Tag Forever Mine

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Tag Forever Mine Page 27

by Catherine Charles

  “Sure thing.”

  “West! You ready?” I nod and get into position. “Let’s go.”

  I throw out a couple of pitches and they register in the high eighties and into the low nineties.

  “That’s not bad. It’ll get better as you get used to being back. I’m happy with that for your first day.”

  “So we’re done?”

  She let out a sarcastic laugh, “Not even close.”

  I look around and notice we have a slight audience. As my eyes return to Presley I notice she’s taken off her catching gear and now Coach is wearing pieces of it. She comes back from the dugout carrying a bat and a couple of players have run onto the field.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I want to see how many times you can throw a strike in thirty minutes.”

  “Pres.” She shoots me a grimacing glare. “D, you know what speed I throw at.”


  “I’m gonna strike you out every single time.”

  “We’ll see. Now let’s go.”

  I throw the first pitch and it connects with the bat, soaring far into left field.

  “What was that about striking me out? Again.”

  I throw another one out and she hits it hard into right field.

  “Again.” Pitch after pitch she gets hit after hit.

  “What the hell!” I throw my glove on the ground in frustration. Even in a game I occasionally throw players out, but her, there’s no way I’ve slipped this far. Forget the Rangers, at this rate I won’t be asked back next year for the minor team.

  “I can do this all day, West.” She says with an irritatingly annoying confidence.

  “Did you live at the batting cages?” I thunder back.

  She doesn’t shy away from my agitated demeanor. In fact she embraces it head on, “Yes, and so do the players you’re up against. We’ll try again tomorrow.”

  “No,” I snap. “I wanna keep going.”

  “You sure? I don’t want to strain your arm on the first day.”

  “My arm’s fine,” I grumble . There’s no way in hell I’m letting her show me up. Surely Trey wasn’t that good of a teacher. She has better form than a lot of the guys I play with, and each hit is a solid connection. She knows exactly where in the box I’m throwing, knows when to swing, and when to hold.

  “You ready to make this interesting?” She rests the bat on her shoulder, hand on her hip, and takes in her surroundings before looking at me.

  “I’m listening.”

  “For every pitch I’m able to hit, I will take off a piece of clothing.” Her mischievous smile widens, and I hear a few of the guys behind me let out low whistles.

  “No! Absolutely not.” I’m taken back by her proposition. “There are people watching and you’re incredible. Practically perfect. You’re better than half the guys on this team.” And there’s no way in hell I want these assholes behind me seeing what I get to go home to each night. The thought that she would even offer such a thing is infuriating. How could she think so little of herself to offer her appearance as bait.

  “Then you shouldn’t doubt your abilities. Be confident in every single pitch you throw, and if I end up naked it’s on you.”

  “Do you do this with everyone?” If she says yes I might actually loose it.

  “In some fashion yes. However, usually the roles are reversed, they’re the ones stripping, not me.” Well that’s a relief.

  My mouth drops and I laugh at the expressions that I’m sure have crossed many a man’s face when they realize what she’s about to put them through.

  “I figured you keeping my clothes on was a stronger motivator though, since we have company.” She gives me a wink and a smile.

  Touché Presley, touché. I laugh at how well she knows me.

  “Now are you ready?”

  “Absolutely.” It’s amazing how she pulls at my confidence. She trusts me to keep her clothes on, maybe not completely covered, but she knows there’s no way in hell I’d let her become completely naked in front of these people. I throw a couple of pitches and her hat, socks, shoes, and shirt come off immediately, removing each piece as if it were no big deal. She’s standing there in a sports bra, workout leggings, and if I had to guess, a thong. I have to focus. I throw out the next one. She swings and misses. Thank God. I throw for the next twenty minutes and it’s strike after strike until she ends the session and the field clears off.

  “You look pleased with yourself,” she says while moving closer to me.

  “Oh I am.” I slide my arm around her bare waist, lifting her up to me to kiss her nose. “Thank you Pres,” I whisper against her ear before kissing her again.

  “You’re very welcome hot stuff. But you know one good day doesn’t mean we’re done.”

  “I know, but it’s a good start.” I kiss her again and set her down on the ground.

  “Go get cleaned up. You stink.” I laugh as she playfully pushes against me. “Meet me at the apartment?”

  And just like that, our good time comes to an end, demons from my past threaten to strip the good in my life. “Now? But I—”

  “Robert, the league needs it. Now go get cleaned up and meet me there.” She’s not playing. Donovan is staring me down; I’m not winning this battle.

  * * *

  I make the familiar walk back to the apartment. There is something very haunting about it, my future behind me, the past in front of me. I know why Robert doesn’t want to go back and to be honest neither do I, but it has to be done and there’s no sense in dragging this part out. It’s time to close this chapter of our lives.

  I remember the mess that it was in the last time I was there and I’m ninety-eight percent positive Robert didn’t clean up before he left. Hopefully he at least has some trash bags. I slide my key into the lock and turn the knob. The door opens with a small creek as I come face to face with the home I first created for us. This time I take my time looking around at what had become of his life without me. He was stuck just as I had been. Everything was the same as when I lived here. Our pictures were still up, everything mom and I bought was still there and looked to be in good condition, and except for the beer bottles, moldy dishes and pizza box on the couther, this place was still a nice home.

