Tag Forever Mine

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Tag Forever Mine Page 32

by Catherine Charles

  We look at the additional pictures Liz attached showing refurbished exposed beams in the living room with a grand stone fireplace and a large back patio that looks out across rolling fields to the setting sun.

  Robert plays with my hair, softly massaging my neck as he looks at the computer screen with me. “I love it. Is that what you want?”

  I rest my head against him, “Yeah, I think it is.”

  “Then let’s get it. No reason to look anymore.”

  I angle my head back and kiss his lips. “You’re too good to me.”

  He scoffs and shakes his head. “Hardly P, and you know that. Tell Liz to put in our offer.”

  We begin studying the floor plan when the front door swings open and Liv comes rushing in. “Presley. Room. Now.” I look at Robert and back to Liv. “Come on. I didn’t stutter.”

  “You better go.” I get up and Robert smacks my butt as I pass in front of him. I smirk back at him, that stupid teenage grin plastered on his face.

  We get into my room and Liv is pacing like a mad woman.

  “What’s going on? Why are you acting like a crazy person? Is everything okay?”

  “No! Everything is definitely not okay.” She stops and settles on the edge of the bed, elbows on her knees and face buried in her hands. “Presley, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t know how this happened. We were always careful,” she rambles out.

  “Liv, slow down. Breathe. What are you talking about? She shoves a pregnancy test in my hands, and I turn it over. “Have you looked yet?”

  Her head snaps in my direction. “What kind of stupid question is that? I’m sitting on your bed freaking the fuck out. No I haven’t looked yet! I’m too damn chicken shit to. I’m scared Pres. I mean we talked about kids, but they were always a down the road kinda thing, ya know?”

  “Have you told Trey yet?”

  “Of course not! I don’t want to get his hopes up. Or worse! Oh my God Presley! What if he leaves me?”

  “Liv don’t be ridiculous. If he hasn’t left you yet, that boy never will.”

  “I’ll tell him if there’s anything to tell.”

  Liv is noticeably shaking as I hold an unknown pregnancy test in my hands. Slowly I turn it over and unclench my hand from around it. Pregnant. My heart sinks a little bit, but we knew the chances of getting pregnant right away were incredibly low.

  “Liv,” I say calmly, “What if this test says no. How would you feel?”

  She’s quiet for a minute. “I mean, I’ll be fine. I wasn’t thinking of being pregnant anyways right now. I woke up like it was just another day, not thinking my whole world was about to change. I’ll be fine. It’s not like you can miss something you never had, right?”

  She holds her stomach in a protective way and probably doesn’t even recognize she’s doing it.

  “And what if the test is positive? How would you feel?”

  Once again she’s quiet but then speaks, her voice just above a whisper, her panic and anxiety subsided, “I mean, sure it would throw a kink in things, but to have a mini Trey running around would be so cute. And I think I would be good mom. I know Trey would be a fantastic daddy.”

  She smiles as I know she’s thinking about Trey as a father. It’s the same smile I get when I think of Robert as one. The image of him holding our baby, our tiny little bundle in his oversized arms. A tear threatens to fall, but I quickly wipe it away. This is Liv’s moment and I won't take this from her.

  “Are you ready to look?”

  She nods her head and I sit down on the bed next to her and open my hand from around the test. Pregnant. Four to six weeks.



  “It was Thanksgiving night. I was so happy for you guys and I guess after all the wine I was feeling a little extra frisky.

  I laugh and bump her shoulder with mine. “I knew. I heard y’all! Robert said I was crazy. Y’all were on the other side of the house. He said there was no way that could have been you, Trey’s not that good.”

  We laugh and her anxiety has been replaced with giddiness.

  Just then the door opens and speak of the devil. “Did you need anything? I thought I heard my name.”

  She blushes and Robert sees the test in my hand. His eyes light up, but before he can say anything I motion towards Liv.

