Rescue Or Recovery

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Rescue Or Recovery Page 4

by Dave Hazel

  “We’re so glad to see you Mykal,” Major Innes said and patted Mykal on the shoulder but that was the extent of his demonstration of happiness and joy.

  “How the hell are you alive?” Major Chick gasped and pulled back again and took a double take to look over his entire body. The amount of dried blood all over his uniform was shocking. “Everyone said you were dead. The men I spoke to personally said you had been hurt badly. They said there was no way you could possibly survive the attacks you suffered.”

  “Well those people don’t know me,” Mykal snickered to play it off. “Whatta ya gonna believe? What those people who don’t know me say to you, or what your own eyes show you?” He laughed and pointed to himself standing there with a broad smile.

  “Mykal it is really great to see you,” Captain Taylor laughed with them and stood back to eye Mykal’s body. “Are you really okay?”

  “Don’t I look it? What, do I look like a ghost?” Mykal laughed at them and he could see out of the corner of his eye that people started to notice what was taking place. The word spread rapidly that Mykal was alive and a mob formed even quicker.

  “No Myk,” Captain Taylor replied and looks somewhat embarrassed. “But everyone said that you died.”

  “I am honestly fine, but I’ve heard some shit, some bad shit, that things have changed cuz I’m dead,” Mykal declared though he was in essence asking a question. “Clearly I’m not dead, so nothing had better not have changed,” he said angrily and paused. “I guess I meant to say nothing had better changed,” he added and paused to think it through because it didn’t sound right. “I know the first one had a double negative, but you know what the hell I’m trying to say. There better not be any friggin changes cuz I’m planning on taking my people back to the other side of Towbar’s world in just a few minutes.”

  “Well,” Major Chick started to answer and stopped. All three of their faces showed that something had changed. “You may want to have a one on one with Colonel Fisher,” he said in a tone that showed things weren’t the same as they were a few days ago. He turned his head away slightly as if to give a secret message. “I know you have a special relationship with the colonel.”

  Mykal believed Major Chick was telling him he would have to threaten Colonel Fisher. “Where is he, cuz I’ll go talk to his ass right now,” he said in a tone that was clearly hostile. “I’m not dead so nothing better not have changed. Whether I’m grammatically correct or not, yous know what the hell I’m saying. I’m telling yous three right now that if he pulls any of his stupid shit I’m gonna tie his ass up and take him back to the real world and drop his ass off on some random street corner and leave his ass there for good,” he threatened and the New York street punk he used to be seemed to surface. After he said it he deliberately laughed to make it sound like he was joking, though the truth of the matter was he wasn’t far from actually hurting the person who was becoming his stumbling block. ‘I gotta friggin stop,’ he thought as he glanced down at the gold band on his right hand.

  “Towbar, did you know he was alright?” Major Chick asked to take the focus away from the fact Mykal just made a light hearted threat against the senior man on their military installation.

  “I was fairly certain he was fine, however I wanted to make sure before I spoke of his condition to prevent there being any arguments and disruptions based on the rumors that had spread. Instead of my coming forward to declare he would be well, Mykal decided to show you himself that he is the picture of health.”

  “And I’m so glad to see you’re doing great Mykal, I really am,” Chick said. “But Colonel Fisher declared there will be no more trips to the other side of the world. When we questioned him about the Princess Doninka,” Chick paused for a moment.

  Major Innes cut in. “Colonel Fisher said she wasn’t as important as you think she was and if we truly wanted to rescue her we could intercept her at the hand off of King Loankore to the Sosos on the 7th of February.”

  Mykal wanted to explode but kept his cool so as to not threaten Fisher in front of these three senior officers. “From what I understand King Loankore doesn’t know what’s going on, so how is he going to be there for the trade?” He asked in order not to lose his cool and say something that would be deemed as a threat which would be damaging to him later.

