Destiny Rising

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Destiny Rising Page 2

by Lachlan Wells

  Adrianna fired another crossbow bolt and watched it hit the monstrosity in its chest. The second troll slammed its tree down and Myra gasped as the branches snapped off and broke her skin. Hancock jumped forward and fatally lobbed off the troll’s head, watching it tumble into black mist.

  Before he could say anything, a boulder flew over the ridge of the cliff and Hancock staggered aside. Two more trolls climbed their way towards them, cresting the mountainside in search of their foes.

  “Steady!” Hancock bellowed.

  “We can’t take all of them all!” Myra screamed and took a stab into a troll’s ankle. “We gotta get out of here! We’re gonna die!”

  “Steady!” Hancock yelled again, swinging his sword. “We can do this!”

  A troll slammed Hancock into the mountain and the warrior stumbled to the side, a bloody bruise forming over his forehead.

  “Hancock!” Myra hissed and rushed closer to him. “Get up you idiot!” Her voice was now laced with white magic, swirling towards the warrior and closing his wounds enough that he wasn’t bleeding.

  Adrianna quickly assessed the situation. A tendril of memory from last night’s reading bender sprang up. At this rate, Myra would probably run out of mana, then she’d be all blade and wit. Hancock was being a little gutsy with his moves and Parrish…? She glanced behind her to see Parrish turned around looking at yet another troll lumbering towards the party. Crap.

  “Hey we gotta jump!” Adrianna yelled and immediately barreled towards Parrish.

  “Hey, what are you--”

  Athletics Check. Push Parish. 16 + 0 (Str) = 16. Success!

  The two fell over the edge of the road, Adrianna grappling Parrish’s armored hoodie. Pine and bramble scratched up their faces, as the two spiralled into a rough descent that seemed to go on for eons before they landed on the ground below, Adrianna on top of the cleric. Parrish heaved and coughed as Adrianna tried to catch her own breath, listening for any signs of danger.

  Out of Combat! You are safe!

  “You guys o.k.? Everyone alive?” Hancock called from a little bit away. “Adrianna? Cleric?”

  “Yeah, I’m good,” the classless player raised a hand, staring up at the mountain face they had just jumped off of. “I had a soft fall.”

  “You’re welcome.” Parrish grunted as Adrianna rolled off and helped him to his feet.

  “I’m good too, thanks for asking,” Myra snapped as she rubbed her head.

  “Fantastic.” Hancock sighed. “We should get going before--”

  “Nuh uh,” Myra stood up and pointed at Hancock. “What the hell was that? We can take them? They kept coming and I was definitely running out of mana.”

  “We could have handled them!” Hancock growled.

  “Not everyone is a level 9, like you,” Myra laughed. “I want to live to see another day, and you act like you have a death wish.”

  “Death--” Hancock threw his hands out. “I don’t have a death wish. I was making a calculated risk that would have benefited the party!”

  “More like gotten you over the threshold for level 10.” Myra sneered. “When’s the last time--”

  Ding! Adrianna’s body suddenly lit up, energy rolling off her.


  Congratulations! You are now level 3. Your health is restored!


  Crossbow: You are somewhat proficient with all crossbows

  “That was dramatic,” Parrish murmured and held out a pendant with the letter “U” on it. “For those who did not just get a level, gather round. You have to be in range for me to heal you.”

  Hancock and Myra stood on opposite sides of the cleric, glaring daggers at one another as he began a chant, murmuring an incantation with a wave of his hand.

  Adrianna heaved a sigh of blessed relief and giggled. . If this happened every time she leveled up, she was going to have to invest in the high risk, high reward stuff more often. “That was awesome! Four mountain trolls in one day! What’s next? Chimeras? Demons? This is so cool!”

  “Don’t get too excited. We got lucky.” Hancock gave her a reluctant smile. “We still have a long way to go...”

  Myra sniffed at him and shrugged. “Let’s just get this over and done with and hope we don’t run into anything more impossible.”

  And thus, the adventure of Adrianna Swann began, with a victorious retreat and a bristling insatiable need to find her uncle and discover the Quell with all its wonders and dangers.

  Chapter 3: A Quiet Night

  Current Status

  Name: Adrianna Swann

  Class: ???

  Level 3

  Speed: 30

  Armor Class: 12

  XP to next Lvl: 115

  Strength 10 (+0)

  Dexterity 16 (+3)

  Constitution 12 (+1)

  Intelligence 16 (+3)

  Wisdom 13 (+1)

  Charisma 13 (+1)

  Reputation: Nobody Special

  Proficiencies: None


  Keen Mind

  You remember everything you’ve read within the last 30 days.


  You have no penalties to with using your off-hand

  Active Quest(s)

  Quest: Finding Your Power (LVL 1)

  In order to discover your class, Myra has suggested you go to the Council of Lions to unlock your dormant abilities.

  Success Conditions: Speak to the Council of Lions

  Reward: Experience. And you get to know your class. How exciting!

  Failure: No class? Less experience? I mean it’s your loss, really. You just might die a lot faster and easier too, and that would be quite unfortunate.

