The Academy of Underachievers: Year One

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The Academy of Underachievers: Year One Page 16

by Alex Dafney

  Jet rests his hand on my knee, giving me a sympathetic smile. “Don’t worry, babe. We’re going to figure out who is behind these attacks.”

  I give him a small smile in return, even though I am consumed with worry.

  “This is the work of a highly trained witch. There aren’t any witches enrolled in the student body. Unless that rule has changed?” Riley asks to which Jet shakes his head.

  “No. The Administration still believes it would be a conflict of interest to have those of the paranormal training to be a part of the PEA.”

  Riley moves his gaze to me. “Is there any faculty you’ve had a problem with?”

  I shake my head once again, sitting up straighter. “No. I do well in all of my classes, and Mistress Penelope is the one who warned me I’d angered someone, but I don’t know who, or how.”

  Riley's brows draw together slightly. “How did Penelope know to warn you?”

  I open my mouth to explain, then quickly snap it shut, not knowing if her being in contact with her friend is against the rules of her agreement.

  “I’m not going to turn her in if she’s still in contact with her old coven. I’m just trying to figure this out.”

  I still hesitate to tell him.

  Jet grips my hand in his, giving a small pat with his other. “Riley’s a lead agent in the PEA, but he’s still my brother.”

  I nod, knowing my brothers would do the same. “She said she remains in contact with one of the women in her coven. This woman has glimpses of the future, and she asked Mistress Penelope to warn me.”

  Riley continues to write on the legal pad, nodding slowly. “Gracie must be the one she still talks with. I’ll go and have a chat with her and see if she knows anything that could help. There are a few names on the most wanted list that have the knowledge to perform this particular spell. I’ll look into them and get back with you.” He tosses the paper to the table, rising to stand. “Let’s get you two back to school.”

  Jet and I rise at the same time, following Riley toward the door that leads outside.

  He pauses as he rests his hand on the handle, looking at us over his shoulder. “Whoever we’re dealing with is extremely dangerous. This person either broke the protection spell that surrounds the school or is allowed within its borders. If that is the case, they’re closer than you think.”

  I shudder at the thought, yet know he’s right. Whoever this witch is, is too close for comfort.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The SUV creeps to a stop at the curb of Disappointment Drop-off Drive, Riley glancing in the rearview mirror at me. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Briar. I hope you can forgive my immediate thought to dismiss you.” His lip lifts to one corner, reminding me so much of the way Jet smiles.

  I give him a nod, reaching over to open the door. “It was nice to meet you as well. Although it would have been nicer under different circumstances.”

  He chuckles as I push the door open, finding Jet pulling it the rest of the way and offering his hand to help me out. Swinging it closed, he grasps my hand in his, linking our fingers as he steps over to the driver’s window as it moves down. He gives Riley a one-armed hug through the opening.

  “Thanks, bro. Sorry, I hit you.”

  Riley scoffs loudly as they pull apart. “I got a few good swings in myself.”

  They both chuckle, and I’m instantly reminded of my brothers, shaking my head at their uncanny way of fighting then being back to friends within the day.

  “I’ll look into what we talked about earlier. Until then, stay out of trouble, and don’t hang around witches.”

  I roll my eyes as he laughs, Jet joining him.

  “And don’t go eloping either. Mom’s already threatening to fly out here to meet her.” His eyes move over to me, giving me a look of fiend shock.

  “You’ll warn me before she does?”

  The concern in Jet’s voice has my stomach twisting with knots. This is all so new, and I’m not prepared to meet his mother.

  “Hell, no! What would be the fun in that? Get to class, loser.”

  Jet lets out a long sigh. “Thanks, jerk. I’ll see you soon.”

  The window begins to roll upward, and the car pulls away from the curb, moving down the curved drive toward the entry gate at the bottom of the hill.

  “He better damn warn me.” Jet mumbles as he turns, urging me toward the stairs.

  I pull back on his hand, forcing him to stop as I hitch a thumb over my shoulder toward the haunted forest. “I have to go visit the kids since I didn’t go yesterday.”

  His lip tugs up to one side, giving me a bizarre look. “I haven’t asked why you continue to do that every day.”

  I shrug one shoulder as we start toward the wooded area. “I made a deal with them, and honestly, I enjoy it. They’re all so friendly, and they seem to like my company just as much.” I let out a small sigh. “I feel bad for them. They’re stuck in time, not moving forward or backward, just, stuck.”

  Jet nods in agreement, his mouth curving down. “It’s unfortunate they’re still in this realm. I’d be willing to bet they don’t even know they can move on to the afterlife.”

  I wrinkle my nose up at the prospect of one of the kids leaving. Although it’s probably best that they move on, I can’t bear the thought of never seeing them again.

  “Stop pouting.”

  I glance up to find an amused smile on Jet’s face as we start into the woods on the narrow path. “I’m not pouting. I was thinking I would miss them.”

  He pauses, pulling me to his front and wrapping his arms around me. “You truly are incredible.” I roll my eyes playfully as his face lowers toward my own, him placing a sweet kiss to my lips. As he draws back, I see the worried look in his eyes, even through the smile he wears. “Can we make this a quick visit? I need to sit down and have a chat with my dad.”

  I nod quickly as we move toward the bench that sits along the path. As we cram onto the tiny seat, the ghostly children begin to appear around us.

  “You didn’t come to see us yesterday! We thought you left us.” One of the smaller girls says as she hovers above the ground, clutching her knees to her chest.

  Tilting my head to the side, I give her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, Cindy. I had something come up, but remember, we’ve talked about this. Even if I miss a day, it doesn’t mean I’m deserting you guys, just that I’m busy, and I’ll be back the next day.”

  This seems to be enough to appease the group because hands begin to shoot into the air for our daily round of questioning.

