Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story Page 13

by Callista Hawkes

  meet yours.

  “Do it.” She moans, her brown eyes dilated from her orgasm. “Fill me

  with your creamy seed.” You lean forward, pressing your lips to hers and

  with a final grunt of ecstasy, you erupt inside her, your shaft twitching again and again as you blast the inside of her moist tunnel with your thick pearly

  come. Her arms hold you tightly and her legs wrap around your thighs,

  pulling you deep inside her as your whole body shudders with each powerful

  eruption until finally your climax subsides. She releases you from your

  passionate clinch and you roll onto your back next to her, both of you

  panting as you catch your breath. Elektra glances sideways at you, her

  brown eyes studying you.

  “Well, if we do freeze to death, they’ll find two smiling corpses frozen

  in here.” She grins. Unable to speak just yet, you nod and pull the blanket

  back over you both before embracing her and holding her close. Before long,

  you have both drifted off to a contended slumber.


  You awake to a deafening roar of retro boosters firing outside. You scramble to your feet, your eyes widening as a small, but heavily armed

  military attack ship comes in to land alongside the escape pod. Princess

  Elektra jumps up and presses her face to the window.

  “It’s one of my father’s ships!” She beams at you excitedly. “We’re

  saved!” She throws herself into your arms and you embrace, relief washing

  through you.

  A few minutes later, you are both standing in the hold of the rescue

  ship, wrapped in thick furs, presumably from some unfortunate beast back

  on Antares Prime. A medic has checked you both out and concluded that

  aside from mild hypothermia, you are both fine and should make a full

  recovery. Amongst all the rescue personnel and fussing aides, you recognise

  a face among the crowd.

  “Vanessa!” You smile.

  “Still alive then.” She deadpans. “I thought I’d just inherited the


  “Sorry to disappoint you.” You grin, before embracing her. “What


  “It was another pirate ship that attacked us.” Vanessa replies, pulling

  away. “They’d obviously spotted our little fracas on their long range

  scanners and thought to find some easy pickings. They chased me across the

  system until her royalness’s daddy’s ship intercepted us. They had been

  hunting the pirates, searching for their precious princess. Once they found

  out that she wasn’t aboard, they blasted the pirates to pieces. Nearly did the

  same to the Eclipse, but I managed to talk them down. I took them back to

  the wreck of the first pirate ship. Once we found no sign of you and an

  escape pod missing, it didn’t take long to track you down. They’ve got a

  spare hyperspace coil, so they’re fitting that as we speak. Said it’s the least they can do after our little ‘misunderstanding’.”

  “I owe you one.” You reply grudgingly.

  “And I owe you one.” You hear a voice whisper in your ear. You turn to

  find Princess Elektra standing right next to you. She stretches up on her toes

  and kisses you tenderly on the lips. “I shall never forget you.” She smiles,

  breaking the kiss. “Thank you for rescuing me, for keeping me alive down

  here and…” She smiles shyly, “…and for last night.” You spot Vanessa arching

  an eyebrow out of the corner of your eye. “I shall see to it that my father rewards you handsomely.”

  For a fleeting moment, you are tempted to be the gallant space

  adventurer and waive the reward, but Vanessa catches your eye with a look

  that quite clearly says ‘don’t even think about it’.

  Take the reward

  Refuse any reward

  “That’s very kind.” You smile. Elektra’s people usher her away and you are left alone with Vanessa and her accusing eyes.

  “Thank you for last night?” Vanessa repeats accusingly.

  “What can I say?” You shrug with a sheepish grin. “We had to do what

  was necessary to survive on this ice cube.” Vanessa shakes her head in

  disgust and doesn’t speak another word until you are back in orbit aboard

  the Eclipse.

  “Time to get back on course.” You tell Vanessa, studying the console

  before you.

  “Yes, enough frolicking with pretty princesses.” Vanessa replies acidly.

  “Let’s press on to this mysterious death you have planned for us.”

  “That’s the spirit!” You grin, punching the hyperspace button. The

  hum of the engines builds before the Eclipse lurches as it leaves normal

  space and hurtles into the crimson vortex of hyperspace.


  “I couldn’t possibly accept any payment.” You tell Princess Elektra.

  “Your tender kiss is ample reward.” Vanessa’s mouth drops open and she

  rolls her eyes in disgust.

  “I really did misjudge you.” Elektra smiles, kissing you again one last

  time before she is ushered away by her people. You soon find yourself alone

  with Vanessa.

  “You’re a fucking idiot.” She tells you with utter contempt. “Your cock

  really does do all you thinking doesn’t it?”

  You shrug and flash her a sheepish grin. Vanessa shakes her head in

  disbelief and doesn’t speak another word until you are back in orbit aboard

  the Eclipse.

