Tag Forever Mine

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Tag Forever Mine Page 30

by Catherine Charles

I move from her stomach up to the pillow, pulling her into me, wrapping my arms around her to offer some type of comfort. My lips linger on her head as I embrace the steady sobs. “Presley, this isn’t something you need to stress or worry about right now. We’re having fun and if something comes from it then great, but if it doesn’t, we’ll keep trying. We’re just getting started, beautiful.

  “If the time ever comes to seek help then we will visit the best doctors in Dallas if we need to. Hell, we’ll visit the best doctors in the world if it comes down to it. We can afford it now. This isn’t a you thing, P. This is a we thing. It could easily be an issue with me and not you, which is more plausible, because quite frankly, you’re perfect and I’m a fucking mess.”

  She giggles and squeezes me tighter.

  I smile knowing I’ve helped in some way to make tonight easier on her. “Just like everything else Pres, if we get to that road, we’ll go down it together.”

  Chapter Thirty-three

  I woke up this morning full of anticipation, excited about what the day before me held. The sunlight streamed in through half-cracked blinds, hitting my ring, and throwing dancing diamond-like shapes against the wall in my high school bedroom. I stretch, feeling the emptiness of my queen size bed, a quick pain in my heart gives way to excitement. Today, I finally become Mrs. Robert West. My cheeks hurt from smiling, but I’m in no rush to get up.

  I can already hear Liv moving about the house on the other side of my door. She has every minute of today scheduled and mapped.

  Robert stayed at Diane’s house last night with Rick and Laura, despite my best efforts to keep him next to me. Our rehearsal dinner was held at the only restaurant in town, The Diner, and then we took everyone black light bowling at the bowling alley. The evening was a tribute to Robert’s and my beginning, complete with Ole Blue; Robert almost died when Gramps handed him the keys to it, and I watched my man turn into a giddy teenage boy.

  I reach for my phone to send Robert a text and notice the five messages he’s already sent me.

  3:55 a.m. I couldn’t sleep. Can’t wait to see you in a few hours.

  4:30 a.m. Have I told you recently how much I love you?

  4:45 a.m. I’m done with the barn and the cattle. I’m having to use some massive self-restraint not to go into your bedroom and hold you. I’m sitting underneath your window. I tried to look in, but the blinds were tilted the wrong way…Thanks P. Way to crush a Peeping Tom’s dreams.

  5:20 a.m. What if we bought a small farm? We can hire someone to help with it full time that way when I’m on the road you won't have to worry about anything.

  6:45 a.m. Just got back to moms. Do we really have to wait till two? Let’s just get married when you wake up. Hair in a mess, my jersey, and those cute little cheer shorts you enjoy wearing so much. I don’t need much. Just you.

  My heart sores as I read each message. If it was possible for a heart to grow wings, mine would have sprouted them in an instant and flown to him. This was not the same man I met five months ago. This was not even the same man that I first fell in love with our senior year. He was everything I could have wanted and more, supportive, caring, attentive, oh so very attentive.

  I respond back to each message he sent.

  Good Morning to you too. I love you more that the stars in the sky. We can talk about the farm; I was thinking I would go on the road with you while I can. You know…before you knock me up and traveling becomes difficult. Liv will kill you if you try and bump the wedding up. Just a few more hours till I get to call you my husband.

  And I get to call you my wife.

  His response was almost instantaneous.

  Liv hears my text notification and immediately barges into my room, Laura following closely on her heels with mimosas and a tray of breakfast goodies, fruit and muffins all laid out beautifully.

  “Time to get up sleepyhead. You’re getting married today!” she says in a sing song voice before the drill sergeant side of her takes over. “Eat, then it’s time to get you beautified. Tina and Diane are already getting everything set up for this afternoon.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask her. “The church was set up last night.”

  Liv freezes and an alert from my phone pauses my questioning.

  It’s gonna be a beautiful day today. I have a surprise for you. Leave Liv alone. You know she has a hard time keeping a secret. I love you.