  It was a quiet night as the dark sky twinkled above in a canvas of starlight. Adrianna Swann always found it to be a wonderful natural phenomenon--stars. Has anyone ever tried to touch them before? Why didn’t her uncle tell her about these as well?

  Adrianna glanced at the pages she was reading in the Book Of Survival and sighed. No matter how many times she read over the class descriptions, she couldn’t pinpoint why she didn’t have one. She didn’t seem to have any aptitude for wizardry, so Mage was out of the question. Maybe she’d turn out to be a warrior?

  She turned towards her party, analyzing their icons as they slept. She had learned when and when not to pay attention to them and it stopped being a constant reminder of the rules of the Quell. Still, she liked to look at them and wonder what sort of magic caused all of this.

  Kelly Hancock


  Level 9

  He was the first person she had met in the Quell. Hancock was a man of mystery just as much as he was a man with an abundance of information. He took it upon himself to be her guide and mentor throughout the Quell. Whether by convenience or motivation, Adrianna was grateful for his presence. Yet, she was nagged by many questions. Who was he before this? Why did he choose to help lower level players like herself instead of working with a party that was at the same level as him? Where did he get his black katana? If she was going to be a warrior like Hancock, she wondered what sort of skills she’d be able to pick up. She didn’t feel like a warrior now, so she needed a LOT more skills in successful combat. The potential of being a warrior class felt oddly unsatisfying. She wondered if people could grow to love their class?

  He arguably had the most experience in the Quell, which would prove to be an asset, but Myra would argue the Quell experience and worldly experience were two different things. Adrianna’s eyes drifted over to the bard, heavily breathing in her bedroll.



  Level 5

  She made this whole trip worth it. Between her semi-playful banter and incessant teasing, Adrianna had a question or two about how Myra had made it by herself so far. Her limited magical capabilities and use of a sword made her think that traveling in the wilderness was not the bard’s forte. Was she by herself before now? How did she know the whereabouts
of the Council of Lions? Did she have a class crisis too? What was that hidden trait she openly displayed when she first met them? What sort of secrets did she possess? Bards seemed to be a point of irritation for Hancock, but maybe she could speak words of power like Myra. Maybe that will turn out to be her class as well.

  Speaking of secrets, Adrianna knew next to nothing about Parrish. His sleeping form was seated against a tree, arms crossed, still dressed in his hoodie and armor. She wondered if that was uncomfortable.

  Joseph Parrish


  Level 6

  What was to be said about the cleric? He was a quiet guy who observed more than he spoke. Parrish had advertised himself as a combat medic, though the last troll fight didn’t seem to have him doing much. He spent more energy healing than he did fighting, but that was his prerogative. He treated each situation like he’d seen it all before. How much did he get paid? How many people had he lost before taking this job? Had he lost any? What was that dark haunted look behind his brown eyes? He may be a healer, but his motivation for money seemed to transcend his need to do much work beyond his payment. Adrianna thought if she ended up being a cleric, she’d give her services for free. Clerics are supposed to be altruistic.

  Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by movement.

  “Who put you on watch?” Hancock murmured, sitting up from his bedroll.

  “Myra.” Adrianna shrugged. “I was gonna be up anyway, so it worked out.” She softly shut her Book of Survival and slipped into her backpack.

  Sleight of Hand Check. Hide it from Hancock. 7 + 2 (Dex) = 9. Success!

  He was too busy making a face at the sound of Myra’s name and pushing away from his bedroll to notice her movements.

  She pursed her lips and looked at Hancock. “What class do you think I am?”

  “Hm?” Hancock yawned, pulling his backpack towards him and taking out a capsule.

  “My class,” she repeated. “I thought maybe warrior like you, but I don’t think I could have your kind of fighting skills.”

  “Warriors have all sorts of skills,” he replied. “You can specialize in any weapon, I just happen to duel with my katana. You could be a bow Warrior or axe Warrior. It’s whatever you’re comfortable with, really.”

  “So, I could be a Warrior?”

  “I don’t know. Rogue or Hunter seems like more your speed, I think.” Hanock nodded, as he popped the top off the capsule. “You’re pretty quick on your feet. If you have the inkling to start sneaking around to steal stuff or if animals take a particular liking to you, let me know.”

  “What about the other ones?” Adrianna dared to ask. Hancock was pretty clear on his feelings. “The prestige classes.”

  Hancock went quiet for a moment, taking out a small tablet from the capsule and placing it on his tongue. He took his time to swallow and put the capsule away before taking a deep breath. “Prestige classes are...dangerous.”

  “Why?” Adrianna pressed. She was going to get as much information out of him as possible. “What makes them so dangerous? How do you know this? Have you met any besides Myra?”

  “I’ve met some on my travels. Knew some of them personally,” Hancock nodded. “Berserkers, Druids, Warlocks...Bards. They all have something special about them that inevitably lead to more deaths than they do lives. The Quell tends to bring harder challenges to prestigious Players, making those in a party with them suffer more than they should. It doesn’t mean they’re any stronger or better than any other class, it just means they have access to other stuff. I’ve only heard legends of Druids and Warlocks, but I’ve met Bards. They use their art to charm and woo people into their arms with no regard to other’s opinions or feelings. I want to give Myra the benefit of the doubt, but I have my reservations.” Hancock grimaced. “Don’t let her know that though.”