  It was welcoming and cozy. I still remember the look on Laura’s face when she came to apologize for our day together and she saw the transformation that had taken place. I missed her; I’d cut all ties with my life here the night I left. I’d seen Rick my first day on the job, talked to him a few times on the phone, and sent emails keeping him updated on Robert’s progress. Laura was my only friend out here. They took Robert and me under their care and guidance when we first moved here, and something told me they continued to look out for him after I left.

  I shook my head against the onslaught of memories, grabbed a trash bag and got to work throwing everything in it. Once it was full I tied it and set it out on the porch; Robert could take it to the trash when he came.

  With the living, kitchen, and dining rooms cleaned up, I moved into the bedroom. Our bed still looked as welcoming as it had that very first day and as I sat on my side of the bed, the scent of my perfume still lingered in the air. I picked up my pillow and breathed in deeply.

  “Do you know how hard it is to find your perfume?” his voice floats through the air.

  I look up to find Robert leaning against the door frame.

  “I get it from a little store back home.”

  “Amazon has it as well, but it’s expensive as hell.” He moves towards the bed and sits down next to me. “I went crazy the first time I ran out of it. The label was worn, and I couldn’t make out the name of it. I searched Google for days trying to find it. I didn’t have much to go off of beside a clear bottle, silver lid, and I remembered the picture of the bee on the front. Once I found it I bought all that I could afford so that I’d never be without your scent again.”

  I lean against him feeling ready to cry at his omissi

  “Pres, I want you to know I was never with anyone else.”

  I choke out an, “I know. It’s why I gave myself so freely to you.”

  “You do?”

  “Robert, I’m still all over this place. You never moved on and neither did I. I filled my time with school and then work just so I wouldn’t have time to think of you.”

  We sit there in silence, my head resting on him, arms clenched around my old pillow and his arm wrapped low around my waist. We were both so stubborn and we lost out on so much with each other because of it.

  * * *

  Evening shadows dance across the room as I realize we’ve fallen asleep together one final time on what was once our bed. I kiss Robert’s head and make my way into the closet, only to find my clothes still hanging there. Memories of my past. Today was always going to be hard on us, but I never imagined the onslaught of emotions I would feel, the truths that I would uncover. I pull out a few pieces I want to keep and then begin bagging up the rest to take to good will. Strong arms wrap around my waist and I smile as Robert’s head settles on my shoulder. “Hey you. Sleep well?”

  “I did until you left. However, I was hoping to scare you a little in here.”

  “You’ll have to find some other way.” I lock my hands with his. “I know these hands too well.”

  “I’m glad you do.” He kisses my cheek. “What do you need me to do?”

  “I put some bags out on the porch earlier; will you take them to the trash for me? And I’m thinking we should just leave all the furniture and decorations here for the next person. There’s no reason to keep much.”

  “I like that idea. I want a fresh start with you anyway.”

  We finish cleaning up the apartment, packing the few personal items we decided to keep in the truck and then turn in our keys to the front office.

  “You ready for bigger and better, Mr. West?”

  “You seem awfully sure that will happen Ms., umm,” he’s quiet for a minute. “Pres? Help me out, I’m not exactly sure how to finish that statement.”

  He chuckles and honestly I’m slightly confused as well. Ms. Donovan doesn’t sound right, and West, well, no one has ever called me Ms. West before. I don’t expect that kind of formality on the field with players or staff.

  “Donovan. Just Donovan.”

  Chapter Thirty

  It’s been a couple of weeks since we’ve been back in Arizona. Presley is taking off less and less clothes during pitching practice and my speed and accuracy are back to where they were before my life became a shit show.

  She is insistent about getting her batting practice in, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t at least somewhat entertaining to watch her outhit the other guys on the team. She is a force to be reckoned with and I wake up every day grateful to call her mine. If you were to take one look at her, you would never imagine the power she holds within her. I’m still in awe of the way she has transformed me as a player, but more so as a human being. She saved me from the hell I existed in.

  “She’s a remarkable woman, West.”

  Coach comes up from behind me as I watch Presley bat. We agreed for the time being, it was best to keep pitching and batting practice separate. She still stands at bat for me to help with my pitching, but when she needs her time, I step back. “That she is.”

  “Do you two have plans for Thanksgiving?”

  “No. Not yet. We’ll probably heat up a turkey pot pie or something and relax all day.” I chuckle, but honestly I’ve spent the last several years alone on the holidays and now having Presley back, it just doesn’t seem right.

  “Don’t be silly. Laura always over cooks. Why don’t you guys come over? I know Laura would enjoy having you two over. It will give her a chance to catch up with Presley.”

  “Thanks Coach. That would be great. I’ll let Pres know.”

  Presley makes her way over to us, wrapping her arms around my waist in a hug as I kiss her head.