  “Time to get back on course.” You tell Vanessa, studying the console

  before you.

  “Yes, enough frolicking with pretty princesses.” Vanessa replies acidly.

  “Let’s press on to this mysterious death you have planned for us.”

  “That’s the spirit!” You grin, punching the hyperspace button. The

  hum of the engines builds before the Eclipse lurches as it leaves normal

  space and hurtles into the crimson vortex of hyperspace.


  “I can see something on the horizon.” You tell Princess Elektra, pointing at the dark shape through the window. She joins you, her breath

  misting up the glass. “Looks like it might be a structure of some kind. I think we should try to reach it. I won’t lie to you. It will be hard going, but it might be our only hope of survival if no one intercepts our emergency beacon.”

  “It would appear we have little choice.” She sighs deeply, her

  shoulders sagging.

  You reach up and rummage through an overhead locker, pulling out

  two thick coats and a couple of blankets. You throw the coat and blankets to

  the princess and pull on your own.

  “What are the blankets for?” She asks, furrowing her brow.

  “Much as I enjoy a nice pair of legs,” You reply with a cocky smile. “If

  you intend to keep them, we’d better wrap them up.”

  “You really are an impudent rogue.” She glares at you.

  “Why thank you.” You grin with a half bow. She narrows her eyes at

  you, but you detect a hint of a smile at the edges of her lips.

  A few minutes later, kitted out with all you could salvage from the

  escape pod, you swing open the hatch and step out into the desolate frozen

  landscape. The blizzard is howling all around you, making visibility difficult

  through the snow flurries, but you can still just about make out the dark

  shape in the distance. You suppress a smile at Princess Elektra’s appearance,

  swallowed up
inside the oversized thick coat while her legs are bandaged

  with the blankets and ringed with tape to hold them in place.

  “If only the royal court could see you now.” You grin. She glares back

  at you from beneath the furry fringe of the hood. You turn and begin to

  trudge across the icy wastes.

  It is difficult terrain to traverse and you make slow progress, hindered

  further by the petulant princess who moans and whines at regular intervals.

  The dark shape on the horizon still looks far off, but you estimate you are

  halfway. The sun is beginning to set, an eerie golden twilight falling on the

  ice planet and the temperature dropping still further. Your face feels frozen

  and the cold seems to have penetrated you to your very bones. You pass

  through some rocky terrain and Elektra spots the mouth of a cave in the face

  of an escarpment to one side.

  “Perhaps we should stop in that cave overnight.” She suggests. “We can rest and set off again in the morning when it’s warmer?” It doesn’t

  sound like the worst idea.

  Stop overnight in the cave

  Press on to the structure

  “No, we must press on.” You tell her. “Besides, we might find that we’re not the only ones sheltering from the cold in there.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, if you would rather not form the main course for some

  ravenous snow beast or be torn to pieces by hundreds of raptor bats, I think

  we should continue.”

  The princess blanches at the thought and you trudge on towards the

  structure in the distance.

  As you wearily walk on in the twilight, the snow crunching beneath

  your feet, you see two routes ahead. You can either enter a rocky canyon or

  cross an ice field.

  Go through the rocky canyon

  Cross the ice field

  You push on through the howling blizzard. The twilight soon turns to darkness and the temperature drops dramatically.

  “We should have stopped at the cave.” Princess Elektra tells you

  bitterly, her face turning blue. You don’t have the energy to argue and

  simply turn away, pressing on towards the structure.

  Half an hour later, the structure doesn’t seem to be any closer and you

  are walking into the wind, each step now a monumental effort. You grimace,

  your face feeling numb and raw from the icy gusts. You glance over your

  shoulder and realise to your horror that the princess is no longer with you.

  You quickly retrace your steps, the wind now at your back, but your

  heart sinking with the thought that each step backward is another you will

  have to repeat back into the biting cold of the blizzard. You finally find a

  figure slumped face down in the snow. You roll the princess over and know

  immediately it is too late for her. You lay her on her back in the snow and

  mumble a few words over her frozen corpse before getting unsteadily to

  your feet and turning back towards the distant structure.

  You continue on for perhaps an hour before you drop to your knees,

  the last of your strength sapped. Unable to take another step, you slump

  forward and grimly accept your fate, freezing to death on this Godforsaken



  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  You drop down into the canyon which at least shelters you from the worst of the howling blizzard. It actually seems eerily quiet, your footsteps

  echoing off the rocky walls.

  “I don’t like this.” Princess Elektra tells you nervously.

  “That’s a change.” You snap. You can feel her eyes boring into you, but

  you ignore her, glancing up at the darkening sky. It’s noticeably colder now

  and you begin to think you should have taken your chances with the cave.

