Rescue Or Recovery

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Rescue Or Recovery Page 38

by Dave Hazel

  It suddenly occurred to him that he caused their delay by torturing the animal abusing brothers, Dabinau and Angolow Krishfarn. ‘Maybe if I woulda killed them quickly instead of wasting that precious time torturing them, then maybe we woulda gotten outta here before the encounter that led to the deaths of two of my men,’ he pondered in thought. ‘But I couldn’t allow them scumbags to get away with what they did to that poor dog,’ he argued mentally. ‘What if this is God’s way of punishing me cuz I tortured them? No, they had it coming to them. Maybe I shoulda killed them faster,’ he conceded. ‘But now it’s my fault my two men are dead,’ he moaned mentally and looked at the three hand grenades on his harness. ‘I’m not gonna let them take us as prisoners,’ he thought and fingered the hand grenades. He wondered what such an explosion to their bodies would feel like.

  “Hell no,” he snarled out loud and felt the pendulum of emotions swing the opposite way. “I’m not gonna go down like that,” he hissed with hatred. “I’ll kill every-friggin-one of these scumbags. If I’m going down, then I’m going down with a fight,” he declared in an attempt to push his emotions in the other, that scary, direction.

  “What did you say Mykal?” Doninka asked because she didn’t know the mental battle that took place in his mind.

  “Nothing,” he replied to blow it off. “Don’t worry about it. I’m getting myself pumped up and ready for war. I’m getting us outta here,” he declared spitefully. “And I’m getting you back home,” he added and listened to the distant sound of gun fire and explosions as the vehicles went beyond the stone wall. ‘Captain Diaz said he and others will be praying for us,’ he reminded himself. ‘If you’re real God, I could use a miracle right now,’ he thought and looked upward. He wondered if Diaz’s and Ski’s God would listen to him after what he did to those brothers who abused that poor dog. He wondered if he should offer to give a ‘big’ donation to his local church when he returns to the real world, but he remember one time when Ski had told him, Boris and Kurt that God doesn’t make deals like that and that God can’t be bought off.

  “How Mykal?” She asked and started to sob which interrupted his thoughts. She broke down as the sound around the building became a little quieter than what it was. “I don’t want to die. I want to go home,” she added and sniffled her words.

  It made Mykal feel sad to watch her sob after all she had been through. They were so close to getting her on one of the vehicles and she would be out there beyond the stone wall, easily on her way back to the Pass. ‘If only I didn’t waste time on those two scum sucking brothers.’

  “Okay, listen to me and stop crying,” he said softly. “At this moment our situation seems so impossible and I’ll give you that,” he admitted. “But,” he declared that one word loudly and forcefully. “But,” he repeated a little louder and made sure he had her full attention. “We’re not gonna give up. My Marine buddies have told me something several times. We’re gonna ‘adapt and overcome’. We’re gonna adapt to what’s going on around us and we’re gonna overcome this situation and I’m gonna get you back to the Pass.”

  “How Mykal?” Doninka asked and fought to stop her sobbing.

  He didn’t answer the present question. He grabbed one of her hands and patted it. He needed a couple of minutes to figure out what he was going to do. “When my people first got lost in your world the first time, it seemed impossible, but some of us made it home. And during that time me and you got stuck under the mountain with the Dwarves chasing us and it seemed impossible, but we got outta there. Then when we got lost over here as the Lost Patrol, we thought we could never make it, but we did. In all those situations, we adapted and we overcame. Me and you are gonna adapt and overcome. Now shut up and lemme think,” he said harshly in a playful way. “I’m kiddin’, I’m kiddin’,” he declared with a slight laugh and kissed her cheek. “I’m excited, cuz we’re gonna get outta here,” he added and gave her a quick hug. “But I do need to think.”


  After a few minutes of sneaking peeks out of the windows to watch the mass confusion and mobilization of the forces around them Mykal finally spoke. “There has gotta be another way down than just the stairs on the outside of the building. Isn’t there?”

  “Yes. There are other families who were to assist in my care,” she explained. “They live on the floors below us. There is another stairwell down to their floors.”

  “Do you think they will help you or do you think they will be just like those two soldiers?” Mykal asked and nodded to the two he killed before they had a chance to ‘have their way with her’.

  “I do not know,” she answered and looked surprised by the question. “I have never questioned their motives. However, I would believe they would never cross the Supreme Ruler.”

  “What kinda people are they?” Mykal asked and wondered if he was going to have to kill civilians.

  “I would say they are humble people just like the people of my home land in the Pass,” she answered and her face widened into a large smile. “They remind me of some I know in Gartolin.”

  “First of all, before we go any further, do you know why you were captured?” Mykal asked and looked out of the window again and saw the mass confusion and panic among the soldiers who didn’t understand what had just happened to them. Many returned from chasing the metal beasts that they couldn’t catch when they ran after them on foot.

  “No. Only that I was at the wrong place when the dragons attacked.”

  “Wrong. Remember when I told you and Rogal to make sure you got to King Krago of the Dwarven people and he would hide you out until me or Towbar made it back?”

