Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Page 33

by Nicole Edwards

  It warmed me.

  He really was heart-stoppingly handsome.


  “As I’ll ever be,” I admitted.

  When he held out his arm, I smiled shyly and curled my arm around his forearm.

  “Is the party in the house?”

  “No. Like I said before, I don’t invite just anyone into my residence. And rarely are guests permitted in the offices. Tonight’s event is in the ballroom at the resort.”

  Even after all I’d seen, I was overwhelmed by the enormity of this place. My family had money, and they’d flaunted it like it made them royalty. But ten thousand square feet on a few acres was nothing compared to this island. And to think, I hadn’t seen all of it.

  A few minutes later, part of my curiosity was sated. The resort’s ballroom was enormous, the square footage well into the upper ten thousands. Maybe twenty. More room than was necessary, in my opinion. Complete with chandeliers dangling from the coffered ceiling, enormous pillars throughout, strategically placed to hold up the other floors overhead. In the far corner was a piano and what appeared to be a small stage. There were numerous doors, all closed, around the room. What was on the other side I didn’t know, but I seriously doubted it was storage.

  However, the decor and the possibilities beyond the doors weren’t what I found myself interested in at the moment.

  My attention was drawn to the many men and a handful of women who were moving about the space. I could tell the possessions from the other guests because tonight they were all men, all wearing black jeans to go with their black leather collars, their chests and feet bare. The guests and employees had dressed for the occasion. Sparkling gowns, finely tailored suits. It was an interesting contradiction between the two types.

  “Are your possessions here tonight?” I inquired.

  “Only Taurus,” Talon answered, motioning over his left shoulder.

  Taurus looked no worse for wear considering what he’d gone through earlier today. He was standing nearby, once again wearing his collar, his gaze on Talon, as though waiting for him to give him something to do but not at all bothered by doing nothing at all.

  “How many of the Owners do you think will leave with their possession at the end of the week?” I asked simply to make conversation.

  “From what I’ve seen today … three, maybe four.”

  I peered from one Owner to the next, trying to figure out which he thought would back out. They were an eclectic mix, I’d give them that. Leah and Brad Townsend were definitely the tamest of them all. Mr. A, the most flamboyant. Then there was Laura Dunbar, a pretty, middle-aged woman who was actually deciding between two different possessions. I wasn’t sure what to make of her yet.

  “Why doesn’t Laura just take both of them?” I asked as Laura tugged on the leashes she’d attached to the possessions trailing behind her.

  “Not within the regulations,” he said easily. “An Owner can come back for another, but they can’t take more than one at a time. And there’s a time restriction in their contract.”

  “What’s to stop them from going somewhere else and finding one? I mean, I’m sure there’s somewhere people go to find this sort of … relationship. You know, if they can’t come here.”

  “There’s nothing to stop them. However, it’s a violation of their contract. If they go against the rules, I terminate our agreement, and they’re not welcome to do business with me again. We have no desire to work with people who are merely interested in hoarding people.”

  Wow. He was really serious about this.

  “So you don’t consider having seven hoarding?” I asked, curious.

  “It took me six years to acquire them.”

  “That doesn’t change the fact you have seven.”

  “No, it doesn’t. But I assure you, it’s not about quantity. It’s quality that matters.”

  “Do you keep tabs on the possessions once they leave here?”

  “Yes. To a degree. We have a team designated to following up, keeping Tiegan apprised of any who need or request direct contact. The Owners agree to remain active on the app, to provide updates when we ask for them. Once we’re satisfied there’s no ill will, we part ways if that’s what they want. Otherwise, the Owners continue to pay their yearly dues and peruse the app for another.”

  “Is that normal? For an Owner to want more than one possession?”

  “I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s the norm, no. The majority are satisfied with one, sometimes two. Rarely more than that.”

  “Yet you have seven?” I teased.

  Talon smiled, his eyes scanning the room. “I have seven.”

  “So not much repeat business? It’s a revenue stream that’s untapped?”

  “For the most part, yes.”

  I nodded, a few ideas coming to mind. But since he hadn’t asked me for my thoughts, I went in a different direction.

  Feeling bold as well as inquisitive, I decided to ask the question I couldn’t get out of my head. “Do you have sex with all of your possessions?”

  “I do.” There was no shame in his response.

  “Do they sleep in your bed?”


  I noticed that didn’t exactly answer my question, but I let it go. “You said the fourth floor is theirs. Do they have bedrooms?”

  He peered down at me once more. “Yes. They’re well taken care of.”

  “Yet you consider them possessions.”

  “I do. As do they.”

  I decided to let it go, not wanting to risk a replay of last night’s argument, once again scanning the room. I noticed Ransom had arrived, as well as Jasper and Cody. All three of them were dressed similarly to Talon, dark suits, white shirts, looking rather handsome in the formal attire.

  “Is there another Owner who’s been here more than once?”

  “Hershel Broome. The blond man speaking to Zion. This is his second visit to the island.”

  “And he hasn’t selected a possession?”