  You notice the moonlight glint off something on the crest of the canyon side.

  You stop and squint, focusing on a figure.

  “What is it?” The princess asks.

  “Someone’s up there.” You tell her. “And he ain’t alone.” Twenty or so

  figures have appeared along both sides of the canyon.

  “Look!” Elektra points in front of you at a lone figure walking slowly

  towards you, a blaster in hand. Your own blaster is in your holster. The way

  you see it, you have three options:

  Fight. Try and shoot your way out of the canyon

  Flight. Run back the way you came

  Wait and see who they are

  You quickly draw your blaster and shoot the approaching figure, hitting them square in the chest. The figure collapses back into the snow.

  The remaining figures surrounding you open fire. You are a better shot than

  most and pick off three or four of them, their bodies toppling into the

  canyon. A shot wings you, burning through the flesh of your left arm. You

  grasp the wound and spin to take out the perpetrator, but ultimately there

  are just too many of them. A shot hits you in the back and you are knocked

  from your feet. You hear Princess Elektra cry out and run across to you as

  you try to pick yourself up. She rolls you onto your back, tears in her eyes,

  but you know it’s too late for you. Figures are already abseiling into the

  canyon and approaching you. Elektra is roughly hauled away and one of the

  figures points his blaster at your head, his finger tightening on the trigger.

  The last thing you see is the flash of the muzzle.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  “Quick, run!” You shout at Princess Elektra. You turn and dash the way you came. The thick layer of snow impedes your progress and you have only

  tracked back a short way before you find your way blocked by several more

  of the figures, picketed across the canyon. You slide to a halt and turn the

  other way. The lone figure continues to approach you, slowly and silently

  gliding through the blizzard like a spectre.

  “What now?” Elektra asks you, her voice shaky.

  Try and shoot your way out of the canyon

  Wait and see who the strange figures are

  “You might be right.” You reply. “We’re still a way off, so we’ll shelter in the cave until morning.” Relieved, she nods and follows you into the

  mouth of the cave. You peer into the darkness, stalagmites and stalactites

  protruding like the stone dagger-like teeth of some giant monster’s maw.

  You sweep the beam of your torch from left to right, cautious in case the

  cave is already occupied by some ravenous beast.

  “It feels warmer in here.” Princess Elektra comments as you make your

  way deeper inside.

  “We’re sheltered from the wind chill.” You reply, but as you progress

  further into the depths, the air definitely seems to grow warmer and you

  can hear what sounds like dripping water ahead. The cave opens out into a

  large chamber, the torch beam reflecting off a large pool, vapour rising from

  the watery surface.

  “It’s a hot spring!” You grin, setting down the torch and activating the

  lantern mode. The lantern illuminates the cavernous chamber, the rocky

  ceiling covered in stalactites dripping icy water into the pool creating circular ripples on the still surface.

  “Beautiful.” Princess Elektra murmurs. You nod, before unfastening

  your thick coat and beginning to strip off.

  “What are you doing?” She asks, alarme

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” You reply, stripping down to your underpants.

  “I’m going for a dip.” As you hook your fingers into your waistband, her eyes

  widen and she hastily looks away. You grin, pulling them off and dropping

  them with your other clothes before stepping into the pool. You let out a

  contented sigh as your cold limbs are quickly thawed by the warm spring

  water, wading out until the water is lapping at your chest.

  “You should come in.” You call out. “The water’s nice and warm.” She

  turns back to you, chewing her lower lip thoughtfully for a moment before

  slowly pulling her coat off and unwrapping the blankets from her legs. She

  kicks off her boots and reaches for the dress, pausing and eyeing you


  “Turn away pirate.” She snaps, though she doesn’t deliver her words

  with quite the vitriol of earlier. You turn your back to her and a moment

  later you hear splashing water as she wades out to join you.

  Glance over your shoulder at the naked princess

  Respect Princess Elektra’s privacy

  You keep your back to the princess, hearing her splashing as she wades out to join you. You flinch slightly when you feel her lips brush against your ear.

  “Careful pirate,” She whispers, “I might mistake you for a gentleman.”

  You smile, surprised by her playful, almost flirty words and turn towards her.

  She beams up at you, immersed up to her shoulders in the warm water.

  “Careful princess,” You reply, throwing her a cocky grin. “With you

  looking that beautiful, I might forget I’m not actually a pirate.”

  “We wouldn’t want that would we?” She purrs. Her brown eyes gaze

  up into yours and a subtle smile plays at the edge of her lips as she moves

  closer, her face inches from yours. You lean towards her, tentatively

  pressing your lips to hers. She kisses you back with a passion and desire you

  would not have believed she possessed just a few minutes earlier. You moan


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