  “No. We’re good.” He stands there unsure of what to do.

  “Thanks Pres. I guess I need to go home and talk to Trey.”

  “Plan something cute, maybe an ornament or a pair of baby shoes. See how long it takes him to figure it out.”

  “That’s a great idea.” We stand and say our goodbyes. The atmosphere has once again changed. Both of us older than when we stepped through my bedroom door. No longer would our group consist of just us four, but now there would be five. “I probably won't see you guys until the wedding, huh?”

  “Probably. We leave in a couple of days for our honeymoon and then will go straight to Texas after that. My assistant found us a house and we submitted our offer on it before you came in.”

  “Guess we’re all grown up now, huh?” She looks around the bedroom reminiscing about younger days. “Y’all are married, and well, Trey and I are having a baby.” She looks at Robert and shrugs. “Surprise.”

  He offers his congratulations and gives her a hug, his eyes land concerningly on me before she pats him three times on the back and steps back.

  “I still thought y’all would be first though, the way you two fuck like rabbits and all.”

  The three of us laugh and of course I blush. Maybe one day I’ll get over that.

  “Y’all have a Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas Liv. Call me after you tell Trey.”

  She walks from my room and out of the house before I let out a deep sigh. Robert’s arms hold me tight as he rocks us back and forth. “You okay?”

  I nod. “Yea. We knew it wasn’t going to happen right away anyway. One day it will, but in the meantime we can have fun trying, right?”

  He chuckles, but it’s easy to tell that both of us feel off.

  I look up at him as he closes the door with his foot, and we fall back on the bed together.

  * * *

  Trey and I head over to my parents’ house for Christmas morning. His gift is stashed in my purse and I suck on an anti-nausea lozenge hopeful that this feeling will subside soon. I think I’ve hidden things pretty well the last few days, but I’m ready for everything to be in the open.

  We pull up to the house and go inside to find mommy and daddy already sitting around the tree. Trey and I agreed no gifts since we have the wedding coming up and we already have everything we need.

  “Oh good, you’re finally here. We were wondering how much longer you two were gonna be. Your mother can't wait to give me her gift.”

  “Daddy, you didn’t have to wait for us.”

  “Sorry. Liv wasn’t feeling well this morning.”

  Okay, so maybe I didn’t hide my nausea as well as I thought I had.

  “Oh cupcake, are you okay? We can fix you some tea if that will help.”

  “Thanks Daddy. I’ll be fine though.” We go into the living room and I can’t sit still. I know my mother is anxious, but I am literally about to spill the contents of my stomach if I don’t do this now.

  Trey and I are on the loveseat, his hand rubbing absentmindedly across my back. I turn to face him, and he looks slightly confused as I shake him off of me.

  “Okay, so I know we said no gifts this year, but I saw this the other day and I just had to get it for you.” My heart is racing, and I know I’m talking a mile a minute. “I really hope you’re not mad.”

  He shifts in his seat, trying to get closer to me, but his cologne is burning my nostrils and I need fresh air. “Babe, thank you, but I didn’t get you anything.”

  I mutter under my breath as I reach into my purse and pull out a small box. “Oh yes you did.”

  “What was that?” He
leans forward.

  “Nothing,” I say quickly and shove the small red wrapped box in his hands.

  I watch as Trey opens the wrapping paper and then removes the lid, staring at the baby onesie that is laid out perfectly. The words Hello Daddy, Mommy said you are awesome, and that you will be an amazing daddy. I can’t wait to meet you! stare up at him.

  “Are you mad?”

  He looks up at me. Completely shocked and just blinks a few times. “Are you serious right now?”

  I quickly shake my head yes and eagerly ask again, “Are you mad?”

  “For real?”


  “What? What is it?” my mother asks, but I try to drown her out. The drunk broad takes television housewives to a whole other level. I’m glad I take after daddy.

  “There’s a—”

  “What’s going on? Trey, what did you get?” Daddy’s gruff voice washes over me like a soothing blanket.

