Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Page 23

by Nicole Edwards

  When Braelyn whimpered, I pulled back.

  Her smile was shy. “Sore.”

  Of course she was. I hadn’t been gentle, my only goal to ply her with so much pleasure she was overcome by it. I hadn’t expected her to be so responsive, her orgasms triggered so easily. It was a euphoric feeling, that was for damn sure.

  When Ari returned, laying the damp washcloth beside me, I managed to pull out of Braelyn. I was trapped by my jeans shackling my thighs, but it didn’t matter. I couldn’t extricate myself from her completely anyway, so I eased onto my side, keeping her close as I fused my mouth to hers once again.

  As I kissed her, our tongues leisurely tangling, exploring, I used the cloth to clean between her legs. I inhaled her soft whimpers and her satisfied moans.

  Something told me I had to be delicate with Braelyn. Especially in this situation. The last thing I wanted was to send her running, to have her regretting what had just happened. Like I said, I’d never experienced this before, never felt the emotions that were now churning in my gut. For the first time in my life, someone else’s feelings were my main priority.

  It took a little effort, but I managed to continue kissing her while I retrieved her shorts, helped to slide them back up her long, sexy legs. She buttoned them while I nibbled on her lips.

  “I want you again,” I admitted, smiling down at her. “Or maybe still. I still want you.”

  Her eyes softened, as though she’d needed to hear those words.

  I could’ve spent the entire day lodged to the hilt inside the tightest, wettest pussy I’d ever known, but I believed Braelyn when she said she was sore. I was not a small man, not in any way, shape, or form. Plus I’d been a bit rougher than I should’ve been. So rather than take, as was my instinct, I got up, righted my clothes, tucking my cock away and ignoring the discomfort.

  But rather than take her on the tour I’d promised, I sat down, pulling Braelyn next to me, cuddling up to her. This was where I needed to be right now. Where I needed her to be.

  “Bring us something to drink,” I commanded Ari.

  He didn’t ask what we wanted; instead, he headed into the house to prepare it, returning a moment later with fresh mimosas for both of us.

  “I … uh…” Braelyn sighed. “We … um … we didn’t use a condom.”

  Peering down at her, it was my turn to sigh. “No, we did not.”

  “I’m not on birth control.”

  I’d never had reason to tell anyone this because I’d always used protection with female submissives at the club, but Braelyn needed to know.

  “I had a vasectomy,” I admitted. “Many years ago. Because of my lifestyle, my desires, I don’t have any plans to have children.”

  As I said it, I probably should’ve considered what she might want, what she saw for her future.

  “What about … diseases?” she asked, her words hesitant. “Do you worry about that?”

  “Of course,” I said firmly. “And I’m tested regularly, as is anyone who comes to the island. I’m clean.”

  She peered up at me. “You don’t know that I am.”

  True. I didn’t. But I knew one thing. “I’ve learned enough about you, Braelyn, to know you would’ve told me.”

  To my surprise, Braelyn’s hand slid over my stomach, her head burrowing into my shoulder. “You’re right. I would have. I’ve only been with a couple of men and I’ve always been careful.”

  I heard the underlying admission: until me.

  “I’m not sure I want kids, either,” she said softly. “I’ve thought about it, wondered if there was something wrong with me because I don’t immediately get all giddy at the thought of kids. But that’s always been the case. Maybe because I didn’t have a female role model, a mother.”

  I didn’t say anything, not sure what to say. Even though I had the distinct feeling I was falling for this woman, would give her anything she ever asked, I still didn’t want children of my own. My lifestyle wasn’t conducive to a family.

  “How long have you lived here?” Braelyn asked, her attention focused on the courtyard below.

  Grateful for the shift in subject, I answered easily. “Sixteen years. I acquired the island before Owned, Incorporated was even a seed in my mind. The resort wasn’t built until roughly four years ago, right after I acquired my fourth possession.” I looked up, nodded. “Ari, as a matter of fact. I determined I needed a secluded place for Owners and possessions to meet, figured this would work nicely.”

  “Who was your first?”

  “Auberon, six years ago. Taurus and Rolphe came next, then Ari. I acquired Sim three years ago, figured he would be the last, but then I came across Corvin and Bram. They’ve been with me two years now.”

  She peered up at me. “Where did you live before here?”

  “All over the US and South America. I was born in Cuba, lived there until I was seven.”

  “And your parents?”

  “There’s no record of my birth, so it’s all hearsay.”

  “What does that mean? How is there no record?”

  I shrugged a shoulder. “I’ve always figured my mother was unwed. From what I’ve gathered, I was left at a church, taken in briefly, then sort of passed around from there. I was adopted when I was seven by a wealthy American businesswoman, although there’s no record of the adoption. Technically, it wasn’t legal because there’s no documentation of my birth. She took me in, raised me.” I took a sip of my drink. “We moved around a lot. She spent her last years in Chicago, said she was born there.”

  “Last years? Did she die?”

  “Brain cancer.”

  “How old were you?”

  “When she died? Seventeen.”

  “Were you close?”