  “Your secret is safe with me,” Adrianna gave him a firm nod.

  Hancock was uncharacteristically talkative and she eagerly listened to every word. “Druids have a command over nature, not like Hunters. Druids can make plants grow or call in wind or lightning. I heard some Druids can even turn into animals. Warlocks are rumored to be able to control the Quell itself, which is dangerous. I haven’t heard anything but horror stories about them.”

  Adrianna shuddered at the thought of someone having control over the very reality they existed in. No one should possess that sort of power. “What about Berserkers?”

  Hancock smirked. “They’re the less dangerous of the prestige classes. As long as they don’t get angry with you, you should be fine in their presence. Most the Berserkers I met are only harmful to those who cross them, which is a pretty good track record for prestige classes.”

  “And you mentioned...Seekers?” Adrianna recalled as the playful look on Hancock’s face withered.

  “Right. Um...Seekers are the worst of them. The two that I’ve met in my time have screwed me over without a second thought,” Hancock murmured, a distant look stretching across his face, like dark clouds gathering with a storm. “More often than not, they crave knowledge over the desire to look after others. They’re lone wolves, and rightfully so. If there was ever a selfish class, that one would be it.”

  “Okay, so I’m definitely not feeling that one,” Adrianna shook her head. “I want to know things, but not that bad.”

  “I know.” Hancock nodded, and tilted his head at her. “Maybe we can jump start your class on the next level up if you start practicing with your crossbow. Or you could try to learn some healing spells from the Cleric. In the meantime get some sleep.”

  “He has a name you know,” Adrianna pointed out but Hancock pointed at her bedroll, and Adrianna sighed, pulling off her armor and curling up. What was his deal? What was with the capsule? Where did he meet all of these people? Why was he so apprehensive about their party? Myra wasn’t so bad and he wouldn’t even call Parrish by name--

  Quest: Secrets of Kelly Hancock (Personal)

  Hancock certainly has a lot of secrets hiding in that black beard of his. You should probably figure them out if you want to know more. Talk to him, gain his trust--maybe you’ll get the answers you're looking for.

  Success Conditions: Unlock Kelly Hancock’s tragic backstory.

  Reward: Experience. And you get to know what’s up with Hancock!

  Refusal: You might figure it out, you just won’t get experience for it. Bummer.

  Do you accept this quest?

  She sat up and glanced over at him as he watched for any wandering trolls. She could find ways to understand Hancock a little better, or she could leave well enough alone...but if it would make it easier for her to level up in the future...

  “I accept,” Adrianna whispered. Better to know than to forever be in the dark.

  Chapter 4: Cave of Treasures

  “We should be there tomorrow if we stay on the path,” Myra called, and the party pressed forward into the forest as clouds started to gather in the sky. The Bard squinted down the concrete-clad bridge that stretched over a rushing river. “Across there should be another spot to take a lunch break or something. Hancock probably needs to polish his sword.”

  “I did that last night,” Hancock frowned. “And I thought you said we’d be there today.”

  “That would be true if we didn’t have to jump down the side of a mountain.” Myra gave the party leader a goofy grin.

  “I didn’t mean to do that,” Adrianna frowned.

  “Teasing, love,” Myra laughed and Hancock glared at her.

  “You made a split decision that ended up saving us.” Parrish suddenly spoke up, his dark presence looming over her. “I think you did well.”

  “Then, I regret nothing,” Adrianna shrugged.

  “If Parrish says it’s all good, it’s all good, then,” Myra gave Hancock a toothy grin, raising her thick eyebrows. “And you thought we could take ‘em.”

  “I had faith in our abilities to overcome the challenge,” Hancock sighed. “It had nothing to do with

  “Well,” Myra snorted. “I don’t know about that.”

  While those two were bantering Adrianna let her eyes wander around her surroundings.

  Perception Check. What’s out there? 16 + 1 (Wis) = 17. Success!

  It wasn’t long before her gaze stopped on a little cave within the confines of a rocky outcrop. Something in the shadows twinkled, reflecting the sunlight. With one glance at her party, she sprinted over to the cave and peered in.

  It was dark within, and the little sparkle was nowhere to be found. Her eyes adjusted quickly, bathing her vision with grey tones. Squirming her way in, she pushed through the dusty rocks and slid on her belly further into the opening. Stumbling to her feet, she was immediately intrigued with a large stream of light coming from a much larger cave mouth only a couple of feet to her left. Blowing her hair out of her face, she carefully stepped her way around large rocks in hunt for the source of the light. Not bothering to take out a torch she stopped to see a single coin laying face up. “Oh neat.”

  She pocketed the coin and looked deeper in. “Holy…”

  She rushed to the mouth cave and excitedly yelled. “Hey guys! Get over here!”

  The party took a while to find her, but each one eventually squirmed into the cave with her. She quickly led them around the corner as they started talking.

  “What are you doing down here, Adrianna?” Hancock said sharply, passing around small torches to everyone. “We have a quest to fulfill.”


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