  “Yes. I remember that day. However the dragons attacked us before we could get to the mountain entrance of the Dwarves. And I had been captured.”

  “That’s right and most of those men who were supposed to guard you had been killed,” Mykal explained. “Rogal had almost died himself but was determined to help bring you back. He is one of those out there in the vehicles. Two other men were captured when you were captured and they were sent back by the Sosos with a message to your people. The message was they would trade you for your father on some High Holy Day of the Sosos,” he explained and deliberately left out how they had their eyes gouged out and suffered at the hands of the Sosos.

  “That day and the trade for your father is supposed to take place in eight days,” he continued. “We have been battling through all kinds of shit on this side of the world to find you to bring you back so there will be no trade, cuz we believe the Sosos are going to kill both you and your father if the trade takes place so your brother, Locod, would then take over as king. Some already believe he has a secret alliance with the Sosos and they also believe he would allow them to take over your lands,” he said and paused while she took all the information in. He wanted to tell her he almost died a week ago, but he didn’t want to brag and he didn’t want to make her feel sorry and be concerned for him. Since he was alive and well and had recovered from his injuries there was no need to bring it up.

  “That would be horrible. I did not know any of this. Is my father at risk of being killed?”

  “No. We won’t allow that to happen. If it came down to it we were going to have a fake king show up in your father’s place and we were going to rescue you while the swap was going to occur. But now we gotta forget about all that and get you outta here. Let me ask you a serious question. Do you think these people downstairs will rat you out?”

  “Rat me out?” She asked and looked thoroughly confused. “I do not understand what you are asking me.”

  “Will they tell on you if we try to get out through their floors?”

  “I do not know. Why do you ask?”

  “Because if I have to, I will kill them so they won’t tell where you are.”

  “They seem like very friendly people Mykal,” she gasped. “I do not want to see any harm come to them.”

  “What if they were gonna turn you in so that you would end up being
tortured and killed?”

  “Obviously, that would be different. I do not want to die,” she answered and sounded like she was ready to start crying again. “I do not know what to do.”

  “Let me lead the way and if bad stuff has to happen, I will do what needs to be done.”

  “I am scared Mykal,” she said and started to sob again.

  “Right now, all I care about is your safety and my safety. Okay? Don’t cry. I’m gonna do what’s best for us,” he said gently though he meant he would be as cruel as he would have to be to make good their escape. He grabbed her to hug her gently.

  “I am sorry,” she said and continued to cry. “I am scared.”

  “Let me take another look,” he said and ran to the door he entered the room in. The stairwell was completely gone, collapsed below them covering up the bodies of Angolow and Dabinau and the poor dog that had been abused. Mykal saw soldiers running in all directions to show there was still mass confusion. He also saw many dead bodies sprawled out all over in the open grounds. Now he saw a new situation that gave him grave concern if they don’t get away from the building. The two little buildings next to the one they were in had been engulfed in flames. For the time being they would be safe but the blazes appeared to be growing and a slight breeze seemed to be swaying the fires toward their wooden building. They were at risk of their building catching fire and turning into an inferno death trap.

  Mykal rushed back from the door and grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her closer. “Doninka, we gotta get outta here. And we gotta get outta here quickly.”

  “What is the problem? Is it soldiers? Are soldiers coming here to take me?”

  “That and the next buildings are on fire and the flames are blowing this way. This damn tinderbox we’re in will go up like flash paper,” he said and wouldn’t allow her quizzical look to stop him. “Now listen to me, I know you said you care about these people, but we gotta worry about me and you right now and not care about these people. We have to get you back to the Pass. Agreed?”

  “Yes, I agree.”

  “Look, they’re running around all over the place,” Mykal said as he snuck a glance from the window. “I don’t know how we’re gonna get past them. And if they send soldiers here to come after you we’re gonna be in a bad spot. If we can get away from here then I can use the green fog to take us away. But I don’t wanna do it inside a building cuz it could kill us. Believe me, it’s a long story, but we don’t wanna do the green fog in doors.”

  “Do you think we will be able to escape from the midst of this army?” She asked.

  Mykal was still watching out the window and from the sound of her voice it sounded like she was wringing her hands. “I think we may wanna try to get outta this building,” he whispered. “The flames of the building beside us seem to be getting bigger and blowing this way,” he repeated to stress his urgency but it also displayed his fear. “I’m afraid it might catch this building on fire. And now more of the soldiers are rushing to try to help put the fire out. And now a lot of the soldiers are forming up into their groups so we could possibly have a problem with the army sooner than later, but thankfully they have the fire to contend with. Show me how we get down to the next level.”

  “Follow me please,” she said and rushed to the room with the other window that he looked out of earlier.

  Doninka entered what Mykal thought would be a closet but it was an enclosed stairwell on the opposite side of the building. This was a stairwell down the entire length of the building like the first only this one was enclosed where the first one he climbed was outside. They quietly went down to the second floor landing and stopped at the door. There was a locked gate to prevent anyone to descend down to the first floor. Mykal guessed it was put there to keep Doninka from sneaking out. She would have to go through the second floor living quarters in order to get down to the first floor.

