Embracing The Inferno (Dragon Within #5)

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Embracing The Inferno (Dragon Within #5) Page 4

by Kyra Dune

  "You know that's not possible," Megara said. "They'd ask all sorts of questions we can't answer."

  I wiggled my toes, as well as the fingers on my left hand. "It's not too bad. My head doesn't even hurt that much." My arm was going numb, but I didn't think Derek would like to hear that so I kept it to myself.

  "Not too bad?" Derek asked. "You could have a concussion. Or internal bleeding. And someone has to set your arm." He turned to Megara again. "How, exactly, did she get hurt this bad anyway?"

  "I'm fine, really," I said quickly, before Megara could have the chance to tell my brother she hurt me on purpose to teach me a lesson. "My head is fine. My arm is fine. I'm fine. I don't need a hospital. Everything is fine." I winced at my own words. Anybody saying 'fine' that many times in a row, pretty obviously wasn't. "I've been banged up before and I didn't see a doctor." More times than I cared to count, actually.

  "Malcolm can set an arm," Megara said, still cool as ice in the face of my brother's rising fury. "Go on and get him, Jonah."

  "No, Jonah," Derek snapped, "you stay right there. Stephanie and I will be taking Abby to a hospital and we're not coming back. The rest of you go on and fight your little war if you think it will change anything. We're finished."

  Megara scoffed. "And be out there on your own when Alastair finds you again? That's a fool notion." She gave Jonah a sharp look. "Go." He hurried from the room.

  "Alastair won't find us," Derek said. "We'll lay low. Stay under the radar. Live our lives."

  "Like your parents did?"

  For a minute, I really thought he might use his fire on her. I've never seen him as angry as he was right then. I was so glad when Stephanie stepped in and laid her hand on his arm. "Let's all just be calm, okay? You're upset. Don't do anything you might not live to regret."

  Derek shrugged her hand away. "Don't tell me to be calm. I've made my decision. That's it. End of discussion. I should have taken both of you away from this a long time ago."

  "And where's my say in all this?" Using my good arm, I propped myself up a little. The room spun and my stomach severally protested the motion, but I wasn't about to lie there and let someone else decide the course of my life. No matter how good his intentions were.

  "If you want to take Stephanie and go, then do it," I said, trying to sound firm and not like I was seriously thinking about throwing up. "I'm staying."

  "You hit your head." He said the words slowly, then touched the side of my head like maybe otherwise I wouldn't understand what he was talking about. "You don't know what you're saying. You're not thinking strai--"

  "Stop it." I jerked my head sideways and I swear my brain swished around in there a little bit. I had to grit my teeth to keep what little I had in my stomach from coming up. "I'm not a kid. I know you're trying to make up for all the years you didn't get to be my big brother, but I can make my own choices. This is my life. I don't need you to take care of me."

  I could tell by the look on his face I'd hurt him, again. I didn't want to do that, but I couldn't give up on my plan. I couldn't run away and stick my head in the sand hoping the past would never catch up to me. Because it always does.

  The door opened, but it wasn't Jonah coming back with Malcolm. It was Tim, the dragon who ran all the computer equipment back at the bunker. And judging by his expression whatever he had to say was not good. He flicked a look at me before giving his full attention to Megara. "We need to talk."

  My stomach dropped as they stepped out into the hall. He had the video. I was as sure of it as I had ever been of anything in my life. He'd seen everything. Heard my little speech. Knew about Zack. All my secrets were about to blow up in my face.

  I jumped off the table with no clear idea of what I was going to do, just that I had to do something. I hit the floor on my knees before I even realized my legs weren't going to hold me. I didn't black out, but it was a near thing. For a couple seconds I couldn't hear anything but the rushing roar in my ears. Spots danced before my eyes.

  Derek crouched beside me, laying his hand on my shoulder. "What do you think you're doing? Are you trying to kill yourself?"

  I swallowed back a sour taste in my mouth. "I have to... to..." The room spun around me in dizzying circles. "I think I'm going to be sick."

