppose I sent her?"

  "Oh, no, you have been most honorable. There is no reason why I shouldhold you here; the others have gone, and you may be of assistance toMiss Willifred. It is bound to be lively enough for us in here presentlywithout prisoners to look after."

  "But you have not accepted my hand, Lieutenant Galesworth. I wish tofeel that we part friends."

  "We certainly do," I returned heartily, grasping his fingers. "And--andI may never see your daughter again. There is scarcely a possibilitythat I ever shall. Tell her that I respect her loyalty to the South."

  He stood looking directly into my eyes, grasping both my hands.

  "You mean to remain here, defending the house?"

  "While there is a man left alive."

  "It is a pity--in my judgment; not war, but a useless sacrifice."

  "Yet a soldier's duty, Major--obedience to orders."

  He bowed, choking in the throat, as he lifted his hat. With one glanceat the silent soldier holding open the door he passed out. Then heturned, hat still in hand, and glanced back.

  "You may feel assured I will deliver your message, sir,--good-bye."

  * * * * *

  The broad hallway ran from the front of the house to the kitchen ell,and I could see its entire length. Several men were clustered at theother end, peering out through the narrow panes of glass either side thefront door, and one came running toward me. It was the Irish sergeant.

  "They're a-coomin', sorr--a bunch o' gray-backs. Shud Oi hay' the byeslet drive?"

  "Not until I speak to them, Mahoney. We'll give the fellows fair warningfirst."

  I hurried back with him, and a soldier stepped aside to give meopportunity to look out. A glance was sufficient. A regiment of cavalrywas halted under the trees of the lawn, the men dismounted and standingat the heads of their horses. Apparently they were, merely waitingorders. Riding straight across the grass toward the porch came a littlegroup of a dozen officers, as I judged, although this was largelyconjecture, their uniforms so dust-covered as to be meaningless. Thecarelessness of their approach, scarcely glancing toward the house,convinced me they had no thought of meeting any resistance fromwithin--their only object the shade of the steps, or a possible glass ofwine. To greet them with a volley would be murder, and I motioned themen to open the door just wide enough to permit of my slipping through.I walked forward to the edge of the porch, and stood there, leaningagainst a pillar. The approaching party was sufficiently close by thistime so that I saw that one of the three in advance was Bell. ApparentlyI remained unobserved, but as they came to the gravel driveway I spoke.

  "That will be quite far enough, gentlemen, until you explain yourpurpose."

  They pulled up, astonished at the sound of my voice, those behindbunching about the first three, all staring open-mouthed at my uniform.Several voices asked, "What does this mean?" "Who the hell are you?"

  "One at a time, please," I returned, enjoying their surprise. "Thishouse is garrisoned by Federal troops at present, and we are notreceiving callers--put that back! There are riflemen at every window."

  "Don't be a fool, Brown," growled the man in the centre, glancing aside,and then facing back toward me. "Are you in command?"

  "I am here to receive any communication."

  "What troops have you?"

  I bowed smiling.

  "Sufficient for the purpose."

  Bell, evidently short-sighted, was staring at me through glasses, andbroke in,

  "It's Galesworth, the Yankee lieutenant I told you about, Colonel. Say,I thought you left."

  "Instead of leaving, Captain Bell, I have decided to stay."

  "But, good Lord, you can't hold that house against us with only tenmen!"

  "You will discover we have considerable more than ten when you come tocapture it."

  They whispered together, evidently undecided how seriously to take me. Ithought Bell was trying to impress the others with the idea that it wasall a bluff, but my coolness made them suspicious. I leaned motionlessagainst the post in apparent indifference. The gruff-voiced colonelbroke the silence.

  "Do you know we have a division of troops within bugle call?"

  "Oh, yes, and they have got their work cut out for them. Your wholeforce is at it already, except the cavalry."

  My tone angered him.

  "There are enough in reserve to crush you," he retorted warmly. "Idemand your immediate surrender, sir."

  "On what terms?"

  "Unconditional," he thundered, "and if I have to charge you we shalltake no prisoners."

  I waited for a lull in the firing, and they accepted the pause ashesitation. Then I stepped backward to the door.

  "I regret greatly to disappoint you, Colonel," I said clearly, "but wehave decided to fight. If you are not out of range within two minutes mymen will open fire."

  Without awaiting an answer, I stepped within and closed the door.


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