Linda Carlton, Air Pilot

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Linda Carlton, Air Pilot Page 21

by Edith Lavell


  _Honors for Linda_

  When Linda was permitted, the following day, to go in to see herfather, she found him conscious, but she knew from his expression thathe was suffering severe pain. However, he managed a feeble smile as sheentered, that sent a surge of joy to her heart.

  "Daddy!" she exclaimed, her voice choked with thankfulness, "you aregoing to get well!"

  He gave an almost imperceptible nod.

  "Yes, dear, thanks to you," he managed to murmur.

  "You mean thanks to the Pursuit--and to Dr. Lineaweaver," shecorrected. She wanted to add Ted Mackay's name to the list, but shefelt it would not be wise.

  Her father smiled; it was like Linda to disclaim any credit for herself.

  "I phoned Aunt Emily last night," she added, "and she is coming out ina couple of days."

  "Well, don't let her make a fuss over me," was his unexpected reply.

  Linda squeezed his hand jubilantly; he was talking like himself again!

  She did not stay with him long--the nurse thought fifteen minutes wasenough--but she was satisfied. Now that she felt sure he was gettingbetter, time no longer hung heavy on her hands. There was so much todo at the ranch--so many activities that she enjoyed. Hiking, fishing,riding horseback, even helping Cates with the kitchen garden or drivingthe battered Ford into Fort Worth on errands.

  Her aunt arrived a few days later, bringing a trunk as usual.Linda laughed at the idea of carrying so many clothes to aranch--she practically lived in her old riding-breeches and khakishirt-waists--but Miss Carlton could not be comfortable unless she wasperfectly dressed.

  "Linda, my darling!" exclaimed the older woman, as they kissed eachother. "Think how near I came to losing you!"

  "Oh, no, Aunt Emily, you mustn't say that! Even though Lou and I werestranded, there was no danger of our dying. We could have hiked thewhole way home, if it had been necessary."

  "But you _almost_ had a serious accident!"

  "Well, we didn't. And since my plane saved Daddy's life, you'reconverted to them now, aren't you?" pleaded the girl.

  "I do think they're useful," admitted the other. "And I really believethat you are an exceptionally fine pilot, my dear."

  "It's awfully sweet of you to say that, Aunt Emily.... But don't let'stalk about it any more. Come in and see Daddy. He's expecting you."

  Miss Carlton was amazed and delighted to find that her brother'sprogress had been so rapid, and she began to talk immediately abouttaking him back to Green Falls with her, in a week or so. He couldbring his nurse with him, perhaps charter a private car.

  "Must we go back so soon, Aunt Emily?" asked Linda. "I love it here!"

  "It's too wild for me," replied Miss Carlton. "And too lonely. Besides,we have to be on hand for Field Day. It's the biggest event of thesummer at Green Falls."

  "All right," agreed Linda pleasantly. "Whatever you say."

  "By the way, did you tell your father about finding the necklace? WhenLouise came home with it, I thought Kitty Clavering'd go crazy! Such aqueer circumstance, too--you girls finding it the way you did!"

  "No, I didn't tell Daddy yet," replied Linda, blushing. She had beenafraid to bring Ted's name, or his father's, into the conversation withher father, when he was still so ill.

  "You see, Daddy," she explained, turning to him, as he lay therequietly on his bed, "Lou and I were taking a trip in the Pursuit,and something went wrong with the motor, forcing us to land in adesolate spot. After our picnic supper, while Lou and I went swimming,we--we--came upon a wrecked plane, and--and--two dead men. The twothieves!" She paused, but suddenly remembered that her aunt did notknow that one of the men was Ted's father, for that fact had beenascertained after Louise left. "And we got the necklace!"

  "Whew!" exclaimed Mr. Carlton, in amazement at their luck, and horrorat the experience. "Pretty sickening for you two girls! But, by theway, did the other fellow have red hair?"

  "Yes, he did. Though Lou and I only saw him from a distance. We didn'twant to go too near, for luckily the necklace was in the man's coatbeside the wreck, and the bodies were some distance away."

  Seeing that the subject was unpleasant to Linda, Mr. Carlton nevermentioned it to her again during her entire visit.

  Three weeks passed happily, and her father was sitting up in his chair,when her aunt's restlessness became so apparent that Linda was willingto go back to Green Falls.

  "You see I'm on the committee for Field Day, my dear," explained MissCarlton, apologetically. "Besides, I hope you can take part in theevents."