  “There are a couple of options on the table Mykal,” Major Innes replied and was obviously trying to keep cooler heads focused on the situation. “One option is to have some of our people along with some of Towbar’s generals to drive out to Beramus, inform the king of the situation, and if he was willing to put himself at risk, which we believe he would be more than willing to do, then we would bring him back here and set up our plan to interrupt the trade and intercept the princess.”

  “That’s friggin bullshit,” Mykal snapped and breathed heavily to help keep his composure. “That’s not gonna work.”

  “Another option was to have a look-alike stand in, so the king would never be at risk, and then the king would never have to know of the entire situation,” Major Chick added.

  “So Colonel Fisher is fine with just writing off Princess Doninka? Right? Is that what you’re telling me?” Mykal snarled and the three officers seemed surprised by his anger. “Doninka and the poor schlub who is gonna fill in for the king will be killed and accomplish nothing. I believe that will do far more harm cuz I think the king will turn on us for not doing more and for not letting him know what’s really going on. Wouldn’t you agree?” Mykal asked and turned to Towbar.

  “I do not know how the king will react,” Towbar replied and showed his disappointment. “However, if harm should come to his daughter, I know for a fact that he will feel betrayed,” the giant added as he thought through the situation. “It will not turn out well. He will not look on our alliance favorably if Colonel Fisher played a role in her harm. I say that as to mean Colonel Fisher’s part would be in the prevention of soldiers going to rescue her.”

  “Mykal, I agree with you one hundred percent,” Major Chick declared.

  “We all do,” Major Innes agreed.

  “But our hands are tied. Colonel Fisher outranks us and he is the senior command officer,” Chick explained. “We can’t go against his orders.”

  “And we do not have the ability to go over his head,” Captain Taylor added.

  “I’m glad to hear that cuz his orders are gonna change,” Mykal declared which clearly sounded like a threat. “I promise you, his orders are gonna change and we’re going back to the other side of the world to continue our attempt to rescue the princess.”

  “Mykal, you’re not going to,” Captain Taylor started and paused.

  “What?” Mykal snapped at Taylor’s supposed fear.

  “I think he meant you’re not going to threaten him, are you?” Chick asked.

  “No. I’m not gonna threaten him. I’m gonna friggin hurt him,” Mykal snarled in a hateful way and punched his open palm in a way that couldn’t be taken as a joke. “He will change his damn mind or his ass is going back to the real world and then you’ll be in charge,” Mykal snarled his plan while he pointed his threatening finger in Chick’s chest. “And anyone who has a damn problem with that will join him back in the real world never to come back here again.”

  “Mykal, please don’t go to such extremes,” Major Innes responded before Major Chick could reply. “Let’s try to talk with him and make him understand the importance--”

  “Wait a friggin minute,” Mykal cut Innes off. “Nothing has changed. There is no damn truth to the rumor that I died. So there shouldn’t have been any changes to what we were doing. So far we lost thirty-two men on that side of the world. Men who volunteered to help rescue her to save this threatened nation. I’m not gonna allow their deaths to be in vain.”

  “We should have a meeting with Colonel Fisher and sort this out Mykal,” Major Innes suggested and looked to Chick and Taylor for their agreement.

  “I agree, but I’m going to talk to him first,�
� Mykal demanded. “Cuz I don’t care what his friggin rank is. I’m not in the military anymore and I’m not gonna take his shit. I was sent here on a mission by the President of the United States and this happens to impact my mission.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather we come with you Mykal?” Major Chick answered.

  “No, cuz if he’s not gonna like what I say I don’t want him to be upset with you guys. He can be upset with me all he wants cuz I’m not a military pee-on anymore. Since time is an issue I have, I’m gonna talk open and honestly with him.”

  “Are you going to go to his tent to speak with him?” Captain Taylor asked.


  “Just to give you a heads up Myk,” Chick said and automatically looked around him to insure no one could hear him. “He has an extra-large tent. He had something like five or six eight man tents put together with a small generator to keep a small refrigerator, stove et cetera.”

  “And he has some other small comforts that separates him from the rest of the force,” Major Innes added. “Which is all fine and good,” he added and shook his head. “The man is entitled to the small comforts we lack, due to his rank and position. We’re not arguing that, but I want you to be aware that he keeps five to eight armed guards around his quarters at all times. Whether he is present or not.”

