In Bed with the Rancher

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In Bed with the Rancher Page 11

by Sara Orwig

  “That would be lovely. You should have just brought her with you.”

  “So you don’t mind if I invite her now?”

  “We’d be delighted to meet her. By all means, go call her.”

  “Thanks,” he said.

  “What about Olivia? Wynn is bringing her tonight.”

  “And he’ll take her home tonight and that’s fine.”

  “Oh, my. He’ll have to tell her he’s not you.”

  “Olivia will adjust,” he said, certain Olivia already knew.

  “Go make your call. If you want a drink, get one. I’m going to see about dinner. Oh, it’s so good to have you home. To have all of you here.” She laughed and shook her head. “Naughty Wynn. He just can’t resist a little fun.”

  Wade watched her go, hurrying to oversee the Sterlings’ first-class cook. His mother loved to cook and putter around in the kitchen and they had lost more than one good cook because of that. That was understandable, since cooking was her hobby. But he couldn’t understand why she always forgave and excused Wynn. And if he quizzed her about it, she always said he was just like his uncle, Ethan Sterling, their dad’s younger brother. Wade remembered when he’d once asked his dad about their uncle and he said she was correct. Wynn was just like his Uncle Ethan and their mother had dated Ethan first. She had been in love with Ethan when he was killed in a motorcycle wreck.

  Wade pulled out his phone and called Ava. His pulse jumped at the sound of her voice.

  “Hi. We just talked, so what’s up?”

  “Mom wants me to invite you to come for dinner. I can’t wait to see you. I feel like I told you goodbye hours and hours ago.”

  She laughed. “Are you sober?”

  “Yes, I’m just wound up at the thought of getting you here.”

  “It’ll take me a little while to change.”

  “That’s okay. Text me when you’re almost here and I’ll go out on the porch and watch for you.”

  “That’s a deal. See you in about an hour, okay?”

  “Fine. An hour. And then when you leave, I’ll go with you if that’s okay with you.”

  “Of course it’s okay,” she said in a sultry voice that made him want to be with her right then. “I can’t wait.”

  “Don’t tempt me to skip out early. Mom loves having company for dinner.”

  “Goodbye. I’m going to get ready now.”

  “I am so ready,” he said in a husky voice.

  “Oh, my.”

  Wade smiled. He would be with her soon and with her tonight. All night. Images of their lovemaking last night flashed in his mind, but he banked them before he got aroused.

  He tried to calm down and focus on the family and ignore his racing pulse and his eagerness to see her again. How important was she to him? That question startled him. But he had to admit she had become very important. He went upstairs.

  He knew where he was and he wanted to go see Lucy if she was in her suite. Relief overwhelmed him that he knew his identity. He would get his life back and a lot more now because Ava was in his life. He looked down at the clothes he was wearing. Not his clothes. He wanted to get his own clothes and his boots.

  He passed an open door and when he glanced inside, he knew it was Lucy’s suite even though she wasn’t in the sitting room. He crossed the room to straighten a picture that periodically slipped and became crooked and it was too high for Lucy to reach unless she stood on a chair, so often he fixed it for her.

  He heard her behind him. “I’m fixing your picture. I wanted to talk to you—”

  She stared at him and looked at the picture. “You’re not Wynn. Oh, my gosh, you’re Wade.” She dashed across the room to hug him.

  He blinked in surprise, then put his arms around her. “You didn’t think so when I first saw you in the hall.”

  “No,” she said, stepping back to smile at him. “I was distracted, but I can tell which one of you I’m with if I really look at you. And you straightened the picture, like you always do. Wynn never once has. Which is all right with me. On Dad’s orders, Wynn is supposed to leave my things alone.”

  He wanted to reach out and hug her again, but she continued. “The whole family thinks you’re Wynn. The whole family except Wynn, that is.”

  “Where is Wynn?”

  “He’ll be here and he’s bringing Olivia.” Her hand flew to her face. “Wade, Olivia thinks she’s with you. You’re the one she’s been seeing for the past year. Do you think that’s why he did this? He wanted Olivia?”

