Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story Page 10

by Callista Hawkes

  variable such as wind, air pressure and projectile velocity she is an unerring

  shot. She nods, raising her blaster. You press the button and as soon as the

  door slides open, you hear a bloodcurdling battle cry from within which is

  immediately cut short by a single shot from Vanessa’s blaster.

  “Nice shot.” You tell her, stepping over the dead pirate’s body and

  entering the vessel.

  Illuminated only by the strobing red beams of the emergency lighting,

  the interior of the pirate vessel is gloomy and full of constantly shifting

  shadows as you stalk down the corridor towards the hold.

  “Main generators must have been damaged.” Vanessa murmurs,

  sweeping her blaster to and fro, wary of any ambush.

  “And I was thinking it was mood lighting.” You reply sarcastically, your

  own blaster held out in front of you.

  You cautiously make your way through the bowels of the ship,

  expecting an ambush at any moment, but as you stand before the door to

  the hold, none has materialised.

  “Maybe they’re all dead.” Vanessa suggests.

  “Maybe they’re all waiting behind this door.” You reply.

  “Ever the optimist.” Vanessa grunts, raising her blaster as you reach for the door control. You hesitate, your finger hovering over the button.

  Vanessa glances at you questioningly.

  Press the button and open the door

  Abort the salvage

  “I don’t like it.” You tell Vanessa.

  “What?!” She asks.

  “Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour.” You mutter,

  turning and making your way back along the corridor.

  “Sometimes you just need to grow a pair!” Vanessa shouts from

  behind you. “What if Valerie Zeng had landed on Mars and rather than put a

  footprint into that red soil, she’d thought the same and launched back into


  “I’ve made my decision.” You bark irritably. “We don’t know what was

  behind that door.”

  “Probably a hold full of riches.” Vanessa mutters before falling silent as

  you trudge back to the Eclipse.

  You patch up the hyperspace coil as best you can and a couple of

  hours later, you slip into your seat in the cockpit. You can feel Vanessa

  glaring at you as you release the docking clamps, retract the docking tube

  and continue your journey. You glance at the battered pirate ship shrinking

  in the rear view screen and wonder what you have passed up in abandoning

  your search? A violent death or riches beyond your wildest dreams? You

  shrug, pushing it to the back of your mind as you contemplate the journey

  ahead. You press the hyperspace button and hold your breath as the

  hyperspace engines spool up, the low whine building to a crescendo before

  the stars vanish to be replaced by the swirling crimson vortex of hyperspace.

  You breathe a sigh of relief and even your morose co-pilot cracks a smile.


  You nervously press the button and the door slides open. It is gloomy inside and you both peer cautiously into the darkness but no one seems to

  be lying in wait. You step inside the cavernous interior of the hold, your feet clanking on a metal gantry high above it, but even under the dim emergency

  lights, you can tell it is all but empty.

  “Well, what will we do with all these riches?” Vanessa replies


  “Shit.” You exclaim bitterly, kicking the railing in anger, the clanging

  sound echoing around the huge hold. You grasp the railing and let out a

  deep sigh. “Well, we’re here now, so we might as well check it out properly.

  Stay up here and cover me with the rifle just in case any of our friends are

  hiding in the shadows down there.” Vanessa nods and you clamber down a

  ladder, dropping onto the deck with an echoing thud. Pulling your torch

  from your belt, you move across the hold, sweeping the beam into the

  gloom, on edge in case any of the pirates are still lurking.

  “Anything?” Vanessa shouts down at you.

  “Just empty hold space.” You reply, deflated. As you turn to leave, you

  notice a cargo container in the far corner of the hold. “Just a second.” You

  move towards it and pull open the door. It swings open and initially you

  think it is empty. Then you hear movement at the far end, a figure moving in

  the shadows. You move cautiously towards the figure, shining the torch with

  one hand while you train your blaster on them with the other.

  “Get that light out of my eyes, you dog.” The figure shouts defiantly.

  You pause, surprised by the well-spoken feminine voice rather than the

  rough drawl of a common pirate. The woman is perhaps in her early

  twenties with long, dark hair and pale skin. Her brown eyes blink in the light

  of the torch, turning her head away. You realise that her hands are tied

  behind her back and she is secured to the rear of the container. You drop

  the torchlight out of her face. She is dressed in a long, fine teal coloured

  dress, which though now grubby, is obviously expensive.

  “Found a captive.” You shout out to Vanessa. “Looks and sounds rich.

  Might not be a wasted trip over here after all.” You move towards her and

  pull her away from the wall, untying her bonds. She gets gingerly to her feet,

  rubbing her wrists and eyeing you suspiciously.

  “Who are you?” She asks.

  “I could ask you the same thing.” You reply.

  “I am Princess Elektra of Antares Prime,” She tells you grandly. “And I demand you return me to my homeworld.”

