Rescue Or Recovery

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Rescue Or Recovery Page 68

by Dave Hazel

  Mykal was shocked when he saw one of the vehicles had flipped and rolled. It had been struck by a couple of the rhinoceros like Klardfurdhams and came to a stop on its side. He began to shoot wildly toward the people moving in on the upturned vehicle. “Call for help, call for help. Stop! Stop the vehicle,” he yelled down into the turret to Sergeant Barry.

  Captain Diaz called for the vehicles to regroup around Echo vehicle since it had been struck and turned over. Some of the men were scrambling to get outside of the vehicle. The two men who had been standing in the turret when it rolled over seemed to be hurt, but Private E-2 Carlson had actually been killed when his neck had been broken in the rollover. Sergeant Olson had been thrown from the vehicle and quickly got to his feet. He seemed to be dazed and looked around him and then turned to run hard. He looked focused on getting back inside the vehicle since the vehicle seemed to be left stranded by itself. Sergeant Olson grabbed his M-16 rifle and joined those who exited the damaged vehicle. The other vehicles turned and came to assist them in their plight.

  Everyone inside the impaired vehicle departed the useless means of transportation and used the vehicle as cover as they began to shoot at the enemy. The only one not to be seen outside the vehicle was the Dwarf named Nagmund. Nagmund was the younger of all the Dwarves. When the vehicle rolled over he had been impaled by his own sword and died inside the vehicle. Norg, Chalkfind and Nuckhorn, the three surviving Dwarves all made it outside the vehicle.

  Sergeant Babbitt yelled for the men to help him get as much .50 caliber ammo and 40mm ammo boxes out when he saw other vehicles were coming back to help them. Babbitt was the team leader and didn’t want the ammunition to be left behind if they could possibly have a need for it in the other vehicles while they were being chased by the enemy.

  All the men seemed to be fine, a little banged up but no serious injuries besides the two deaths. Some of the men used the vehicle as cover and began to shoot at the approaching soldiers taking them down one at a time. Green Beret Sergeant Fish took a bold stance out in the open and held his M-60 machine gun at his hip and tried to cut the enemy down as effectively as he could. Corporal Perea from the 82nd Airborne had grabbed the M-60 machine gun that belonged to Sergeant Hillberg who had been killed a couple days prior. Perea joined Sergeant Fish while a couple of men brought out cans of 7.62mm ammo to help them keep the enemy back.

  From above, a couple of large boulders struck the ground and the vehicle as if meteors were screaming in from the sky. There were boulders being dropped from the Tah-kahseebowns, the large bat like creatures that were attacking by dropping rock like bombs. Sergeant Fish raised his machine gun and tracked one of the creatures until he dropped it to the ground where it didn’t move. Two Army Rangers, Sergeant Halderman and Sergeant Dirkson were the two who were bringing cans of ammo for the M-60 machine guns. Halderman was struck in the head with one of the boulders. His skull had been crushed and he died on the spot.

  Lieutenant Finley was in that vehicle and pointed his GAU up at the flying creatures and emptied an entire 30 round magazine into one of the flying bat looking creatures. He yelled out orders and called for assistance over the radio. He calmly reloaded and continued shooting while awaiting the help he knew was coming. Diaz repeated several times over the radio that support for Finley’s team was coming to extract them from his vehicle.

  The five returning vehicles all reached the same area about the same time. Men exited the vehicles and laid down gun fire to help keep the enemy back. Four of the vehicles opened fire with their .50 caliber machine guns. The fifth vehicle unleashed the explosive power of the 40mm grenades at a rapid fire pace. Some of the enemy who had been struck directly by the 40mm rounds exploded into nothing.

  Three of the Klardfurdhams rushed into the line of defense with the three Crymontox creatures on top of the beasts swinging their long swords. Marine Corporal Reagan tried to get out of the way of the charging rhino like creature and ran into a second one which trampled him into the ground. When the Klardfurdham saw that one of the men had been trampled it stopped and pounded its powerful stumps of legs onto the body to ensure his death.

