Dirty Secret

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Dirty Secret Page 3

by Elizabeth Lynx

  His spine straightened as his fingers started to massage the bread on top of one of the sandwiches. Felipe's actions told me I was right. My father couldn't do anything without bribery playing a part.

  "I had a date for the gala. Now I will have to cancel it. This is a guy who is important to the firm. Someone I really don't want to dismiss. No offense, Heidi, you're my friend and I love you, but this guy is important."

  "I thought you only wanted men, not guys." The smile from my little tease faded as I realized I'd made a mistake.

  Felipe brought the sandwich to his mouth and inhaled it. One moment it was there, crumbs falling from his hands, and the next, it vanished. Not just that, he was picking up another sandwich square to replace the one he lost down his throat.

  Felipe was a casual eater, only consuming enough that would be appropriate, especially in public. But when something was bothering him, he turned into a food vacuum.

  "He's a man where it counts." Felipe words garbled with the sandwich filling his mouth. He swallowed before continuing, "Look, Heidi, he's not just important to the firm . . . but to me as well."

  My eyes widened at his admission. "Are you two dating?"

  Felipe only dated once, when he was a freshman at Georgetown. It ended badly. The guy, Eric, used my friend. He posted personal things on social media to humiliate Felipe, and it worked. Since then, Felipe hasn't had had a relationship with a man. Not because he didn't want to. Somehow Eric would find out and contact the guy Felipe was dating to scare him away.

  He fondled the third sandwich square. I wondered if he would open his mouth with an answer or just to fill it with more bread and meat.

  He did both.

  "Yes, but no one can know about that, Heidi," he said before placing the entire sandwich into his mouth.

  I clasped his hand.

  "Felipe, of course, I won't say anything. You're my friend. But you only give Eric the upper hand by allowing yourself to be controlled like that."

  He was silent for a moment. I could only hope my words made sense to him.

  "What about you, Heidi? Aren't you allowing your father to control you, too?" Felipe paused while reaching for the fourth sandwich and stared up at me. His chocolate-brown eyes melted in sorrow.

  I was about to deny and defend myself, but I couldn't do that with a lawyer. He had spent years in school learning how to knock my argument down with a puff of breath.

  "Maybe I am, but he's my father. You can at least avoid Senator White if you want. I am forced to share blood with the man."

  What a pair we were.

  "But you aren't a child anymore. He can't dictate who you see or screw around with. He would never destroy his daughter because that would make him look bad."

  I smirked. "He would never directly hurt me, Felipe, but he knows lots of people who would do it for him."

  I picked up the last sandwich, saving my friend from his gluttony. As I stared at the food between my fingers, I wondered if it could solve this hollow ache in my chest before I shoved it into my mouth. A BLT with some spice. My mouth watered at the flavor and as I chewed, there was disappointment that it would never be filling.

  The small wrinkle under Felipe's right eye appeared, which told me his lawyer brain was churning away. "What if we go to the gala together but don't at the same time?"

  "That makes no sense."

  I grabbed my water to drink, leaning back in my hard chair in defeat.

  Shifting toward me, Felipe lowered his voice. "Hear me out. We take our dates, the one's we want to take. Me with Anthony, and you with Max the plumber."

  Before I even had the glass on the table, knowing I was about to protest, Felipe waved me off. "Please, Heidi, don't start. After I saw him, I considered a sex change just so I could jump his bone-r. That man is unfortunately straight, and from what he told me about his life, he needs to get laid almost as badly as you do."

  "What did he tell you about himself?"

  For a few seconds I felt a little hurt that Max told Felipe about his life and barely said anything to me.

  "Since he worked on my entire place, I got to spend some time with him. And boy, does he have a life. Heartache, inspiration, sexy man arms . . . it's all in there. He is a walking Lifetime movie." Felipe sighed, lost in his own sexy plumber fantasy. "Maybe if you spend some time with him, you'll learn his story, too. Like, say, oh, I don't know, over a conversation at a fancy gala?"