  I glanced at Braelyn. “As close as we could be, I figure. She’d always wanted a child but had no interest in relationships. She worried about me, worried I would get into trouble, and I think that was difficult for her. I took care of her when she was sick, looked after her. She left her massive fortune to me—old family money—along with a handful of lawyers paid to hammer out the details. After she died, I wandered for a little while, ended up keeping the house she had in Chicago. Bought this island when I turned twenty, right after I made my first million.”

  “From…?” Braelyn gestured toward the Owners’ Retreat.

  I laughed. “No. This came much later. My main source of income is from perfume and cologne.”

  Braelyn’s eyes widened. “Seriously? Something I know?”

  “Zafiro was the first perfume I launched, and also the name of the company I started.”

  Now her mouth opened, eyes popping. “That’s yours?”

  I smiled. Evidently she’d heard of it. “It is. Zafiro means sapphire in Spanish. I named it after the woman who raised me.”

  “Oh, my God.” She giggled. “I remember begging my brother to buy me that perfume when I was fourteen. That was when I learned it sold for like a hundred dollars an ounce, which he said was a little out of his price range.”

  “It’s gone up a bit since then.”

  “I can’t… Wow. That explains why all of you smell so good.”

  I remembered how she’d said as much at TJ’s.

  “So … this…” She gestured toward the other building again. “This is just a side business, then?”

  “It’s equally important,” I assured her. “I’ve got a good team running Zafiro, so I spend most of my time focused on this. Would you care to continue the tour?”

  “Actually, yes. I would.”

  Her smile was bright, and once again, it went right through me.



  After taking a moment to freshen up, I returned to the veranda to find Talon standing near the railing, staring out at the grounds below. I took a moment to admire him, because hey, why not?

  Talon was by far the most appealing man I’d ever met. Everything about him was phenomenal. His body, his face, his mind. And yes,
his dominance. I had to wonder if I felt that way because he was as close to perfect as I’d ever encountered, or merely because that was what happened when you met someone you were completely compatible with. Physically, I mean.

  Not that I was thinking he was my soul mate or anything. I wasn’t that naive. A few good orgasms did not a relationship make.

  He must’ve felt me staring, because he turned, his gaze raking over me before landing on my face. He held out his hand. “Ready?”

  I managed a nod, put my hand in his, then walked alongside him as we made our way down the various staircases that wound down and around to the swimming pools.

  “We’ve got Owners coming in on Monday,” Talon informed me. “They’ll be here for a week.”

  “What do they do when they’re here?”

  “It’s their opportunity to get to know the possession they’re looking to acquire. We do our best to stay out of their way, although we do have a few events catered for them. A variety of settings so they can see how their potential possession interacts with them. I’ll start by showing you the Owners’ Retreat, how we refer to the main resort building. That way you’re familiar with the property.”

  I fell into step, curling my hand in his, relishing the security I found in his touch.

  “So, I was curious…” I followed as he weaved along the walkway outlining the swimming pool area and outdoor dining. “You have seven … possessions,” I said, still having a hard time getting the word out. “And Zion has one?”

  Talon nodded once.

  “Does Tiegan have any?”

  “No. Despite her dominance on the business end, Tiegan’s personality leans toward submission.”

  Really? Holy crap. I never would’ve guessed that.

  “The Owners’ Retreat is where the possessions reside,” he explained.

  “Until someone picks them as their own?”

  “Correct. From the time I acquire them until they’re placed with an Owner permanently and leave the island.”

  We made our way across the grounds, past the swimming pools, the waterfall. This building fit with the island feel as far as the architecture, very similar to Talon’s residence across the way.

  “How does that work? How do these … possessions come to live here?”

  “Technically, they don’t live here. They’re merely visiting. It’s temporary.”

  That told me nothing, but I sensed that was Talon’s play. He wasn’t willing to reveal any more than he had to.

  Figuring he would speak when he was ready, I followed him up to the door. Rather than waltz right in, Talon placed his palm on a panel, and a second later, the lock disengaged.

  Being that we were on an island, I wondered why they bothered with locks at all.

  “Is security an issue?”

  “Security’s an issue no matter where you are,” he said simply. “Just because we’re on an island doesn’t mean we’re inaccessible. I’ve got armed guards stationed here, as well. They maintain the perimeter and are paid handsomely to remain out of sight at all times. You can never be too cautious.”

  I thought about how Jimmy had barged into my apartment. I’d thought I was safe in my own home, and I’d been horribly wrong. Suddenly, I was grateful Talon took such precautions.

  He pushed open the eight-foot-tall, thick wooden door and gestured for me to precede him.

  Stepping inside, the first thing I noticed was the entry was grand, and it was brightly lit thanks to all the windows that let the sun in. The decor in this space was similar to Talon’s main house. Open and airy, light, neutral tones on the walls, floor, and furniture. While the main house had marble floors, this one had a rustic hardwood in a soft brown.

  The second thing I noticed were three naked men.

  Completely, bare-assed naked.

  And working away, dusting and cleaning like they were dressed in full garb.

  “Is that … normal? Naked men everywhere?”