  “Do you?” You smirk. “Well, pleased to meet you your royalness, and

  we’ll return you to your homeworld just as soon as we agree an appropriate


  “You mercenary vermin.” She replies, her eyes blazing. “You’re as bad

  as these pirates.”

  “Just making a living.” You shrug, grasping her arm and leading her

  from the container.

  “Unhand me pirate!” She snaps, twisting out of your grip and running

  from you. A single shot echoes in the cavernous hold and a burn mark

  appears on the deck plate just in front of her. She freezes on the spot,

  glancing up to the gantry where Vanessa looks through the rifle sight at her.

  “The next one goes through your leg.” Vanessa shouts down. “We’d

  rather return you undamaged, but that’s up to you.” At that moment an

  explosion rocks the ship.

  “We’re under attack!” You shout, grabbing the princess. “Get back to

  the Eclipse.” Vanessa darts back through the door just before a second

  explosion booms out followed by a loud creaking from above. You drag the

  princess back just as the gantry collapses, the heavy metalwork crashing

  down onto the deck before you.

  “Trent!” Vanessa shouts down from the doorway above you.

  “Shit.” You murmur, looking at the twisted wreckage before you and

  the doorway high above.

  Grab the length of rope that the princess was tied up with and throw it up to


  Send Vanessa back to the ship and search for another way out

  “Wait there.” You shout up to Vanessa. “I’ve got an idea.” You hurry back across the hold to the container and grab the length of rope, running

  back across the hold
as more explosions rumble about you. You throw the

  rope up to Vanessa, who unravels it and dangles it over the side. The rope is

  short, but just within reach.

  “You first.” You bark at the princess. “Quickly!” You help her up and

  she grasps the rope. With a grunt of effort, she tries to pull herself up,

  Vanessa easily anchoring the other end with her mechanical strength above.

  Princess Elektra’s feet slip and slide on the wall of the hold, but she simply

  doesn’t have the strength to pull herself up. More explosions make the deck

  beneath your feet tremble.

  “We don’t have much time!” Vanessa shouts. There is a deep rumble,

  following by a creaking sound and all three of you look up at the source of

  the noise. The whole ceiling of the hold rips apart, the air rapidly venting

  into the vacuum of space. You all scramble for some kind of hand hold, but it

  is a futile effort. Princess Elektra, still clinging to the rope which is now

  pulled taut towards the fissure above you, screams as she loses her grip, her

  shriek of terror abruptly silenced as she disappears into the freezing depths

  of space. Your hands grip tightly to the wreckage of the gantry, but the

  ripped edges slice into your fingers. You lock eyes with Vanessa, who is

  gripping the sides of the doorway, her green eyes full of regret. Your

  bloodied fingers finally give way and you are sucked through the air and out

  into the vacuum of space where you meet a quick but unpleasant death,

  your body rapidly frozen solid before spinning into an engine housing and

  shattering into thousands of pieces.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  “Get back to the ship!” You shout back. “Try and take whoever it is out.”

  “What about you?” Comes the anguished reply.

  “We’ll be ok, now go before it’s too late. We’re sitting ducks down

  here.” Vanessa reluctantly nods and disappears through the door. Another

  explosion shakes the ship, knocking both you and the princess to the floor. A

  heavy supporting beam crashes down from the ceiling, smashing through

  the deck plates just yards away.

  “We’re going to die aren’t we?” Princess Elektra asks fearfully.

  “Not yet we’re not.” You reply, spotting a circular hatch in the wall of

  the hold. You grab the princess and pull her back to her feet, more

  explosions echoing around the cargo hold as you drag her across the deck

  towards the hatch. She screams in fright as a gantry gives way, crashing

  down to the deck behind you. You wrench the hatch open and

  unceremoniously throw her inside before climbing in and pulling the hatch

  shut behind you. You turn, your eyes scanning the cramped cylindrical

  interior of the escape pod. Six seats line each side while a pilot’s seat is

  placed in front of controls mounted beneath a narrow window at the far


  “Sit down!” You shout at the princess, who quickly climbs into one of

  the seats, her eyes wet with tears. A large red button labelled “EMERGENCY

  LAUNCH” is placed in the centre of the control console and you throw

  yourself at it, thumping it with your hand. There is a deafening roar as

  boosters fire and the escape pod is hurled away from the disintegrating

  pirate vessel. You glance through the small window in the hatch, spotting

  another vessel starting another strafing run across the dorsal side of the

  pirate ship. You have launched from the port side, so you cannot see if

  Vanessa made it away in the Eclipse.

  “What’s happening?” Princess Elektra wails.

  “Your guess is as good as mine.” You mutter, turning back and

  studying the limited controls and instruments before looking up and noticing

  a small white disc growing slowly but steadily larger in the centre of the

  forward window. “Looks like we’re locked on to the nearest planet. You’d

  better strap in. These things weren’t designed with comfort in mind. It’ll be a rough landing.” She looks fearfully at you, tears in her eyes, but does as

  she’s told.