  "Never mind the fact that I have known Max for only twenty-four hours. And of those twenty-four hours I spent less than an hour with him. And never mind the fact that he needs to replace all the pipes in my home for forty thousand dollars, and it's going to take weeks to repair. Never mind all that. I should just call him up and invite him to a black-tie gala. That seems like something a normal woman would do." I felt breathless and irritated, and even crossing my arms over my chest didn't help.

  Felipe's mouth hung open. Finally, something to render my friend speechless. I loved Felipe, but his schemes didn't always take my embarrassment factor into account.

  "That's even better," he said with a large grin on his face.

  "Did you even hear what I said?"

  He nodded. "If money is the problem, don't worry. I will give it to you. You need Max's sweaty arms and chest working away in your home. You can 'get to know him,'" Felipe wiggled his eyebrows, "while he fixes your plumbing. Then, when he does such a good job, you can invite him to the gala. It's a win-win. Besides, you can't live your life baking sweet confections only to eat them alone while watching cheesy Hallmark movies."

  I chose to ignore the baking comment. There's only one flaw in Felipe's plan, and I am itching to point it out. "But that still doesn't explain how we are taking each other to the gala too."

  I could feel my heart sink as the corner of his lip rose. "That's the best part. Your date and my date will take each other. But really, they're our dates. Heidi, you and I will pose for the photographs to make your father happy, but Max and Anthony will be our dates."

  Crap, his plan really was good.

  Chapter 4


  "THE SCENE OF THE CRIME," Heidi said

  A few strands of gold fluttered around her face, sliding over her cheeks and mouth as she shook her head. I tried not to stare at the lone strand that stuck to her lower lip. When she released a throaty chuckle, I groaned.

  "Sorry, dumb joke."

  Her head turned, and she continued down the stairs.

  "No, not dumb. I got it," I said.

  Her back was like a sexy wall. I was glad it caught me as I stumbled into her when she stopped at the bottom of her basement. For that brief moment, my nostrils filled with lavender and a hint of cinnamon as I gasped and sputtered an apology.

  I pulled away and my eyes dipped to her chest. I groaned once more at what I saw there. She had on a yellow T-shirt, which I had noticed when I came over five minutes earlier but refused to lower my gaze to anything below her neck.

  Last night I gave myself a pep talk in the mirror after my shower and made a plan—stay away from Heidi as much as possible. And, if I had to talk to her, keep my eyes on her face and only her face. No lust-filled thoughts that turned into stares at her supple and delicious body.

  Only someone filthy and, obviously, pathetic would do that. I may be lonely, but I didn't have to act like it. Like right now, as much as I wanted to remove my line of sight from her chest, I couldn't. It was like her tits were staring at me.

  On the front of her shirt was a cartoon picture of a cat, and each eye was perfectly molded to her breast with her nipples causing the irises to protrude. It was disturbing and sexy at the same time.

  I won't even start on her tiny jean shorts.

  "I made sure it was all ready to sink your hands into." Heidi smiled as her arms widened.


  "The basement. I cleared it since I called you last week. It's all ready to get started."

  Rubbing my chin, I turned and pretended to
assess the room. A ghost appeared before me. Heidi's basement wasn't haunted—at least I didn't think it was—but the spirit was a memory of my grandfather. He was here to help by lecturing me on the importance of a good wrench.

  Best cure of getting rid of a hard-on? Think about your dead grandfather.

  "Yes, looks good. I can get started right away," I said with my back to her.

  "Is it just you? Seems like a big job . . . I figured you would have other people with you."

  Sighing, I rubbed at the back of my neck. Why wasn't she leaving? My cock really wanted Heidi to stay and ask as many questions as she liked. He really preferred questions like, "How big is your dick?" and "Can you show it to me?" But the part of me that needed the money wanted Heidi to go back upstairs to her kitchen.

  I walked over to the washer and placed my red metal toolbox on top. "I can always call a few people I know if I need an extra hand, but I think I'll be able to handle this by myself."

  The truth . . . I didn't want to drag anyone else into my deceit.

