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Evernight Page 4

by Michelle Areaux

  I could tell Maddox was upset that Asher intruded on our session, but I also knew he wanted to help me train. So, we tried one last thing-- my power shifting.

  “Fine, but you need to tell him not to come by until we are done,” Maddox stated.

  I nodded my head in agreement, ready to get started.

  “What do you want me to focus on?” I asked, waiting for him to calm down and reply.

  “Let’s focus on an animal. I know we can shift into wolves, but what about a bird?” he asked.

  “Birds don’t anger me,” I said. “Remember, I have to be upset or emotionally charged,” I added. It hadn’t been that long ago when I had discovered that I could shift into other beings just by becoming enraged. I had done it with the Huntress, shifting into her form and confusing her army.

  “I know, but isn’t there something about a bird, or flying, or their sounds that could cause you to get upset?” Maddox prompted.

  I thought about this for a moment… Ravens. Whenever I saw them, I felt odd like I was being watched. Their presence was both alarming and eerie. There was always one in the woods when I ran, watching me and squawking, sometimes causing me to stumble as I ran. As I thought about that, I could feel fire growing inside of me.

  “I’ve got it,” I whispered. I continued to allow the thoughts to invade my mind and senses as my body began to shake and a strange darkness took hold of me. I could feel my body twisting and morphing, taking on the shape of the animal that was burned into my mind.

  “You are doing it,” Maddox yelled.

  Suddenly, I opened my eyes and found myself closer to the ground than I had ever been. I looked down at my body and saw black and charcoal gray feathers staring back at me. Instead of arms, I had wide wings ready to flap and lift me into the air.

  “Am I a raven?” I asked, unsure even though I was looking at the proof.

  “Yeah, and a pretty cool one, too,” Maddox laughed.

  I began to flap my wings and felt the air under me lift me and glide me into the air. I swarmed around Maddox, making sure not to go too high into the air. I might be shifting into a bird, but I was still a little afraid of heights.

  After a few minutes, I made my way back to the soft grass below and shifted back into my human form. Feeling exasperated and free, I couldn’t help the wide smile that grew on my face.

  “You are doing awesome,” Maddox cheered, as he stepped toward me like he was about to embrace me. But, he thought better of it.

  I hated that he felt like he couldn’t hug me, but I knew we were probably being watched by Asher. He had a perfect view of this spot from my bedroom window.

  “Thanks. I guess I should get home,” I said, awkwardly.

  “Yeah, Vamp-boy is waiting for you,” Maddox said, as he raced over to his house.

  I watched him leave before turning to head to my own house. Once inside, I raced up to my room where I knew Asher would be ready and waiting for me.

  “I thought we agreed you would wait until after my training sessions before you came over,” I said, as I shut my bedroom door and walked into the room.

  Just as I expected, Asher was perched next to my window, his gaze focused on the yard.

  “I’m sorry. I just felt the need to see you,” he said.

  “I know, but training is my time with Maddox. I need you to understand that,” I added, smiling at Asher.

  Sighing, Asher knew I had a point. He may not like my time with Maddox, but he knew it was necessary.

  “Yes, it is important. I just hate sharing you,” Asher admitted. His now dark eyes filled with a dread I hated to see.

  “You just have to find a way to handle it,” I smiled, crossing the room and hugging him.

  “I heard you say you felt immortal,” Asher said in my ear, as he held me tightly. I loved being in his arms, it was my home and my safe place.

  “I did,” I smiled, remembering that moment as I leaped through the air like a natural born predator.

  “You know, you could actually be immortal,” Asher said, releasing me and extending me out so we were face-to-face.

  My heart stilled, and my breathing evened as his words registered in my mind…


  Living Forever.

  Feeling strong enough to outlive your enemies.

  Those thoughts swirled around in my mind like a wild and untamed tornado. It was a possibility in this psycho-drama that I called a life. A way out of the turmoil I was constantly finding myself in with enemies that wanted me and my family dead.

