The Mike Black Saga Volume 1

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The Mike Black Saga Volume 1 Page 26

by Roy Glenn

  “Yes sir,” she said and got in the shower.

  E rang the bell at Mike’s house about one thirty. Mike was in the basement working out when E arrived. Remembering what Mike said, Shy checked her weapon, removed the safety, went to the door and let him in.

  “Come on in, E.”

  “So, this is it, Vicious Black’s house. I expected more.”

  “So, did I, but come in anyway.”

  Shy led E into the living room. He sat down in the chair by the window.

  “So, we work for this nigga now?”

  “No!” Shy answered with a frown. “What makes you say that?”

  “The way Freeze been rolling around, peeping out the operation. And with him guaranteeing our purchase, I just thought we worked for him.”

  “Hold up E, Black didn’t guarantee anything. Okay, so he used his influence so I could make the deal with Hector. But that don’t mean we work for him.”

  “That’s not what I hear.”

  “What you talking about, E?” Shy fired.

  “Can he hear us?”

  “Let’s go outside.” Shy grabbed her coat. Put her gun in the pocket. E led Shy away from the house to his car. “Now, what you talking about, E?”

  “I been hearing for a long time that Black was behind the robberies all along. He hates drug dealers and wanted to put us out of business because we operate too close to this area. He got a real thing about people doing business here.”

  “Nobody rolls around here. Everyone knows that. But we’re not even close.”

  “Well, Shy, that’s not entirely true.”

  “What you mean, E?” Shy asked.

  “I have a little spot two blocks from the dead zone,” E said.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that before?”

  “You never wanted to know where I was doing business before. It was outside the fuckin’ dead zone. I didn’t think they’d give a shit. But that’s not what I been hearing lately.”

  “What now?”

  “Now, since he’s all in love with you, he figures he can just take over our organization since it’s so spread out and expand his gambling operation. With his influence with the cops and his muscle, no one could fight him off for long. He probably arranged for Hector to turn you down so he could guarantee it.”

  “He didn’t guarantee it!” Shy shouted.

  “That’s not what I hear!” E said all up in her face.

  “Don’t you think I thought of all that? But why would he do that? It’s not like he needs the money,” she said angrily.

  “Man like that never has enough money. It’s the power he needs.”

  “I just don’t think it’s like that!” Shy said all up in his face.

  “Look, Shy,” E said, backing up off her. “I don’t wanna argue with you. Besides, if it’s true we’ll all make mad dough anyway. I just wanna know what’s up, that’s all I’m saying. Open your eyes Shy. See this thing with Black for what it is. This ain’t no fairy tale. Y’all ain’t gonna live happily ever after. This is business!” E got in his car. “Call me as soon as you know what’s up with Orlando.” E slammed the door and drove away before Shy could tell him what went on the night before.

  Shy thought about all that E had said. She still refused to believe that Black was involved in any way. How could he be involved, when she loved him so much? However, she could no longer ignore the possibility. Other than his word that he wasn’t involved, there was no reason that he couldn’t be. It would be easy for Vicious Black to have arranged it all. There was no telling how long he’d had somebody following her, so he would know enough about her operation to pull off the robberies. He could have set it up to be able to use his influence with Hector. Shy walked back in the house thinking about how things had worked out so that she would need him. If he were planning to take over it would only be logical to have Freeze checking them out.

  Shy went upstairs to the bedroom and closed the door. She took off her coat and removed the gun from her pocket. Pacing back and forth, gun in hand. E’s words kept rolling around in her mind. The more she thought, the angrier she got. If his intention was only to take over her organization, how could she ever trust him? She thought about going straight downstairs and confronting Mike.

  “No,” she said, sitting down on the bed. “Just play it cool and see where this all leads.” Shy got up and started down the steps heading straight for the basement. “Fuck all that play it cool shit,” not giving any thought to the gun in her left hand.

  “Black!” she shouted. “Black!”

  Mike came running up from the basement and ran right into Shy’s arms. “Cassandra, is everything all right?”

