Back Room Bookstore Cozy Mystery Boxed Set: Books 1 - 12

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Back Room Bookstore Cozy Mystery Boxed Set: Books 1 - 12 Page 107

by Susan Harper

  “Like you don’t know what we’re talking about,” Gale said with a huff.

  Oldar raised a brow, glancing around at the group. “Where is your mortal friend?” he asked.

  “He’s missing,” Monica said. “Kidnapped.”

  Oldar smirked. “Really?” he asked. By now, his team was making their way down to them.

  “If we find out one of your teammates are responsible for this,” Deimus warned, “it’ll be the end of your careers.”

  “Are you threatening us?” Krulin asked, stepping up next to Oldar. “You got a problem with us?”

  “Yeah, we got a problem!” Bolt snarled.

  Krulin held up a hand. “I was talking to the warlock, night-biter.”

  “Easy, Krulin,” Oldar snapped at his teammate, though Monica hardly had any sympathy for Oldar after the way he had talked about Brian. A part of her was quite confident that one of the Nymph players had something to do with his disappearance.

  Bolt’s fists were clenched at his side. “Call me that one more time,” he warned.

  Krulin smirked. Oldar shot him a warning look, but evidently, his team captain was hardly intimidating enough for him to keep his mouth shut. “Aww, you don’t like that, pup? You need to learn your place…like a good boy.”

  Bolt started forward, and Gale and Ida held him back, but Isaac got to Krulin first, catching him in the side of the head with a fist. Krulin, evidently not expecting the one mortal left in the group to dare try to face him, stumbled back in surprise. Everything went haywire from there. Fists were flying, and the Nymph players pulled out their wands. Urrgah threw one of the opposing team’s warlocks across the field and into one of the podiums. Coach Joanne-Jo started screaming at her players to back down, but no one was listening.

  Monica snatched Abigail by her wrist, pulling her away from the field. She could hear several of the Wysteria Werewolves shouting accusations at the opposing team. Eventually, Mona managed to put a stop to everything with a powerful misperception charm that caused everyone to fumble and fall in the grass in a state of dizziness for several minutes. The witches and wizards on the Norbury Nymph team were wildly impressed with the display of magic Mona had performed so easily that they were in a rational state at last and were calmly prodded off the field by Coach Joanne-Jo, most everyone worse for wear at this point.

  Monica stood with Abigail, Holly, and Isaac at the sidelines, shaking their heads. “I can’t believe you started that,” Holly said to Isaac, though Monica could tell she sounded mildly impressed.

  “I don’t have to understand generations of werewolf prejudice to figure out that talking to one like they’re a dog is inappropriate,” Isaac said. “And I like these guys. Tension is high on the team. We need to find Brian before something happens to him.”

  Abigail looked up at Monica with a worried expression. “You don’t think anything bad is going to happen to Brian, do you?”

  “I hope not, Abs,” Monica said as Mona came strutting up to them. She had been hovering over Deimus for a moment, who had received a bloody nose from Udali during the scuffle.

  Mona took a breath and glanced down at Abigail for a moment. “Why don’t I take Abigail back to the ship?” Mona suggested, likely knowing that Monica was hardly going to take any of this sitting down. Monica had every intention of trying to find Brian herself, and Mona seemed to know this instinctually.

  “Yes, please,” Monica said, and Abigail looked thoroughly disappointed. Monica then added, “Could you two send a message to Madam Imelda for me?” Monica asked, and this made Abigail puff up a bit with excitement to be included. “I want her to see if she can’t find anything more about our parents’ case. Now that we know the truth about it being covered up, maybe the Sorcerer’s Council will be able to get us some more information than what was in that file.”

  “Good idea,” Mona said. “Abigail and I can handle it.”

  Monica thanked them, and she watched as Mona hurried Abigail off to fulfill the duty she had assigned to them. Monica then looked up at the podiums where the team was now gathered, getting in some practice. They were all obviously distracted, and it was difficult to work on their plays with a key team member missing. She turned back to Holly and Isaac, both of whom were standing there with their arms crossed, two very solemn expressions painted on their faces.

