Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Page 13

by Nicole Edwards

  My name on his lips, along with those words spoken in that dark, dangerous baritone had my body going liquid.

  “But there are things about me you don’t know.”

  Oh, I knew a few things, but I didn’t bother telling him as much.

  His fingers held my chin firmly. “Things that might scare you.”

  Might? Try did.

  Not that I was going to tell him that, either. I couldn’t deny I was as tempted as he claimed to be. Maybe even more so, which made absolutely no sense at all.

  Had to be the situation. I’d gone through a traumatic event earlier. Now I was seeking safety and security.

  Yep. That was it. And Talon was the only one around to offer it since my brother was temporarily out of commission.

  “Are you scared, Braelyn?”


  He seemed pleased by the response. “Do you understand what I’m asking of you?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest.

  There was a small smile on his lips, but it reached all the way to his eyes, making them crinkle at the corners. “Would you like me to have some panties and bras delivered?”

  Liquid warmth pooled between my legs, my body on fire from his touch, his voice, his nearness. But it was his dominating nature, the one thing I’d desired for so long, that had me saying, “No. I won’t be needing them.”

  There wasn’t an ounce of surprise in Talon’s expression as he continued to stare at me, and I had to wonder whether he knew this was exactly what I’d been seeking. It was what I’d thought I had found in Jake but had been sorely disappointed.

  But I knew he was not making promises, and strangely, I found I wasn’t looking for any.

  At least not yet.



  It had been a risk approaching Braelyn this way, but I’d sensed her desire to be dominated, and this had been a test, one she would’ve passed regardless of her answer.

  I wouldn’t deny, I approved of her decision, and I looked forward to what that might mean for us.

  As for what prompted me to engage her in such a way, I wasn’t sure. I’d never been the impulsive type. And not since my early twenties had I ever pursued anyone, male or female. My possessions were all male, and I interacted with female submissives at the club on occasion. The latter were merely for convenience and as a way to mix things up. My desires ran hot, and I opted for male possessions for the simple fact they could handle me better than most females. I’d never had the desire to take a female possession, still didn’t. However, I did have a penchant for a sexy, beautiful woman. Especially a submissive who was seemingly innocent and eager to please.

  Braelyn Bishop was all of those things, and it appeared she was already leaving a mark on me.

  I leaned down and let my lips linger over hers. Another impulsive move on my part. I could’ve said it was meant to gauge Braelyn’s intentions, but I knew better. Ever since I’d brushed my lips over hers a short time ago, I’d wanted to kiss her again, wanted to feel those soft, plump lips on my own.

  There was no hesitation on her part as she leaned into me. I was impressed by the fact she kept her hands at her sides, not reaching, not attempting to take the lead, although I would’ve welcomed her touch.

  I didn’t deepen the kiss though I was tempted. But I was still on edge here, and being that I hadn’t kissed anyone in … God knows how long … I feared it would be my breaking point.

  Instead, I stood tall, let my finger glide down her neck, over her collarbone and dip beneath the edge of the robe. I lingered there for a moment, gently tugging on the cotton so that it gaped enough to see the swell of her breast, a hint of her apricot-colored nipple.

  Still looking up at me, Braelyn said, “Would you like me to take it off?”

  Once again, she surprised me.

  “I most definitely would,” I assured her, but before she could do so, I stopped her hand. “But not yet.”

  She nodded, her golden eyes glittering, her lips parted. I could hear the rasp of her breath, see her pulse pounding in her neck.

  “I shall leave you to it, then,” I said as I backed out of the closet, smiling to myself.



  I went the comfortable route, opting for a pair of leggings and one of the oversized sweaters. Because I wore nothing beneath, I still felt naked, but at least these gave the illusion that I was fully dressed. Probably helped that my breasts weren’t on the large side. I wouldn’t say they were even on the medium side, so going without a bra didn’t make much of a difference aside from feeling like I was missing something.

