Merry Medieval Christmas

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Merry Medieval Christmas Page 25

by Elizabeth Rose et al.

"What are you thinking about? Escaping back to your brother?" Faolan watched her with interest, his amber eyes half closed from sleep.

  Not one to bite her tongue Catriona decided it was best to forge straight and be honest. "I am wondering how you feel about seeing her again, the woman you traveled so far in hopes of gaining her heart."

  Uncertainty flickered in his gaze before his looked up to the treetops. "I am not sure how I will feel when seeing her. She is betrothed to my eldest brother Ewan, the wedding to take place very soon."

  The information sunk in and her stomach pitched at knowing the woman would be ever present in their lives. "Where will we live?"

  "In my father's keep, it's quite large. I will ask to move to a set of chambers that is larger than my current one. You'll be very comfortable."

  "What about her? Will you and her..."

  He interrupted her with a kiss. "I made a vow to you. To honor you and be faithful. Do not worry about it. I am not sure how I feel about her, will in all probability not know until I see her."

  Although she admired his honesty, a knot formed in the pit of her stomach. It would remain until after arriving in Skye until Faolan and this woman faced each other. She would be the outsider there, no history with Faolan other than a precious few days and a few moments of intimacy. Needing reassurance, she reached under the furs for him and slid her fingers down his hardening shaft.

  His lips curved and that breathtaking face of his took her breath away. "'ave other things on your mind now lass?"

  He rolled over her, his mouth immediately on hers with the same urgent hunger that roared through her veins. She cupped his bottom and raked nails deep up his back, urging, no demanding he take her. Faolan trailed kisses down her neck to her chest, while his hands moved to squeeze her breasts. His mouth found the tip that was hardened by both passion and the cool breeze that trickled through the opening of the covers. "Oh!" she cried out when he took it into his mouth and suckled hard. Catriona bucked upwards as a primal want shook her. All consuming need sent everything awhirl as she wrapped her legs around his waist no longer able to wait. Faolan guided his hardness to her core, nudged at the entrance and then slid in slowly. He was careful, not wanting to hurt her, but she was beyond wanting and dug her heels into his buttocks. "Harder!"

  He thrust full in, his girth filling her completely until she was sure it would split her in two. Through the haze of want and yearning, she clung to him, her hands gripping his waist then grasping his face bringing his mouth to hers until they feasted and took from one another.

  In the abyss of emotions, she lost control, her body and mind unable to process the enormity of sensations. Catriona cried out as everything split into the most delicious myriad of colors and desires. Faolan continued his climb, now moving fast, delving deep into her while the sounds of his harsh breathing against her ear made her climb begin anew. Sure she would die from it all, Catriona struggled between a need for completion and fear she'd perish.

  She mewled, tears streaming down her face as she let go, trusting he'd never let her fall too far into the abyss. Faolan growled as his large body shook with his release as she floated back into her body clinging to his wide shoulders as if her life depended on it.

  He lay over her, his chest heaving. Still joined, she ran her hands up and down his back, and then pulled the covering back over them.

  They remained silent for a long time until he broke the spell in the sweetest way. He pressed kisses to the side of her face finishing in the hallow of her throat. "You are the most precious gift ever given to me."

  Catriona could not keep a tear from spilling. He lifted his head and peered down at her. "Are you sad?"

  "No," she replied with a sniff. "That was the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me."

  He kissed her on the lips and then pushed up. "I have" And there it was, the way only a man could ruin the sweet moment. Catriona didn't know whether to be angry or agree with him. Finally she decided to be honest.

  "As do I," she replied with a chuckle. "Although I am reluctant to leave the warmth of the furs."

  "I'll race you." Faolan threw the covers from them and got up, she squealed at the cold air rushing over her exposed body.

  Both sprinted into the woods naked and laughing in a hurry to relieve themselves and then return to the wagon and dress.

  Chapter Eleven

  Keep Mackinnon loomed large and grey; the mountains behind it giving the structure a more regal appearance. Catriona studied what would soon be her home, awed by how well protected it was. Even from a distance, guards could be seen patrolling atop the thick walls surrounding the keep. Lower walls encircled what she assumed were homes of other clan members.