  Wade smiled and squeezed her shoulder. “It’ll be all right. Olivia and I were about to split, anyway. I’m glad she’s with him.”

  “You really mean that, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Her lips firmed and she wrinkled her brow. “I know you won’t lose your temper when we’re all together. I worry about Dad getting upset. His doctors told him to avoid stress.”

  “Well, hell, that went out the window when Wynn was born. I’ll talk to Dad and emphasize all the good things—I got home safely, I have my memory. At this point I think that’s about all we can do.” He shook his head. “I don’t know why Wynn has to pull these childish pranks. He needs to grow up.” He stopped. “Enough about him.

  “On another subject, Mom told me to invite my new friend, Ava Carter. She saved my life in a terrible storm. She saw my pickup sweep off the road and saw me jump before it went down into a canyon. She climbed down to get me out of there, helped me back to the road and took me home with her. We had a hell of a storm that night and I really think she saved my life. I’d lost my memory—probably when I fell—and I didn’t know where the pickup was, nor my phone, and I lost my wallet so I had no identification. To top it off, I was cut badly and bleeding.”

  “Oh, Wade, that’s awful.”

  “I really owe her and I want all of you to meet her. She has no family. Her mother and sister died and she doesn’t have contact with her dad.”

  “I’m glad she took you in, but with no memory—that’s a little scary to take a stranger home when you live alone.”

  He told her about Ava’s wonderful neighbors, including Molly, who had tended to his shoulder.

  “How is your shoulder?”

  “It’s mending. I think it’s fine. I’ll go see our doc and let him check me over because of the head injury and memory loss.”

  “I’m glad we’ll get to meet your friend.”

  “I’m glad you will, too. Ava is an occupational therapist. Well, sis, I’d like to say hello to Jack. I remember the house and where Jack’s suite is located. I’ll see you again shortly, probably in the great room.”

  “Sure. I’m glad you’re home, Wade. Real glad.”

  “Thanks, Lucy,” he said. “It’s good to be home and beyond good to get my memory back.”

  She laughed. “Wynn had to behave himself to pose as you. What a relief it was.”

  “Well, he can be his usual ornery self again.”

  “I can’t wait to meet Ava. If you like her, then I know I’ll like her.”

  “You’ll like her, I promise,” Wade said, pausing at the open door. He smiled at Lucy and left to go see his baby brother and let him know about Wynn, the imposter.

  He more than had a feeling Lucy’s theory was right. In fact, he was certain Wynn did it to get Olivia. How long was she fooled? he wondered and smiled because he doubted if it was long at all.

  At Jack’s suite Wade knocked on the open door and walked in when Jack told him to enter. “Well, you made it back,” Jack said with a glance as he pulled neatly folded black and brown socks out of a drawer.

  “Looks as if you came home to get a few things.”

  “That and Mom twisted my arm to get us to come home to welcome you on your first night back.”

  “Being here in this house, seeing family
members—I don’t know if that’s what did it or if it was just a matter of time, but I have my memory back. I’m not Wynn.”

  Jack stopped what he was doing and whirled around to stare at him. “You’re Wade?” his brother asked, doubt in his voice.

  “I think I am.”

  “Dang. You are,” he said, staring at Wade. “You sure are. I just glanced at you before, but I can always see it if I pay attention and really look. And that’s the way you would answer,” Jack said. “Wynn would have said, ‘I know I am.’ That damn Wynn, what did he have to gain other than to fool every—? Oh, wow,” he said, suddenly quiet as he stared at Wade. “He wanted Olivia.”

  “I have no claims on Olivia. I do remember her now, but I’m not interested in settling down with Olivia. Frankly, that’s how I realized my identity. The thought came to me that I haven’t ever wanted to marry and Olivia was beginning to talk about marriage. I don’t want to take the chance on having a kid like Wynn,” he said, remembering being with Ava and thinking it would be good to have a baby with her. He looked at his brother. “Jack, that’s exactly what ran through my mind and I realized I’m Wade.”