  I stopped in the bathroom to check my appearance, grateful to find my eyes weren’t puffy and my nose wasn’t red. Being that I’d cried more tonight than I had in years, I hadn’t been sure what to expect.

  Using the brush Rolphe had used when he’d dried my hair, I tidied up the long strands. Because of how long it was, I usually kept it pulled back in a ponytail or pinned up. I wasn’t sure why I didn’t just cut it, trim it to my shoulders, maybe. Seemed like it would be the easier thing to do. But I happened to like my hair and I’d grown fond of it over the years, I guess you could say. And right now, I found that leaving it down helped to make me feel less naked.

  Smiling at the thought, I took a deep breath before returning to Talon’s bedroom.

  He was there, standing near the door to the hall, clearly waiting for me. “Would you like to eat?”

  I nodded, my stomach rumbling in response.

  He offered a sexy smile and held out his arm.

  It took a moment for me to realize he wanted me to take it, so I curled my hand around his thick forearm and allowed him to lead the way. I did my best not to think about how warm his skin was or how the crisp hair tickled my palm, sending shards of pleasure coursing through me.

  As we walked, I heard the now familiar sound of him snapping his fingers. Moments later, Auberon and Rolphe were moving past us, then holding open the doors to … well, I’d say it was a dining room, but it looked like it might act as a multipurpose space.

  There was a large rectangular table running down the center with enough chairs around it to seat an army. Along the outer walls of the fuselage, there were cabinets on one side, the other holding an enormous television. There were interior walls in this space, too. Dividers, really. They were covered in a glossy wood that reflected the lights from above. It gave an almost businesslike feel to the room.

  “The dining room doubles as a conference room when we need it,” Talon explained, as though reading my mind.

  Made sense.

  When he stopped at the table, he didn’t have to pull out the chair, because one of his submissives was already doing it. Figuring it was a gesture made for Talon, I started to pull away and go to the next chair, but Talon stopped me, urging me into the luxuriously soft leather seat.

  “Have the others join us,” he instructed Auberon, then looked at me. “Something to drink? Wine?”

  Although I wasn’t really in the mood for it, I opted to accept since it would probably help me sleep.

  I nodded at Talon, smiled.

  To Rolphe, he said, “Bring wine for Braelyn and my usual.”

  The submissive’s response was a simple nod, then he was heading off.

  I felt my face warm as I watched the man who not too long ago had been kneeling before Talon, taking his cock into his—

  I coughed to dislodge the image from my brain. Definitely not appropriate.

  “Who else is here?” I asked, praying the heat would leave my face.

  “Some of my staff.”

  Talon pulled out another chair beside me, but before he could sit, people began streaming into the room, and Talon was standing tall, addressing them directly.

  “Zion, I’d like to introduce you to Ransom’s sister, Braelyn. Braelyn, meet Zion Sisk, the CFO of Owned, Incorporated.”

  Instantly I was on my feet, shaking his proffered h

  “Only one of my many duties,” the man said, his voice a rasp that was so severe it was difficult to understand him. I figured it had to do with the injury he’d sustained, the one that had left a long scar bisecting the thick column of his neck, running upward toward his chin.

  “Zion was injured during his time in the Marines,” Talon explained.

  “Injured’s putting it nicely,” Zion said with a grin. “I was shot in the throat. Hurt like the devil, but I survived.”

  “Yep, he’s like a cockroach,” Tiegan muttered as she walked by. “He’ll be here long after the rest of us have died off.”

  I was shocked by the rude comment, but no one else seemed to be. In fact, I was fairly sure that was a smile pulling at Zion’s mouth as he followed Tiegan with his eyes.

  “And this is Micah,” Talon explained, drawing my attention to the man standing at Zion’s side.