  “Well?” Isaac asked. “I know we’re not going to just sit here and watch Romp-A-Roo practice with Brian missing. We’re not about to leave it up to the authorities, are we? I mean, the authorities here are local—probably a bunch of Nymph fans. They’re probably excited to know that the Werewolves are down a player.”

  “He does make a good point,” Holly said.

  “Of course we’re not just going to sit around and do nothing,” Monica said. “I say we go talk to Oldar. He’s staying at the hotel where the gala was.”

  With that, they hurried off. They didn’t have to make it all the way to the hotel before they were able to find him, however. He was just leaving the locker rooms after cleaning up from his and his team’s early morning practice. “Relax,” he told them just outside the fields when they had caught up to him. “I was just leaving. You don’t need to chase me off.”

  “We’re not chasing you off,” Monica said. “Though if you come back here again during the Werewolves’ practice time, I just might.”

  Oldar huffed. “What do you want?”

  “Brian is missing,” Monica said, eyeing him suspiciously, Holly and Isaac standing right behind her doing the same. She wondered if they looked at all intimidating to him as his smug look about his face seemed to suggest that they did not, despite their efforts. “And you had quite a bit to say yesterday about your feelings regarding mortals playing in professional leagues. I think you took him so that you can try to better your team’s chances of winning!”

  Oldar looked amused. “You think I would risk my professional career by attempting to sabotage an opposing team? I don’t think so. I plan to win this game fairly. And besides, if my goal had been to throw the game, why would I even go after Brian? He’s not exactly one of your team’s heavy-hitters.”

  Monica felt offended on Brian’s behalf. “Excuse me?”

  “He’s a mortal,” Oldar said. “With an elementary level understanding of the game, from what I’ve heard. He’s athletic, sure, but he has been playing Romp-A-Roo for less than a year. If I was wanting to hurt your team’s chances, I’d take out Deimus or Rosemary. Maybe even that dwarf, she seems feisty. Or Urrgah—he’s huge, and if he manages to beam one of my teammates hard enough during a tussle, he’ll take them out for the game. I’m not saying mortals are weak or stupid or that he’s even a bad player, I’m just saying he’s not exactly the biggest threat on the team. So, whoever snatched up your little boyfriend probably had a different motive than wanting to win.”

  Monica wanted to punch him, but she thought better of it. Instead, she watched him with a bitter feeling in her gut as he pranced off back toward the hotel.


  Monica felt the need to go check on Abigail after their conversation with Oldar. She had seemed annoyed that Monica had dragged her off the field when the fight had broken out between the two teams, but now that Abigail had been trusted with the important task of contacting Madam Imelda, she seemed to have gotten over that mild offense. Monica, Holly, and Isaac attempted to speak with some of the authorities who were still hanging around the ship, but they were not interested in holding much of a conversation with any of them as they were still stripping the room down for evidence. Monica was starting to wonder if Isaac was right that the local authorities would take their time with the case so their home team would go into the game with an advantage.

  Deciding that their time could be better spent elsewhere, Monica, Holly, and Isaac decided to head to the hotel where the Norbury Nymphs were currently gathered. Monica had her broom turn into her flying motorcycle, and Isaac sat in the sidecar while Holly sat behind Monica. They soared throu
gh the air, landing just outside the luxury hotel. She had her broom turn back to its usual form and sent it off on its own while they headed inside.

  Once inside, Monica immediately spotted Gale and Ida in the lobby chatting with one another, showered and changed into their clean and freshly-pressed uniforms. “What are you two doing here?” Holly asked as they approached the ladies.

  Monica frowned, noticing the slight pinkish tint to her skin, realized the woman had elected to wax her arms, which had started to sprout a bit of extra peach fuzz with it being so close to the full moon. Ida had elected to remove the slight sideburns she had started to grow as well. “Photoshoot,” Gale said with a smile. “They did Brian and Urrgah last night, but it’s our turn this morning. Bolt’s around here somewhere too.”

  “They’re doing all the werewolves together?” Isaac asked.

  “Yeah,” Ida said.

  “Why did they pair Brian and Urrgah up?” Monica asked.