  Jack shook his head. “I should have caught on. At the time Mom just told me Wade was home and Wynn was in Nashville and I had no reason to doubt that.”

  “I understand, Jack. Don’t blame yourself.”

  “But, Wade, about that no-kids thing—I’ve thought that myself sometimes. I don’t want to marry someday and have a kid like Wynn. But I realize that isn’t going to happen. Neither one of us would have a kid like Wynn, because we wouldn’t tolerate his antics, unlike Mom, who thought he was cute and encouraged him.”

  “That’s true,” Wade said.

  “While you were away he brought Olivia to dinner several times. I gotta say he knows how to impersonate you and it’s actually too bad he’s going to stop now because he’s a whole lot nicer to have around when he’s trying to pass himself off as you.”

  Wade actually laughed at that, as did Jack. He knew it was the truth.

  His brother sobered quickly, though. “What about Dad? When this comes out, it may give him another stroke.”

  “Maybe I can get in touch with Dad and break the news that I’m Wade a little more gently to him.”

  “I think that would be good. You’re perfect for that. Ah, now Wynn will just go back to being his usual rotten self.” He shook his head. “I’m amazed Mom didn’t fall all over you and cry with joy since she thought you’re her darling Wynn.”

  “I’d already realized I’m Wade. When I told her he’s been impersonating me, she just laughed.”

  “Speaking of Wynn, here he comes.”

  Wade saw Jack looking out the front window and walked over to watch. He saw his twin get out and circle the car to hold open the door and Olivia stepped out. Wade remembered her and was thankful again that he’d regained his full memory.

  He also noticed that Olivia was stunning with her long straight blond hair framing her face. She wore a pale blue dress that clung to a curvy figure and had a short skirt that showed off her legs. The deep vee neckline revealed an ample bosom and a diamond pendant sparkled at her throat.

  When he saw her, he could appreciate her beauty, but other than that, he didn’t feel anything. Seeing her just made him think about Ava and wish they were through with dinner and he could leave with her.

  “I don’t know how you can keep from going downstairs and punching him out for telling everyone that he was Wade Sterling. Do you think Olivia will be angry?” Jack asked.

  Wade shook his head. “Naw. I don’t care to punch him and, frankly, I’ll bet Olivia knows. I doubt if he could fool her. It’s Dad I worry about the most. I’m not angry. Wynn solved a situation for me. I’m so relieved to have my memory back that I don’t give a damn about what shenanigans he pulled.

  “I didn’t know I’d lose my memory, but I have it back now, so things should settle.”

  “Yeah, after Dad gets through blowing his lid over Wynn taking your identity.”

  “I’m remembering other times when he’s done this, but he never involved the family in it.”

  “Yeah, he’s never done it on this scale. You know he was actually on local television and all sorts of media as you?”

  Wade nodded. “I’ll get even with him someday.”

  Jack laughed. “I’m not holding my breath until that happens. He has a lot of luck and he has Mom’s support.”

  When Wade heard the front door open and close, he said, “Let’s go greet them.” He walked out in time to catch up with Lucy.

  “I want to see this,” she said, falling into step with her brothers.

  “It’s just twins greeting each other, even if one has been posing as the other. Frankly, I’m not angry about it. I hope Olivia is happy with him.”

  They entered the great room and Olivia turned to greet them. The smile on her face fell and she looked startled.

  “Hello, Olivia. Good news. I’ve got my memory back.”

  Her eyes widened and for a moment he saw her surprise, but then it was gone and she smiled, looking composed and amused. “I’m glad. I must say you have an interesting brother. I’m enjoying getting to know him better.”

  “‘Interesting’ is one way to describe Wynn, I suppose. Where is he?”

  “In the library waiting for you to join him.”

  “I wish you both the best.”

  “You sound as if you really mean that,” she said, looking intently at him.

  “I’m sincere or I wouldn’t say it. I think you’ll be good for Wynn. You won’t let him get away with all the stuff he does now.”