  “Liv this better not be a joke.”

  “It’s not a joke! Yes I’m really pregnant! Now will you quit being an ass and tell me if you’re happy!”

  He pulls me onto his lap and kisses all over my face while placing his hand on my stomach and shifting me so he can talk to my stomach. “Hey little one. I’m your daddy. You are the best gift your mommy could ever give me. Stay in there and get big and strong. We’ll see you in…”

  Trey looks at me wearing the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on him.

  “Eight months or so.”

  Daddy makes his way over to us while Mommy makes her way to the bar cart. “Congratulations dear! Guess I’ll cancel the mimosas for breakfast.”

  * * *

  I’m pulled from sleep by an uneasy restless feeling. Presley has been relatively quiet these last few days of our honeymoon and I can't shake the feeling it has absolutely nothing to do with moving and going back to work as she so strongly suggests. I roll over to find her place next to me cold and empty. My eyes open as I look around our glass igloo for her. The Northern Lights dance in a vibrant green against the dark sky as I come across her silhouette sitting on one of the window seats looking out at the night sky. I look at my phone and realize we finally went to sleep an hour ago, or better yet, I went to sleep an hour ago.

  “Hey, you,” I say groggily.

  “Hey,” she answers back, no playfulness to her, but utter heart break.

  “What are you doing up? I thought I would have worn you out,” I say with a smile, trying to lighten the mood and to prepare myself for the wash of emotions that are about to break free from the damn wall she’s hiding behind.

  “Can’t sleep.”

  “Thinking about Liv?” I throw a boulder at that damn and it begins to crack.

  She nods and I listen to her shaky breath.

  “Is it wrong that I’m jealous? Does that make me a horrible person, a terrible best friend?” She fights the tears, but they’re there. One touch from me would do her in.

  “Absolutely not Presley.” I can't watch her break. Not like this. She’s not the only one hurting.

  “I’m happy for them.”

  I rush out of bed and hold her tight as a mix of anger, sadness and longing bubble up through her eyes.

  “It was one drunken night for them. One night Robert! They weren’t trying! It just happened! What about us!” Her tears flow freely down my chest as I tighten my hold on her.

  “It will happen Presley. Don’t put so much stress on yourself. We just started trying, it’s only been a month, beautiful. Just give it some time. Like you said, we’re just having fun right now.”

  “Yeah well it sucks! It’s not fun Robert. Not when it’s something we both want so bad. The way you looked at me when I held Liv’s pregnancy test, and then to tell you no, it killed me Robert.”

  “I had no idea. I’m sorry Presley. I am the last person you should ever feel pressure from. Please don’t do this to yourself.” I rock her slowly against me as she gasps for air between her tears and I feel like trash for unknowingly putting her through this. “Look, we fly home in a few days. If it will make you feel better we’ll schedule an appointment as soon as we get to Texas and we’ll both get tested, okay?”

  “You mean that?”

  “Absolutely. If there’s something that’s affecting you then it’s affecting me as well. Please don’t keep stuff from me Pres. Don’t make me pull it out of you.”

  “I guess I’m not used to failing.”

  “You haven’t failed anything Presley. You’re absolutely perfect in every way, shape, and form. Now can we get back in bed? You’re freezing.”

  She nods and I carry her, bridal style, back to our bed and situate her next to me, holding tightly to her as her sobs subside and her breathing once again returns to normal.

  “Thank you for this. For bringing me here.” She kisses my knuckles and shimmies closer to me.

  “You should know that I will always do anything for you.”

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Besides my momentary downward spiral brought on by feelings of inadequacy, our honeymoon has been everything I could have hoped for. Finland has been an amazing adventure. We enjoyed the touristy things like visiting Santa’s workshop and the North Pole, strolled down the quaint, perfectly decorated Christmas streets, and got to experience a sled ride pulled by Rudolph himself. My Christmas loving self was over the moon, but the part of me that was addicted to my husband was even more taken back.