  “They’re the two newest players on the team,” Gale explained. “Not to mention they’re both first of their kind in professional Romp-A-Roo. First mortal and first troll ever. Those posters they’re making of those two are going to sell like crazy in the stands, if you ask me.”

  Monica smiled a little sadly. “I’m sure,” she said. “So long as we can find Brian.”

  “I know,” Ida said. “I’m starting to get really worried.”

  “I’m starting to get worried about Bolt, too,” Gale grumbled, looking around. “He said he’d be right back, and the photographer is going to be here any second.”

  “You two stay here,” Monica said. “We’ll go find him.”

  “Thanks!” Ida said.

  Monica, Holly, and Isaac headed off, searching the main floor of the hotel for where Bolt could have gotten off to. It didn’t take long. He had found a table set up full of finger foods for the players and was making himself a plate. Before they could even wave across the room at him, Monica spotted Udali approaching him. She walked as though gliding, throwing her hair back and smirking. Bolt huffed. “What?” he snarled at her.

  “Just saying hello,” Udali said.

  Monica wasn’t about to leave Bolt to himself. She and the others began making their way over to them. “Forget you, Udali,” Bolt said.

  “I’m guessing you saw the article in the paper?” she asked.

  “What article?” Bolt asked, and before Monica could stop her, she was shoving the bit of paper into his hands. He briefly acknowledged them all with a nod, but his eyes were drawn to the page. She could see his eyes widening.

  “What’s wrong?” Udali asked when he was quiet. “Can’t you read? I suppose I should have asked that. Your kind can read, can’t they?”

  “I can read!” he snapped, the paper crumbling up in his now tightly-balled fist.

  “Leave Bolt alone,” Monica snarled, putting herself between him and Udali. “You’re just awful, aren’t you? Pretending to be interested in him just to manipulate his feelings! You’re a terrible person!”

  “I was interested,” Udali said. “But certainly not in the way I think he perceived it. More like when you see a cute little purse dog and you want to scratch them behind the ear.” Udali laughed.

  Monica pulled out her wand, pointing it right at Udali. “Monica…” Bolt muttered.

  Udali laughed. “What are you going to do with that? Krulin told me what you are. I bet you couldn’t hit me with a curse if I was standing a foot away from the tip of your wand.”

  “I swear—” Monica started to say.

  Udali whipped her own wand out, pointing it right back at her. Monica felt a pang of nerves. “Go on, unnatural. Let’s see it. I’d like to see how you do in a duel. You want to embarrass yourself? For what? Because I hurt your pet werewolf’s feelings?”

  “Forget you!” Holly shouted, and Monica and Udali glanced in her direction. Holly’s eyes were glowing purple, and green mist was coming from the tips of her fingers. Holly thrust one hand out in front of her, and a blast of green magic flew from her fingertips. Instantly, Udali’s wand transformed into an enormous serpent and wrapped itself around her. Udali screamed in surprise as Holly stomped the ground, and it sent Udali flying up into the vaulted ceilings. Still in mid-air, the serpent turned back into a wand and Udali landed with a painful thud. Screaming, she picked up her wand and darted from the room.

  Monica could hardly allow a moment for herself to feel impressed; she turned in time to see Bolt standing with his mouth gaping wide open, his plate of food and the newspaper article all on the floor in front of him. They quickly looked around the room, confirming that no one else had been there to witness the wandless magic, then surrounded Bolt. “Bolt, what you just saw…” Monica began.

  “I thought she was a mortal!” Bolt said, pointing at Holly.

  “No,” Holly said. “I’m… I’m an Ibeji.”

  “What!” Bolt yelped. “No, no way. Those are extinct!”

  “Look, Bolt, this isn’t exactly something Holly wants everyone to know,” Monica said. “Only a few people do.”

  “You’re not really an Ibeji, are you?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Holly said.

  “Wait… Are you, like, a fully matured one? Is your other half—”

  “Still alive,” Holly said. “But we aren’t exactly on speaking terms.”

  “That’s an insane understatement,” Isaac said, given that Holly’s other half had recently tried to help their mother murder Holly’s adopted mother and stepmother.