  But I wasn't, thankfully. If there's anything I hate worse than crying, it's puking. Jonah and Malcolm arrived then and Megara let them squeeze past her through the door. I caught a glimpse of her expression and it was not good. Oh god, things were about to go seriously sideways and there I was on the floor without even enough strength to move, let alone to call on my powers to protect me.

  Stephanie pulled Derek away from me so Malcolm could take his place at my side. He had a look at my arm, then nodded. "This is going to hurt a bit."

  "It already does," I said. "I can handle it."

  "Right then. I'll pop your shoulder back in first." He lightly placed his hands on either side of my shoulder. "On a count of three, you do the counting."

  I took a deep breath. "Okay. O-- Ow!" Yeah, that was me screaming because Malcolm didn't even let me get out the first word before he snapped my shoulder into place. Tears streamed down my cheeks. It hurt. A lot. My arm was definitely not as numb as it had been a second ago.

  Derek took a step toward us, but Stephanie still had hold of his arm and held him back. "Don't get in the way."

  "But he hurt her."

  Malcolm glanced at my brother. "Bound to hurt." Then he held his hand out to Jacob. "Give me the sheet." Jacob handed over a clean, white sheet which I guessed he meant to use as a sling. "This is going to hurt a whole lot more, so go on and scream or cry or puke, whatever you got to do. Ain't no shame in it."

  "Gee, thanks." I rested my head back against the edge of the table. "I guess there's no point in me even starting to count."

  "Nope. This ain't going to be quick."

  Here's a word of advice from me to you, don't ever let somebody set your broken arm unless they have a medical degree. I didn't puke, so bonus points for me. But screaming and crying? Yeah, I did both of those. Jonah had to put his arms around me to hold me still because when you're in that kind of pain your brain kind of short circuits and all your body wants to do is whatever it takes to get away. Now I understand why people rescuing animals sometimes get bit.

  By the time Malcolm finished, I was sweating and shivering and frankly shocked my powers hadn't responded to the situation. Maybe I was just too worn out. Derek took Jonah's place and I was only too glad to lean over and rest my head against his chest.

  "We should get you back to your room," he said. "Do you think you can walk?"

  I started to say yes, of course I could walk. Act all tough, you know? But then I decided being carried out of the room would be less embarrassing than trying to walk and ending up flat on my face. I was feeling pretty shaky by then. "No."

  Derek slid one arm around my waist and the other under my knees. "Tell me if I'm hurting you."

  "Okay." I did get jostled some as he picked me up and it did hurt, but I bit my lip and didn't say anything . I knew he was trying to be careful and I didn't want to make him feel bad. Besides, it's not like there was any way he could have picked me up without hurting me at least a little.

  Megara stopped us halfway across the room. I'd completely forgotten all about her and the video, but the minute I saw the stormy expression in her green eyes I remembered quick enough. My stomach clenched as I braced myself for whatever was about to happen.

  "So, it wasn't only the tracker who betrayed us." Her voice was calm, but it was that deceptive kind of calm with anger boiling just beneath the surface. "Where is he?"

  "What are you talking about?" Derek asked.

  Megara never took her gaze from my face. "Ask your sister. Ask her what Tim saw on her little videotape. Or rather who."

  Derek looked down at me. "What does she mean? What videotape?"

  "Curtis' movie," I said. "Luka and I have been... uh, adding to it."

bsp; Tim scowled. "She's planning on exposing our kind to the humans."

  "She wouldn't do that." Derek's voice faltered. "Would you?"

  I forced myself to meet his gaze, hoping he could understand. "I'm trying to save us. If the whole world knows the truth, the clans will have to stop killing hybrids."

  I could see the struggle on his face, how his feelings as my brother were at war with his feelings as a dragon. His expression set, he looked to Megara. "Abby would never betray us. She's... confused is all. She's been through a lot. You can't blame her for wanting to stop the killing."

  "She was raised by humans," Tim sneered. "Is it any wonder she would choose them over us?"

  Derek shook his head. "You're wrong. You don't know her like I do. Her heart is with us. Whatever she's been doing , it's because she really believes it's for our own good."

