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Captive Page 27

by Cheryl Brooks

  “So I’m not fired?” Nevid asked hopefully.

  “No, you aren’t fired,” Moe assured him. “Although the next time you decide to go off and leave me, please don’t go out of comlink range.”

  Larry rolled his eyes. “Why you’re still using that antique comlink when I can get you one that will get a message through from halfway across the galaxy is beyond me.”

  “But I’ve had it for years,” Moe protested. “It has all my stuff on it.”

  “Yes, but what good is it if you can’t even use it when you get stranded on some backwoods planet?”

  “You’re right, of course.” Moe started to laugh until he remembered that his comlink had been confiscated when he was arrested. “I’m gonna need a new one anyway. I’m guessing one of the Nedwut guards has my old one.”

  Klara gave him a nudge. “If you ask nicely, maybe they’ll give it back.”

  Moe thought for a moment. “Nah, they can have it. Although I would like to get my music off it first.”

  “You mean you don’t have it backed up in the Cloud?” Larry demanded. “Oh, little brother, what am I gonna do with you?”

  Listening to the lively banter between Moe and his relatives, Klara was already starting to feel like one of the family. But there was one person she still needed to meet, although this probably wasn’t the time to mention it.

  What would her father think of her—particularly since she’d been conceived through trickery? She’d never truly imagined that she would ever have to face him, but now that she’d met other Zetithians, the likelihood of meeting him wasn’t nearly as impossible as it once seemed. Moe had never said where he lived. Perhaps he was on some distant world that the rest of the Zetithians rarely visited, or had a ship of his own to call home. Klara, being somewhat afraid to ask, opted to leave the subject alone until someone else brought it up.

  To return her focus to their current predicament, Klara did a quick head count of those who’d come off the ship versus those who had been aboard and came up one short. “Where’s the Avian guy?”

  “Val’s sifting through the ship’s database,” Jack replied. “He’s hoping to find something in there that would eliminate the need to go to Orpheseus.” With a sardonic laugh, she added, “I hope he does, too—for reasons I’ve already mentioned.”

  “Aside from the fact that Orpheseus isn’t exactly nearby,” Moe pointed out. “Might take us months to get there and back, especially if we don’t find the money right away. I think we should give Val all the time he needs to sort this out. In the meantime,” he said, addressing the crowd at large, “What do you say we head back to the palace, throw this dude in the dungeon, and celebrate our independence with a party?”

  The crowd responded with a resounding cheer. As though Moe had said the magic word, the Nedwuts began a stomping, leaping dance while waving their rifles and chanting “Par-ty, par-ty, par-ty” at the top of their lungs.

  “We definitely need to confiscate their weapons,” Klara muttered. “Perhaps if we asked nicely…”

  Moe nodded. “Better hide the wine, too. A gang of drunken Nedwuts could get out of hand in a hurry.”

  “No shit.” Because most of the townsfolk had come to the spaceport expecting a fight, Klara thought it would be best if they were encouraged to drop off their weapons along the way, as well. Considering the distance, transportation might also be an issue. Velkma would definitely benefit from a ride in a speeder—and so would several of the others, many of whom looked as though they probably wouldn’t make it back to the palace before dawn.

  Glancing toward the road, she spotted a number of stragglers heading toward them, including Temfilk, whose flipper-like feet were stirring up a considerable amount of dust.

  “What did we miss?” he yelled.

  “Damn near everything,” Moe replied. “Except for the party.”

  Temfilk’s feet stopped, his shoulders slumped, and his jaw dropped. “What, no fight?” He sounded as though he were about to cry—that is, if Norludians were capable of shedding tears. To be honest, Klara wasn’t sure if they could.

  “Not much of one, anyway,” Moe replied. “Looks like this particular tyrant is going out with a whimper instead of a bang.”

  “Not too surprising,” Temfilk said. “He never did have much pizzazz.” His expression brightened. “Gonna look great in prison, though. We should build a fancy cage and put him on display in the arena.”