  Reassure her that everything’s going to be ok

  Ignore her

  “It’s going to be ok.” You reassure her, turning in your seat to face her.

  She dries her tears with the back of her wrist and straightens, regaining her

  composure. For the first time, you really look at her. Though her hair is

  dishevelled, her face covered in grime and her dress torn and grubby, she is

  a beautiful woman. Despite her sullen demeanour, she has a pretty face and

  her brown eyes sparkle with life. She is slim, but with curves in the right

  places, the low cut dress revealing a tantalising glimpse of her cleavage

  while her hips are wide and her legs long and slender.

  “This isn’t exactly the style of travel to which I am accustomed.” She

  replies haughtily.

  “You should have spoken up earlier.” You reply with mock disbelief.

  “The luxurious first class escape pod was just next to this one.” She snorts

  derisively and petulantly folds her arms. You roll your eyes and turn your

  attention back to the controls.

  You watch in silence for the next hour as the planet grows nearer,

  gazing at the surface and wondering what it is like. The white could be

  frozen wastes or perhaps the white sands of a desert planet. Either way, it

  looks like you’ll have temperature extremes to contend with. As the escape

  pod hits the edge of the atmosphere, it shakes and jerks until you feel sure

  the pod is about to rattle itself to pieces. The princess cries out with each

  jolt as you endure a turbulent descent. Soon enough, you break through and

  fall towards the surface.

  “Ice.” You comment to the princess as you gaze down at the

  featureless expanse below you. No, not featureless. You spot a dark shape

  on the surface. As you plummet towards the ground, you notice it appears

  to be square in shape. Too square to be a natural phenomenon. It has to be

  a structure. Before you can examine it further, the retro rockets fire, pulling the pod out of its headfirst dive and righting itself before plunging into the

  ice. The landing is jarring and you are violently shaken about before the

  escape pod settles down. You glance over your shoulder at the princess,

  who looks traumatised by the whole experience.

  “You ok?” You ask her gently. She takes a breath and nods meekly. You

  climb out of your seat and look out of the window. Steam rises all around

  the crashed escape pod as the ice sizzles off its hot shell, but you can just

  about make out a dark shape on the horizon. There definitely seems to be

  some sort of structure out there.

  “Well, what do we do now?” Princess Elektra asks, recovering from

  the shock of the landing and resuming her frosty demeanour.

  Go out into the freezing conditions and make your way to the structure

  Stay inside the escape pod and wait for rescue

  You hear her sniffle and sob behind you, but you have better things to do than pander to a spoilt, petulant princess. You watch in silence for the

  next hour as the planet grows nearer, gazing at the surface and wondering

  what it is like. The white could be frozen wastes or perhaps the white sands

of a desert planet. Either way, it looks like you’ll have temperature extremes

  to contend with. As the escape pod hits the edge of the atmosphere, it

  shakes and jerks until you feel sure the pod is about to rattle itself to pieces.

  The princess cries out with each jolt as you endure a turbulent descent. Soon

  enough, you break through and fall towards the surface.

  “Ice.” You comment to the princess, glancing at her over your

  shoulder. She seems to have regained her composure and for the first time,

  you really study her. Though her hair is dishevelled, her face covered in

  grime and her dress torn and grubby, she is a beautiful woman. Despite her

  sullen demeanour, she has a pretty face and her brown eyes sparkle with

  life. She is slim, but with curves in the right places, the low cut dress

  revealing a tantalising glimpse of her cleavage while her hips are wide and

  her legs long and slender.

  “Oh.” She replies gloomily. You turn back and gaze through the

  window at the featureless expanse below you. No, not featureless. You spot

  a dark shape on the surface. As you plummet towards the ground, you

  notice it appears to be square in shape. Too square to be a natural

  phenomenon. It has to be a structure. Before you can examine it further, the

  retro rockets fire, pulling the pod out of its headfirst dive and righting itself before plunging into the ice. The landing is jarring and you are violently

  shaken about before the escape pod settles down. You glance over your

  shoulder at the princess, who looks traumatised by the whole experience.

  “In one piece?” You ask her abruptly, climbing out of your seat. She

  nods and glares at you, but you ignore her and look out of the window.

  Steam rises all around the crashed escape pod as the ice sizzles off its hot

  shell, but you can just about make out a dark shape on the horizon. There

  definitely seems to be some sort of structure out there.

  “Well pirate, what do we do now?” Princess Elektra asks.

  Go out into the freezing conditions and make your way to the structure

  Stay inside the escape pod and wait for rescue

  “We’ll stay here.” You tell her. “We’ve got an emergency beacon transmitting. Someone should intercept it and respond.” She nods, but looks


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