  “You and I need to have a conversation,” Shy said, separating herself from his arms. Seeing the gun in her hand Mike stepped back.

  “What’s the gun for, Cassandra?” Mike said to her in a tone she had never heard. “You wanna shoot me?”

  Shy looked at the gun. “Is it you?”

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about, Black. Don’t play me like I’m stupid. Are you planning to take over?” Shy said with her gun at her side.

  Mike began to walk toward her slowly.

  “If you think I am, go ahead and shoot.”

  “Answer me!”

  “No! You think all this is about taking over your little bullshittin’ ass dope business? You wanna tell me why I’m doing this?”

  Shy didn’t answer.

  “You talk to me. This is too important. You tell me what that bitch made nigga said to make you walk up on me with a gun.”

  Shy looked at the gun again and smiled. “I’m not gonna shoot you. People just been saying you’ve been behind this all along. But now since you’re in love with me you figured you can just take over my operation since it’s so diverse. Once you took over, you’d expand your gambling interests. The talk is that with your influence with the cops and your muscle,” she said smiling, watching the sweat drip off him, “no one could fight you off for long. That’s why you arranged for Hector to turn me down so you could guarantee it.”

  “I know. Bobby heard the same thing.”

  “So, what’s up, Black? More money? More power?

  “Money! I don’t fuckin’ believe this. Money! Baby, please. I got enough cash in this house to do your deal with Hector and pay off Angee.”

  “Why don’t you?”

  “Why don’t I what? Pay off Angee?”


  “I told him no.”

  “He asked you?”


  “When?” Shy asked.

  “Before we left for the islands.”

  “What did he say?”

  “I told you. Angee said he was hoping to see you,” Mike said.


  “He wanted to know if he should be talking to me about that now. I told him no.”

  “You did?” Shy said in surprise.

  “But I shouldn’t have, should I. The thing to do is pay Angee. And while I’m at it why don’t I just do your deal with Hector. That would put me in control, wouldn’t it? That’s it. Come here,” Mike said, grabbing Shy by the hand. He led her into the den. He opened the closet and pulled out a metal briefcase. “Open it,” he said, handing her the case.

  “What’s in it?”

  “Open it,” Mike said as he sat down.

  Shy opened the case and as she expected it was filled with money. “How much money is in here?”

  “Three hundred grand. The quarter mill you owe Angee, plus fifty for making him wait for his money. Take it,” Mike said quietly. “Now you don’t have to deal with Hector. So much for my guarantee. Save me and Bobby the trouble of going to see Orlando tonight.”

  “I can’t take this,” Shy said, starting to feel bad about asking him.

  “You already did,” Mike said, leaving Shy in the den. He went into the living room, sat down by the window and looked out.
  Shy closed the case and followed him into the living room. She put the case down on the floor next to the couch and sat down. “I don’t wanna believe it baby.”

  “But there’s something that tells you, yeah it could be Black.”

  “Yes. So, I had to ask. I had to look in your eyes and hear you say one more time that it isn’t you.”

  “I’m not the one. You’re just going to have to trust me.” Standing to proclaim his innocence.

  “I know. Just be patient with me,” Shy said.

  Mike sat down next to her and reached for her hand. “All I wanna do is love you, Cassandra. If you don’t believe anything else, I told you, believe that.”

  “The only thing I am sure about is that I love you.”

  They kissed and made up.


  Pam got the girls ready to take to her sister Monica’s house for the evening. Bobby watched the football game in the living room with Bobby Jr. He sat close to his father, hoping he would say that he didn’t have to go with his sisters. He didn’t really like going to his Aunt Monica’s house; it was a little too girlie for him. Since Aunt Monica had two daughters of her own, there was never much for him to do.

  “RJ, let’s go,” Pam yelled from the front door.

  “Your mother’s calling you,” Bobby said to his son.

  “I don’t wanna go, Daddy,” he replied, “I wanna stay here with you and Uncle Mike.”

