Taken by Storm

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Taken by Storm Page 13

by Anna Argent

  Her tongue swept over him, savoring the hot, male taste. His head jerked down toward her and he went still, staring. The muscles in his jaw bulged, and he sucked in hard gasps of air as if he couldn’t get enough. “My empress. On her knees, serving me. It isn’t done.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” she asked, grinning.

  Rather than answering, he burrowed his fingers into her hair and pulled her closer, until the shiny head of his cock was against her lips. She opened for him, letting him guide her to give him the most pleasure.

  As she braced herself against his thighs, she felt them shake. The harder she sucked, the more she swirled her tongue over him, the deeper that trembling became.

  She may have been on her knees serving him, as he’d called it, but she’d never felt more powerful in her life than she did now, making a man as strong as Warrian tremble.

  Her head spun as the heady thrill of conquest filled her. She cupped the heavy weight of his testicles, and felt them draw up closer to his body.

  He pulled free of her mouth, leaning away, gripping her hair to keep her from following him up. His breath came out hard and fast. Even with the chill of the barn, a fine sheen of sweat glistened on his body. Firelight danced over him. Shadows hugged him in loving darkness, accentuating just how beautiful a man he was.

  Without a word, he folded one of the sleeping bags and pushed her back onto it so her hips were propped up like an offering. He went to his knees, pushing her thighs open wide. His expression was intent, his focus on his task complete. The single heated look he gave her dared her to stop him.

  Isa didn’t. She was quivering inside, too excited for what he would do next to even think about slowing him down.

  One thick finger parted her folds, opening her up to his gaze. She knew what he’d see—how wet she was for him, how swollen and flushed.

  “Mine.” He swallowed hard and pressed that single digit into her vagina with slow, teasing strokes. Her body clenched around him, reveling in the small penetration. It wasn’t nearly as much as she wanted—not even close to the thick girth of his erection—but her needy body celebrated his touch as she arched up, silently begging for more.

  He pressed her back down to the folded sleeping bag, his hand splayed low on her abdomen, just above her mound. His fingers tickled her sensitive hip bones, and the pressure he exerted made the finger moving inside her hit just the right spot.

  Tendrils of red light sparked along the rings he wore. She saw those tiny bolts of lightning sink into her skin, felt them dance over her clit.

  A soft whoosh of air left her lungs as the sensation grew. It was nearly too much to take, but she couldn’t bear to ask him to stop.

  Within seconds, she was on the verge of an orgasm. It hovered over her, as hungry and demanding as the look on Warrian’s face. “I will take you with my mouth now,” he told her. “I will taste your pleasure before I fill you with my own.”

  A spike of pure lust drove through her at his words. She shut her eyes, grabbed his wrist and held on tight, hoping the anchor would keep her from spinning away.

  He worked a second finger inside her, creating a delicious stretch she felt all the way to her toes. A moment later, she felt his hot breath fan across her mound, stirring the blond hairs there. She looked up and saw his dark head bent between her thighs, his eyes fixed on hers.

  He didn’t ease into oral sex with gentle licks or small kisses. He dove in, mouth open, tongue lapping, teeth nipping. The sudden assault was too much, streaking through her and squeezing the air from her lungs with the sheer force of the pleasure he gave her.

  His fingers moved within her. The magical red lightning shot through her, making her body clench. And his mouth…she’d never felt anything like it. He was just rough enough to keep her dangling between pleasure and pain, demanding that her body accept what he had to give.

  Her climax ripped through her, shredding her to small, quivering pieces. She drifted inside the never ending waves of pleasure as they lashed against her, leaving her bobbing about, completely out of control. Her choked sobs filled the air, cutting off her high cries of release. The surge of pure feeling carried her high, then slowly receded, until all that was left was her limp, spent body lying in complete relaxation.

  Warrian gave her no time to recover. His fingers disappeared, only to be replaced by the thick, blunt end of his cock.

  “You will take me now, Isa. All of me.”

  She hadn’t thought it possible to feel any kind of lust after surviving her orgasm, but the second she saw his face—the hard set of his jaw, aching need tightening his mouth—she melted for him all over again.

  It wasn’t supposed to be like that. She wasn’t supposed to want anything this badly. But she did. She wanted to feel him fill her, and to see his face as he found the same searing release he’d just given her.

  She was wet, relaxed, but even so, his cock was thick, forcing him to press forward in short, careful thrusts. The clinging glide of skin on skin drove her wild, shoving all rational thought from her head. She knew what they were doing was reckless, but she couldn’t find enough sanity to care. All she cared about was getting this man inside of her as deep as he could go and keeping him there until the world and all its problems no longer mattered.

  He leaned over her, covering her body with his. The heat pouring off him was a welcome protection from the cold air. The tickle of his chest hair against her nipples made her squirm with delight. But it was his mouth that captivated her as he pressed his lips over hers.

  Isa kissed him back, sinking into the act with abandon. His tongue twined with hers, warring for supremacy. At this point, she couldn’t tell who was winning. It didn’t even matter.

  He gave her a throaty groan of surrender, and surged forward, driving the length of his cock in her as far as it would go. She gasped at the intensity of the invasion, breathing through the pleasurable burn of being filled so completely.