  "Is that right?" Megara arched a brow. "Tell him, Abigail. You tell him who is on that tape with you and let him see where your heart truly lies."

  I did not want to do that. Maybe Derek could understand about my plans to expose the dragons. Maybe he could stand up for me over that. But Zack? I wasn't sure if that would be pushing him too far. But what could I do? If I didn't tell him, Megara would. Or Tim. And he deserved to hear it from me.

  "The other day after I left the diner," yeah, okay, more like fled, but whatever, "I... I ran into Zack." I flinched as my brother's face immediately closed off, but I couldn't stop there. I'd started it, might as well tell the whole truth. "We had a talk and... and then I snuck out of the hotel to meet him last night." The look in his eyes was awful. "Please, it's not what you--"

  "I don't want to hear it," he said. "You saw Zack and you didn't tell anyone? And then you... you snuck off to be with him? After everything he did? What is wrong with you?"

  His muscles had tensed up, but at least he didn't drop me on the floor.

  "Derek, listen to me," I said. "Zack wasn't responsible for--"

  "Do not say his name again." My brother's voice had an edge to it he'd never used when talking to me before. "Just stop."

  I pressed my lips together even though all I wanted to do was make him see the truth. But how do you explain something to someone who refuses to listen? I could talk until I was out of breath, he would never believe Zack was not the enemy.

  "I'm putting you on lockdown," Megara said. "Malcolm has a storm cellar out back that should work well enough to hold even a hybrid."

  A cold chill went straight through me. I tried to meet Derek's gaze. Surely he wouldn't let this happen. Not after the way my grandfather locked him up in a corncrib and left him to die. But he wouldn't look at me, he just stared straight ahead, jaw clenched. My heart sank. Could he really turn against me that easily? I knew he hated Zack, but I was still his sister.

  On our way out of the hotel, Megara gathered up three more dragons who I could only assume would be my guards. I didn't know their names, but I knew they were fire dragons and that made me extra nervous. Even though my brother was one, fire dragons scared me more than any other kind. Outside of Megara, of course.

  Behind the hotel was the storm cellar. I clutched Derek a little tighter when I saw it. I did not want to be stuck down there by myself. Malcolm lifted the door and flicked on the light, so at least they didn't mean to put me in the dark.

  Derek carried me down the stairs and it actually wasn't as small down there as I expected it to be. My room in the hotel wasn't much bigger. But those blank, windowless, gray walls reminded me of a prison cell.

  The room even had a little cot, and Derek sat me down on it. As he started to step away, I grabbed hold of his arm. "Don't hate me, please. I know what I'm doing. I need you to trust me."

  I hope nobody ever looks at you the way my brother was looking at me right then. "If you didn't tell me you saw Zack, what else are you hiding? Trust you? I'm not sure I even know who you are." He pulled away and went back up the stairs.

  I was all twisted up in knots and feeling like I wanted to cry again. But then Megara came down into the cellar and no way was I going to do that in front of her. I sat up a little straighter and lifted my chin, trying to look strong and defiant and not the least bit terrified of what it was she meant to do.

  "Where is Zack?"

  "I don't know. But even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

  She slapped me. Hard. Something I was totally not expecting. "You'll tell me what I want to know or things will go very badly for your brother. Where. Is. Zack?"

  I gritted my teeth. "You hurt my brother and I'll rain hell down on you."

  "Don't threaten me, little girl. You don't know what hell is."

  "It's not a threat." My voice didn't even waver as I glared back at her. I don't know if that makes me brave or stupid. "It's a promise."

  Another slap, and this time the air kicked up around me in response. Megara's lips twitched and I honestly don't know if it was the hint of a snarl or a smile. "You have the raw power, no denying that. But you lack self control." She took a step back. "I've given those dragons outside very specific orders. You try and escape, and they'll turn this cellar into a barbecue pit."

  See, that's why fire dragons bother me so much. I can't imagine many worse ways to die than being burned alive. Megara started up the cellar steps. I know all about curiosity and the cat, but sometimes I can't help myself. "Why am I still alive?" I called after her. "Why don't you just kill me?"