  The sparkle in her eyes dimmed as I turned to face her.

  "Oh, I guess that's good. You would use another plumber, of course. Someone skilled and not, say, the client to help you out?" She laughed but something about it seemed false.

  "I would never let a client help. They pay me to work, not for them to do the work. Now, if you will let—"

  "I just thought, if you needed help, I could let you use the guns."

  Jerking my head back, I asked, "What? Guns?"

  She lifted her arms, making fists and kissed each of her upper arms. "Yeah, my guns." With a snort, her cheeks flushed with pink and it was adorable. "Another joke."

  Lowering my head, I did my best to suppress a laugh. The more time I spent with her—not that it's been much—the more I adored her. I thought it was because I was super horny, or that I was lusting after her because she's gorgeous, but she's adorably funny, too. And it made me want to know even more about her.

  Which absolutely couldn't happen.

  I needed this money. I met with the psychologist last week at Kat's school, right after I patched up Heidi's leaking pipe. She told me that my daughter should get tested for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. In a way, I wasn't surprised. It's a struggle to get Kat to focus and listen to me. There were times when I was right in front of her face calling her name five times before she realized I was there.

  What did surprise me was that my crappy insurance would not cover the testing or most of the potential treatments she would need.

  As guilty as I felt for exaggerating the cost of the pipe replacement for Heidi, I was thankful she had called me back for the job. I didn't know how I was going to pay for anything Kat needed until I heard from Heidi.

  And that made me feel shittier as I imagined what was under her skimpy, creepy shirt while I overcharged her for her pipes.

  "I got it. Funny," I said and frowned.

  "Okay, well, I'll leave you to it. If you need anything, I'll be upstairs in the kitchen. Got something baking in the oven." With an awkward skip backward, Heidi almost fell before she made it to the stairs. I shook my head and watched her ass sway as she climbed the steps.

  I was going to hell.

  The most I could do today was patch more pipes that were in danger of breaking within the next few days. If Heidi had one pipe that burst, then there was bound to be more. Taking my flashlight to the ceiling, I noticed two places that needed a temporary patch until the new plumbing arrived.

  After shutting off the water valve, I made my way to the washing machine and opened my toolbox. My shoulders deflated at what I didn't find—my wrench. Kat had gotten into my tools . . . again.

  The only thing I could do was run home and hope I found it. She had a habit of leaving things in odd places—I once found her shoes in the refrigerator. I could only guess where the wrench would be.

  I made my way up the stairs and into the kitchen when I was hit in the face with a mouth-watering smell. It was seductive, like a siren song for my nose, and a total weakness.

  I groaned, "Oh, God."

  Heidi popped her head up like a groundhog from the other side of the counter. Why was a beautiful woman on the floor in a room producing the most delicious scent?

  The answer revealed itself as she stood. If I thought I was seduced by Heidi before, I was a total goner now.

  Heidi held a baking sheet of cookies. My mouth drooled. My cock twitched. My mind tried desperately to remember why I came into this room.

  I coveted her cookies. My tongue hoping to curl around every last morsel she threw my way.

  "Oh, hi. Are you done already?" She placed the tray on the white marble counter. Entranced, I watched as she picked up a spatula and eased the cookies on to a metal cooling rack.

  "No." It was all my mouth could get out for I had long been hooked on her drug—snickerdoodles. My heart beat at an alarming rate as I watched each soft baked goodness slide onto the hard metal.

  Heidi's mouth curved like the devil. Her creamy, dainty hand extended toward me with the perfect lure. "Would you like a snickerdoodle? I just made them."

  The woman was a sorcerer. My mom used to make those all the time when I was little before she got sick. They were the last happy memories I had of her.

  "Yes," I said unable to stop myself.

  I only ever had snickerdoodles when I was alone because the memories were so powerful. But Heidi holding one in her hand with the aroma surrounding me . . . I caved. No one had the strength to resist that. I didn't even think Superman would have that power.

  Snickerdoodles were my kryptonite.