  Warrian held firm, pinning her to the sleeping bag with his hips. He placed small, gentle kisses over her cheeks and forehead that felt almost like little silent apologies.

  He had no reason to be sorry. Isa was reeling, struggling to find enough oxygen, but the quivering lust surging through her body with every beat of her heart was like a drug. It made her high, drove away all worry and left her suspended in a place she’d never even known existed.

  As her body accepted his size, her clenched muscles began to relax again. She went soft under his weight, reveling in the power and strength of him as he held himself over her.

  His jaw was clenched so hard she was sure he was going to crack some molars. He was holding himself back—remaining still for her sake, though she could see the strain painted on his face.

  “Are we going to lay here like this all night, or are you going to make me come again?” She asked the question with every bit of regal haughtiness she could muster under the circumstances.

  A slow, wicked smile loosened his jaw as he began to move.

  Within seconds, Isa realized it had been a mistake to challenge him. His powerful body overtook hers, driving a hard, fast pace that left her no room to think. She could barely breathe as each heavy stroke pushed the air from her lungs.

  Dizziness overwhelmed her, adding to the intoxicating effects he already had on her.

  His cock stroked over hidden nerve endings, giving her the kind of pleasure she’d never even guessed was possible. The tingling stretch, the angle of her hips, the demanding pressure dragging over her clit—it all coalesced into a mass of sensation too intense to be believed.

  Isa was left no choice but to go where he took her, clinging to his shoulders for some kind of anchor to reality. The pure, physical pleasure he pulled from her body swept over her, wrapping around her like the finest silken tendrils—soft but unbreakable.

  His mouth feasted on hers. His fingers seemed to be everywhere, stroking and pinching exactly where she needed to force her even higher.

  As the thi
ck weight of his cock moved inside her, it seemed to swell, throbbing in time with each liquid stroke.

  A deep, shuddering sensation rose up from her core, scaring her with its intensity. It burst behind her eyes, blinding her with bright, sparkling pinpoints of light. Her body arched up toward his as she came. She clenched around his erection in a series of hard, gripping contractions she couldn’t control. He swelled within her. His arms tightened around her. A low, rough groan vibrated her nipples as a heavy throb of heat burst inside her. Each fiery pulse of semen pushed her higher, drawing out her climax until she was sure it would kill her.

  She lingered there, suspended inside impossible pleasure until she was gasping for air, letting out faint cries of completion.

  Finally, as the last searing wave of Warrian’s release filled her, she began floating back down to reality.

  She’d never known such sensations could be pulled from her body. It was too much, and yet still not enough. Even before the post-climax flutters eased, even before the cold air had dried the sweat from their bodies, she knew she would always crave more. Warrian hadn’t just had sex with her. It went deeper than that. She’d challenged him, taunted him, and he’d staked a claim on her body that she knew would remain for as long as she lived.

  No other man had ever made her feel like that before, and she feared that no other man ever would again.

  She pushed against his shoulders, needing to put some distance between them so she could think—an impossible act with his cock still thick and throbbing inside her.

  He pulled away, sitting up enough to give her room to roll to her side.

  Warrian shoved the folded sleeping bag out of the way and pushed her flat on her back again, hovering over her. “We are not done,” he said.

  Even the thought of going another round had her belly clenching in weary anticipation. “I beg to differ. I definitely finished. So did you.”

  “My seed is inside you.”

  Isa stifled a groan. She should have thought about condoms, but with all the killing and running for her life, it hadn’t been a priority. Nothing that had happened tonight seemed real, and having unprotected sex with a man from another world was just one more dreamlike experience. At least it had been a nice one.

  “I’m acutely aware of your seed, thanks.”

  He frowned at her like she wasn’t making sense. “Thanks? You can’t mean that. Your heir can’t be from a warrior.”

  “I’m not looking for an heir from anyone. I’m on birth control pills. Or at least I was until my purse was left behind in the exploded farmhouse.” If she didn’t get those pills back to take her regular dose in the morning, she wasn’t entirely sure what might happen.

  As much as she loved the daydream of holding her baby in her arms, she wasn’t ready. She didn’t want her child to be raised the way she had, with only one parent. When she had kids, she wanted it to be the fairytale perfection of two parents who loved each other. Not her telling stories about the hot warrior she’d hooked up with the same night she’d met him, screwing in an abandoned barn during a moment of stress-induced weakness.

  And if what Warrian had said was true, this wasn’t going to be her only reason to need her pills. “We have to go back for my purse,” she told him.

  “It’s too dangerous. The Raide know that location. They may have troops watching it in case we return.”

  “I don’t care. I need my birth control pills.”

  She tried to sit up, but he held her down, his hand splayed between her breasts.

  “There is no need for that,” he said. “I would never have spilled my seed within you had I not been able to prevent a child. Do you really think I’d be that dishonorable?”

  “You’re a guy. They’ve been known to dishonor women when they get the chance.”

  He glowered at her, his voice angry. “I am no guy. Lay still while I finish our interlude with honor.”