  "How could I, Aunt Emily? I'm not in practice for golf or tennis, orany of the contests. I'm afraid I'd be a joke."

  "I thought perhaps you might enter the airplane competitions,"suggested her aunt, to Linda's consternation.

  "Do you really mean it, Aunt Emily?" cried the girl, in delight. "Why,I'd adore that!"

  "Well, we'll see what the program calls for. If it isn't anything toodangerous, like parachute jumping.... And another thing--it is veryimportant for you to be on hand, because Louise is planning a surprisethat you don't want to miss."

  "Is she going to announce her engagement to Ralph Clavering, orHarriman Smith?"

  "Not that I know of! She isn't engaged to Ralph, is she?"

  "She wasn't when I last saw her. But absence often lends enchantment,you know!"

  Miss Carlton looked searchingly into her niece's eyes, but she couldsee only laughter in them. "Wouldn't you mind a bit, Linda, if Louisemarried Ralph?" she inquired.

  "Yes, certainly I'd mind," replied the girl seriously, "I don't thinkRalph--or any other boy we know--is good enough for Lou!"

  "Oh, is that all?"

  "Yes, that's all. Marriage is too serious for either of us--yet.... Nowtell me, Auntie, what you meant by that surprise!"

  "You wait and see! It's something you'll like."

  Linda thought perhaps it was the delightful party that greeted her whenshe landed, three days later, at Green Falls. All of the old crowd werethere to welcome her--Louise and Dot Crowley, the two Claverings, JimValier and Harriman Smith, Sara Wheeler, Sue Emery, Maurice Stetson,and Joe Sinclair. They presented her with a beautiful little silverairplane, a model for her desk, which served a useful purpose as astamp-box. Miss Carlton, who had arrived the day before by train, hadarranged an elaborate dinner for the whole party.

  There was so much to talk about--the championships the young peoplewere hoping to win, the airplane stunts for which two noted flyers hadbeen engaged, the contests in flying that anyone with a private pilot'slicense might enter. In this last event they were all hoping to starLinda.

  "Even a race, Linda," said Ralph, who seemed to have forgotten allabout their quarrel. "You'll enter, won't you?"

  "Yes, indeed!" replied the girl, her eyes shining with anticipation."Aunt Emily has already given her consent."

  Thinking there had been enough talking and too little dancing, KittyClavering suggested that they turn on the radio. She was wearing herpearl necklace, and rushing over every few minutes to kiss Linda orLouise, in appreciation of their having recovered it.

  "This is to be our last party, for almost a week," she said. "Ralphsays we all have to go in training--though I'd never win anything ifI trained for years. But I can't do much, with all the rest of youpracticing tennis and golf and swimming every minute, and going to bedat ten o'clock! So let's make this party good!"

  The evening passed happily, and no one but Kitty seemed to resent thefact that they gave up social activities and late hours for a fewdays. They all worked seriously at their own particular sports, andLinda practiced loops and speeding with her plane.

  Labor Day dawned, hot but clear--splendid weather for the out-doorevent of the season. The Casino and the grounds around it were gaylydecorated for the fete; a band supplied music whenever there was alull, and refreshment-booths everywhere offered an opportunity for theguests to eat outside, if they did not prefer the more formal luncheonand dinner served at the restaurant

  Golf tournaments, swimming races and diving contests were on theprogram for the morning, and the finals in tennis were to be playedoff soon after lunch. Then came archery and quoits, drills by the BoyScouts and a pageant by the Girl Scouts. The last thing before supperwas the exhibition of flying.

  Linda had decided not to go to the grounds in the morning, for shewanted to have a mechanic inspect her plane, to ascertain thateverything was just right before her participation in the mostspectacular event of the day. She arrived soon after luncheon in thePursuit, leaving it at the runway behind the grounds, and strollingover to the tennis matches, watched Ralph capture the men's singles'cup, and Dot Crowley take the women's.

  She found the archery contest interesting, and almost wished she hadentered, for her father had taught her the art of the bow. However, onthe whole she was satisfied to concentrate all her energy upon flying.

  The acrobatics came first on the program; two aviators of considerablerepute in their profession had been advertised, although their nameshad not yet been divulged. What was Linda's amazement, when she heardEdward Mackay and Sam Hunter being introduced by the chairman! This hadbeen her aunt's doing, no doubt, for the latter was on the committee.Was this the surprise she had so mysteriously mentioned, and if so,what was Louise's part in it?