  “Men and women,” he stated. “This way.”

  All three men stopped what they were doing, lowering to their knees instantly as Talon passed. I craned my neck to watch as we moved through, noticing they quickly got back to what they were doing as soon as we were no longer in the same room.

  Talon called out to someone named Gideon, and a moment later a man appeared, a wide smile on his equally wide face. I wouldn’t go so far as to say he was attractive, but he was definitely… Okay, so he was attractive, although not traditionally. More so in a very rakish sort of way. His sandy-blond hair hung to his shoulders. His darker eyebrows seemed as though they’d been designed specifically to accentuate his angular face. The thin blade of his nose and the high cheekbones made me think of a Nordic god.

  “I’d like to introduce you to Braelyn Bishop,” Talon said. “Braelyn, meet our resident trainer, Gideon Malone.”

  “It’s a pleasure,” Gideon said, his voice not as deep as I expected, his hand firm as it closed over mine.

  “Braelyn’s deciding whether or not she wants to take a position with Owned,” Talon explained. “I thought it would be a good time to give her an introduction to the possessions.”

  “It’s always a good time,” Gideon agreed, his blue eyes flashing. “They’re on their best behavior this morning.”

  Best behavior? Did I even want to know what that meant?



  “Currently, we’ve got thirty-six possessions in residence. The most we’ve ever had at one time,” Gideon explained as he led Braelyn through the main areas of the resort while I followed at a distance. “We’ve got three being delivered today, and, at the most, seven will leave by the end of the next retreat.”

  “The one starting Monday?” Braelyn asked, fully engaged in Gideon’s explanation.

  “Correct.” He offered a smile. “While they’re in our custody, residing here on the premises, they’re expected to work as well as interact with potential Owners via the app.”


  “They’re responsible for all the chores here at the resort, as well as the grounds, the pools, the offices, and the villas. They have very little spare time. When they’re not working, we’ve got other duties as part of their training.”

  “How much time do they spend training?”

  “One hundred percent of their time here is training. At the very least, they’re learning the proper way to maintain a household. If an Owner has taken an interest in them and they’re receptive, we’re given a list of preferences specific to that Owner. The sort of tasks the possession will be responsible for, the type of punishment they’d receive, particular fetishes the Owner may have. That sort of thing. At that point, we begin incorporating those things to make the transition easier.”

  “How many trainers are there?” Braelyn asked, glancing over at me.

  “Three,” I answered. “Gideon’s the only permanent trainer. The other two are rotational. Meaning they’re potential Owners who have yet to acquire the possession they seek. They’re permitted to reside here for six months to get better acquainted with the possessions.”

  “Both men and women?”

  “Where Owners are concerned, it’s relatively balanced,” Gideon told her.

  “More sixty/forty,” I said. “With the majority being female.”

  I could see Braelyn was surprised by that statistic. It was true. High-powered women tended to focus on their jobs, and those we interacted with found that owning a possession satisfied them on both a physical and emotional level without hindering their upward progress on the business end.

  “As for possessions,” Gideon continued, “the majority we see are male, but we’ve got a few females on the premises. They tend to go quickly.”

  “We’ve got Owners on a waiting list for females,” I informed her. “We get roughly fifteen a year, at most.”

  “Is it because women don’t want to be owned?”

  “That’s what we tend to see. We’ll have ten or so going through the
screening process at any given time, and only two are viable candidates,” Gideon said as he stopped near the kitchen where two possessions were in the process of cleaning up the breakfast dishes.

  “What does that mean? Screening process?” Braelyn asked, her honey-gold eyes bouncing back and forth between me and Gideon.

  “They seek us out,” I told her before Gideon could respond. “Not the other way around. Like I said, they’re all here willingly.”

  Braelyn seemed to consider that as she turned back to the men in the kitchen.

  “Why is it they’re naked?”

  Gideon smiled. “Because we have no idea what a particular Owner might want in their possession, we strip them down to nothing. Literally. It’s our goal to rid them of all those ingrained ideals they’ve learned through their life.”

  “And naked helps?”

  “It brings out their sense of vulnerability,” Gideon continued. “And also eliminates their ability to hide. What you see is what you get.”

  “Do any of them leave once they’re here? I mean, not with an Owner.” Once again, Braelyn divided her attention between me and Gideon.

  That was the same question her brother had asked.

  “No.” Gideon met my gaze and I nodded, giving him permission to give her a bit more detail. “Those who come into our possession are the ones we’ve deemed worthy, I guess you could say. They aren’t playing games, they’re in this because it’s what they feel they need to be happy. They aren’t submissives who want to push the boundaries. These are the ones who truly want to be owned in every respect, to give up their ability to make choices for themselves. Before they arrive on the island, before they give up their entire existence, we’ve vetted them to ensure this is what they truly want, because the goal is for them to succeed.”

  “Sounds complicated.”

  “We don’t take it lightly,” I assured her. “We provide a service, and we’re not in the business of selling people against their will. Owners and potential Owners expect to get their money’s worth. They want what I promise them. A human possession.”


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