  Moe shook his head. “Exile seems to be the punishment of choice—along with the loss of his assets.”

  Temfilk’s lips protruded in a pronounced pout. “I still think the cage is a good idea. At least for a few days. I mean, he threw us in the arena to die. We should return the favor.”

  “I see your point, but we have to go with what the locals want,” Moe said. “The majority of the locals, that is.” He hesitated for a long moment, a concerned frown on his face, then glanced at his mother. “Do you suppose they’ve ever actually voted for anything before?”

  “Probably not,” Jack replied. “At least, not for a long damn time. They might not even understand the concept of free elections.”

  Klara cleared her throat. “Having lived here all my life, I don’t believe I understand the concept myself, although with her accumulated memories, Velkma might.”

  “It’s pretty simple, really,” Jack said. “Each adult gets one vote for or against an issue or for a particular candidate who is running for public office. You tally the votes and whatever or whomever gets the most votes wins.”

  “Don’t forget that ‘government of the people, by the people, and for the people’ part,” Moe put in. “Unfortunately, while it sounds easy enough in theory, the actual process can sometimes be…chaotic.”

  “I certainly hope not,” Temfilk declared. “We’ve had enough chaos around here already!”

  “Speaking of chaos,” Klara muttered as her stomach lurched. Slapping a hand across her mouth, she made a dash for the edge of the dusty road just in time to lose what little she’d eaten before being marched into Pelarus’s box at the arena.

  Moe rushed to her side, placing an arm around her waist. “Are you okay?”

  She wiped her mouth and took a deep breath before trusting herself to stand upright. “Not really. Might have to miss the party.”

  “Right, kiddo,” Jack said with a firm nod. “You don’t need a party. You need snard. Now.”

  Moe gaped at his mother. “Right now?”

  Jack chuckled. “Not out here in the street, but if you were to give her a quick tour of the Tequila Sunrise, I’m sure everything would be hunky-dory in no time.”

  “A tour will help this?” Without warning, another paroxysm struck, doubling Klara over with dry heaves.

  “I believe she means a tour of the captain’s quarters,” Moe replied. “Specifically, my bed.”

  Klara tried to nod, but immediately thought better of it, since her head was already throbbing. “I know you said that snard would prevent this, but how can I possibly have sex when I can’t stop puking my guts out?”

  Moe swept her up into his arms and started walking toward his ship. “This first time might be a little tricky, but after that, I don’t think you’ll have any trouble again. I’m not letting you out of my sight until those babies are born—and probably not even after that.” He gave her one of his heart-stopping smiles and began purring. “Have I mentioned how incredible you smell?”

  Given the horrible taste in her mouth, Klara doubted she could possibly smell like anything else. Certainly nothing good. “I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  “Bite him,” Jack yelled from somewhere in the distance. “A taste of his blood will settle things down temporarily.”

  Klara gasped in dismay. “I can’t keep food down and she wants me to taste your blood?”

  Moe shrugged. “It’s worth a try. Trust me, after carrying three litters, she would know.”

  An upward glance revealed the strong, enticing column of Moe�
��s neck. If she could just reach it… As her fangs sank into his flesh, she felt a tingle on her tongue. Within seconds, relief flooded her body, a sensation that was quickly followed by a surge of desire.

  “Oh yeah,” she growled. “That works very well. Very well, indeed.”

  Chapter 28

  “You smell even better now.” Moe gave her a squeeze. “Although I didn’t believe it was possible.”

  “I didn’t believe it was possible to feel better that quickly.” Klara shook her head, which was no longer throbbing. “Amazing…” She wound her arms around his neck and licked the wound, which was already beginning to close. “Never would’ve guessed anything so simple would work.”