  “Immortal sounds nice, but I need more time to think. We agreed if I were going to change, it would be when I’m twenty,” I said, moving my face closer to Asher’s. I wanted him to feel my breaths, hear my heart beating, and to know I was still human and alive-- at least for now.

  Chapter 6

  The day before my party, everyone seemed to be in high spirits. Maddox and I had a training session scheduled for after school, Asher had been quiet, but wasn’t speaking about the visit from the Vampires Council, and I had stopped worrying as much. For once, evil wasn’t knocking at my door, and I wanted to savor these calm moments as long as I had them. For Shifters, nothing remains safe for long. Eventually, my life would be thrown another curveball; but for now, I just wanted to pretend the rest of the darkness didn’t exist.

  “Are you ready?” Maddox asked as we walked through his backyard.

  I took in a deep breath of the spring air as I glanced around the area. My dad and a few others from our pack were standing around, waiting to see what Maddox and I were going to do. Ever since we had all discovered that I could shift not only into animals, but into other humans and objects as well, my new gift had been one that I had to learn how to perfect. Sadly, I only seemed to be able to transform into another human form or objects when I was beyond angry. I had to tap into my inner being and discover a new method of using this power.

  “I think so,” I said as I smiled. A slight breeze blew through the air and had my hair dancing around my shoulders. The cold air from winter was slowly retreating allowing the warmth and smiles of spring to finally arrive in Shady Oaks.

  “Elle, this isn’t meant to make you nervous. We just want to make sure you are prepared for any situation,” my dad said, as he stepped forward.

  I knew he could see the apprehensive smile I was giving. I had always been a terrible liar, so it was hard to hide anything from my family.

  “I know dad, I just want to make sure that I use this...power correctly,” I said, as I stepped into the center of the men.

  “Let’s get started,” Jim said, as he clapped his hands. He had been part of our pack as one of the leaders for years and was always ready and eager to learn new tricks from Shifters.

  I looked over at Maddox who stood close by my side. Just knowing he was here with me sent comfort to calm my growing nerves.

  Leaning into me, Maddox whispered. “Elle, I am right here with you. Don’t worry, everything will be fine,” he said with a wide smile.

  That smile could melt the hearts of thousands of girls, and it gave me the boost of confidence I needed.

  Nodding, I agreed. “Thanks.”

  I stood surrounded by a group of men who would do anything to save me. As I focused on their faces, my mind raced back to a time when I had been faced with evil in the form of man. One of the Hunters who had attacked and kidnapped me last year, had terrorized Shifters in his attempt to end us for good. I could feel my blood beginning to boil as the anger swept through me. Just remembering how he had hurt Maddox made me want to scream. Then, another image flashed into my mind. The Huntress. The woman who was dead set on avenging the deaths and faults of the Hunters who had not succeeded before her. It was this vile woman who had almost made me lose myself and Asher. I had been so angry after learning Asher was a Vampires that I hid my plans from my family and pack. As the terror they reigned formed in my mind, I could feel my body begin to shake and tremble from the new power coursing throug
h me. I was waging an inner war with myself as I allowed vengeance to control me. With my eyes tightly closed, I allowed all of my senses to capture the rage hatred, and the faces I so desperately wanted to forget and compile them into a source that would transform me into whatever I needed to become.

  As I slowly opened my eyes, I instantly locked eyes with Maddox.

  “Wow that is incredible. I don’t think I will ever get used to that,” he smiled, as he clapped his hands.

  I was almost afraid of who or what I had become, but the curious side of me won. “What am I this time?” I asked, as I moved my attention to the rest of the group surrounding me.

  With a pleased look on his face, my dad took a step toward me. “Elle, what you were able to accomplish again is nothing short of extraordinary. We are so proud of you,” he beamed.

  “Thanks, that’s awesome, but what am I?” I asked again.

  Chuckling, my dad looked at his friends who were also smiling. “Elle, you are a ball of fire,” he stated, pride beaming in his eyes.