  Isa had no idea what he was going to do, but he seemed so insulted by what she’d said, she felt like she owed him a chance to finish their interlude.

  He pressed his hands together, and when he pulled them apart, a pale gray webbing arched between his fingers. He lengthened it, and then draped it over her lower abdomen, letting the sparking light sink between her hip bones.

  The energy pooled inside of her. It was warm, but with a sharpness, like thousands of tiny, popping bubbles. The sensation lasted for less than twenty seconds before dissipating.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  “The light slayed my seed so no child can grow.”

  “Wow. That’s handy. Now I really need to get one of those for myself.”

  “You can’t use the garala on yourself. It must pull sustenance from one creature to do harm or good to another. If you try to affect yourself, nothing will happen.”

  “So if what you say is true, and one of these rapey assholes gets to me and I’m too weak to kill them with my pretty dagger, then what do I do?”

  “You must find someone you trust to help you. But take care, Isa. The garala can be used to prevent conception, but it can also be used to aid it. All members of the council and those they control will want an heir from you. The will do whatever they can to speed that process along.”

  The idea of being stranded on a world with no one she could trust scared the hell out of her. “I won’t let those assholes touch me,” she vowed. “I will kill them if they get close.”

  He stroked her hair away from her face, the gesture so laced with gentle regret, it nearly brought tears to her eyes.

  “You should accept the inevitable. If you choose a man of your liking—one of whom the council approves—the others will leave you in peace.”

  “You don’t get it. I’m not having a baby. I’m not giving this council a child as a tool they can use. And frankly, if the people of your world think this kind of behavior is okay, then maybe it’s best if I just let the Raide have them.”

  “I’m not going to let that happen, Isa. You will go to save Loriah, even if I have to knock you unconscious and shove you through the window myself.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Warrian was furious with himself. For both telling her of the council’s desire for an heir, as well as his lack of control. He never should have bedded her, because now it was going to be even harder for him to separate his duty from his feelings.

  She was going to make him use force against her, which was even more despicable to him now than it would have been before he’d felt the liquid heat of her body and heard her breathless cries of release. She should have remained a duty—a mission—but instead she was now a flesh and blood woman.

  One who was fuming with rage.

  “You’ll what?” she asked, her silky, quiet voice belying the anger quaking through her.

  He stood, stalking across the frigid barn to put some space between them. “You heard me. I will force you to do what is right if you leave me no other choice.”

  She began jerking clothes onto her body. “I’m out of here. You and your beloved council can go fuck yourselves.”

  Warrian flinched at the image that shoved into his mind. “You’re not leaving without me. It’s too dangerous.”

  Her breasts disappeared beneath her shirt as she yanked it on. “Maybe. But at least it’s only dangerous to me.”

  He found his pants and shook the dust free. “I don’t see how that is true.”

  “Me,” she said, as she tugged her tiny pink pants on over her hips. “Not pregnant me. No heir, no child—no one to suffer but me. And it’s going to stay that way.”

  “What about the countless children on Loriah? They will suffer. The Raide will do to them what that one did to you. They will torture and enslave them. They will be used as leverage to ensure the cooperation of their families—families that will be torn apart. Will you truly be so callous as to allow that to happen?”

  She clamped her lips shut as she finished dressing.

  Her mother’s blade sat n
ext to the keys, on top of the pile of supplies. Warrian retrieved both, holding them hostage.

  Isa glared at him as she wrapped a sleeping bag around herself to stay warm. “If you think that’s going to stop me, you’re wrong. I’ll go out on foot if I have to.”

  “You will freeze until you die.”

  “Maybe. But at least it will be on my own terms. Not yours. Not some council’s.”

  Warrian’s phone buzzed, pulling his gaze from Isa’s furious scowl. Talan’s face showed on the screen, his inked scalp drawn down in a frown.

  “Yes,” Warrian answered.

  “I have your warrior,” said a voice. He spoke English, but his accent was unmistakably Raide. “I want the woman.”

  “You can’t have her.”

  “I will kill the Imonite,” warned the Raide.

  Warrian’s gut lurched with a sickening combination of fear and rage, but he let none of it infect his voice. “The woman is mine.”

  Isa’s eyes went wide, and she froze where she stood. “What’s going on, Warrian?”

  “I will find her,” said the Raide. “You can’t keep her from me. All you can do now is save your friend. Think carefully before you choose.”

  Warrian’s soul broke as he realized what he had to do. Talan was a good man. He’d been on Earth longer than any other warrior, sacrificing so other men would not have to leave their families. He’d fought and bled for Loriah, giving more than was expected.

  And now Warrian had to sentence him to death.

  Something deep inside his chest went hard and cold, freezing as it died. “Kill Talan if you like. The woman is mine.”

  Warrian hung up, watching as Talan’s image disappeared from the small screen.

  The burden of his decision weighed on him, making his bones ache. “Get in the truck,” he ordered the empress. “We can’t stay here.”

  “What the hell is going on? Who’s going to kill Talan? And why the hell aren’t we going to stop it?”

  He grabbed her arm through the sleeping bag and started marching her toward the door. “There’s nothing the hell we can do. I will not trade your life for his.”


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