Destiny Rising

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Destiny Rising Page 5

by Lachlan Wells

  “You have found your true power!”

  You have completed a quest: Finding Your Power

  You’ve meet the Council. And they have spoken.

  Reward: +100 xp

  Adrianna nodded, satisfied with herself, as the Lions all stood back. She looked at them and rolled from her heels to her toes, waiting expectantly.

  “,” she started. “Were you just supposed to tell me or…?”



  Adrianna lifted off the ground and excitedly looked at her character sheet as the box of information filled her vision and her companions looked on expectantly.

  Congratulations! You are now level 5. You have restored your health!


  Improvised Combat: You are somewhat proficient with makeshift weapons and unconventional combat.

  You have discovered your class! You are now a: SEEKER.

  You are now a prestigious player. You have certain benefits and can gain access to unique places.

  Prestige Bonuses: +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence

  Changes in the Quell: There’s more to explore out there. Places of legends and lore and the Quell beckons you to find them.

  Benefits for being a SEEKER: There’s no place you don’t have access to, as long as you have a reason to be there. Your goal in life is to seek, find and discover all there is in the Quell. It’s a daunting task, but if you succeed, there will be a discovery like none other. That is, if you’re up for the task.


  Light Foot: Something in your soul has given you the motivation to move faster and go further than normal. Your speed has increased by 10.

  Way Finder: You are a trailblazer, carving a path through the Quell. You gain additional experience when you discover a new place that hasn’t been discovered yet.

  Internal Compass: It’s good to know where you’re going, it's better to know where you’re coming from so you can always return to where it started. You always know the direction of where you’ve come from and which way is north.


  Cartography Set

  This is good for recording new and exciting places. This item can be upgraded.

  Thieves' Tools

  This is good for lock picking and disarming traps.

  Seeker’s Scroll

  Unknown. This item can be upgraded.

  Name: Adrianna Swann

  Class: Seeker

  Level 5

  Speed: 40

  Armor Class: 13

  XP to next Lvl: 1

  Strength 10 (+0)

  Dexterity 16 (+3)

  Constitution 12 (+1)

  Intelligence 19 (+4)

  Wisdom 13 (+1)

  Charisma 13 (+1)

  Reputation: Nobody Special

  Proficiencies: None.


  Keen Mind

  You remember everything you’ve read within the last 30 days.


  You have no penalties in using your off-hand

  Way Finder

  You gain additional experience when you discover a new place.

  Internal Compass

  You always know where you came from and which why is north.

  Adrianna’s heart dropped as she stared at the words “Seeker” next to her name. Her brain was trying to figure out what was happening. “How can I be a seeker?” They are the worst of the worst, right? They are supposed to be selfish and nasty people. Why did the Stone Lion say that she had already known? How could she have known this? It was the one class she didn’t want to be. Hancock told her...Hancock...

  She glanced at him. He had a dark look on his face and seemed to be bristling with anger. His hand was clenched around the black katana he had summoned.

  “How can I be a seeker?” She whispered as she looked up at the Lions.

  The Manticore sneered. “We don’t choose your class or gifts. We simply help you to unlock what is already within you. Prestige or not.”

  “But I...I can’t be…”

  “Know that there are prophecies and threads of fate woven into the fabric of the Quell,” the fat Sphinx interrupted her stammering. “This is not because you were chosen. It is because it is who you are. Should you choose not to embrace them, they will inevitably embrace you.”

  “But--” Adrianna tried again, her despair began to weigh on her, making her feel like running away.

  “Your time is up, Adrianna Swann,” the snake reared up from the Chimera and its black eyes started at her level. “Return to the Quell. You have much to do and so little time to do it.”

  “Let’s go Ari,” Myra tugged her arm, pulling her from her stupor. “We have to go now.”

  “Happy origin day, little swan.” The fat Sphinx chortled, its fur shaking as she was dragged away by Myra. “I hope you use your gifts well.”

  Chapter 9: Expectations

  Current Status

  Name: Adrianna Swann

  Class: Seeker

  Level 5

  Speed: 40

  Armor Class: 15

  XP to next Lvl: 550

  Strength 10 (+0)

  Dexterity 16 (+3)

  Constitution 12 (+1)

  Intelligence 19 (+4)

  Wisdom 13 (+1)

  Charisma 13 (+1)

  Reputation: Nobody Special

  Proficiencies: None.


  Keen Mind

  You remember everything you’ve read within the last 30 days.


  You have no penalties with using your off-hand

  Way Finder

  You gain additional experience when you discover a new place.

  Internal Compass

  You always know where you came from and which way is north.

  Active Quest(s)

  Quest: History of the Pseudodragons (Any)

  You’ve made a promise to collect and record the history of the pseudodragons. There are troves scattered around the Quell, waiting to be discovered.

  Success Conditions: Collect all 8 scrolls of the pseudodragon ancestors.

  Reward: Experience (duh). The approval and alliance of Gyanati. That might come in handy.