  Megara paused, giving me a wicked smile over her shoulder. "Live bait works better than dead."

  "Bait? What are you--" I drew in a sharp breath. Yeah, I can be a little slow sometimes but I get there eventually. "Zack."

  "He's a smart boy and well trained. He wouldn't come around risking himself to get revenge for your death. But to save your life?" She shrugged. "Well, we'll see, won't we?"

  My brain screamed at me to do something. Instead, I just sat there, watching her walk up the stairs and shut the door. I had to think of a way to escape, and fast. But how? Sure, I could blow the cellar door off its hinges, but then I'd get blasted with fire. Even if I pulled up a shield, I wasn't sure I could take out three dragons on my own. My head and my arm both throbbed, making it hard to concentrate on even thinking up a plan, let alone seeing one through.

  "This is bad," I muttered to myself. "This is really, really bad."

  Megara was right. I was the perfect bait for Zack. He wouldn't come for anyone else, not under these circumstances. No one but me. Because I made him stupid. And maybe this time that meant I was going to get him killed.


  Time slowed to a crawl as I switched between pacing the small room and sitting on the edge of the cot. Forget trying to sleep, even though I was honestly kind of tired. My head ached, my arm throbbed, and the makeshift sling was rubbing a sore spot on the back of my neck. Add to that the life or death situation I'd put not only myself but everybody I cared for in, and it all added up to a situation not exactly good for trying to get some rest.

  I was in the pacing part of the rotation when I heard the cellar door open. I froze, expecting it to be Megara, though I didn't know why she'd come back before her trap had been sprung. Unless it already had and I just didn't know it yet. The thought made my chest tighten.

  But it wasn't Megara who came down the steps. "What are you doing here?" I asked as Jonah stopped before me.

  "Megara's getting a bit impatient waiting for Zack to come rescue you," he said, shifting the backpack he had slung over one shoulder. "And since threatening you didn't work, she thought you might respond better to a friendly face."

  "Does she think I'm stupid, or weak?" I sank down on the cot. "I'm not going to spill my guts to you anymore than I would to her. Even if we are friends. Or at least, we used to be." I searched his face, wondering how he felt about all this.

  "No used to be to it." He sat down next to me. "I wish you had told me what you were thinking, maybe I could have helped somehow. But I understand why you didn't. This plan of yours... not ma
ny dragons would appreciate it."

  "So you don't think I'm crazy?"

  "Oh no, you're definitely crazy." Jonah smiled. "But it's when you're crazy you need your friends most. Here, I brought you something." He swung the backpack off his shoulder and sat it on the floor. From inside, he pulled out a bottle of water and a little plastic baggie holding about a dozen pills. "It's for the pain."


  Jonah handed me one of the pills, then unscrewed the top off the bottle of water while I popped it in my mouth. After I'd washed the pill down, I asked, "Where did you get painkillers?"

  "After Megara locked you up, I took myself a little walk. During which I had a not so pleasant encounter with your tracker. He's very intense."

  My heart almost stopped. "You saw Zack? Did... did you tell Megara?"

  "Of course not." Jonah looked wounded I even thought I had to ask. "I went out hoping to get his attention. And I did. We had a conversation, though I have to say it's not so easy to talk with a razor sharp icicle pressed to your jugular." He touched a hand to his throat. "But I filled him in on what was going on. He got you the pills. I don't know where he got them from, I didn't ask."

  "He wouldn't have told you even if you had." My mind and heart raced. I didn't want to get too excited, but if Zack knew about the trap he would never walk into it. He would be safe. I was glad for that, even though I wasn't sure what it meant for me.

  "What about Luka and Derek?" I asked. "Are they okay?"

  "They're fine." Jonah leaned back against the wall. "She doesn't dare hurt either one of them, not with things as unsteady as they are around here. You aren't the only one getting tired of all her war talk."

  I picked at the paper label on the water bottle. "Have you talked to Derek?"

  "I tried, but he wasn't having any of it." Jonah's expression softened. "He's pretty upset about Zack. You should have told him."


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