  I look at Liv who begins back pedaling out of the current situation she’s put herself in. “I’ve said too much already. Just don’t talk to me anymore.” She giggles, then hurriedly clasps Laura’s hand in hers, she bounces up and down overly excited about whatever’s going on. “You’re gonna love it Pres. Oh and you two still make me sick.”

  I give her a sideways smirk and do as Robert asks. The three of us eat breakfast on my bed before going into the living room where Liv has arranged for everyone to come out to the ranch so we aren’t driving around town today. First it’s mani-pedis, followed by hour long massages, then hair and make-up.

  It was nice to relax and feel pampered. I couldn’t honestly remember the last time I had a girls’ day. Besides Laura and Liv, I didn’t have friends and I always filled my calendar with clients, so I never had to be alone.

  “Are you nervous? I remember my wedding day. I was so nervous for weeks leading up to it. I didn’t eat or sleep.”

  “I’m more excited than anything. I know he’s it for me.”

  “I’m just so happy it’s finally here. For a few years we all held our breaths, all but Gram, that is. She always had faith the two of you would find your way back to each other.”

  I look down at my ring and trace the center stone with my newly manicured fingers. A lump builds in my throat, but I quickly swallow it away. “She would be happy.” I wish more than anything she was here today. “Liv, I don’t ever think I told you, thank you. If not for you, today possibly would have never happened.”

  “Aww sweetie. You have; but keep feeling like this, is all my doing.” The three of us laugh at her modesty. “Robert’s career, your wedding, kids, grandkids, they’re all because of me.” She grins, strutting around like a proud peacock.

  “Don’t get a big head or anything. I’m not above making you scoop shit out of the barn too.” Laura and I laugh as Liv rolls her eyes.

  “It’s okay. I know that deep down you love me.”

  “And I always will.” I look at the clock, the minutes seem to tick away like hours. “Can’t we just move the wedding up? I don’t think I can wait another two hours.”

  “Patience sweet girl. It will all be worth it.” Liv pats my hand and hands me another mimosa as my text alert sounds.

  Hey babe. I think they messed up our suits. Is this right?

  I scroll down and see someone standing in a Sunkist orange suit with a pastel blue bow tie.

  I snicker and send my reply.

  It’s perfect.

  Really? You’re not gonna freak out even a little?

  As long as you’re at the end of the isle I don’t care what you’re wearing.

  I love you. Don’t worry. We’re not wearing orange. See you soon.

  I sit back in my chair as the hairdresser finishes my loose updo, a few wispy tendrils delicately curled, frame my face, and the makeup artist applies the finishing touches to a very natural look.

  Liv and Laura finally put on their navy, spaghetti strapped, ruched empire waisted dresses with flowing skirts, and diamond necklaces I’ve gifted each of them. Everything is perfectly understated but seeing them dressed finally makes this moment feel real.

  “Are you ready, soon to be Mrs. West?” Olivia beams as I nod my head and they both help me into my gown.

  The pull of the zipper sends a flurry of butterflies to my stomach and I run my hands down the front of my dress, taking one final look in the mirror, focusing on my appearance and the fact that I am standing in a wedding gown. I get a little misty eyed recalling the days and weeks after I left Arizona. I gave up on th
is dream. Robert was it for me, and at the time he had stolen this from me.

  Liv gasps but I can barely pull my eyes toward her. “Presley, you are absolutely stunning.” Her eyes are wet as she furiously fans her face trying to dry them before tears fall.

  “Do you think he’ll like it?”

  Laura embraces my shoulders as she whispers in my ear, “Sweetheart, there are no words for how magnificent you look.”

  The three of us stand in front of the mirror as I take everything in. A slight tapping at the door and then a creaking opening.

  “My baby girl.”


  “Pumpkin…” He stands in the open doorway, covering his mouth with his hand, a single tear sliding down his cheek.

  “Daddy, don’t cry.” Liv and Laura excuse themselves and close the door behind them, just leaving me and my father alone.