  “Sometimes the simplest solution to a problem is the best one.” Purring, he nuzzled her ear, sending shivers of delight racing over her skin. “You know how it goes. Don’t like the weather, go indoors. Don’t like the dictator, overthrow him. Your pregnant mate gets morning sickness, let her bite you, then take her back to the ship for a round of serious nooky. Stuff like that.”

  “I’m up for nooky—if that means what I think it does—or a party. Whichever you prefer.”

  “I believe you know the answer to that.” His purring grew even louder. “And, yes, ‘nooky’ means exactly what you think it does.” He sighed. “Shouldn’t take long. We might even get back in time for the festivities. That is, if no one steals my speeder again.”

  Klara had her own ideas about how long it would take. She felt like curling up with Moe and making love for days on end. “I wouldn’t put it past the Racks to take it out for another ride.”

  “That’s okay, as long as they bring it back.” His breath on her neck heralded the swipe of his tongue, an action that nearly prompted her to bite him again. “Wouldn’t want you to have to walk all that way.”

  “There’s always my speeder.” Although she suspected it was probably already being used to take Velkma and Yirland back to the palace.

  “True.” He shifted her in his arms, bringing her face to his. “We should’ve left them with instructions.”

  Noting that the nasty taste in her mouth seemed to have disappeared entirely, she took the opportunity to kiss him—long and slow and deep. “You mean like where to park it when they were done?”

  “Something like that.” He came to a halt. “Hold on a sec.” Shifting her weight to his left arm, he winced ever so slightly, then pressed his right hand against a seemingly random place on the side of the ship. “Hidden palm lock,” he said as the hatch began to open. “How Nevid ever thought anyone could steal this ship, I’ll never know.”

  Klara couldn’t help giggling. “The biggest disruptor he’d ever seen in his life?”

  “Oh, yeah. Forgot about that.” He stepped onto the gangplank and carried her up the ramp. “Welcome aboard the Tequila Sunrise.”

  She glanced around the ship’s interior, taking in the neat, no-frills décor, which, had she never been inside Pelarus’s palace, she would have considered palatial. “Lots nicer than our digs in the Barrens.” If nothing else, it was cleaner.

  “Wouldn’t take much to top that, but thank you anyway.” He kept walking, displaying no desire to set her down. “The ship has quarters for six, so there’ll be plenty of room for you to have your own space if you like.” He stopped suddenly. “On second thought, will you be bringing all of your gang with us?”

  “I have no idea,” she replied. “We’ll leave that up to them.” At the moment, she truly didn’t care one way or the other. “Right now, all I want is you.”

  “No problems there,” he said. “My dick is so hard, I could probably drive it through the bulkhead.”

  “I’d rather you didn’t. I have a much better use for it.”

  “Hold that thought.” He tapped a code into a nearby control panel. “It’s pretty easy to remember. The sequence makes a diamond shape.”

  She stared at him for a long moment before her brain registered what he was talking about—and a moment longer to realize she had no idea what he meant. “I don’t know what a diamond shape is.”

  “Like a square sitting tipped up on one corner,” he replied as a door slid noiselessly open.

  “I really hope you have some sort of learning program to help bring me up to speed on all this stuff.”

  “No worries,” he replied. “I learned everything I know from a computer.” He grinned. “Well, not everything. I had to pick up a few things on my own.”

  “Like how to kiss a girl?” she suggested.

  For a split second, she didn’t think he was going to reply—until his lips touched hers with a heat that flowed quickly from her mouth to her core. “Something like that. What do you think of my technique?”

  “Simply the best.”

  He drew back with a chuckle. “Compared to what?”

  Her jaw dropped. “I dunno… My imagination maybe?”

  After appearing to give this some thought, he nodded. “I’m good with that. Kissing you is certainly better than anything I ever imagined.” Quirking a brow, he added, “In the kissing department, that is. I can think of a few things I enjoy as much, if not more.”

  “I agree completely.” Klara had a brief moment to register that they were now in a room with a bed before being laid gently on the sheets. The bed in Pelarus’s palace might have been softer, but never having shared it with Moe rendered it shoddy in the extreme.