  Failure: You offered this quest. To fail is to break a promise. That may have lasting consequences. Perhaps Gyantai will be generous....perhaps not.

  Quest: Secrets of Kelly Hancock (Personal)

  Hancock certainly has a lot of secrets hiding in that black beard of his. You should probably figure them out if you want to know more. Talk to him, gain his trust--maybe you’ll get the answers you're looking for.

  Success Conditions: Unlock Kelly Hancock’s tragic backstory.

  Reward: Experience. And you get to know what’s up with Hancock!

  Failure: You’ll never know now.

  The four solemnly walked into the outskirts of the forest as the sun started to set on the horizon. The pyramid of the Council of Lions stood in the distance behind them in its blinding light. We don’t choose your class or gifts. We simply help you to unlock what is already within you. Prestige or not.

  “Are we gonna talk about this?” Myra suddenly said, and the group stopped, all eyes slowly migrating to Adrianna.

  “We don’t have to,” Adrianna murmured. “We could just keep going. There’s...nothing to talk about.”

  “Don’t be stupid, of course there’s something to talk about,” Myra frowned as she moved beside the young player. “You’re a Seeker.”

  The look on Myra’s face and the simmering anger behind Hancock’s eyes made Adrianna’s stomach churn. Everything in her bones told her to just keep moving and something better would come along. Maybe there was someone to help her get rid of this. Change her class. Was that even possible?

  The weight of reality made her sit down heavily on the wet grass. She pulled her knees to her forehead, burying her face.

  Myra knelt by her, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder.

  “So...what does it mean?” Adrianna whispered, as she lifted her head to stare at her newly leveled character sheet. “What does being a Seeker even mean?”

  “Well…” Myra started hesitantly. “I’ve never met one, but I’ve heard most of them are pretty much lone wolves. They, um, don’t tend to live very long.”


  “Well,” Myra shook her head and sighed. “To put it bluntly, seekers are known for going places they don’t belong and finding stuff that they have no business finding and getting themselves into sticky predicaments. It makes for a pretty short average lifespan.”

  “Oh,” Adrianna could admit that going places and finding things sounded appealing, but she didn’t want to do it at the cost of her own life. What was the point of seeking if you weren’t alive to share the news with everyone you happened to care about?

  “Don’t be too hung up about it,” Parrish smiled. “I always thought I was going to be a Rogue. I grew up with them. Learned their craft, and know their style, but as soon as I turned eighteen and headed out into the Quell, it gave me Cleric. The one class I never even thought I could be. Everyone in the guild said it made sense. I guess the Quell knows us better than we know ourselves.”

  “Has the Council ever been wrong?” Adrianna looked at her character sheet again. “About anything?”

  “They were right about me,” Myra nodded. “I was like you, Ari. I didn’t have a class for two levels before I went to them. They had me for three days before I became a Bard. You were done in five minutes.”

  “Thanks?” Adrianna frowned. She wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not.

  “Look, Ari,” Myra sighed. “I’m not going to sugar coat it. I’m worried about what it might mean for you to be a Seeker. Stories and legends for the past decades have not been kind to Seekers. I don’t want to make any assumptions about you, but to be fair, we’ve only been traveling together for the past couple of weeks. Less that that really. Admittedly, I don’t know you all that well.”

  Adrianna frowned. That was a fair point; everything had happened pretty fast. Parrish was paid to be here, so he’d say anything as long as it got him paid.

  “There’s nothing wrong with that,” Myra reassured. “As far as I’m concerned, we’re in the same boat together. I’m more than willing to take those steps with you, if you’ll allow me to.”

  “Stuff like fate isn’t as set in stone as people think it is,” Parrish added. “As a believer in stuff like that, I think there’s a reason you’re a Seeker. You just haven’t figured it out yet.”

  Myra nodded and Adrianna looked at Hancock.

  He didn’t say anything. The anger in his eyes from before was gone, but hesitation was still there. Adrianna could feel his wheels turning as he contemplated whether or not to speak. Instead he placed his bag under a tree and sat down.

  “We should get some rest,” Hancock said. “Sleep on it. It’s dark. We’ll get back to it in the morning and our Seeker can figure out what she wants to do next.”

  “That’s it?” Myra frowned. “All that talk about Seekers and you got jack shit nothing to say to her?”

  Hancock started pulling out his sleeping bag. “I said we should get some sleep.”

  “Are you good with this, Ari?”

  Adrianna shrugged. If he didn’t want anything to do with it then she would try not to worry about it. “I am pretty tired.”

  The last words hurt the most. She wasn’t Adrianna anymore, she was just the Seeker. Just like Parrish was the Cleric and Myra was the Bard. She was nothing more to him but a class now.

  Adrianna pulled out her own sleeping bag and curled up. Sleep didn’t come for a while, allowing her plenty of time to reflect on what was said. As she gradually drifted off part of her hoped that she could stay asleep and run free in her dreams forever.