  “What?” I asked, as I looked down at what should have been my hands.

  Instead, I found red and orange flames glaring back up at me. Shock took over my rage as I could feel a slight warmth, but not the pain of burning alive which I kind of was.

  “How...what...I…” no words were able to be formed as I struggled to comprehend what was happening to me.

  “Elle, what did you focus on?” Maddox asked. It was Maddox who heard the trembling of my unspoken words.

  I decided to focus on him and try to calm myself down before I officially freaked out. “I focused on the Hunters and the Huntress,” I began. “I allowed my anger to control my body. That is what happened last time when I was able to shift into the Huntress,” I added.

  Nodding, Maddox seemed to understand. “Maybe you became more enraged this time. Maybe, you took on more fire inside of you than you did last time. Whatever the reason, Elle, you are a freaking ball of fire. Literally, you are the girl on fire, right now,” he finished with a wink.

  Holding up his phone, my dad opened his camera app and switched the setting so I could see myself. Gasping, I stumbled backward as I caught the glowing embers instead of my face and body.

  As quickly as my anger had risen, it vanished. My body calmed and the anger I felt grew into bewilderment and curiosity. I was still a little scared, I mean, I was just on fire, but I was more curious as to how I had shifted into an emotion. The scent of smoke filled the air as I stood around the men.

  “Well, that was… interesting,” I said, as I stood watching them. I hated being the center of attention anyway, but this had just brought a new spotlight on me.

  “We continue to practice and train you,” my dad began. “You and Maddox are still young Shifters. Working on your running speed, your agility to move and maneuver around the woods, and your powers are important right now. I am not concerned with the upcoming visit from the Vampires Council, but with their arrival will bring the attention of others. We just need to remain alert and continue to build ourselves as Shifters.”

  Maddox reached over and took my hand in his. I needed his comfort and reassurance that everything was going to be ok. With my new power came new responsibility, something I wasn’t entirely sure I was ready for. But, as I had learned so many times before; life didn’t care if I was ready or not. Things changed regardless of my mood. I just had to learn to accept that I cannot control everything.


  The next afternoon, I was still reeling from my training session with Maddox and the pack. I had dreamed that night about fires and flames dancing all around me. It wasn’t a nightmare, but more of a sea of colors and warmth. It should have freaked me out, but instead, it had intrigued me and I felt myself being drawn to that feeling again. I wan,ted to train again, to see what else I was capable of becoming. I wasn’t sure who was more excited about all of this; me or Maddox.

  When I had called the night before to tell Asher about it, he wasn’t as thrilled as the rest of us. He was worried and upset that I had allowed my body to become engulfed in flames. I guess I had to understand where he was coming from. As a Vampires, fire is one of the ways to end their existence. Still, I couldn’t let his worry deter me from exploring my gifts.

  I was sitting in the cafeteria with Melanie and Laura when Asher walked in. Melanie was going over the last-minute plans of my birthday party and I hadn’t heard a word of what she had said.

  As Asher sat down, he placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. “Hey,” he said, as he nodded to the girls.

  Melanie rolled her eyes and huffed. “Great, Elle clearly wasn’t listening to me before but now that you are here, she will be impossible to get to concentrate,” Melanie finished with a sigh.

  It was hard not to laugh when she threw her little temper tantrums. Giggling, I reached over and patted her hand. “I apologize for not listening. But yes, you are correct. Asher is here now, and I would much rather focus on my hot boyfriend,” I said, as I winked over at Asher.

  Asher winked back and threw an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

  Rolling her eyes, Melanie began to gather her lunch and notebooks. “You two are impossible. You are lucky I love you Elle, and that you are one of my best friends. I guess I can forgive you,” she said, with a slight hint of a smile forming.

  “You know, we only have a few months left of school. When it’s over, you should really think about getting a job at one of those party planning stores,” I said again, this time with more seriousness to my voice.