  Many of the men trained their fire on the three Crymontox creatures. One of them dropped its sword and hefted a spear to throw it. Just as the strange creature let loose the spear all three of the tall skinny creatures were shot down. Marine Private First Class Hernandez, who had been inside Mykal’s vehicle, was struck in the face with the spear. The spear was thrown with such a vicious force that the spearhead punched through the back of his head, lifted his feet off the ground and slammed him into the rear of the vehicle. Hernandez’s lifeless body crumpled to the ground after his head slammed against the metal of the truck. He died instantly with his face nearly split apart. Mykal was sickened by the sight of his face split open where one of Hernandez’s eyes seemed to dangle out onto the ground. Mykal suddenly remembered that Hernandez was the horse lover who wanted to ensure the horses of The Forty-Three were put out of their misery after they had been wounded.

  Beernawon the Elf, who was the newest Elf to join them was standing his ground in order to shoot his bow. His long near white hair was long and flowing. Suddenly two of the Tah-kahseebowns, the tall bat faced looking creatures, dove down from above and worked together to grab Beernawon and lifted him to the sky. Mykal believed they must have thought he was Doninka because he had long hair and could have been mistaken for a woman due to his slender form. Mykal aimed at the creatures with his scope but he realized if he shot them they would drop the Elf and the fall would kill Beernawon.

  “Damn it,” Mykal hissed and watched as they flew higher. He continued to watch in the scope and Beernawon put up a fight and grabbed his sword. There seemed to be a struggle in the air and the two creatures grabbed into his chest with their massive talons and ripped Berrnawon in half. They dropped the two halves to the ground. Mykal knew the Elf was dead.

  “We have to get out of here,” Finley yelled. “Get into the vehicles,” he shouted and ushered men along. Their main body is getting close,” he added just as several arrows flew into their area.

  Marine Staff Sergeant Moreno, one of the squad leaders was following Finley’s orders. When he turned an arrow drilled into his back. He jerked upright and stumbled a few feet with a stunned look of surprise on his face. Moreno grabbed for his chest though the arrow struck him in the back. He dropped to his knees and looked like he was trying to catch his breath and collapsed to the ground on his face. Two Marines near him, Sergeant Kalhoun and Corporal Foster both grabbed him by his arms and dragged him to his vehicle. Mykal shot at enemies armed with bows and arrows. He glanced over at the lifeless Moreno and didn’t think he could be alive. Moreno was one of the original Lost Patrol survivors. It hurt to see Moreno go down because Moreno was one of the men who had been a part of the group since the very beginning. Moreno was with them when they snuck into the Soso camp to rescue their people who had been prisoners of the Sosos.

  Two Rangers were struck and killed by a flood of arrows that centered on the two of them. They each were struck with several arrows. Sergeant Delgado took four arrows to the chest and head whereas Sergeant Sherman took six arrows to his chest and head. They died where they fell.

  Mykal continued to shoot while men ran for their vehicles. He saw what looked like two arrows hit Sergeant Nikopolous which knocked him to the ground. Mykal felt bad because he liked the Green Beret Nikopolous. It was Nikopolous who really wanted Mykal and his family to come visit him in his home town in Utah to take them to Arches National Park. Mykal couldn’t believe his eyes. Nikopolous got to his feet and looked at the two arrows that went straight through his shirt but didn’t strike his body. Nikopolous stood there and did a double take as if he couldn’t understand why he wasn’t dead.

  “Get the hell outta there,” Mykal shouted at Nikopolous just as the last of the men were getting into the vehicles. Dozens more arrows filled the air and struck the ground in that area but none of the men were hit
. Mykal hastily got into his vehicle and told Sergeant Barry to drive. “Mathis, tell them to get the hell outta here,” Mykal yelled to Mathis to tell the others over the radio to leave.

  “Oh damn, that was some scary shit Myk,” Roy Jr. sighed and shook his head while he rested his head and hands on his rifle. “Them boys is serious is all get out. They act like they’re pissin’ razor blades and they’re going after the whore who done gave them the clap,” he laughed out and others laughed with him.

  “I know,” Mykal sighed and sat back and couldn’t help but laugh at Roy Jr.’s word picture. “Damn it all to hell,” he huffed when his hand turned green and trembled violently. “Not only is the green fog being used, but it also feels like it’s pretty damn close.”

  “Where do you think they’re going?” Randy asked and tried to look outside the vehicle.