  “Nice job out there today, Donovan. I think some of the boys are spending more time at the batting cages because of you.”

  She smirks, “I’ve been told that losing to a girl is hard on a man’s ego.” The three of us laugh and she looks up at me. “You ready to go home?”

  I give her a tight squeeze and we say our goodbyes to coach before heading to the truck.

  “How are you feeling? You think you’re ready?”

  “I feel good. The bigger question is do you think I’m ready?” I wait on bated breath for her response.

  “I do.” She smiles up at me as I lean in to kiss her nose. “In fact, I’ve set up a charity game for the day after Thanksgiving. All proceeds will be split between the local food bank and Toys for Tots.”

  “You’re incredible, you know that, right?”

  “You’re gonna have some pretty great spectators as well. Ranger coaches, recruiters from different major league teams, and the new owner of the Rangers as well. This is it, Robert. A few months of hard work has come down to this.”

  I suddenly get a pit in the bottom of my stomach and I have to concentrate on keeping my lunch down. “No pressure,” I nervously laugh out.

  “You’re gonna be fine. Just relax. Everything we have worked towards for the last four months has been for this.”

  “And you promise, you’re not just gonna disappear when I get signed? You’re not gonna turn to dust and blow away in the wind when my pen touches that contract?”

  She giggles and it’s become my favorite sound in the world. “No silly. I’m not some mythical creature, Robert. I’m flesh and bone and I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

  We get home and start pulling a few things out of the fridge to prepare for dinner.

  “So…about Thanksgiving; Coach invited us over.”

  “Sounds fun, unless you just want to stay home and relax.”

  “Depends; is relax code for staying in bed with you all day?” I hop up on the counter, legs spread wide and she instinctively settles between them.

  She sighs, patting her hand against my chest. “Definitely not. I don’t need you injuring yourself the day before I show you off.”

  I feign shock. “Presley Elizabeth!” My hand covers my chest. “I am not just here for your pleasure. I was talking about staying in bed and sleeping. You have worn me out my love, and I’m beginning to feel used and violated.”

  Her giggle turns to laughter as she rolls her eyes at me. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  “Well in that case…”

  “Oh no. I wouldn’t want you to feel used and violated.” She heads out of the kitchen and into our bedroom with me closely on her heals. The bathroom door closes in my face and she locks it before I have a chance to turn the knob.

  “You’re an evil woman, Presley. Evil!” The shower turns on and I lay down on the bed, turning on the television when all of a sudden I hear quiet moans coming from the bathroom. Oh hell no. I’m ready to break the door down, but try the knob once more, only to find that she’s unlocked it and is standing in the shower doorway in all her beauty, a cheeky smile on her face.

  “It took you long enough.”

  “God I love you woman!”

  She strips me down and we climb into the shower together. The mixture of steam and heavy panting create a dense fog that fills the bathroom. Her moans echo off the tile. The sound of our bodies together, hypnotic. I’ve fallen in love again with my best friend and there’s only one thing left to do.

  * * *

  The last few days have been some of the most stressful and exhilarating days of my life. Robert has no idea that today, when we go over to Rick and Laura’s for dinner, that he will actually be presented with this major league contract from the Rangers. I am a ball of nerves as he lays propped up in bed watching the Thanksgiving Day parade in blissful ignorance while I have been secretly working to ensure everyone is in place at the right time.

  I’ve had clients signed to major league teams before, but today feels differe
nt. This isn’t just his future, but mine as well, and it’s been years in the making. Tomorrow’s game isn’t just about charity, it’s also his farewell game which was an event to coordinate in itself. Laura helped me plan everything and Liv took care of all the travel arraignments for everyone. I’m trying to stay calm, but inside, I’m shaking like a leaf in a tornado.

  I come out of the closet for what seems like the hundredth time in a white blouse, maroon skinny dress pants, and black stilettos with gold spikes on them, a mix between sexy and feisty, and they make me feel incredibly powerful.

  “Pres? What’s going on? This is like the tenth outfit I’ve seen you in and they all look amazing. It’s just Coach and Laura. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you showed up in leggings and a pair of UGG’s with a sweater.”

  I lean down to kiss him. “I know, it’s just, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel blah.” And anxious, and excited.

  “If you’re not feeling well we can just stay home if you would prefer.”

  “No!” Shit. That was way too suspicious sounding, and he knows it.

  “What’s going on Presley?”

  “Nothing. Let’s go before I change my mind and my outfit again.”

  We climb in the truck and I notice that we’re about thirty minutes too early.

  “Hey, would you mind stopping at the bakery by the stadium? I didn’t have time to make anything and I don’t want to show up empty handed.”

  “Presley. I think it’ll be fine. Coach says she always cooks too much anyway.”

  Why the hell is he pushing back. He hasn’t pushed back with me in months. Or, well, he hasn’t pushed back with Donovan in months. “Please Robert.” I bat my eyes and he gives in.

  “You think they’re open? It is Thanksgiving after all.”

  “Yea. I checked their website this morning. They’re open till noon.”


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