  “He’s here to make a decision between two he’s spent time with previously. It’s rare that the possession they originally considered will still be here, but these happen to be.”

  “He’s married, isn’t he?”

  “He is. His wife’s his submissive and he treats her like a princess. He likes to see her with his potential possessions.”


  “Do you ever take bets on which one they’ll pick?”

  Talon laughed. “No. No bets. Doesn’t mean I don’t have an idea of my own.”

  “Are you usually right?”


  I could see that. Especially since he seemed so involved. “It’s safe to say you get to know the Owners as well as the possessions?”

  “I make it a point to, yes.” Once more he looked down at me. “This is something that’s important to me. I understand the needs because I have them myself.”

  Another thing I liked about Talon. His conviction.

  “Was Mr. A going to join the party?” I asked, looking around but not seeing him.

  “He’s outside on the patio.”

  There was something in his tone that had my curiosity piquing, but I didn’t ask for details. I figured there would be plenty of time to observe everything that went on at one of these events.




  I found it interesting to watch Braelyn interact with the various people in attendance. At times it was difficult to remember she was only twenty-four years old, a fact I’d had a hard time wrapping my head around when I’d first found myself infatuated with her, although she’d been a year younger at the time. Being that I was thirty-six, that was quite an age gap.

  Then again, age was merely a number as far as I was concerned. I’d learned that when selecting my possessions. Auberon was thirty-one—making him twenty-five at acquisition—while Sim was the youngest at twenty-three, twenty upon arrival. Initially, I’d been concerned ag
e would be a serious factor but had learned as I went along that it didn’t matter provided they were legal. At a point, maturity developed naturally, based on one’s upbringing. And though I didn’t have all the factors related to Braelyn’s upbringing, I knew enough to realize she’d been forced to grow up early.

  She certainly carried herself well, could talk about most anything, and all the while she maintained a pleasant smile, even when I detected she wasn’t keen on the topic. For example, Laura Dunbar’s insensitive way of referring to her potential possessions. Based on our background checks, the woman was well respected in her community, was held in high esteem as the CEO of a major conglomerate, and even had a penchant for donating to charities for the underprivileged. On the other hand, she had a harsh method of communication and seemed to have no filter.

  Then again, Braelyn had asked the woman why she was interested in acquiring a possession in the first place. Sometimes it was better not knowing.

  “I’m a highly sexual creature,” Laura was saying. “And I find that dating is an impossibility. Not only because I’m married to my job but also because it’s difficult to find a man who understands some women simply need to fuck. Sometimes multiple times a day.”

  Braelyn’s gaze bounced over my face before returning to Laura. “Why not invest in a dildo?”

  Laura’s harsh laugh rang in the open space. “Oh, honey, I could own stock in the sex toy industry. It’s not the same.”

  “You’re a beautiful woman,” Braelyn told her. “I doubt it’s difficult for you to find someone to … sate your urges.”

  “I work a lot of hours, don’t have time for the annoyance that comes with dating. The men I work with are absolutely off-limits. Plus, I’m looking for a certain type of companionship. I’ve attempted to go the fetish club route but found it time-consuming and lacking. I prefer one who’s dedicated solely to me.”

  “To each his own,” Braelyn said, her smile still in place.

  Laura glanced at me. “I like her.”

  “I do, too,” I replied. “If you don’t mind…”

  I steered Braelyn away from Laura and over to the bar.

  “She’s an interesting one,” Braelyn said. “A little crass for my taste, but I like that she knows what she wants.”

  “Most Owners do. It’s how they end up finding us.”

  “If you’re not advertising, how do people find you?”

  I motioned for Taurus to pour us a drink, and he moved easily behind the bar, set about making them.

  “Word of mouth,” I told Braelyn. “In our circles, it goes a long way.”

  “BDSM circles, I assume?”

  “Partially, yes.”

  “Aren’t you a member of Dichotomy?”

  I was surprised Braelyn knew that little detail about me. Then again, I was friends with her brother, and as close as they were, it only made sense that Ransom would’ve spoken to her about me.

  “I am.”

  “Do you take your possessions with you when you go?”

  “Never. It’s more of a place for me to socialize.”

  “Does that mean you don’t … indulge while you’re there?”

  “I do, yes. When it suits me.”

  “Is that often?”

  I could tell she was fishing now. I liked that she was curious.

  “I haven’t been to the club in … probably six months or so.”

  “But you were at TJ’s New Year’s party.”

  “I was. I’m invited to many social functions. I go when it suits me, but the club is not one I’m particularly fond of. I could take it or leave it.”

  “I heard a rumor you were going to work for Trent Ramsey. At some fetish resort he’s about to open.”

  That was a rumor that had made its rounds, yes. One I knew had been perpetuated by Trent on purpose. “That’s exactly that. A rumor. Trent dropped the information in an effort to manipulate a situation to his liking. It worked.”

  Braelyn chuckled. “Sounds like Trent. Or rather what I’ve heard of him. Until I crashed that party, I’d never met any of Ransom’s friends. Except Zeke, but he grew up with my brother.”