  “I dunno. Maybe in front of us,” Mykal sighed and wiped his forehead from sweat. “I really don’t know. Mathis, when you get settled, get on the radio and call Diaz. Tell him I think the bad guys are gonna try to head us off at the pass so to speak. I don’t think we’re done with them. Tell him, when we get some room between us and them, I wanna try to use the green fog and see if maybe I can still use it. Also, tell him to give me an update of what happened. I know we had several men killed. I wanna know how many. Also, if you get a chance I wanna know what happened with Sergeant Nikopolous. I know I saw him take two arrows that took him down, but he got up and got into one of the vehicles.”

  “I’m on it Myk,” Mathis replied and turned away to talk into the radio. Mathis sounded extremely serious versus all the times he joked around with Mykal.

  Mykal looked over and saw Doninka trying to hide the fact that she was crying. He moved to the seat beside her. “Are you hurt?”

  “No,” she answered and looked down so as not to look in his eyes. Her pride kicked in and didn’t want him to know she was scared.

  “What’s the matter? We got outta there,” he said softly.

  “I know they are trying to capture me,” she answered and couldn’t keep from sobbing. “I know those men died because they were trying to protect me. It is not fair,” she sobbed uncontrollably. She was crying over the loss of life more than fear for her own safety.

  Mykal grabbed her and pulled her close to comfort her. “I know. I feel terrible too, but they all wanted to be here to help and they all knew they were putting their lives on the line to help save your kingdom. So we need to keep fighting these bastards and we need to do all that we can to keep them from getting their hands on you or they died in vain. When we get back to the Pass, and once the war is over and peace is in the land you can do something to help.”

  “What can I do?” She asked and looked up from his chest. She had a look of eagerness that told Mykal she would follow through with his request to help in any way for the sacrifice the men selflessly gave of themselves.

  “When everything is all said and done, I’m gonna give you the names of everyone involved with helping to rescue you and all the names of those who lost their lives and I want you to make sure there is a monument set up in their honor.”

  “Do you mean like a statue?” She asked and her eyes brightened at the idea of honoring all those who had a part in rescuing her and keeping her alive. “That is a splendid idea. I love that idea. This will be something that my people will always see and will be able to remember the brave men who helped to keep our kingdom free and safe. I would like to give special honor to those who died in the service of protecting me,” she added and started to cry again and buried her face into his chest.

  Mykal wrapped his arms around her and gently rubbed her back to comfort her. He wanted to tell her that he really cared for her, but he was afraid that she would take it to mean more than what he wanted to say. Though he knew he loved her, he couldn’t allow that to go any further than what was taking place now. Mykal believed he was having a mental affair and he was going to have to end the affair. ‘I have to end this emotional affair not only for Pam’s sake, but for Doninka’s sake too,’ he thought. ‘I would never want to hurt her. And I’m not gonna play games with her emotions. At times I see her like a teenage girl who is infatuated with a guy who is giving her some attention. I have to end this mental affair.’’

  “Thank you Mykal for such a great idea,” she said with a sniffle. “I am grateful. More than mere words can describe.”

  ‘Why are my emotions going all over the friggin place?’ He wondered and looked at the gold band on his middle finger. ‘This damn ring,’ he scoffed in thought. ‘I gotta stop. I really gotta stop all this silly emotional stuff going on inside my head.’

  “Hey Mykal, I don’t mean to interrupt you,” Mathis said quietly and felt bad that he made them pull apart.

  “No, it’s alright. I’ll talk to you later,” he said to Doninka softly. “Try to get some rest.”

  She looked like she was going to argue. It was early in the morning and she had just been woken from a long night of sleep. “Okay,” she replied politely to humor him.

  “What’s up?”

  “I just talked to Captain Diaz and he said we lost nine men,” Mathis said while holding the handset to his radio as if someone else was on hold.

  “Awh damn it,” Mykal replied and blew a sigh. He didn’t think it was that many. “Do we know who got killed?”

  “We lost one of the Elves, he was the newest one.”

  “Yeah, I saw him get ripped in half. I know he died.”