  “Look, I don’t know what this is all about exactly,” Bolt said anxiously. “But I do know that I like you, Holly, and you did just do all that craziness for me…so…thank you.”

  “You need to go meet up with Gale and Ida for your photoshoot,” Isaac said. “Maybe just keep this to yourself?”

  “Yeah…” Bolt said. “Sure… Sure…” He hurried off, not bothering to pick up his food.

  “How did you know you could do that?” Monica asked.

  “I didn’t,” Holly said. “I was just so angry for the way she was talking to him… It just sort of happened.”

  “Well, it was really cool,” Isaac said, grinning. “You think you could do that to Krulin too?”

  Monica and Holly both laughed, but they quickly got their bearings together. They still needed to find out what happened to Brian.


  Since Udali was at the hotel, Monica and her friends assumed that this meant the rest of the Norbury Nymphs were present and lurking around somewhere. They left the room where Holly had just blasted Udali around moments ago, searching the dining hall and the area where Bolt and the other werewolves were doing their photoshoots. Eventually, they spotted Krulin hanging around in one of the large seating rooms, speaking highly of himself to a handful of witches, all looking starstruck by his presence and giggling at everything he had to say.

  Monica cleared her throat as they approached, and Krulin grinned in their direction. “Ah, more fans,” he said, winking. His smile faded after a moment. “Come to try your hand at a bouncing spell, unnatural?” he asked. “Or do you need your twin to fight for you?”

  “Clearly, he doesn’t know what Holly just did to Udali, or he wouldn’t be running his mouth,” Isaac muttered, and Monica grinned slightly at him before turning her attention back to Krulin.

  “We want to know where you were last night, Krulin,” Monica demanded.

  He smirked. “Yeah, I heard the Werewolves were missing a team member. Did the mortal get himself in trouble last night or something?” He glanced up at the large clock hanging above the fireplace. “Look, if you want to chat, you’re going to have to follow me. I’m due for my photoshoot in a bit.”

  “Fine,” Monica said. “We’ll follow.”

  He seemed annoyed—like he had honestly believed that if he just told them he had somewhere to be that they would leave him alone. They followed close behind him, asking him questions as they went. “So, where were you?” Isaac demande

  “Watch your tone, mortal,” he hissed. “I was here at the hotel just like the rest of my team.”

  “Can anyone vouch for your whereabouts for the whole night?” Monica asked.

  “I was rooming with Don,” he said. “One of our podium players. We hung out late in the lobby last night with the rest of the team before going up to our rooms.”

  “Not sure if that counts much for a witness,” Holly muttered. “He and Don could have snuck up there on the ship together and snatched Brian if this is some sort of prank by the opposing team.”

  “I wish that’s all it was,” Monica said under her breath, but she had a terrible feeling that there was something more to this than that.

  They entered one of the hotel’s ballrooms that had been set up to function as a photo studio. Bolt, Ida, and Gale were just finishing up with their pictures. “Looks good, you three,” the photographer said. “Going to look great on the fliers they’ll have at the gift shops this weekend. They’re going to use these for promos too.”

  “Sweet,” Bolt said. “Thanks.”

  Krulin was attempting to brush them off. He was ready for his pictures, and he seemed quite eager to be the center of attention in this room just as he had been doing in the lobby with the fangirls. Monica dug around in her satchel for a small vial she kept on her person just in case. Krulin, she felt, seemed like the most likely suspect. He’d had a serious confrontation with the entire team, had been embarrassed by them after being catapulted from the field, and he was clearly prejudiced. He, like Oldar, didn’t like the idea of mortals competing in their games. Monica had in her bag a truth potion leftover from one she had made recently for her Aunt Wilma, who had some questions for one of her ex-husbands. She had almost forgotten she had a bit in her satchel until now.

  As Krulin was busy speaking with the photographers, Monica headed over to a table of refreshments set up for the players having their pictures done. She slipped a bit of the truth potion into one of the glasses and filled it with water. Holly, spotting what she was doing, grinned. Monica pranced over to Krulin, glass in her hand. “You thirsty?” Monica asked as normally as she could.


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