  “I’m sorry sweetie. It’s just…I didn’t know if I would ever get to see this day. You’re not my baby girl anymore. You have grown into a beautiful woman, strong and fearless.”

  “I got that from you Daddy.”

  “He’s a very lucky man to get to spend the rest of his life with you by his side.”

  “We’re both lucky, Daddy.”

  My door opens once more, and mom slips through the crack. “Let me see you my beautiful girl.” She spins me around and I blush under my parents’ intense gaze. “Oh Presley.” Tears threaten to fall from her eyes as well.

  “Y’all need to stop all this crying. I’m hanging on by a thread right now.” My parents sigh and the door opens once more.

  “The two of you out. I need a minute with my peanut.” Gramps is dressed in his best Sunday suit, holding the door open until my parents file out of the room before coming over to me. “My sweet granddaughter. I’d be lying if I said there was a soul out there that deserved you, but I think that man of yours comes pretty damn close.”

  I giggle at his compliment. “I think that’s the first time you’ve ever called him a man.”

  “Because he’s finally earned enough of my respect to deserve the title.”

  I smile at him and he reaches into the breast pocket on his coat, pulling out an envelope and handing it to me. Gram’s writing is on the front and I prepare myself for what’s inside.

  “Your grandma wrote this for you the day before she passed. She made me promise to give it to you before you walked down the aisle. If you cry, it’s not my fault. I’m just carrying out a dying woman’s last wishes.”

  Hesitantly, I take the envelope from him and sit down, pulling out the perfectly folded paper. The beautiful cursive script pulls at my emotions as Gram’s words come to life.

  My Dearest Presley,

  I am so sorry I’m not able to be there today. I guess life had other plans for me.

  Today, you and Robert finally become one. One spirit, one body, one being. Although you two become one, it’s important to remember the parts of you that make you who you are. Challenge each other. Love each other. Fight for each other. Support each other. You are strong, fierce and independent, and Robert knows you can stand on your own without him. Never give him a reason to question your desire for him. You may make it without him, but he most certainly will be lost without you.

  The women of this family persevere through any obstacles thrown our way. Your mother in the military and I with your grandfather the day we decided to move west. We love hard as I know you do. I wish more than anything I was there to see your daddy walk you down the aisle, but again, life happened.

  I will always be with you my dear. You and Robert will never be alone.

  All my love,


  I sit back and stare at the tear spotted letter. They’re not just my tears, but also Gram’s. I need a minute to collect myself before calling in Liv and the makeup artist. The bed dips and Gramps takes his place next to me, his arm pulling me into a tight embrace as my tears fall down onto his shoulder.

  “Liv’s gonna hate you,” I say between tears and laughter.

  His deep chuckle vibrates through his entire body. “Just know how proud she was of you, pumpkin.”

  I nod weakly.

  “She always just wanted your happiness.”

  “I know.”

  I wipe a single tear away as Liv pops her head in the room.

  “I’m sorry Liv,” Gramps says apologetically as she comes back into the room, hands on her hips looking me over.

  “Well, it’s a good thing I told them to use waterproof everything on you.”

  The three of us laugh. I really do love her.

  “Well peanut, are you ready to marry that man of yours?”

  “Is it finally time?”

  “It is.” Liv helps me up and I take one final look in the mirror. This is it.

  * * *

  I’ve been awake since three this morning due to pure excitement. I make the drive to the ranch and take care of the morning chores like I always do. Knowing I’m so close to her is torture on me. She has become my everything. I briefly contemplate going inside the house to sneak a peek at my sleeping beauty, but I know Liv will have my hide if I mess with this part of tradition.

  After looking at the weather for today I decide to surprise Presley with a location change. After days of snow and gray, today is sunny and a warm forty-two degrees, so I make the decision to move the wedding outside.

  I call Mom, Mrs. D, and Gramps, and let them in on the surprise. They all rally, getting everything moved while I call the other guests and let them know about the location change and give them directions. I really hope Liv can keep a secret. I can’t wait to see the reaction on Presley’s face in just a few hours.