  The mattress sank beneath his weight as he moved in beside her. He slid a hand up her bare thigh, setting off a wave of delightful tingles. “Have I told you how much I like this dress?”

  “Not really.” Growling, she fisted her hands in his hair and pulled him down for a savage kiss. “You never said how much you liked it. Only that it was nice.”

  “Must’ve been stunned speechless, a reaction which I’m sure you’ll agree was entirely justified.”

  “It is very pretty,” she conceded. “Better be careful taking it off.”

  He was already pulling down the shoulder straps. “Can’t promise that. Especially since you already ripped the hell out of it. Although in a sense, it is your wedding dress—on Earth, it would certainly qualify—so I’ll do my best to preserve it for posterity.”

  “What the devil does that mean?”

  He pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder. “Something to keep forever to remind you of a truly wonderful and important event.”

  “Got it.” She turned onto her side. “It unfastens in the back.”

  Moe chuckled. “Pelarus must really enjoy undoing buttons. There have to be at least fifty of them.” He proceeded to undo them one at a time in an excruciatingly slow manner that had Klara biting her lip in frustration.

  The teasing touch of his fingers on her back and his warm breath on her neck nearly drove her insane. “Mother of the gods! Will you please hurry up?”

  “You told me to be careful,” he chided.

  “There’s careful and then there’s unnecessarily careful.”

  She hadn’t even drawn another breath before he tossed her dress onto a nearby chair. His own clothing went flying a moment later.

  “Oh, wow…”

  “Fastest fingers this side of Barada Seven.” He waggled his fingers. “None of my brothers ever beat me at video games.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” She gasped as he slid his cock into her sheath with unerring precision.

  “I seem to be getting better at that, too,” he purred.

  “Yes, you are.”

  Wrapping her legs around his hips, she pulled him in deeper, reveling in the glorious sensation of being completely filled by him. Even the memory of feeling ill vanished as he began rocking into her. Within moments, her first orgasm tightened her hold on him.

  “Everything’s better now,” she said when she had enough breath to speak.

  “And it’s gonna keep right on getting better,” he said. “You just wait and see.”

  She didn’t doubt him for an instant.

  Moe alrea
dy felt wonderful, but reuniting with one’s mate had to be the best feeling in the history of emotions. Relief, joy, downright giddy with happiness… What more was there to say than— “I love you, Klara. Don’t know how I ever lived without you. You’re my first, last, and only love.”

  Her smile told him those sentiments were returned in full. “I see why you loved Althea, though. She’s absolutely beautiful.”

  Moe winced. “Thought you might’ve forgotten about that.”

  “Not likely.” Klara stroked his cheek in a caress so light he barely felt it. “I had a stake in that relationship, you know.”

  He turned to kiss her palm, lingering long enough to savor her unique essence. “You can forget it now. I certainly have. I was glad to see her again, of course, but only the way I would feel toward any lifelong friend I hadn’t seen in months.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Wouldn’t want to have to battle it out with a woman who actually has, you know, powers.”

  “I can relate to that. We were all a little leery of her even as children. She showed promise as a Mordrial witch from a very early age.”

  “Sure you don’t have any Mordrial blood yourself? The, um, speed, I mean.”

  Moe shrugged. “Just a random mutation that occurred when two different species mated. Nobody else in the family has it—at least, not that I know of. Althea’s brother Aidan kept his powers secret for a long time. Some of the others might have done the same thing.”

  Moe thought they were doing an awful lot of talking for a pair who were also in the process of mating.

  Scratch that. We’re already mated.

  Making love, then.

  Yeah. That’s it.

  He considered making it a quick one so they could join the party, but, like unbuttoning her dress, this was something he felt he should take his time with. After all, it wasn’t every day a guy got thrown in the dungeon and still wound up getting the girl. He hadn’t stopped moving throughout their entire conversation, and he saw no need to stop now.


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