The Academy of Underachievers: Year One

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The Academy of Underachievers: Year One Page 12

by Alex Dafney

  A loud thud comes from the wall beside us, and I’m afraid it could be Colton’s head or face.

  “And Angie is not my girlfriend. Everyone here knows that!”

  Another thud sounds, and I start to push my way through the crowd, elbowing people out of the way.

  “I’ll be the one to take care of that situation!” Jet’s voice is loud. Really loud.

  Lana follows my lead. “Nothing to see here, folks! Take your asses on down the hallway.”

  By the time we make it through the bodies to the doorway, everyone is beginning to leave on their own accord. Apparently, not interested in the fight any longer. I stand shoulder to, well, elbow next to Lana since she’s so much taller than I am, peering inside the disaster of a room.

  Colton sits on his bed, his head cradled in his hands.

  Jet stands a few feet away from him, his brows drawn together, and his hands firmly placed on his hips as he breaths in and out slowly.

  “Dude. I am sorry about kissing her last night. I told Briar as soon as I saw her this morning, and I do want her as a friend. Only a friend.”

  I glance between the two of them as Colton lifts his head, giving Jet a playful look.

  “Seriously, bro. I’m not the threat here.”

  They exchange a long glance before Jet turns my way, stomping out of the room.

  Lana gives me a shrug as he moves between us, gripping my hand tightly and pulling me down the hallway toward my room.

  “Get whatever you need for the night. You’re staying in my room.”

  I jerk my hand from his grip, stopping abruptly in the cleared out hallway, my brows drawing together tightly. “I’ll be staying in my room. Thank you.”

  Jet rakes his hand down his face before spinning to face me; the angry scowl still marring his features. “This shit is going to go well into the night, and frankly, I don’t trust you being alone this close to that guy.”

  I let out an annoyed sigh as I roll my eyes. “He said he was sorry. It wasn’t that big of a deal.”

  Jet gives a sigh of his own, lifting his hands and covering his face as he slowly shakes his head. “Please, Briar. Just trust me on this.”

  I flit around him, moving toward my room and leaving him to stand alone in the hallway. Just as I reach my door, placing the key in the lock and barreling my shoulder into the stubborn door, his hand lands on my shoulder.

  “I’m only trying to look out for you.”

  I almost feel bad for the words I’m about to spew in his direction at the utter sincerity in his words, but not quite enough. Turning to face him fully, I cock my hip outward, folding my arms over my chest as I give him my best resting bitch face. “I have six older brothers. I don’t need, nor will I be taking applications for a seventh. I’m perfectly fine taking care of myself.”

  His lip twitches at a suppressed smile, but he holds his hand up, palm facing me as he nods. “Duly noted. However—.”

  I cock one eyebrow up at him, urging him to stop while he’s ahead.

  “I think you should come back to my room for the night. This is going to continue into the early hours of the morning.”

  As if on cue, the loud music begins to thump through the hallway, students hooping and hollering along.

  I shake my head as I turn back to my door, thrusting my shoulder into it once again to get it to open. The stubborn door swings open, me stumbling behind it, but Jet grips me around the waist to stop my forward momentum. As the light flashes on overhead, my eyes widen as I survey the small room that I call home.

  Chapter Eleven

  My dresser that was almost to its breaking point is tipped to the side, clothes spilling out along the floor. The broken desk is splintered along the floor, and every personal item I have litters the ground. The uncomfortable mattress has been tossed around, and the cute comforter set I chose has been slashed to shreds.

  “What the hell?” I mutter as Jet moves around me quickly, making his way into the attached bathroom.


  I move toward him as I hear him mutter lowly, finding the shards of my broken mirror scattered on the tile floor, the shower curtain ripped down and crumpled in a corner, along with my shampoo and soaps scattered around.

  I shake my head slowly, my mouth hanging open as I survey the damage.

  “Who would have done this?” Jet mumbles to himself as I try to get a grip on reality.

  First the warning from Mistress Penelope, the ghost children telling me someone asked them to make the noises at my window, and now this? Someone has it out for me.