  “You need to go so you can look out for your sisters. You know you’re the man of the family when I’m not around.”

  “I know that, but I still don’t wanna go, Daddy.”

  “I’ll make a deal with you chief. You go with your sisters and me, you and Uncle Mike will go to the game next week.”

  “Robert Ray Jr., I’m not gonna tell you again. Let’s go,”

  Pam yelled again. Bobby picked his son up in his arms and carried him to the door. Seeing them coming, Pam gathered the girls together and went to the car. Pam gave Bobby last minute cooking instructions before leaving for her sister’s.

  “I’ll be back in an hour Bobby. Please don’t let the duck burn,” Pam pleaded.

  “Don’t worry baby. I’m all over this.”

  “That’s what bothers me,” Pam said slamming the car door and driving away. Bobby went back inside and back to the game. When Pam returned an hour later, she found her husband asleep in the chair, as she expected. Which is why she set the oven to warm before leaving the house.

  “Bobby … Bobby, wake up. You remember the last thing, the only thing I asked you to do before I left?

  “I remember … the roast duck.”

  “Is toast.”

  “Can you do anything with it?” Bobby said coming out of his nod.

  “Nothing, but call a caterer,” Pam said with a smile.

  “I guess we can eat out.” Bobby looked at Pam and noticed her smile. “You’re a little too calm for someone whose days’ work just got trashed. Nothing’s wrong with that duck, is it Pam?”

  “You’re no fun,” Pam said.

  “I’m lots of fun. You just ain’t slick,” Bobby said, following Pam to the kitchen.

  “You know me too well, Bobby. What time did you tell them to come?”

  “Seven. Let’s see. It’s six thirty now, so he should be here any …” The doorbell rang. “Right on queue. Mike’s always early.”

  “Don’t open the door yet, I look like Hazel,” Pam said, running by Bobby and up the stairs.

  Once Pam had made it safely in the bedroom, Bobby opened the door.

  “Pam had to run upstairs?” Mike asked as they entered.

  “Something about looking like Hazel. How are you, Shy?” Bobby asked kissing her hand.

  “Just fine, Bobby. Thank you for inviting me,” Shy replied graciously.

  “You gonna kiss my hand, too?” Mike said jokingly.

  “Come on in and have a seat. Pam will be down after a while.” Bobby led Shy on his arm into the living room.

  “You want something to drink, Cassandra?” Mike asked, making himself at home.

  “Surprise me. Something fruity.”

  Bobby excused himself and went upstairs, leaving Mike and Shy alone. While Mike fixed her drink, Shy wandered around the room looking at the many pictures, which were spread throughout the room. “Are these their kids?”

  “That’s the crew,” Mike said without looking up. “From left to right that’s Bobby Jr., Barbara, Bonita and Brenda.”

  “I think I’d go crazy with four little kids like that. How old are they?”

  Mike walked over and handed Shy her drink. “Bobby’s six, Barbara’s four and the twins are almost two.”

  “What’s this?” Shy asked, holding her drink up in front of the light.

  “Something fruity,” Mike answered. He returned to the bar and poured himself a drink.

  “What’s in it?”

  “Taste it, and I’ll tell you.”

  Shy took a sip. “That’s pretty good. It’s got a little kick to it. What’s in it?”

  “Spice Rum, Absolut, Peach Schnapps, orange and pineapple juices and a teaspoon of grenadine for color.” He sat down on the couch.

  Shy continued to look around. She stopped in front of Bobby and Pam’s wedding picture. Shy stood a while, smiled at Mike, and sat down next to him.

  “How come there are no pictures of you? Or Bobby for that matter? Other than the wedding picture that is.”

  “There’s only one picture of me and Bobby.”

  “I don’t see it,” Shy said, scanning the room with her eyes.

  “Cabinet, under the lamp,” Mike replied.

  Shy opened the cabinet, reached in and took out, “The wedding pictures,” she said as she handed the album to Mike, and he turned to the only picture of him and Bobby.