  A hush fell over the huge throng as they watched the two flyers ascendinto the air and demonstrate all sorts of stunts for their amusement.The falling leaf, the Immelman turn, the inside loop, and the much moredifficult outside loop--and a number of others to which even Lindacould not give a name. Then finally, from a height of five thousandfeet, Ted Mackay stepped off in a parachute and came safely to theground.

  While she had been watching these skillful yet dangerous performances,Linda's heart beat fast with excitement, her breath came in littlegasps of fear or relief, as the stunt began fearfully or ended insafety. But now that her own turn was coming, she was surprisingly calmand self-possessed.

  With five other amateur flyers, all of whom were young men, she taxiedalong the runway and took off into the air, mounting to fifteen hundredfeet, carefully keeping clear of her opponents. The looping began; shecompleted one inside loop after another, until she had scored six.Then she realized that she was too near the ground to take a chancewith another, and it was too late to ascend again. With the wisdom ofan Earhart or a Lindbergh, who never sacrifices safety for the sake offoolish publicity, she cautiously landed. A few minutes later the otherplanes all came down. Only one pilot, a college boy whom she had justmet, scored over her by completing ten loops.

  After a short interval of rest, the signal that was to start the racewas given, and a moment later the gun went off, and six planes ascendedagain, this time aiming for speed.

  As the Pursuit soared smoothly upward and then straight ahead, Lindaexperienced a great surge of pride--not for herself, but for herwonderful little plane. It was almost as if it were a living thing,like a beloved horse. So light, so easy to guide, so sure of its power!On and on it sped, forging its way ahead, passing now one plane andthen another until it came abreast of the leader. The thrill, theintoxication of the race took possession of the young aviatrix, and sheurged it on to its fullest speed.

  Now she was passing the one that had looked like the winner from thefirst! The shouts of her friends below were inaudible to her, but shecould feel their applause in her heart. In another second the gun wentoff with a loud explosion which even the pilots could hear. The racewas over; Linda Carlton, the only feminine entry, had won!

  Her friends, even acquaintances and strangers, almost mobbed her whenshe finally landed. And the college boy who had come in second wasnicest of all. He and Ralph, forming a seat with their hands, carriedher high above their shoulders, through the crowd to the Casino wherethe prizes were to be awarded.

  Two cups had been provided as a reward for the looping and the racing,and, amid the applause of hundreds, Linda and her new friend receivedthem. But that was not all; the chairman held up his arm for silence.

  "I have another privilege!" he shouted, and the people suddenly becamequiet. "Our club, which among other things fosters aviation for usefulpurposes, and is always on the lookout for deeds of courage whichresult in the saving of life, wishes to make an award for such anaction. We have discovered, entirely unknown to her, that Miss Carltonmade a record flight to bring a noted surgeon to her dying father, intime to perform the operation that saved his life. I therefore takegreat pleasure in awarding this medal to Miss Linda Carlton, of GreenFalls!"

  A deep wave of color surged over the girl's face as she listened toher own name in connection with the speaker's words. Was it possiblethat this great honor should come to her, when she had merely performedher duty, and been thankful to be able to do it? Her knees shook, hereyelids fluttered, as she blushingly stepped forward again. But shecaught sight of Louise among the crowd--Lou, who had arranged this asher surprise--and then she saw her aunt, with Ted beside her, and shesuddenly felt at ease, and smiled.

  It was over at last, the applause and the congratulations, and Lindawas walking with these three back to her plane when she noticed awheelchair, pushed by a white-clad nurse. It must be--it was--herfather!

  "Daddy!" she cried, pushing her way through the crowd to him. "You arehere! How wonderful!"

  "It is you who are wonderful, my dear girl!" he returned. "I am prouderthan I have ever been in my life!"

  "Daddy--" she lowered her voice--"you don't mind my being with TedMackay? Because Aunt Emily----"

  "Of course not!" he interrupted. "I know all about the boy's part insaving you--your aunt told me. I--I--am ready to admit I was wrong. Youwill forgive me?"

  "Why, of course!" She smiled joyfully; there was so much to be happyabout now. "And may I have him for a friend?" she asked, timidly.

  "So long as you don't marry him--or anybody else--for a long time!"

  Her reply was reassuring:

  "I won't, Daddy dear! My career as a flyer has only just begun!"



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