  Chapter 10: Guidance

  Adrianna dreamed she was a dragon again. Scales of gold and white that reflected the sun. Eyes blazing red, burning into the earth below. She could see the expanse of the world, curved with clouds and storms. She exalted in the power of being over the entirety as she tumbled toward the ground below.

  It was then that she realized she was falling. Her wings were flapping, but she could feel pieces of the leathery kites shredded by some previous battle. She breathed, but the glands inside her were empty, devoid of fire and making her throat dry. Nothing allowed her to regain control as the ground rushed faster and faster towards her. Fear gripped her heart as she had the one thought: “I don’t want to die…” And just before she hit the ground, she woke with a start, wide-eyed and slightly out of breath.

  The sun had just peeked beyond the horizon and birds were tweeting to greet the new day. Adrianna immediately pulled out her water skin and emptied it, trying to bring moisture back to her throat.

  Myra was to her left, lightly snoring as she curled over her pack. Hancock was leaned against a tree, also sleeping with his pack in his hands. Parrish opened one eye to look at Adrianna before closing it again.

  “Sleep okay?” He mumbled.

  “Not really,” Adrianna shrugged as she struggled to appear calm.

  “Figured,” he murmured. “You talk in your sleep.”

  “I do? What did I say?”

  He smirked. “Something about not wanting to die.”

  Adrianna stood up and started packing her bag. This wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have right now.

  Before she could figure out some excuse to get the party moving again, Parrish suddenly sat up and got to his feet. “Wake up Myra.” He gestured to the sleeping bard.

  “What’s wrong?” She could see the alarm behind his dark eyes.

  “Some one’s coming,” Parrish replied, nudging Hancock who inhaled sharply and looked up at him.

  “What do you want cleric?” Hancock grumbled.

  “Get ready,” Parrish said. “We may have company.”

  Adrianna shook the groggy Myra awake. “Wha-what’s going on?” Adrianna put a finger to her lips and pointed at the men who had their weapons out. Adrianna pulled out her crossbow and Myra struggled to her feet, sluggishly.

  Each of them listened to the morning song of birds in the surrounding forest, straining to hear anything else.

  Perception Check. 11 + 2 (Wis) = 13. Success!

  After a moment, they could discern footsteps crunching through the underbrush at the outskirt of their camp. It was accompanied by cheerful humming as a solitary person stepped around a group of towering redwood trees and into view. Adrianna’s heart skipped a beat.

  He was about six feet tall, wielding a staff as red robes billowed off of his body. She couldn’t stop herself as she ran forward and landed beside him. “Uncle?!”

  The man turned and her excitement deflated as he saw a head of blond hair and a young face. “Maybe I am!” he replied with a laugh.

  She glanced up at his head and was deflated even more.

  Eric Thyane - Court Historian of Cisco City - (!) Quests Available

  “Oh,” Adrianna backed away. “Sorry, I didn’t realize…”

  “Adrianna!” Hancock was behind her, black katana drawn.

  “Oh, put your sword away, warrior,” Eric Thayne laughed again, the sound repeating itself artificially. “I mean no harm. I’m simply traveling back home.”

  “Ah,” Hancock looked him up and down and nodded. “My mistake.” He turned his angry attention to Adrianna. “What the hell were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed!”

  “I just thought…” Adrianna felt her throat get thick. “I thought it was my uncle. He has the same cloak on as he was wearing when I last saw him…”

  “Anybody could be wearing red robes.” Hancock sighed. “You can get them anywhere they sell fabric. Let’s not run headfirst into stuff like that, okay?”

  Adrianna nodded, but glanced at Eric Thayne anyway. “I was just hoping…”

  Myra and Parrish walked up, looking at the three.
/>   “Don’t be so hard on her, Hancock,” Myra pointed at him. “You’re the one who made her feel like shit for being a Seeker.”

  “I never said anything to her. What are you talking about?” he snapped.

  “You never had to say anything to her. The least you could have done was say you weren’t going to judge her based on the assumptions of her class. She’s young! She needs your support not your criticism!”

  “Excuse me…” Eric Thaye tried to speak up, but the argument only escalated.

  “I’m not criticizing her,” Hancock wheeled on Myra. “You are the one always making assumptions about me! You don’t know a damn thing!”

  “I know people,” Myra jutted her chin up at him. “Who hurt you, huh?”

  “Excuse me?…”

  “No one hurt me,” Hancock started to turn away, but Myra shoved his shoulder.

  “Someone obviously did! Or you wouldn’t have such a visceral reaction to literally every little thing she does!”

  “Just because I don’t say anything, doesn’t mean I’m having a visceral reaction!”

  “Well, enlighten me, warrior, what does it mean, cuz obviously your big speech about Seekers being more selfish than anyone in the Quell had nothing to do with prior experience with them.”

  “Excuse me…” Eric Thayne tried one more time.

  “WHAT?” The two of them turned on the NPC and he didn’t flinch.

  “I couldn’t help but notice you are in need of some help.”


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