  I found myself staring. Not because there was anything abnormal about Micah. No, his appeal was more because he was so … I wanted to say beautiful but that didn’t seem appropriate. Yet it was still true. His light brown hair was shaggy, flopping down over his forehead and his ears, the wavy strands resting on his shoulders. But it was his eyes that were devastating. While he didn’t look at me, I could still see the brilliant blue of them. The sort of bright teal blue that was otherworldly.

  “He’s mine,” Zion said easily, as though it made perfect sense for someone to belong to him.

  Evidently it did, because Micah didn’t so much as meet my gaze before turning and following Zion toward the opposite side of the table.

  “Have a seat,” Talon said firmly before holding my chair once more.

  I had just planted my butt down again when the doctor appeared, coming directly toward Talon.

  “Sir, Ransom will not be joining us. I’ve given him a pain pill and he’s sleeping.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Tate.” Talon, still standing, motioned toward me. “On an official note, this is Ransom’s sister, Braelyn. Braelyn, this is Jasper Tate. My on-staff physician.”

  As I remained seated, I had to wonder why Talon hadn’t introduced us earlier. But the thought didn’t last long as the doctor’s name started to tumble around in my brain. The name sounded so familiar, and I found myself staring up at him, wondering if it could possibly be the same man my brother had spoken of many years ago. I mean, Jasper wasn’t a common name, was it?

  “How’s he doing?” Talon asked.

  I was grateful Talon asked the question, and I waited with bated breath for the doctor to respond.

  “Better than he looks on the outside,” Dr. Tate explained, looking directly at me, his light green eyes somehow comforting. “Based on what Zion told me about the accident, your brother was extremely lucky. He’s got a mild concussion, some bruised ribs, and a dislocated shoulder. I was able to shift the shoulder back into place, but it’ll be painful for a little while. Other than that, he’s banged up quite a bit, a lot of bruises but no broken bones.” Dr. Tate glanced at Talon again. “I’ll be watching over him for the duration of the trip, waking him every hour.”

  I actually smiled at that, biting back a giggle.

  “Something funny?” Talon asked, peering down at me.

  I schooled my expression but my smile returned. “I just know Ransom. He’s grouchy when he’s woken up.”

  “That he is. But I can handle it,” Dr. Tate said, and there was so much recognition in his tone. “Once you’ve had your dinner and settle in to rest, I’ll get your injuries properly bandaged.”

  It took a moment to realize what he was referring to. The pain in my feet had been the least of my concerns for the past hour or so. But no sooner did he mention it than they started to burn and ache.

  I nodded. “Thank you.”

  Dr. Tate returned my smile before looking at Talon. “I’ll have my meal delivered to me later.”

  Talon nodded. “Thanks.”

  “It was nice to finally meet you, Braelyn.”

  I swallowed hard, staring into Jasper’s eyes. If there’d been any lingering doubt as to whether he knew Ransom, there wasn’t anymore. He really was the man from my brother’s past. A man I’d never met but had heard so much about. I’d been a teenager when my brother had been seeing Jasper, and I remember hanging on every detail of the stories Ransom would tell me.

  But then one day, those stories just stopped, as though Jasper had fallen off the face of the earth.

  “Shall we?” Talon said, his voice loud and clear.

  As though that was the dinner bell, everyone took their seats.

  Interesting dynamic, that was for sure.



  As Dr. Tate exited the room, I let my gaze trail after him. I’d noticed the surprise on his face when I had introduced him to Ransom’s sister.

  Being that I was a very private man, I’d done a deep dive into everyone who worked for me, including Jasper Tate. Upon hiring him, I’d been aware of his previous relationship with Ransom but had never brought it up. Not my place. Of course, when Ransom had approached me with his request for a favor, I knew the two would have a long overdue reunion. Now I was curious as to how it was all going to play out.

  Something to deal with at a later date.

  Not until I took my seat did the possessions begin bringing the food out, placing plates around the table. Aside from Zion and Tiegan, there were a handful of others who often traveled with me. Tiegan’s two assistants, as well as one who worked directly for Zion. I rarely interacted with them, nor them with me, but they were usually in the background.