  Trey and I are messing around when I feel like making a wager on my girl. “Wanna see if I can freak P out?”

  “Whatever you do, just be nice. I can't deal with a moody you again.”

  I show Trey a picture of an orange tux. “Ten bucks says it won't even phase her.”

  “You’re on.”

  I send her the picture and we wait. My phone dings and I show Trey her response. “Looks like I won. Pay up brother. It was a no brainer with Pres. Now had you sent that picture to Olivia, I think we would have heard her screaming halfway across the county.”

  I chuckle and we nod in agreement.

  “So where are y’all going tonight? You’re not going back to the ranch are you? No offense dude, but there’s something about Pres—”

  I glare at him, “Don’t finish that sentence man.” He throws his hands up in surrender. “I’m taking her to the dogsledding cabin we went to.”

  “Oh yea. Liv loved that place. I should take her back, on a different night of course,” he smirks.

  A couple more hours go by and it’s finally time to get ready. Presley’s picked out simple black on black suits with gold tie bars, matte jackets with stain lapels, black shirts and black ties with the boutonnieres made from a holly leaf and a single gardenia flower. She always liked simple.

  There’s a verbal knock on the door frame of my bedroom alerting our attention to my mom who has never looked more stunning than she does right now. I’m struck by the realization that this woman has never faltered in my upbringing. She faced more adversities than one person should bear and has come out the other side. I wasn’t the greatest son, but she never lost hope in me.

  “Hey Mrs. West! Come on in,” Trey says before I have a chance to chime in.

  “Hey boys. Mind if I have a moment alone with my son?”

  “Sure thing Diane.” Rick looks at me as he and Trey grab their jackets and head out of my room. “We’ll be in the car.”

  She moves towards me, straightening my tie and smoothing out my lapel. “You’re dumb.”

  I’m dumbfounded. “Uh, thanks? Mom?”

  “And for some reason you have an angel that not only saved you from yourself, but who also gave me back my son, and she wants to marry you today.”

  I smile at her and notice her water-ri
mmed eyes.

  “I want you to always remember you are not your father. You do not run away from problems, and you better as hell always listen to her.”

  “Yes Momma.”

  “You will never find anyone better than her. She, however, can easily find someone better than you.”

  I chuckle because Lord knows that’s the truth.

  “But I’m so proud of the man you have turned into. You’re going to make an excellent husband and father one day Robert.” She chokes on her last few words. “I love you.”

  I tightly embrace the woman that has stood by me my entire life. Her strong frame fits against me. “I love you too Momma.”

  “Now let’s get you married.”

  We arrive at the new venue. I don’t see Presley’s car yet, so I get out and look around a bit. Everything is perfect for her. I make my way to the gazebo just off to the side with Coach, Rick, and Trey. Our guests are all seated, wrapped in light grey Sherpa blankets. A single violin plays signaling the start of our ceremony. I usher my mom down the aisle and take my place next to Coach. He has been so much a part of our lives that asking him to be our officiant just felt like the right thing to do.

  Next to make their way down is Tina and Gramps, followed by Rick and Laura, and finally Trey and Liv. The music builds and I watch as Michael opens the car door and out steps the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. Cloaked in a deep plunging, alabaster gown, covered in snow-like crystals and carrying a bouquet of holly, ever green, gardenias and white roses. Everything about her takes my breath away and I’m overcome with emotion. Her smile does me in as they little by little, make their way to me.

  Treys hand grips my shoulder, pulling me back for just a second, “She’s breathtaking man. Congratulations. Now don’t forget to breathe.” I nod and realize I hadn’t been breathing until now.

  As she gets closer to me I wipe away the tears that have fallen and eagerly approach her and her father who kisses her goodbye and passes her hand to me as I lead her the rest of the way.

  She smiles at me and takes everything in. “This is beautiful. Thank you.”


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