  I shriek as a loud noise comes from my room, spinning around in the doorway to find the ceiling has caved in. Jet wraps his arms around me, pulling me back into the bathroom as he slams the door before the cloud of dust can reach us.

  Lifting my hands, I cover my face, not wanting to cry, and fighting the urge to do so.

  Jet spins me toward him, cradling my small frame against his chest as he runs his hand along my back. “What are you not telling me, babe? I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”

  I pinch my eyes shut, taking a deep breath to will away my sadness at the loss of my crappy dorm. Keeping my forehead resting against his broad chest, I take in a shaky breath. “Mistress Penelope showed me a vision today. One of you and me. It was a warning of some kind.”

  Blowing out a long breath, I lift my eyes to his, noting the concerned look on his face as he scowls down at me.

  “Apparently, I’ve angered someone with power.” I shrug one shoulder in fiend nonchalance as I push away from him, even if I’m trembling inside. Wrapping my arms around me protectively, I reach for the handle of the door, pulling it open to find the dust and debris has settled.

  “I went to the haunted forest earlier. The children told me a witch asked them to make sounds at my windows.” I give another shrug. “It could all be connected.” I step out onto the massive piece of sheetrock from the ceiling, noticing the pipe sounds have quadrupled with the roof gone.

  Jet follows behind me, surveying the damage with knitted brows. “Grab what you can. You aren’t staying here tonight.”

  Without another option, I lift my bag from where my desk used to sit, shaking the dust from it before moving to my sideways dresser. I sigh as I raise a few articles of clothing, shaking the dust from them. “Everything is covered in dust.” I hang my head in defeat as his hand circles my arm, pulling me up to standing.

  “It can be washed, Briar. I happen to have the key to the faculty facilities.”

  His words should make me feel better, but at this moment, I want nothing more than to wallow in my self defeat. Seeming to notice, he places both hands to my shoulders, dropping his head until he’s eye level with me, giving me a small smile. “We’ll get this all figured out tomorrow. Let’s take one step at a time. Step one is getting what you need for the night.”

  I nod in acceptance, pulling away from him to find something to wear for classes tomorrow. After digging through the pile of clothing along the floor that is covered in ash, I manage to find something that is somewhat clean. Turning to Jet, I see him gazing over the damage with a concerned look. “I have what I can salvage.”

  His eyes move to mine, giving me an apologetic half-smile. “We’ll get this cleaned up. This weekend.”

  I nod dutifully as I move closer to him, needing to feel his confidence and strength. Lifting his arm, he wraps it around my middle, ushering me toward the exit.

  I don’t bother to close the door behind us, but Jet drops his arm from around me, forcing the door shut as I watch numbly.

  The loud base from a repetitious song thumps through the hallway. Students are dancing suggestively, cups of alcohol in hand as we make our way to the staircase. An awkward laugh leaves me as we make the first step. Jet lowers his arm, gripping my hand in his and urging me upward.

  “I can’t believe I was naïve enough to think I could change this place.” Another laugh leaves me as we step onto the main floor of t
he building.

  Lifting my leg, I intend to move up to the second floor, but Jet stops me in my tracks as he yanks my hand, forcing me to face him. I almost cower under his scrutinizing gaze, but force my eyes to stay on his as he works the muscle in his jaw.

  “You will change this place, Briar.”

  I open my mouth to retort, but he barrels forward.

  “No one has done as much in this institution in two decades then you have in two days.” A smile plays at his lips, but he keeps it neutral. “You have to start believing in yourself as much as I believe in you.”

  I drop my eyes to the floor between us, clearly not believing in myself as much as he does for whatever reason. “There’s no way it will be enough.” I shake my head in exasperation. “I’ve pissed off someone huge, I have nowhere to live since my room is trashed, the student body is going to class by day, and partying like rockstars by night.” I shrug one shoulder, but totally in defeat. “One hundred and fifty-three days until I transfer out of here.”A long shaky breath escapes me as I keep my gaze fixed on the floor, tracing the mosaic tile through my mind.