  “People have to make an appointment to meet with him,” Chick declared.

  “I’ll get an appointment with him,” Mykal said and started to laugh at their doubtful expressions.

  “His guards are really strict about not allowing people through that he doesn’t ‘have time for’. And they are firm in their practices,” Captain Taylor said and made air quotes around ‘have time for’. “His men have been with him for a couple of years, so let me just say,” he paused and swirled his hand while he tried to come up with the right words. “They are very good at what they do for him.”

  “Let’s just say that I have ways of convincing people to see things my way,” Mykal said and started to laugh. He looked at Towbar and laughed even more. “Let me tell you what I oughta do,” he said while laughing though his eyes held and intense anger. “I oughta have the green fog appear right over his little area and then where ever the hell they end up, so what?” He added with an evil laugh. “I’m going to go have a talk with him and I promise you his attitude will be different or our mission here in Towbar’s world will be over,” he added as a threat, but he knew Percy and the President wouldn’t hear of it.

  The three officers looked at Mykal in disbelief.

  “Don’t worry about it. I promise you he will see things my way. I’m gonna go talk to him right now.”

  “Be careful Mykal,” Major Innes said. “His guards take their position seriously.”

  “Thanks. I really appreciated the heads up, but I take my position seriously too,” he said and laughed. Though Mykal was still uncomfortable due to his pain level, he wasn’t about to allow pain to keep him from doing what he knew had to be done.

  “Please be careful Mykal,” Major Chick said as if Mykal wasn’t taking the information seriously.

  “I will. Let’s go,” Mykal said and turned to Towbar.

  “What will we do my friend?” Towbar asked quietly while they made their way back to the vehicle.

  Mykal waved to a couple of men who acknowledged his return though he was trying to avoid the mad rush of the mob he feared would encircle them if they didn’t depart the area quickly. “I’m going to visit that sonovabitch and I’ll have to turn invisible. I might actually have to hurt his dumb ass. And I might seriously send him back to the real world.”


  “Thanks for the ride guys,” Mykal said to Sergeant Barry and his team.

  “Are you sure you want to be dropped off here?” Barry asked. They had stopped about two hundred yards from Colonel Fisher’s quarters.

  “This is fine. Me and Towbar want to talk over a couple of things while we walk to his tent,” Mykal lied. “But I need you to do me a favor if you would. Please go and find Captain Diaz and Lieutenant Finley. I need you to tell them I’m getting Colonel Fisher to change his mind right now and I plan to go back to the other side of Towbar’s world in the next hour. Ask them to get the men together. If the men aren’t prepared or don’t want to go back then I’ll take all new men, but I plan to leave today.”

  “Will do Mykal, and my men will be ready with the vehicles,” Staff Sergeant Barry promised.

  Mykal and Towbar watched the vehicle drive away. “Now we’re gonna go walking up to the Colonel’s tent. I will be invisible cuz if he’s not willing to see anyone right now, even you, well he’s gonna have one hell of a surprise when I surprise him by appearing inside his tent,” he said and laughed.

  Fisher’s housing was set farther back in the Pass. It was the military accommodations closest to the town of Gartolin than any other. His construction of six, eight man tents was a mansion compared to what the rest of the military was being house in. A separate eight man tent was used for the housing of his special guard. His special guard was always on hand to protect his property while he was present or away.

  While they walked toward the extra large tent Mykal turned himself invisible. It appeared that Towbar was approaching the Commanding Officer’s tent by himself. By the time Towbar reached the entrance to the large tent he was met by two armed Marines. One was Gunnery Sergeant Yarza who drove the vehicle that brought Mykal into Towbar’s world with the Towbar One of 1984.

  “Hi Towbar,” Gunnery Sergeant Yarza greeted the giant. “Is there something we can do for you Sir?”

  “I would like to speak to Colonel Fisher. Is he available for a meeting?”