  Mykal wondered if he should use his sword and chop through the gate but if it made too much noise and drew the attention of those living on the second and first floor they would know Doninka was escaping and could send soldiers after her. He feared they wouldn’t be able to get very far and it wouldn’t be good to have the entire army of Zizmon-Tarl breathing down their necks.

  “Who lives in there?” He whispered.

  “It is a family. There is an older couple about the same age as my parents and they have several children. I know two of the sons are soldiers and they have just been brought here to keep guard over me. They seem like they are not very good soldiers because they always seem to be creating some mischief,” she explained while Mykal placed his ear on the door.

  “Doninka, I need to ask you a very serious question.”

  “Yes Mykal, anything.”

  “Do you still love me?”

  She stuttered and seemed to stumble in embarrassment and avoided his gaze.

  Mykal grabbed her arm and gently turned her to face him. “I’m being serious Doninka. I’m asking you this for a specific reason. It’s a very important reason that I’m asking you this. Do you still love me?”

  She almost started to sob, and nearly leapt at him to latch on to him. “Yes I do. Yet I know that I can not have you,” she whispered and hugged him tightly.

  “I need to ask an important favor of you. I need to tell you something but only if you will keep your word to me and not ever speak of this secret I’m gonna share with you. That is why I asked if you still love me. If you love me, you will never break your word to me.”

  “I do not understand,” she whispered and held her tight grip in a loving manner.

  Mykal didn’t want to break her heart but he couldn’t have her violate ‘a sacred trust’ that he felt he would have to confide in her. “I want to share an important secret with you about me, but you must never speak of it. First of all it would get me killed and if it didn’t get me killed it would have people trying to take my life for the rest of my life. I asked if you love me cuz I need to know you will never violate this trust I put in you if I happen to share this secret with you,” he repeated.

  “I would never do anything to hurt you Mykal,” she whispered and looked disappointed as if he just told her he didn’t trust her. “I would never violate a secret you share with me. I would die before I would ever allow anything to happen to you.”

  “That’s what I believed, and that’s what I wanted to hear cuz what I’m going to tell you is something that I haven’t even shared with my wife,” he whispered and suddenly felt nervous. The look on her face at that admission caused her to almost swoon with delight.

  Mykal knew he needed to keep his secret, but if they were going to get out of their difficult predicament he may need to reveal his most powerful secret. He hesitated while he quickly ran through the reasons why he shouldn’t tell her and why he needed to tell her. He had to trust in her love for him not to break her word and to keep his secret, which would now become their secret.

  She didn’t know why he hesitated and looked at her. “I love you Mykal. I truly do love you. Yet I understand that I can not have you for myself. Because of my love for you I will always keep my word to you. We have been through so many difficult situations together that I will honor my word and honor our friendship. I will always keep your secret in my heart.”

  “I want you to go into this door and talk to the people and I will be right behind you but they will not be able to see me and if things go bad I will kill them and they will never know what happened.”

  “I do not understand Mykal. How will you follow me into their home without them being alarmed by your presence? Your clothing and your make up is like something the people of my world have never seen before,” she said in reference to his camouflage uniform and face paint.

  “This has to stay between the two of us,” he whispered and moved closer as if he was about to kiss her, but he whispered ever so softly to her. “I have the ability to turn invisible. I can disappear and they will not see me even though I will be standing right th
ere with you. I will be invisible.”

  She looked confused and scared. She looked like she didn’t believe him. “Are you feeling well?” She asked softly. “I am sorry Mykal. I do not know why I asked that. I do not know what to think. Are you sure you have this ability? I ask only because I do not want you to endanger yourself should you not be able to turn yourself invisible,” she said and looked as if she felt sorry for him.

  Mykal had to fight to keep his laughter inside. ‘She thinks I’m friggin nuts,’ he chuckled in thought. ‘We’re facing a life and death situation and she thinks I’ve lost my mind and gone nuts.’ His smirk broke through and a smile formed which must have added to the insanity of the situation and his declaration.

  “Why do you laugh?” She asked as the smile formed on his face. “Did you hurt your head?” She added and looked more concerned. She believed he may have suffered an injury that would affect his thinking.

  “You think I’ve lost my mind and gone friggin nuts, right?” He whispered and laughed quietly. “We got a million bad guys out there who are gonna kill us if they catch us and you think I got whacked in the head and I’ve lost my marbles, right?”

  “I am confused by your words Mykal,” she whispered and tears formed in her eyes. “I do not want to die. More importantly my love, I do not want you to die. I am fearful for you Mykal,” she added and the first tear rolled down her cheek.

  “Doninka stop,” he whispered and gently wiped the tear away with his thumb. He then pulled her close and hugged her tightly. “I’m okay. Really. I’m okay,” he whispered. Suddenly Mykal crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out to the side of his mouth and made strange faces with even stranger noises which caused her facial expression to show she would have a breakdown of some kind. “I’m kiddin’, I’m kiddin’,” he laughed and put his finger to his lips. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist. You think I’ve gone loco or I’ve lost my mind, but I’m telling you the truth. I can turn in visible.”


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