  It wasn’t surprising how easily Braelyn fit in with my team. I knew her brother well enough to know he was an intelligent and witty man. He’d obviously passed those along to the sister he had raised, because she had no problems following the conversation, contributing when necessary, and bringing up topics of her own. She was inquisitive, there was no doubt about it. Hard to believe that just a couple of hours ago she’d been in tears. Now, here she was, cool and composed, interacting as though she hadn’t been nearly kidnapped, her brother nearly killed.

  Sometimes people needed a distraction, I figured.

  Probably helped that we toasted in the new year although we’d missed the mark by more than an hour.

  After that, everyone indulged in food and wine, maintaining a rather light conversation, but I figured that was due to the time. Because of my inability to sleep, I had been up for close to twenty-four hours, probably Zion, as well, and it was beginning to become apparent. More so for Braelyn, who began dragging toward the end of the meal, foregoing dessert even.

  “Auberon, show Braelyn to my room and let Dr. Tate know she’s ready for him,” I instructed before turning toward Braelyn. “Once he tends to your feet, you should sleep for a while. No one will interrupt you in there.”

  Her eyes searched my face, and I had to assume she got the answer she was looking for, because she nodded before standing.

  When she paused, I had no idea what to expect, but the kiss she pressed lightly to my cheek, followed by a softly spoken “Thank you” was not on the list.

  I nodded because I had no idea what she was thanking me for. I’d done nothing yet. Not to mention, I figured her gratitude would likely wane when we arrived on the island and she got a good look at what it was I did for a living. Many people claimed to understand the various human idiosyncrasies, but few actually did. And God knew I was pushing the boundaries.

  Once Auberon led her from the room, I excused myself to my office, using the other door to enter so as not to disturb Braelyn as she got settled. I could hear her moving around for a few minutes, followed by Dr. Tate’s voice when he joined her. There was minimal conversation while he bandaged her up and then silence when he left her alone. I had to fight the urge to check on her, to see that Dr. Tate had treated her to my expectations.

  I wasn’t quite sure what had me so enthralled with Braelyn Bishop, but I found that I was. More so
than I’d been with any other person that I could recall. Stranger than that, I didn’t want to fight it, didn’t want to dissect what caused this spike in my adrenaline or the need to be near her. I was a man who generally had a single-minded focus, and I tended to keep it where it belonged: on making money.

  Looked like Braelyn was going to tip the scales and throw off my balance in the coming days.

  And now that I had a few minutes to myself, I wasn’t exactly sure how I felt about that.



  When Jasper returned to the room after leaving for a short time, I could tell he thought I was asleep. Should’ve been, I guess, considering he’d given me a pain pill. Unfortunately, my body never had metabolized medicine well, so the only thing I could hope for was that it took the edge off.

  Didn’t stop me from closing my eyes and wishing for pleasant dreams.

  I probably could’ve kept up the ruse, fooling him for the remaining hours of the flight, except someone interrupted, delivering food in the space I’d been relegated to. After Jasper had adjusted my shoulder back into its socket—a procedure I never cared to endure again—and given me the pain meds, I’d forced myself up and visited the attached bathroom. After relieving myself, I’d returned, opting for the bed despite the discomfort endured when I collapsed into it.

  I’d managed to deal with the aches and twinges, drifting in and out while the smell of food beckoned me. Thankfully, the painkiller soon dulled my desire to eat. A short time later, someone came, removing the dishes based on what I could hear. Not long after that, there was another rap on the door, Jasper’s feet moving across the carpeted floor. When he passed, I smelled the waft of his cologne, something intoxicating. A strange response considering I’d never been one to care for artificial enhancements.

  Not that I was paying much attention to that. I was trying too damn hard to eavesdrop on the conversation taking place near the door. I could hear Talon and Jasper talking in soft tones, their words muffled enough I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying.

  I exhaled heavily before realizing it gave me away.


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