First Time Tales - Stranded

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First Time Tales - Stranded Page 6

by Jean-Luc Cheri

He shook his head. “I didn’t say that. Whether you want to do that or not is your choice. All I’m saying is that if you decide not to wait, at least share it with someone who cares about you. Not some stranger you met at the beach.”

  I thought about what he said for a long moment. I knew he was right. It was the same reservations I’d had. But hearing it from him made it seem clearer.

  I hung my head. “You’re right.”

  He reached over and took my hand. “Trust me, Chrissie. You’ll find someone. You just have to open yourself up and get to know a few guys.”

  I smiled. “It sounds so easy when you say it like that.”

  “It’s not easy. At least at first. But once you talk to a few guys, you’ll get comfortable. I promise. After all, you’re talking to me, right?”

  “I guess. But you’re different?”

  “I’m only different because you know me. Once you get to know other guys, you’ll feel the same way about them.”

  “Can I ask you a personal question, Danny?”


  “What was your first time like?”

  Chapter 21

  He seemed surprised for a moment, and then said, “It was amazing.”


  “Yeah, but I got lucky.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She was older, and she knew what she was doing.”

  “How much older?”

  “She was twenty-five, and I was eighteen.”

  I looked at him in shock. “How did that happen?”

  “She was a sister of one of my friends, Amy was her name. Still is, I guess. Haven’t seen her in over ten years. Anyway, I went over my friend’s house to see him, and it turned out that he had gone with his family to visit one of the colleges he was thinking of attending. Amy was home by herself, making arrangements for her wedding, which was coming up in two months.”

  “She was engaged?”

  “Yes. So, after she tells me everyone’s gone, I turn to leave, but she calls me back and asks if I could help her with something. I say sure, so she invites me up to her room.”

  “Did you think something was going to happen?”

  “No, not really. I mean, I knew her since I was little, and I’d always fantasized about her, but I never thought anything would actually happen. Anyway, she shows me two styles of wedding invitations, and asks me which one I like the most. To be honest, they both looked the same to me, but I just pointed to the one on the left and said, ‘That one.’”

  I laughed. “Just like that?”

  “Yep. My dad always told me girls liked guys who were decisive, so I decided.”

  “And what did she say?”

  “Well, she was so impressed with my decision making abilities, she told me she needed my opinion on something else. So I’m figuring, what is this, do I get to pick the colors of the flowers too? But she goes to her closet and pulls out two hangers, and on each one is a baby-doll nightie, both of them sheer and sexy. Then she asks me which one do I think her new husband would like better?”

  “She did?” I said incredulously.

  “Yep. By this time, my tongue is touching the floor, and all of my decision making skills have left me. I’m just staring between her and the nighties in shock. You know what she says then?”


  “She says, ‘I can see you’re having trouble deciding between the two. Perhaps if I modeled them for you?’”

  “No way!”

  “She did. So, she disappears into her bathroom with the hangers, and I’m wondering if this is some kind of joke. But a few minutes later she comes out wearing one of them. And I’m telling you, I’ve never been harder in my life.”

  I giggled.

  “I tell her that she’s beautiful, and that’s the one, but she tells me I have to see them both before I make up my mind. So, she goes back into the bathroom, and comes out wearing the other one. That one was even more revealing, so I tell her it’s definitely it, wear that one.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “Then she tells me before I make my final decision, I should see what her husband is going to see, and then she starts taking it off.”

  “Get out!”

  “Right in front of me. Soon, she’s completely naked, and I have no clue what to do next. She takes my hand, leads me to the bed, and just guides me right through it. Like I said, it was amazing.”

  “Why did she do it if she was engaged?”

  “She told me that the more she thought about spending the rest of her life with the same guy, the more she wanted one last fling before she tied the knot.”

  “Did she marry him?”

  “Yeah. As far as I know, they’re still happily together. I hope he enjoyed his wedding night, because I worked hard picking out Amy’s nightie.”

  I laughed. “I bet you did.”

  “So, like I said, I was lucky.”

  “Maybe I’ll get lucky too, and I’ll find an older guy who’ll teach me.”

  I didn’t intend it the way it sounded, and as soon as I said it, I wished I could take it back. Our eyes met for a moment, and I guess he saw the embarrassed look I was giving him, because he smiled and said, “Yeah, maybe you will.”

  He then gave me a curious look, and said, “Hey, wasn’t it you who walked in on Marcia and me a few years ago?”

  I winced. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  He laughed. “You didn’t learn anything from watching us?”

  I grinned. “Maybe a little. I’d heard rumors people did something like that, but never really believed them. Seeing you two proved it really happened. But it brought up more questions than it answered.”

  “Do you still have any unanswered questions?”

  “A few.”

  “Well, since your parents obviously aren’t going to help, you can ask me if you want.”

  I blushed. “No, I couldn’t.”

  “Well, the offer is open if you change your mind.”

  Chapter 22

  I noticed the tube of lotion sitting on the end table, and picked it up. “I guess it’s time for another application.”

  He looked at the clock. “And it’s almost midnight. I’ll put the lotion on and then find you a cake.”