  Robert and I really hadn’t had a chance to date each other in such a long time. This time, away from everything, gave us the opportunity to focus on us as a couple. Our love story wasn’t exactly textbook, but I loved it non-the-less.

  I turn on my computer for the first time since being in Finland to check us in for our flight tomorrow, and am alerted to no less than seventeen emails all marked urgent from Dallas’s football organization. Reality hitting me like a brick wall and I can’t help but run face first into it.

  Robert and I had essentially lived in our own little bubble for the last six months, him being my sole focus.

  I had signed exclusivity deals with the professional teams in Dallas once I committed to following Robert to Texas, and now, one of those teams was requesting my services.

  I sat reading email after email and checking my flight options. I needed to get back to work, but I wasn’t looking forward to the time I would still inevitably spend on the road. I never considered the fact I would be expected to look at younger recruits, those fresh from high school or colleges. I just assumed I would stick with established players looking to be traded or those that needed their games re-tweaked. However, the Cowboys were looking at two college recruits which put me back on the road until the NFL draft, two days before Robert needed to be in Texas. The only positive about my situation was the fact that both players were in school together.

  “Hey, you’ve been on that thing for a while now. Everything okay with our flights?”

  I look at him from behind the screen. “Wanna to go Alabama?”

  “What are you talking about? Why would we go there?”

  I lean back in my chair and let out a deep sigh. “The Cowboys want me to look at two recruits before draft day.”

  “Back to work already?”

  “Not all of us get the privilege of only working February through October,” I smirk back at him and can see his disappointment, but this is my career. “It will just be for a month.”

  “What about home?”

  “The house isn’t ready yet. We’d be going home to a hotel.” I watch as he folds a shirt and tosses it in his suitcase.

  “Guess I didn’t think you would be on the road as much. We’ve never had to deal with this. I had you all to myself.”

  “I know. We were protected and honestly I forgot about it too, until the twenty urgent emails reminded me about my commitment.”

  I glance over at my black hard-cased carryon luggage. My life really did fit in a single suitcase. One side was business, the
other was pleasure. I wasn’t one of those girls that had a closet full of shoes, one pair of stilettos and one pair of converses. If it didn’t fit in my suitcase then I didn’t need it, and if I needed it, then I rented it. My life had come down to perfectly planed out outfits and I had more rental websites saved in my favorites than anything else.

  “I’ll get this figured out. I promise. It’s just gonna take me some time, okay?”

  He moves over to me, his expression unreadable, and kisses the top of my head, before grabbing at a boob and fondling it until I laughed. “Alabama here we come.”

  “Thank you.” I breathe in a deep sigh of relief and move our flights around. “We’ll stay till draft day and then fly back to Texas that night. You have to report by the fifth.”

  “Whatever you need to do, babe.”

  I send a couple more emails out and we finish packing our things before crawling into bed and enjoying our last night in Finland together.

  I’ve got to find someone to travel for me.

  * * *

  Presley is curled next to me, her body twitching as she dreams. She is the most perfect thing about my life, and in a couple of hours we will be on a plane headed to Alabama, not to Texas like I had envisioned. She’s going straight back to work, not going home. I understand the time constraint she’s under though, and I’m so damn proud of the success she has created for herself. A very large part of me wonders what would have happened had we never split up. Would she still have become this powerhouse of a woman or would she have lost herself to helping me.

  “Presley,” I quietly whisper against her ear while smoothing her hair. “Presley, the lights are out.”

  Her body presses into me as she places a lingering kiss in the crook of my neck before she turns to look up at the lights and readjust herself on top of me. Sitting up, her silhouette is illuminated by dancing greens, purples and magentas. The slightest touch from this woman leaves me hard and she easily slides down my shaft. Spreading her legs wider until I’m buried in her to the hilt. “I hope you don’t mind.”


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