  “But will you?”

  My eyes lift at their own accord, finding a smug smile on Jet’s lips, a playful look in his eyes. Without waiting for my reply, he leads me up the remaining two flights of stairs, stopping in front of his room.

  Pushing a long line of numbers into the keypad, he pushes down on the handle, holding the door open with one hand as he gestures me inside with the other.

  It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve been in his dorm room, but for some reason, an angry swarm of butterflies line my insides as I step in.

  I jolt as the door closes behind us.

  Jet moves ahead of me, turning on lights as he goes, me hesitantly following behind.

  As he turns the bedside lamp on, he gives me a kind smile, gesturing his hand toward the bathroom door. “I know it’s late. Go ahead and get ready for bed.”

  I spin toward the door, stepping inside and locking it once I’ve closed it behind me. Placing my hands to the sink, I stare at myself in the mirror, uncertain of how far I want to let things go tonight, yet yearning to let them go as far as possible. I jump at the sudden knock on the door, opening it a mere inch to find Jet standing outside with an outstretched hand.

  “I threw all of your clothes in the wash. You can sleep in something of mine tonight.”

  I gingerly snake my arm through the crack in the door, taking the clothing from his hand and pushing the door closed.

  With a sigh, I strip my jeans off, placing them on the edge of the sink before sliding a pair of his boxers up my legs. The waistband settles loosely over my hips, sliding down with every move I make. I scrunch my nose at my reflection as I slide them off, leaving them next to my discarded jeans.

  Lifting my arms above me, I pull my shirt over my head, placing it on the counter, then unhooking my bra. I let the straps slide down both arms, sitting it on top of the pile of clothing before shrugging Jet’s oversized t-shirt on.

  With a deep breath, I pull the door open, finding most of the lights have been turned off in my absence. Peeking my head around the corner of the doorframe, I find Jet lying in his bed, shirtless, the cover pulled over his bottom half. I pull my bottom lip in my mouth with anticipation as I move out of the room, intending to join him and see where this night leads.

  His eyes move from the TV to me as I stalk toward him, a smile pulling to his lips. He quickly rises from the bed as I slide in the opposite side, holding the covers up. “I got it warm for you.”

  My heart constricts at the simple gesture as I move across the mattress to the spot he previously had. I snuggle into the warmth, pulling his comforter up that smells just like him to snuggle around me.

  My eyes comb his bare chest as he towers over me, a look on his face of lust and longing. He bends at the waist, hovering over me, his lip quirking up to one side. “This isn’t how I anticipated the night to go.”

  His face lowers toward mine, his lips pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. As he pulls back, his eyes bore into mine. “I had a wonderful time tonight, Briar. I hope we can do it again.”

  My brows furrow as he moves away from me, dropping heavily onto the leather sofa that rests in the sitting area. I watch as he turns side to side, trying to find a comfortable position before becoming still.

  My lips tug down as I stare at him in the dark, my stomach churning with rejection. I flop to my side, pulling my knees up to my chest as I sigh. Two can play this game; I think as I lie wide awake.

  After an hour of tossing back and forth, I can’t take it any longer. I lie on my back, listening to the nothingness within the room. Unable to handle the short distance between us any longer, I sit up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed in the dark. Padding on my tiptoes, I calculate the steps in my head, holding my arms out, so I don’t trip over anything.

  As my hand meets smooth leather, my lips quirk into a smile. Sliding my fingertips along, I lower my body onto the small space of couch allotted, gingerly lowering my head to the one pillow and snaking my arm around Jet’s great midsection.

  His hand circles my wrist that rests around him, a low groan escaping him. “What are you doing, babe?”

  My thighs clamp together at the tone of his voice, but I force myself to remain still. I snuggle my face into the crook of his neck, relishing the warmth of his body pressed against mine. “I was cold,” I whisper.

  Rolling to his side, he faces me. His eyes closed tightly in the dim light that comes from the bathroom. Without a word, he places his hands under my arms, cautiously lifting me.