  I grinned. “Ok.”

  He moved to kneel beside the couch, and I stretched out, lying on my stomach. Once again, his hands felt good on me, as they worked the lotion into my skin. He seemed to take his time this time, especially as his hands moved upward, along the edge of my shorts.

  I closed my eyes and imagined he was touching me because of desire, not because he was being helpful. In my mind, I pretended he was my husband, and we were preparing to make love. That thought caused a warm wetness to spread within me, and I sighed softly in pleasure.

  Once again, he lifted the bottom hem of my shorts and slid his fingers underneath. This time, his fingertips curled down around my inner thigh, and my body twitched when I felt them brush against the smooth material of my panties.

  “Sorry,” he said softy, but when he repeated the action on the other side, and he touched me there again, he didn’t apologize. I could feel the wetness seeping out of me, and as his hands continued to move, I felt the need to squeeze my legs together.

  I realized he was done with the lotion, but his hands remained on me, caressing my skin. It felt so good, I wasn’t going to stop him, but after a moment he seemed to come out of his trance, and pulled his hands away.

  “There,” he said, “does that feel better?”

  “It feels amazing,” I said, keeping my face in the cushion. I had to fight the desire to raise my butt, and invite his hands back to me. I could feel my nerve endings screaming out for more of his touch.

  “Well,” he said, “you wait here while I go get your cake. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  I sat up and he went into the kitchen, where the howling wind outside prevented me from hearing what he was doing. After a few minutes, he came back
in carrying a plate with a burning candle on it. When he set it on the coffee table in front of me, I saw what he had done.

  On the plate was a doughnut, and a small candle had been stuck down through the hole. I giggled. “It’s wonderful. Thank you.”

  “Sorry it’s only one candle instead of eighteen.” He sat next to me on the couch.

  “I love it.”

  “Now, all we have to do is wait for midnight.”

  I looked at the clock. “Only one minute to go.”

  “Have you thought of a wish?”


  “Better hurry then. Every birthday girl gets a wish.”

  Our eyes met, and at that moment, all I could think about was wanting him to touch me. I wanted him to take me in his strong arms and give me my very first kiss.

  We didn’t speak as we held our gaze. He leaned in slightly closer, and for a brief moment, I thought it was going to happen. But then the clock struck the hour.

  He smiled and leaned back. “Happy birthday, Chrissie.”

  I returned his smile. “Thanks.”

  He began singing. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.” His voice was pretty good.

  I laughed.

  “Happy birthday, dear Chrissie, happy birthday to you.”

  I clapped as I continued to laugh.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “Make your wish and blow out your candle.”

  Please kiss me, I thought, as I took a breath, leaned toward my doughnut cake, and blew out the flame.

  “Very good,” he said, “now your wish will come true. And here’s a kiss for the birthday girl.” He leaned in close and kissed me on the cheek.

  I must have given him a startled look, because he pulled back quickly. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s ok.”

  “I didn’t mean anything by it. I apologize for surprising you.”

  “I wasn’t surprised. At least not the way you mean.”

  His brow furrowed. “I don’t understand.”

  “I was surprised because…”

  “Go on.”

  “Because that’s what I wished for.”

  He gave me a confused look. “What you wished for?”

  “Yeah. I wished that you’d kiss me.”

  His confusion grew. “Your wish was that I’d kiss you on the cheek?”

  My blush felt hot. “Not on the cheek.”

  He looked at me bewildered for a moment, then understanding spread across his face, and he smiled. “So, you wished for a first kiss?”

  “Yeah. It’s silly, I know. And then you did it, kinda, and that’s what surprised me.”

  “Let’s do this right then.”

  “Do what right?”

  “Your first kiss. I’m not going to deny a birthday girl her wish.”

  Chapter 23

  My eyes opened wide. “Really?”

  “Sure, if that’s what you want.”

  “Well, yeah, but…”

  “Shh,” he said, leaning in close.

  It all happened so quickly, I barely had a chance to think about it. His hands moved to my sides, holding me in place as he tilted his head down to mine. I lifted my face to his, and our lips touched lightly. I could feel his warm breath on my skin. And then we were kissing, his lips so soft upon mine. I felt my body instinctively arch into him, and my breasts pressed against his muscular chest.

  We held the kiss for a long moment, and then he pulled away slightly. Our eyes met, and I saw something new in his – something that made my stomach flutter. I knew at that moment that he wanted me.

  He kissed me again, pulling me to him and now his lips were urgent. I could feel his desire in the way he held me, and the way his hands moved on me. It was exactly what I had been longing for.

  My arms slid up around his broad shoulders and I clung to him, feeling my nipples tighten and swell against his chest. I was surprised when I felt his tongue probing between my lips, but I opened them slightly to welcome him. My tongue met his, and I gasped as I felt his hand slide down to cup my butt.

  I welcomed all of it. Yes! my mind cried out, this is what I need! What I’ve been needing. All those late-night aches in my stomach and between my legs, this is what my body had been crying out for. To be held in a man’s arms. To be desired by another person.