  By design, I figured.

  I glanced over to see Ransom talking to Laura Dunbar while Jasper made his rounds, as well. Every now and again I caught Ransom looking our way, likely trying to determine what my intentions were with his sister. As far as I was concerned, the man had asked me for a favor. I’d come through for him. He had no right to advise me how to handle this relationship I was establishing with Braelyn. I only hoped he was smart enough to leave it alone.

  When Taurus passed over our drinks, Braelyn thanked him before turning to face the room.

  “I have to admit, this is tamer than I thought it would be.”

  “And what did you expect? A giant orgy?”

  She brought the glass to her lips, and I could see the blush on her cheeks. She had thought that.

  “It’s still early. While there aren’t any orgies, it’s possible you’ll stumble upon a scene that you don’t expect.”

  Braelyn’s head turned toward me. “Is that how it is in your private residence? With your possessions?”

  “If you’re asking whether I take liberties with them, the answer’s yes. Whenever and wherever I want. So, yes, as you very well know from experience, you’ll see something you don’t expect to see.” I turned to face her now. “Does that bother you?”

  Her eyes locked with mine. “Two days ago, I would’ve said I don’t know. Now…” She glanced away. “No, it doesn’t.”

  I pulled her to me, pressed my lips to her head, and spoke near her ear. “I do like that you’re a dirty girl.”

  She huffed a laugh and turned her face into me. Admittedly, I liked having her this close.

  “When the time comes, again, perhaps you’ll tell me exactly how it makes you feel.”

  She smiled, looked away. “Do they watch you have sex? With someone who’s not your … possession?”

  “Before you, they have not. I don’t bring others here, so the opportunity’s never presented itself before.”

  The color in her cheeks rose, and I knew she remembered how Ari had been there the first time I fucked her, the time I couldn’t help myself.

  She took a sip of her wine, looked away. “You’ve never brought a date here?”

  “For one, I don’t date.”

  “Because you find it annoying like Laura?”

  I smirked. “Because I don’t have the time or the inclination.” I stepped in, touched her cheek. “Until now.”

  Her breath hitched again and her eyes lowered to my mouth.


  I held her gaze, willed her to speak her mind.

  “What’s going on here?” she whispered. “Is it just me or…”

  “Or what?”

  “Or is there something going on between us?”

  “There’s most definitely something.” I leaned in, allowed my lips to lightly brush hers.

  Only because this was a business function did I refrain from pulling her into me and kissing her more thoroughly. I’d spent most of the day wishing I could sneak away with her, get lost for a few hours. Resisting her wasn’t easy, that was for damn sure. And that was saying something considering I was a man who relied on my self-control in every aspect of my life.

  I was a gentleman, pulling back before it went too far.

  Braelyn reached up, swiping her finger over my lower lip.

  She smiled, her eyes glittering with humor. “You look kinda good with glossy lips.”

  I wasn’t too worried about it, but I enjoyed how she ensured to get it off. Of course, my thoughts drifted to another way to gloss my lips… my mouth between her thighs, her hips gyrating as I feasted on her like a starving man.

  “Dinner’ll be served in just a few minutes,” Zion said as he passed by.

  Braelyn’s eyebrow arched. “It’s a formal thing?”

  “It’s how we kick off the week. These
events go well into the morning hours. Some can go well into the next day.”

  “It lasts the entire week, you said.” Braelyn slid her arm into mine when I offered to escort her to the dining room.

  “Seven full days. We bring them here, wine them, dine them, put them at ease. It’s more of a way for us to get to know them better. For those who are new to the island, we’ve only had limited interactions. I’ll speak with them right after they submit their application, but then there’s not much communication until they’re vetted. If they’re approved, they eventually end up here for a week, multiple if they choose.”

  “And the rest of the time they’re here?”

  “This is a vacation for them. Aside from the once-a-day event, which, as I said, is optional, it’s at their leisure. The Owners mainly watching their possessions as they tend to their needs, interacting as they see fit.”

  Braelyn was staring up at me, and I could tell she was curious as to how it all worked. I liked that she was.

  “The majority of the time, when we have guests, we’re outdoors, enjoying the pools, the recreation areas, the beach. Meals are provided. Sunday morning, before they’re scheduled to leave, I’ll meet with each Owner separately, get a feel for their intentions. Will they take a possession or choose to continue interacting for a bit longer? Sunday afternoons they leave.”

  “Definitely sounds like a vacation. With the added benefit of kinky sex if they want,” Braelyn mused.

  “If you want to look at it that way.”

  “But it’s business for you.”

  “It is.”

  “Are they permitted to interact with other possessions? The ones they aren’t here to acquire?”

  “Not unless arrangements have been made.”


  “If they have a curiosity about another, and we’ve given permission, they’re free to interact.”

  “But it’s not the norm?”

  “No.” I glanced down at her. “Keep in mind, many of the possessions are interacting with Owners via the app. It’s possible they’ve already been claimed. It’s not about the highest bidder.” I smiled. “At least not unless that’s what the possession is looking for.”


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