  She sat beside Faolan who didn't look to be as awestruck as she. Instead he scanned the area, his face alert. No doubt he was anxious to see familiar faces and be greeted by those he knew.

  A shiver traveled through her and ever vigilant, Faolan automatically pulled her against him mistaking her nervousness for cold. "We will be inside soon and near a warm fire lass."

  Horsemen approached at a full gallop, at front a man who resembled Faolan. By the wide smile and look of relief, the older brother had been worried. Faolan lifted his arm and hollered toward them. "Aye Ewan Mackinnon, how fares everything?"

  The elder brother shook his head, pulled his horse close enough to the now stopped wagon and grabbed Faolan into a tight hug. "Brute, you drove us mad with worry. Mother and Da will have ye flogged for this."

  The brogue was so heavy she could barely keep up with what was said. After traveling so far including the boat out to the Isle of Skye, she was not as prepared as she hoped to be. Her teeth chattered as the sea's breeze blew across sending her cape away from her head and her hair askew.

  "Ye bring a fiery haired lass," Ewan said and the other two horsemen who smiled as brightly studied her.

  Faolan placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. "My wife Catriona Grant Mackinnon. This is my brother Ewan Mackinnon and my cousins Kierick and Brogan, both Mackinnons as well."

  The men's rounded eyes went from Faolan to her in an awkward silence. She wasn't quite sure what to say, so she bowed her head and looked back to them. "Pleasure to meet you all."

  "Lowlander?" Ewan asked his brother after returning her nod.

  "Nay, from near Inverness, Village of Moy."

  "Ah." Once again they all studied her. "Mother will be pleased that you bring such a bonnie woman back as yer wife." Ewan smiled at her and the cousins seemed to relax at this. "Welcome to Clan Mackinnon lass."

  Catriona let out a breath she'd been holding and clung to Faolan's arm as they followed the clansmen to the courtyard.

  She studied Ewan Mackinnon and wondered how the woman Moira felt about marrying him versus Faolan. Both men were handsome, Ewan a bit larger in size it seemed, although she'd not seen them standing side-by-side. The man was well built with thick legs and muscular arms. Unlike Faolan, his eyes were dark, his expressions more broody.

  They received a grand reception in the great hall. Faolan's parents rushed to their son embracing him, both with happy tears flowing freely at seeing he was unharmed. Faolan's father was a large imposing man, just a bit taller than Faolan. When the laird turned to her, Catriona noticed he had the same burnished brown hair as his sons, but his eyes were a piercing green. Laird Mackinnon patiently waited for an introduction.

  It was interesting to see the immediate change in Faolan. He seemed relaxed, at ease, unlike when in Moy, and he was quicker to grin showcasing deep dimples in both cheeks. "Da, Mother, this is my wife Catriona Grant Mackinnon," he told them, his voice wavering just a bit. "She is from a village near Moy. We married just recently." Neither parent said anything, but instead regarded her with astounded expressions. The mother looked back and forth between them as if expecting far more of an explanation.

  Faolan looked to her, his eyes warm. "Catriona, meet my father, Ceardac, Laird Mackinnon
and my mother Greer Mackinnon."

  Catriona managed a wobbly smile unsure of what to say. Greer Mackinnon snapped out of shock first and rushed forward to her. "Welcome Catriona," she said with a wide smile. "How beautiful you are." She took her hands and kissed both her cheeks. "I apologize for our reaction, we were not prepared for something like this. Were sure Faolan had been killed, so imagine the shock of him not only returning well, but married." She laughed, the sound deep and reassuring. The Laird moved to her next and kissed her cheek. "Welcome lass. Please join us for the meal."

  Faolan returned to her side and guided her to a long table. Truth be told, she would have preferred to seek a bed and rest, but not wanting to embarrass Faolan she trudged ahead. Once settled she leaned over to him. "I must look frightful. My hair is askew and I've not had time to wash up from our travels."