  My insides quiver with anticipation, instantly dying as he guides me over him, putting me on the inside of the couch. My bottom lip pokes out in protest as he rolls toward me, his arm wrapping around me to pull me snuggly against him.

  He settles his chin above my head, running his hand the length of my back slowly as if to warm me. “Better?”

  It takes everything in me not to bound up and straddle him, instead sinking further into his embrace as I nod, a colossal yawn escaping me as I settle my head against his chest, curling my fingers inward as my hand rests on his pec.

  “Goodnight, Briar.”

  I offer the same sentiment in return as my eyes flutter sleepily.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been asleep, but my eyes bolt open to a loud crash, sucking in a breath in surprise while jerking my head up.

  Jet’s heavy arm rests over my middle, his breathing steady and slow.

  I scan the room as my eyes adjust to the dark, not noticing anything out of place that could have caused the sound that woke me. My heart rate begins to slow as I find nothing unusual, snuggling my face back into Jet’s chest, taking a deep breath of his perfect scent.

  A low moan escapes me as the aroma of oranges and spice tickle my nostrils as I close my eyes, willing to let sleep take me back from the apparent dream that woke me.

  My eyes pop open as I hear a scrape against the dorm room door. Sounding like nails on a chalkboard. I lie motionless, my heart beating wildly as I strain to listen for another sound.

  After a few moments of silence, I let out a long breath, chalking the sounds up to my overactive imagination and the crappy day I’ve had. Just as my eyes begin to close, I hear my name whispered through the room eerily.


  Instantly rising to a seated position, Jet’s arm slides from around me, him rolling to his side facing away from me.

  My name is repeated over and over, becoming quieter with each. Suddenly, I feel myself succumbing to a sort of trance as I listen to my name spoken. Pushing the flannel blanket from over me, I slide over Jet’s sleeping form, moving toward the door against my own will.

  “Briar.” The quiet voice beckons me without reason.

  Placing my hand to the handle, I push it down, slowly pulling the metal door open. My eyes glaze over as I step into the hallway, barefoot, and with nothing more than a t-shirt cover
ing my body. Without hesitation, I turn to the right, knowing that’s where the voice is coming.

  “Come with me, Briar.”

  I nod dutifully as I follow with abandonment. Holding the rail of the staircase, I lift my right foot, pausing briefly at the nagging voice in the back of my mind that says I should stop.

  “Keep moving, Briar.”

  I take a step forward as the calming voice holds me captive. Moving up the next two flights of stairs with ease, stopping in front of a door labeled for the roof.

  “Open the door.”

  I do as I’m instructed, pushing the bar along the middle and flinging it open. My skin prickles in goosebumps as the chilly night air hits me, yet I don’t lift my hands to warm myself, only stalking toward the edge of the roof. Somewhere deep inside of me screams for me to stop, but the trance I’m under urges me forward.

  “Step onto the ledge, Briar.”

  Lifting my leg, I skirt over the railing that comes up to my knees, stepping onto the angled shingles of the roof.

  “Just a little further, Briar.”

  I shake my head rapidly as my legs seem to guide me toward the edge of the roof, trying like hell to break the spell upon me.


  My arms rise above me, even while I fight against the trance I’m under and the voice within my head. Stepping to the very edge of the roof, my eyes widen as I stare down at the ground that sits eight stories below as my arms stay above me in perfect swan dive fashion.

  “No. No. No. No. No.” I murmur as my toes slide over the edge of the shingles, my body betraying me as it leans forward.

  Tears blur my eyes as I think of my momma and daddy. I haven’t called them that in years, but faced with my untimely death, it seems fitting. A single tear slide down my cheek as I lean further, a rapid succession picture show of each of my life flashing behind my pinched eyelids. “I’m so sorry, mom and dad.”

  I dip further over the edge; my tears drowning my vision as my brother's faces appear before me in chronological order. “I love you, Braxton, Bronson, Braden, Brody, Brinley, and Briggs. Even though you’ve caused me nothing but grief in my life.”


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