  “I’m sorry Towbar, he is not,” Yarza replied. “He is sleeping right at the moment and he left word for us that he does not wish to be disturbed.”

  “Do you know when he will be awakened?” Towbar asked.

  “I’m sorry Towbar. I do not. Would you like me to pass on to him that you would like to speak to him?”

  “Yes please. I would be greatly appreciative if you passed that on to him.”

  “As soon as he gets up Towbar, I will be sure that he gets your message,” Gunnery Sergeant Yarza said and turned to the sergeant standing with him. “Note it, and tell the others,” he added referring to the three other sentries around the large tent.

  “Thank you,” the giant said and turned away.

  Mykal wanted to laugh when he walked into Colonel Fisher’s large extravagant living quarters. Fisher’s quarters were excessive compared to the rest of the men and officers of Towbar One, but he wasn’t going to judge the man’s desire to be comfortable. ‘He’s a friggin full bird colonel and definitely the highest ranking officer here so I guess he’s entitled to such pampered riches,’ he thought as he moved from one room to the next. ‘Major Chick didn’t even come close to anything like this,’ he added and shook his head. Major Chick only availed himself one eight man tent whereas Colonel Fisher took six eight man tents and put them together like a large four room apartment.

  The tents with interior walls formed what appeared to be four rooms. The first room he entered was larger than two eight-man tents and was filled with many items. Against one of the tent walls there were a large soft sofa and two large recliners. There was a large oak table that could seat eight. There were two extra leaves to extend the table into a larger conference type table. Mykal heard the hum of a generator which sounded like it was housed outside of the massive tent. There was a large restaurant style cooler / refrigerator. To the side of the refrigerator there were cases of warm beer and various types of soda. There was also a large deep freeze ‘that probably contained lobster and steak and whatever Fisher would need to feed himself,’ Mykal thought and shook his head again. Mykal knew the top man would entertain when he had his ‘special briefings or meetings to take over the world,’ Mykal chuckled in thought. ‘I’ll be damned,’ Mykal scoffed when he noticed there was a four blade ceiling fan.

walked into the next room that had a large stereo system made up of individual stereo components, with four large speakers positioned evenly around the room. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw a crate with cassette tapes and record albums. He saw the turntable they would be played on and was surprised Fisher would bring such ‘stuff’ to Towbar’s world. The TV was a new Curtis Mathes floor console that had at least a 26 inch screen. On top of the console was a big Curtis Mathes VCR which kept flashing the 12:00 AM blue light suggesting no one had set the time on the VCR. There were a couple of crates of opened and unopened VCR tapes of current and new movies.

  Mykal just realized all the rooms had wooden floors and were covered with carpets. If he had more time, out of curiosity, Mykal would like to inspect all the things Fisher brought to keep himself entertained and cozy. Fisher gets to live it up, comparatively, while the men were putting their lives on the line. ‘No, he’s got the right. He’s top dog,’ Mykal corrected his negative thoughts that started to creep up. ‘It’s not my place to judge unless he gets in my friggin way.’

  When Mykal walked into the next room it was actually a large double room that served as his bedroom and office area. To the far side there was a large wooden desk covered with blue prints and crude maps. There was a book shelf with many books on all the shelves. Fisher had another table to eat his private meals. The plate on the table held the remains of a T-bone steak. There was a small amount of the vegetables left on his plate, with a small piece of buttered bread. ‘Well at least he’s not wasting his food,’ Mykal joked in thought. ‘I betcha all the men would go ballistic if they saw the stuff he’s eating compared to the stuff we have to eat.’

  On the other side of the large room was a large comfortable bed covered in satin sheets and a large fluffy comforter that covered the sleeping body of Colonel Fisher. There was a pair of leather slippers at the side of his bed. Beside the bed was a large night table that had a couple of books, reading glasses and a night lamp. Across the room Mykal spied a wine rack with several bottles of wine. A table beside the dining table had four chairs and four glasses that looked to be emptied of wine. Beside the night stand was a large recliner for when Fisher wanted to read sitting up.


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