  His hand moved from behind me, up my side, and then around to the front, where it softly held my breast. I groaned again, as my nipple pressed into his palm.

  But suddenly, his hands moved to my shoulders, and he pushed himself away. No, please. I need it!

  He was breathing deeply. “I’m sorry, Chrissie. I don’t know what I was thinking. I just got carried away.”


  “Oh god, what did I do? Please forgive me.”

  “It’s ok.”

  He stood. “It’s wrong. I’m married and you’re too young. I think it’s best if we just said goodnight.”

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “No, Chrissie, I’m mad at me. I shouldn’t have let that happen.” He took two candles off the mantel. “When you’re ready for bed, take two candles and blow the rest out. Take them up to your room, but put them out before you go to bed. Goodnight Chrissie. Happy birthday.”

  He went up the stairs, leaving me alone.

  I felt terrible. When he had held me, it was everything I wanted, and now I knew what I was missing. On top of that, I had made him upset, and now he probably hated me.

  And to make matters worse, the storm was getting more intense. I could feel the house shuddering with each blast of wind, and the lightning crashed around us like a war was going on. It made me feel a little better knowing the house was old, and it had probably survived many hurricanes. But then I began to think that maybe it’s too old, and it’s time is due.

  As I sat alone on the couch, with my legs up and hugging my knees, I began to cry. What a lousy birthday this was turning out to be.

  Chapter 24

  Another loud bolt of lightning hit right next to the house, and I jumped and cried out. I heard something smash outside, and ran to the window to look. Peeking through the shutters, I saw a large tree had been blown over in the side yard. My tears came harder, and I knew what I had to do.

  I blew out all the candles but two, and headed up stairs. Danny’s door was closed, and I knocked softly.

  “Yes?” he asked from within.

  “Danny, I’m scared.”

  A moment later the door opened slightly and his face appeared. “Chrissie, it’s going to be ok.”

  “A big tree blew down outside, right next to the house.”

  “Just go to sleep. It will be over when you wake up.”

  “Can I sleep in there with you?”

  “That’s not a good idea.”

  “Please? It’s not about that other stuff. I just don’t want to be alone. I’ll sleep on the floor.”

  He stared at me for a long moment, and then pulled the door open wide. “Ok. Come on in.” He was dressed in only his boxers.

  “Thanks.” I went in and set my candles on the bedside table. I lay down on the floor, beginning to get comfortable.

  “What are you doing?” he said.

  “Going to sleep.”

  “Don’t be silly. I can’t let you sleep on the floor. Get up on the bed.” Then he gave me a half smile and added. “Just remember which side is yours.”

  I got up and smiled back. “Thanks.”

  “Here,” he said, climbing back into bed on his side. “I’ll turn my back and you can get comfortable clothes-wise. Blow out the candles when you’re done.”

  He turned his back to me, and I slid down my shorts, and then pulled off my T-shirt. After removing my bra, I put my shirt back on and extinguished the candles. Slipping into bed and pulling the covers up, I faced away from him.

  “Better?” he asked.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Goodnight, Chrissie.”

  “Goodnight, Danny.�

  I drifted off to sleep, listening to the storm and feeling safe in the same bed as this man.

  Chapter 25

  I was startled out of sleep by loud banging, and as I fought my way to consciousness, I realized I was lying against warm skin. My head was resting on Danny’s shoulder, and I was lying on my side, pressed against him. My arm was resting across his chest. It was still dark.

  He sprang to a sitting position. “What’s that?”

  I sat up also. “I don’t know.”

  He hurried out of bed, lit a candle, then went out the door. I followed. The sound was coming from down the hall. The shutters for the window at the end of the hallway had been blown open, and were banging against the side of the house.

  “Hold this,” he said, handing me the candle. Then he pushed up the window, and the rain came in, soaking him immediately. He reached for one shutter, pulled it closed, then reached for the other. But the wind blew the first one out again.

  I set the candle on the floor, and stepped up next to him, feeling the cold water soak my shirt and panties. When he pulled the shutter closed again, I grabbed it and held on, preventing it from flapping loose. He grabbed the other one, pulled it in place, and I slid the latch down, locking them together. He pounded it a few times with his fist, making sure it was in place, and then pulled the window down.

  We stood there breathing hard, looking at each other as we dripped onto the carpet. He held up his hand again, and I grinned and slapped it.

  “Good teamwork,” he said.

  “That’s us.”

  “Let’s go get dried off.”

  He picked up the candle and I followed him towards his room. As we passed the bathroom, I said, “Hold up a sec. Let me grab some towels.”

  He stood at the doorway to the bathroom, as I pulled a few towels from the closet. Then we went to his room.

  We dried off a bit, but we both realized it was useless as long as we had our wet clothes on.

  “Here,” he said, “turn around.”

  I turned so my back was to him. He then leaned over and blew out the candle, leaving us in darkness. His hands found the bottom hem of my shirt, and to my surprise, he pulled it upward. The wet material peeled off of my skin, and I raised my arms to allow it over my head. When it was free, he tossed it away.


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