  He handed the album to Shy. She flipped a few pages, stopping on the picture of the bridal party. “Is that Regina?”

  “Yes,” Mike said, without looking at the picture.

  “She’s very pretty, Black,” she said looking at another picture of Regina.

  “Yes, she is.”

  “And very foolish,” Shy said, closing the album.

  “You think so, huh, a couple of hours ago you were thinking about shooting me.”

  “You see I didn’t shoot. Seriously, I am sorry about that. You’re probably not gonna believe this, but I wasn’t even thinking about shooting you. The gun just happened to be in my hand,” Shy said laughing. “I really wasn’t all that mad.”

  “I know baby,” Mike said as he kissed her. “The gun just made it seem that way.”

  “Excuse me,” Bobby said. “Y’all wanna use the guest room. I know how that feeling gets.”

  “That’s why we have four kids,” Pam said, walking past Bobby toward Shy. “Hi, I’m Pam.”

  Shy stood up to greet her. “My name is Cassandra, but please call me Shy. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “It’s good to finally meet you too. What did Wanda call you?”

  “Pam,” Mike said.

  “What did she call me?”

  “You’re starting shit now, Pam,” Bobby said.

  “I don’t remember what she said. It wasn’t anything bad. I thought it was kinda cute. Well since you’re early, dinner will be a while. Shy you make yourself at home. Mike always does.”

  “Thank you. Do you need any help?”

  “Not right now, but I’ll let you know if I need you,” Pam said, going into the kitchen.

  A short while later Pam announced that dinner was ready. Bobby filled each glass with champagne, Dom Perignon 1982. Along with the roast duck Pam had prepared pasta and sautéed vegetables with a cream sauce.

  Dinner conversation was polite and casual at first. Shy was expecting Pam to ask her many questions. She asked where Shy bought her outfit and whether she could cook. “I can cook anything that requires boiling water. Other than that, I’m lost in the kitchen.”

  “A woman of the
new millennia,” Bobby said.

  “That’s me,” Shy replied. “I can’t cook, and I have somebody who comes in to clean my apartment.”

  “Are you an only child?” Bobby asked.

  “No, I come from a big family. I have six brothers and two sisters.”

  “That’s too many kids. I can’t say a thing with the crew I got,” Pam said.

  “Your children are beautiful,” Shy said.

  “Thank you. Do you have any, Shy?” Pam asked.


  “Do you want any?” Bobby asked.

  “I never gave it much thought. I like kids, but I’m not in any hurry to have any. No disrespect to you, Pam.”

  “None taken. But I’ll give you some advice. Until you’re ready for your life as you know it to end, don’t have any. I barely remember who I was six years ago.”

  “Tell me something, Shy. How did you get started in the game?” Bobby asked. “I’m sure you’re quite intelligent. I can tell you got some education. You carry yourself well and all that shit. How did you become a player?”

  “When I graduated from college with a dual degree in management and marketing, I knew I was set. My brother Randy was waiting tables at a little restaurant in Brooklyn trying to get into medical school. So, I told him when I got a job, I would help him pay for med school. But I couldn’t find a job. After a while, both of us were waiting tables. I decided then.”

  “That’s interesting. I put someone through med school, too,” Bobby said.

  “Oh really, who was that?” Shy asked.

  “His name is Perry,” Bobby said.

  “Someone y’all grew up with, right?”

  “Yeah, Mike probably mentioned him.”

  “No. Mr. Black don’t give up information freely. If you don’t ask, he ain’t saying.”

  “Unlike some people,” Mike remarked.

  “Oh, so you saying I talk too much?” Bobby asked. But Mike didn’t answer him. So, he turned his attention back to Shy.

  “You think you’ve got your business problems worked out?”

  “I hope so, Bobby. It’s causing friction where I don’t need it,” Shy said looking at Mike. He winked at her. “I’d rather leave all that gangster stuff to you and Black.”

  “Cassandra thinks we wanna take over her business, Bob.”


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