  Like some overly prepared hostess, she whipped out a small white plate and placed three cookies in front of me. And when I thought it couldn't get any worse, she pulled out a carton of milk, holding it up. "How about some cool milk with those cookies?"

  My cock was rock-hard. I was probably drooling and hated myself. The only thing I could do was nod.

  She's too good. I needed to come clean. I wasn't a liar and definitely not a cheat. Even to my worst clients, I would never overcharge them. I should have been honest from the beginning, but the money . . . My daughter needed help, and I was ashamed that I felt I needed to steal money to get it.

  What's the worst that could happen when I tell her the truth? She'd fire me. Report me to the Better Business Bureau, and maybe even leave a bunch of scathing reviews on any website that had my plumbing business in its directory.

  Not only would I lose out on her business, but no one would hire me anymore. And then there's her lawyer friend, Felipe Aragon. Heidi would definitely take me to court and take what little money I do have.

  Her mouth curved into a devilish smile as she patted a stool at the counter for me to sit. Every muscle in my body strained as I sat. My body already began the punishment before I said a word. But she was chastising me too by placing the glass of milk in front of me. Showing me all the beautiful things before ruining my life.

  She slipped into the stool next to me, waiting for me to crumble. The glare of the counter and white cabinets of the room was like a harsh spotlight. I felt grimy, unworthy of being anywhere near this woman.

  "Mmm. I love snickerdoodles. They are a total weakness of mine," Heidi said with her mouth full of cock, uh, I mean cookie.

  I turned my attention away from her moaning mouth and stared at my plate. This was punishment, and I deserved every single second of it. If she had a whip, I would bare my back because I was a lying, thieving jerk.

  Crap. Now I was picturing her in some leather outfit with a whip in her hand. Now I'll be hard as the police haul me off.

  I shoved the cookie into my mouth and hoped it would disintegrate like desert sand, dry and tasteless.

  "Damn it," I said.

  "Was it not good? I was afraid they might be too dry when some crumbled apart." Heidi placed her hand on my shoulder.

  I laughed. Was it not good, she asked, as if completely ignorant to wh
at she was doing to me.

  "No, it's not," I said as a small wrinkle deepened between her brow. "It was delicious. The best snickerdoodle I've ever had. And trust me when I say this isn't easy to admit, but I think it might be better than my mom's."

  Her hand was still on my shoulder but desire to leave was palpable. The cookies and her touch were making it harder to focus on why I shouldn't be here to begin with.

  "I remembered why I came up here. I have to run home because I forgot my wrench."

  I needed a walk. Something to clear my head and figure out a way to tell Heidi that won't ruin my life.

  "Don't worry about that. I got a complete set of tools. What happened last week made me realize I need to learn to do some fix-it jobs around the house myself. So, I went and bought a tool kit. Hold on, I'll get it."

  The tension in the room and my body left with Heidi. I stared at the remaining cookies on the plate as a war battled inside me. I had to get away from Heidi. Give myself time to think. Mostly, to calm my cock down—he's too overwhelmed by this whole situation.

  I'll leave now, not wait for her to return. It's rude to go without telling her, though, but I can't pretend everything was fine when it wasn't. The longer I was in her presence, the longer the facade remained because maybe I didn't have the strength to tell her the truth.

  She deserved the truth. Heidi needed a plumber that charged her a reasonable rate. That's what I'll do when I get home, find someone to replace me. As much as I could use the money, it wasn't worth hurting Heidi.

  I hopped off the stool and almost made it to the entryway of the kitchen when my fantasy materialized right in front of my eyes, effectively stopping me in my tracks.

  Heidi stood there with a large wrench in her hand, leaning against the doorframe. Her shirt had hiked up to show a swath of skin on her tight, lickable stomach.

  The cookies were nothing compared to this vision.

  "Got it. Let's get to work." Her lip ticked up.

  I had to tell Heidi no. I had to go home and find another plumber for her. But I didn't do that. Instead, I nodded and followed her down into the basement, to my obvious doom.


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