  She smiled. “You mean that, don’t you? I’m glad,” she added without giving him time to answer her. “I think it was over between us, anyway. Wynn does entertain me. He can be fun and exciting.”

  “I’m sure that’s true.”

  “I wish you the best and I’m glad you’re safely home.”

  “Thanks, Olivia. Have fun with Wynn.”

  She smiled and nodded at him as he walked away.

  His affair with her was over—and all he felt was relief.

  The library doors were closed so he knocked, then stepped inside and closed the door for privacy. He faced his brother, who stood by the fireplace looking neat in navy slacks and a white dress shirt that was open at the throat—looking the way Wade dressed. “Well, we look like the ultimate identical twins tonight, right down to matching watches. You have on my boots,” Wade said and saw Wynn turn to look at him sharply and frown.

  “I’m home again and I have my memory back, Wynn,” Wade stated bluntly.

  “Ah, there go my plans for the evening.” He stepped away from the fireplace, a drink in his hand. “So you know I’ve been impersonating you.”

  Wade nodded. He expected Wynn to look guilty, embarrassed, something. But no emotion showed on his face.

  Wynn walked to him and sipped the amber liquid in his glass, nonchalant and at ease. “Olivia is a beautiful woman,” he said, spearing Wade with an intent look. “She knew the truth right away, but played along, anyway.”

  “Yes, she is, and if that’s why you did it, well, you succeeded. I wish you both well. Olivia and I were over, anyway, as she probably told you.”

  “No, she didn’t and I don’t think she actually knew you were over, but I’m glad.” He put down his glass on a nearby table. “So you’re not angry?” Wynn asked, tilting his head to again study his brother.

  In all honesty, he should be. But he was so relieved to have his memory back that he couldn’t muster the ire at Wynn’s antics. Still, he stood firm. “No. But you can’t pass as me now, so that’s over. How did you know I wasn’t on my way home when you came home?”

  “I keep in touch with Mom and she chatters and tells me where everyone is and what’s going on and I learned the
y’d lost contact with you. I saw a chance for some fun so I cut short my Nashville trip and flew home. I called on the way. Everyone accepted me as you. I didn’t know how long before you’d surface.”

  “Your days of impersonating me are over.”

  “How very civilized. I figured you’d be furious. Dad will no doubt take his usual dim view.”

  “Something just occurred to me. The sheriff of the little town who saw you impersonate me on the news made arrangements for me to get the key to my condo when I got back to Dallas. I realize now I have the key to your condo.” He looked down at himself. “And I’m wearing your clothes.” He reached into his pocket, retrieved the keys and tossed them to Wynn.

  “Keep the clothes,” Wynn said. “I just got those and the ones I’m wearing because they look like what you’d wear. I don’t want them back.” He put the keys in his pocket. “It never occurred to me that the sheriff would arrange for you to pick up the keys to my condo.”

  “Don’t worry, I didn’t disturb anything,” he said, knowing if the situation had been reversed, Wynn would have gone through every one of his things out of curiosity.

  “I don’t know how you can tolerate the damn boots. I’ll be even happier when this whole charade is over with.”

  Wynn’s bland expression hardened. His jawline tightened and his eyes narrowed as they assessed his twin.

  “You know, Wade, you always think you’re better than I am, that I can’t have what you have. But I’ve proved you wrong with Olivia. You’re not getting her back.”

  “I can live with that, Wynn,” Wade said, maintaining his calm. “And I don’t always think I’m better. We’re just different.”

  “Not too different, my brother. You’ve got the same blood in your veins as I do in mine. And guess what? Mom told me the ‘big secret’—” his hands formed air quotes “—that I’m not supposed to share with you or anybody else, but I think this is the right time to reveal it. Dad isn’t our real dad,” he said, lowering his voice. His face flushed and his voice deepened as he continued. “Ethan got Mom pregnant, which makes Dad our uncle. Guess we’ll have to call him Uncle Arlo now, huh?”


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