  Glancing at me, Melanie smiled. “I know you like to tease me, but I think that is a good idea. Anyway, back to your epic party I am throwing. How do you feel about a big bonfire? I thought it would be cool to get ingredients to make s’mores and maybe even hot dogs,” she finished.

  Maddox, Asher, and I glanced around and looked at each other. Our eyes smiling as we each tried to hide what we were all thinking. Oh, how close it was to what I had just experienced.

  “Sure, a big bonfire sounds fun,” I said with a smile.

  Melanie smiled and then clapped again. “Great. I will see you all Saturday evening in my backfield. Elle, this will be a party like no one around here has ever experienced.”

  Her words dug deep into my heart and soul, and I just hoped that the party was to be remembered for good reasons.

  Chapter 7

  “Elle, just remember to breathe,” Asher said, as he sweetly rubbed my back.

  I couldn’t help but notice the panic fluttering across his face as he tried to reassure me everything was going to be alright.

  It was finally the day of the arrival of the Vampires Council. and I couldn’t help but notice the tension floating through the air. Everyone around me seemed on edge and nervous with worry. Very different from the usual confident and strong Shifters and Vampires I knew. With Melanie focused on my party and my new training schedule, I had allowed myself to forget for a while. No forgetting now.

  “I’m fine,” I lied. “You are the one I am worried about,” I stated, as I reached down and took hold of Asher’s hand. “Everything will be fine.”

  “Yes, I have to admit I am extremely nervous about this,” Asher admitted, with a sigh.

  Maddox turned to face us from his place on the couch. We were all settled in my living room; a place that had become a fortress for all of us. “Why are you freaking out, Vampires boy?” Maddox asked, clearly enjoying Asher’s unease.

  Glaring at Maddox, I snarled as I went to stand to pounce on him. Only, Asher held me back and refused to let me kill my best friend right now.

  “I am worried Maddox,” Asher began as he gave Maddox a demonizing stare, “Because the Vampires Council has a right to punish my family for betraying our clan. When we were turned into Vampires it was against our will. We couldn’t live our lives the way they did, so we ran away. We could be viewed as cowards or betrayers of our kind. I have no idea what they want from us,” Asher said, as he shudde

  That shut Maddox up real quick. I could see he felt bad for snapping at Asher, but Maddox would never admit to it.

  Stepping into the room, Asher’s parents made note of their son’s worried expression. “Asher, we will handle the Vampires Council together. Just be calm,” Elliott, his dad said, with a forced smile.

  Standing, my dad nodded his head toward the large window facing our front yard. We all turned and followed my dad’s stare. Slowly walking toward our front porch, a man with long, black hair strode through the grass as though he were floating on air. Another man, much taller than the first man walked in stride next to him. His hair was cut short and was brown and wavy. His pale skin seemed to glow against his all-black outfit. A woman with long, wavy silver hair followed closely behind the men and an evil smirk rested on her face. Her pale face looked almost like a porcelain doll with her rose colored cheeks and almost gray eyes. Just looking at them almost put me in a trance. Their beauty and grandeur were both alluring and eerie, and I squeezed Asher’s hand once again letting him know I was right here by his side.

  “Everyone remain calm. We must show a united front. While I don’t believe the Vampires Council is here to cause trouble, we must not let our guard down either,” my dad spoke, his voice breaking the silence of the room.

  As the door creaked open, I swear I heard everyone in the room gasp. As the three Vampires strode into the house, they took in our faces and worried expressions. For what felt like forever, no one spoke. Finally, my dad walked across the room and reached out his hand, welcoming our guests.

  “Thank you for reaching out to me about your arrival. We are eager to learn about your visit” my dad said.

  Reaching out his hand, the first Vampires with the long, black hair shook his hand. “Thank you for such a pleasant welcome,” he said, his voice sounding like velvet. It was almost mesmerizing, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. “My name is Vincent, and these are my partners and highest members of the council,” he said, as he waved in the other two. “This is Jameson and Eloise,” he said, as the other two Vampires nodded acknowledging us.


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