  As if on queue a maid came up behind her with a bowl and cloths. Relieved Catriona accepted the wet cloth and wiped her face and hands. It would have to do until she could bathe that night.

  Lady Greer leaned forward from Faolan's right side. "I'll ensure hot baths are brought for you both after we sup. I've sent maids to ensure your bedchamber is prepared for you." Catriona gave her a grateful look just as Faolan stiffened and both she and his mother looked to the door.

  A dark haired woman entered, her gaze barely flickered over Catriona before looking directly at Faolan. It had to be Moira. It seemed no one else noticed the interaction between them, Faolan's older brother stood and pulled back the chair next to his, their parents were busy plating their food while everyone in the hall talked and drank, most looking to Catriona with curiosity.

  Moira finally looked away from Faolan and smiled wanly at Ewan, allowing him to assist her to sit. Faolan looked down to his plate, his brow wrinkled in a frown. Catriona jumped when a maid came from behind and placed a trecher piled with food between she and Faolan.

  The laird stood and lifted his goblet. "Today we celebrate my son Faolan's return." Everyone lifted their cups with shouts of welcome and cheer. Once the people quieted, the laird spoke again. "We also celebrate the marriage of Faolan to the fair Catriona Grant Mackinnon of Moy." Once again the room erupted in cheers. Catriona snuck a glance to Faolan, noticing his wide smile and chuckles at some crude remarks by his clansmen. He seemed not at all affected by Moira's presence. But looking past Faolan, Moira glared toward them. It seemed she was not going to congratulate them, quite the opposite by the way she narrowed her eyes and pinched her lips together.

  Faolan leaned over and whispered in her ear. "They want us to kiss. Give me your lips beauty."

  She'd not heard as all the comments ran together and were heavily accented. Obediently she tilted her face up and at once Faolan took her mouth. The room and its occupants disappeared in that moment, when her husband communicated how much he desired her. When applause and cheers erupted, she flushed and pushed him back. Faolan only laughed and she was glad to see both his parents clapping along with the others. Too flustered by the attention, she was glad for the filled goblet. She drank greedily from the honeyed mead and ate with gusto, enjoying the festive environment and effectively ignoring the silent Moira.

  Before long they were able to make their way to the bedchamber. Catriona wanted to weep at seeing the steamy bath waiting for her. She turned to Faolan. "Would you join me in the bath?"

  Instead of a reply she received a wicked smile, his fingers making quick work of the ties at his throat.

  After quickly undressing he climbed into the bath water giving her a good look at his taut bottom. She smiled at his hooded eyes when she too removed her clothing. "Should I wash you husband?"

  "Nay get in the water with me. I have better plans for yer hands."

  Once she was bereft of clothing she got into the tub and immediately he grasped her hips and guided her onto his already hardened sex. "I have not stopped wanting you in the last few hours. Could hardly wait to join with ye." His voice was husky with want. A bit rougher than she expected, Catriona gasped when he impaled her onto his shaft.

  "Faolan, what has come over you?" She clutched his shoulders and did not wait for a reply as she was soon lost to him, his movements hard and fast taking her to a quick climax. Both cried out, her husband shaking beneath her, head thrown back.

  When the bath was removed from the chamber, Catriona lay upon the bed fully spent, too tired from the events of the day to keep her eyes open. She fell into a deep slumber until whispers woke her.

  The room was almost completely dark, the only light from the moon through the two narrow windows.

  Catriona rolled to her side and reached for Faolan only to find his side of the bed empty.

  "Things are not the same." Faolan's voice was low just outside the door.

  She slid from the bed and on tiptoes silently stalked to the doorway.

  "You cannot be in love. It is obvious to me you tried to make me jealous." A woman replied. It had to be Moira.

  Flattened against the wall, Catriona waited for Faolan's reply.

  "Meet me tomorrow when the sun is high in the sky. At the large rock by the river." Faolan's reply fell over Catriona like ice water. Her entire being chilled. Her chest tightened and her stomach rolled. Did he plan to meet Moira and violate his vows to her? Her mind awhirl she hurried to the bed upon hearing them exchange good nights.