  “One of the Dwarves named Nagmund,” he said and read from a piece of paper where he wrote everything down. We lost three Marines,” he paused as if he had a lump in his throat. As a Marine it hurt him that they died, but he had grown closer to Corporal Reagan. “We lost Staff Sergeant Moreno, Private First Class Hernandez and Corporal Reagan. Then we lost three Army Rangers, Sergeant Delgado, Sergeant Sherman a fellow radio man, and Sergeant Halderman. And one of the Army transport people, Private E2 Carlson was the first killed when the vehicle flipped. He was in the turret and when it rolled over him, I guess it broke his neck.”

  “I’m so friggin pissed. What happened? Did they get hit by the big rhino like creatures that I had to deal with?”

  “That’s what they’re saying happened. The Klard-furd-ham,” he said it slowly to get it right, “hit the vehicle just right and it rolled. Mykal,” he paused and looked like he was afraid to ask his question. “Do you think we’re going to get out of this situation alive?”

  Mykal wanted to be light hearted and joke, but he could see Mathis was concerned. He didn’t want to accuse Mathis of being afraid or scared, though if anyone wasn’t afraid or scared they would be an idiot in Mykal’s eyes. He decided not to joke with him. “I think we’re gonna get outta here,” he whispered. “If my thinking is correct, when Ziggy did his little voodoo magic thing that prevented Towbar from using the green fog, I wasn’t there as you rightly pointed out. I don’t think Ziggy thinks there is any other way for the green fog to happen cuz he thinks he zapped it from us,” Mykal sneered and laughed lightly. “But I think I can do the green fog and get us outta here. I hope I’m right,” he added and crossed his fingers.

  “I hope you’re right too,” Mathis said and made the sign of the cross.

  “What, are you Catholic? I never seen you do that before.”

  “No,” Mathis replied with straight faced seriousness. “But if it helps why not?”

  “How would it help if you’re not Catholic?” Mykal asked and couldn’t help but snicker at Mathis’s naïve resort to try anything to help get them out of their present situation.

  “I don’t know,” Mathis scoffed and looked away. “I’ve seen other people do that when they were in desperate situations,” he added with all sincerity. “I watched my uncle do that at the dog races once and he won twelve dollars.”

  Mykal wanted to laugh out loud, but he didn’t want to embarrass his little ‘Radio Boy’. “Damn it,” he snarled with clenched teeth and held up
his green hand that was trembling.

  “Oh yeah, I also have Sergeant Nikopolous on the radio,” Mathis remembered and handed the handset to Mykal.

  “Oh cool. Hey Nikopolous, are you okay? I coulda swore I saw you get hit with two arrows,” Mykal said.

  “Oh man Mykal. It’s gotta be a damn miracle,” Nikopolous exclaimed with great excitement. “I saw the two soldiers aiming their bows at me and they let loose their arrows just as I focused on them,” he laughed loudly. “I couldn’t move. Both arrows hit me in the chest or I thought they hit me in the chest and I dropped to the ground. I was expecting to be dead, but I opened my eyes and realized the battle was going on around me. I thought the pain was going to suddenly swallow me up but nothing happened. I got to my feet and there was nothing wrong. There were two holes in my shirt right over my chest that should have put two big holes in my chest and then I’d be dead right now. When I got inside the vehicle and took my shirt off, all I found is, I have are two large holes in my shirt and two long scratches on the sides on my chest. It was like the arrows hit my body and traveled over the sides of my chest. I’m bleeding slightly, but hell, I’ll take that any day,” he laughed excitedly. “Captain Diaz says it’s a miracle of God.”

  “Cool. Unbelievable,” Mykal replied with excited enthusiasm. “I watched those stinking arrows hit you and I thought you were dead. My first thought was,” he joked now that he knew Nikopolous was fine. “Damn, there goes my trip to Arches National Park and my plan to get some ‘good eats’ from your parents’ restaurant,” he added in reference to Nikopolous’s father who speaks of his food as ‘good eats’.

  “Nah. No, nah, now you gotta come to Utah with your family. We’ll make a big plan of it because I should be dead right now. So I gotta hold you to it, to come out and visit us,” he laughed excitedly.

  “Sure. I will. Let’s get back to the Pass and we’ll make plans of it,” Mykal replied.

  “Mykal, Captain Diaz wants to talk to you,” Sergeant Nikopolous announced.


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