  She pretended to be asleep as he climbed into the bed. When he turned to her and curled his arm around her pulling her close, it took all her resolve to keep from moving away. She'd keep an eye on him the next day, see for herself what he did. If Faolan was unfaithful, somehow she'd find a way to return home. The sooner, the better she had to know the truth of how he felt about Moira.

  Chapter Twelve

  The temperature of the keep was frigid, but not as cool as his wife upon awakening. Throughout the morning meal, she'd kept her head bent and if she replied to a comment he made it was only with a curt word or two at most. He was relieved when his mother came in and whisked her away to show her about the keep. Ewan came to eat next and sat across the table from him.

  His eyes sparkled with mischief at meeting Faolan's. "I hear you made good use of the bath last night. The lads reported there was more water on the floor than in the vessel when they came for it."

  Faolan could not keep from grinning. "I have no idea what ye are inferring."

  They ate while his brother filled him in on happenings there in Skye. He learned that in the weeks he'd been gone, Moira had come to spend a sennight to get to know the family. Although Ewan seemed to accept the upcoming nuptials, Faolan was not convinced it was a good match.

  Ewan's gaze met his. "Our conversations are stilted, she seems to prefer mother's company to mine. I envy the closeness you and Catriona seem to have."

  How things had changed when he'd left; he'd been envious of his brother's luck and now thing were reversed.

  "You can release her from the betrothal," he suggested. In the doorway he heard a throat clear and turned to see Catriona had returned.

  "Your mother was called away for a moment. We will continue the tour of the house and gardens momentarily." She neared and placed a hand on his shoulder and acknowledged Ewan before speaking to him. "What are your plans for the day husband?"

  It was more than she'd said to him all morning, but he decided perhaps it was her way, not to be talkative upon waking. "I will ride with the guard and assume my duties as such. You should remain with mother, she will ensure you have enough to keep you busy."

  Once his mother returned, the two women left again to resume Catriona's familiarization of the keep.

  Ewan studied him for a moment. "How did you come to marry her? Was that why you left, to find a wife?"

  Honesty, his one fault, cut through him like a sharp knife. He measured his answer. "Nay I went away to try and find who I truly was, what my fate was. I was very unhappy when I left, hated everything. I cannot explain truly why." He hesitated upon noting their father listened from
where he sat, then decided it was best to continue. "When I arrived in the village of Moy, I was tired, thirsty, very hungry. I came upon a pub and entered it to eat and drink. I met her brother there." He continued with the story, leaving out the part about the immediate betrothal, but instead speaking of what happened with the laird's son and how after knowing her for a few days felt strongly enough that he'd rather marry her than allow the cruel man to take her as his wife. As he spoke a strange stirring in his chest came upon him and he realized his words were true. He did feel very strongly for his wife. Upon seeing Moira, he'd felt more of a nervous stirring than anything stronger. She'd been harsh in her comments after daring to enter the bedchamber and rouse him from bed. It was lucky Catriona had been so tired and slept through it. His feisty wife would not hesitate to pull Moira's hair to baldness otherwise. He snorted at picturing it in his mind earning a questioning look from both his father and brother. "There is something I must tell ye. Catriona is quite headstrong and speaks more freely than most women. She and her brother often argued over it, but to be honest I enjoy it."

  His Da laughed, the sound hearty. "Then she and yer mother will get along just fine."

  The men sat at the table until it was time to go about their duties. Faolan went to the chamber to retrieve his scabbard and broadsword. Then upon fastening it upon his body, he went to find Catriona. He wanted to tell her how he felt, that he'd fallen in love with her and could not wait for evening to come so they could return to their bed.

  He searched the kitchens and the great room, the sewing room and courtyard were both bereft of both his mother and wife.

  "Faolan?" The old man who worked at the stables motioned him over. "Yer horse needs shoeing. See about it immediately. The smithy in the village will ensure the steed is mountable. A good man never allows his horse to go so long like thus." Old Angus turned on his heel and ambled away without another word.

  Properly chastised Faolan shook his head, took one more look about for Catriona and followed Angus to see about his horse.


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