  “What are you having for lunch?”

  I chuckle at the frail boy, Benjamin, who asks the same question every day. “I’m not sure yet. We haven’t even had breakfast!”

  Jet laughs next to me, his shoulders bobbing as he slowly shakes his head.

  Pointing to the teenage boy next to him, I wait for his question.

  “Is he your boyfriend?” He nods his head toward Jet, folding his arms over his chest and glaring at him.

  A small smile crests my lips at the jealous look on his face.

  “Yes. If she’ll have me.”

  My head snaps toward Jet, my eyes widening in surprise.

  He gives me a smirk, lifting our clasped hands and placing a kiss to the back of mine. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

  My mouth drops open, wanting to tell him, yes, but at the same time, there’s so much I don’t know about him — specifically this marriage contract between him and Angie.

  Dropping my gaze to the ground, I avoid his eyes as I slip my hand from his grip, focusing back to one of the children in the front row. “Last one for the day.”

  They all groan with disapproval as I point to the chubby-cheeked girl with curly hair.

  A broad grin plasters her cheeks as she rises, her feet hovering over the ground below as she looks at Jet with adoration. “I’ll be your girlfriend!”

  I snicker as Jet tries to let her down easily, assuring her that he’s far
too old for her. As she pushes her bottom lip out in a pout, I rise from the bench, Jet standing beside me. “I’ll be back to see you all tomorrow.”

  We move side by side along the pathway; neither of us uttering a word as we step into the sunshine.

  Glancing upward, I find Mistress Penelope on the roof next to a large cauldron and surrounded by students. A chill passes through me, sincerely glad I’m not in her class today and standing on the rooftop right now.

  “Where do we go from here?”

  I stop walking, turning back to find Jet staring at me a few steps behind me, his hands shoved in his front pockets.

  Turning to face him fully, I give him a small smile. “Ice cream?”

  He scoffs lightly, shaking his head. “That’s not what I meant.”

  I nod, knowing fully that he was referring to us, but until I know more about the contract, I can’t agree to anything. “But it’s a start.”

  We start for the doorway, moving through the foyer toward the cafeteria. With class being in session, we’re the only students out at this time of the morning. Moving through the empty room, we step into the kitchen area, Jet walking ahead of me and opening the cooler doors.

  I hop up onto the stainless table, folding my legs under me as my mind races. Jet returns with a single container of pistachio ice cream and two spoons in hand.

  Sliding next to me, he lets his legs hang over the edge of the tabletop, kicking one back and forth as he pries the lid off. “We need to make a run soon. Someone found our stash.”

  I give him a mischievous look as he passes me a spoon, tilting the carton toward me. “Um, that may be my fault.”

  He gives me a stern look as I dig my spoon into the light green frozen concoction.

  “Lana was having an off day, so we snuck down in the middle of the night. I didn’t realize she’d eat it all without me knowing.”

  Jet chortles, dipping his spoon into the ice cream. “We’ll just get more than usual since we now have to supply three people's habits.”

  We fall into a lengthy silence, both of us taking bites of the delicious ice cream.

  “Is it about the contract?”

  I almost jump at Jet’s sudden question in the quiet room. His eyes move to mine, looking remorseful.

  I simply nod in response, not knowing what to say at the moment. He pushes the cardboard container into my hand, leaving his spoon resting on the stainless steel table as he rises. I continue dipping my spoon inside and taking small bites, watching him as he begins to pace in front of me, his hands planted behind his back.

  “The marriage contract was put in order before we were born. Angie comes from an influential family in the paranormal world, and I was likely to be born with a gift, of sorts, so Mr. Lewis approached my dad about an arranged marriage.”

  I listen intently as he continues to pace, his eyes never meeting mine.

  “Angie can persuade shifters while in their animal form. Her entire family has the ability to do so.” He pauses, glancing over to me. “Kind of like your gift to deter an entrancement spell.”

  His lip hikes upward briefly before he’s back to pacing, his gaze leaving me as he focuses on the floor. “I, well, I can touch ghosts. Physically. I don’t need a special restraining tool to apprehend the dead.”

  My eyes widen in surprise, having not known that super cool fact about him.

  “Between Angie’s gift, and mine, we would be a hell of a team to the PEA, or at least that’s what our dad’s concluded when they signed the contract.”

  My brows draw together in confusion. “Why a contract?”

  He lets out a heavy sigh but keeps his eyes away from mine. “The Academy was going to go under. There weren’t enough students enrolling, and my family's legacy was going to be lost. Mr. Lewis approached dad with the contract and offered him enough money to keep the school afloat. Along with the fact that the Lewis children would attend.”

  “So, your dad essentially sold you?” A sickening feeling settles in my stomach as my face contorts with disgust.

  Jet stops, facing me fully. A helpless look passes his face as he nods. “Angie and I are to be married the day after graduating from the Academy. It’s a blood contract, meaning the only way out of it, is for one of the existing signors to pass, or for Angie or me to.”

  I work my bottom lip with my teeth as I take in his words, my eyes flitting away from his intense gaze. “Why would you want to start a relationship with me? It seems a waste of both of our time.” My voice trails off as I end my thought. The situation seems beyond our control.

  “I’m not going to marry her, Briar. I’ve never wanted to, and now that I’ve met you, I can’t pretend any longer.”

  I lift my head, my eyes finding his. The slight lift to his lip and hopeful gleam in his eyes makes my heart melt.

  “I’m falling for you, babe. Head over heels, can’t get you out of my mind, want to spend every waking second with you, out of my damn head, falling for you.”

  My lips tug upward against my will as he moves toward me, placing his palms to the table on either side of my legs.

  “I want to know everything about you, Briar. What your favorites are, your hopes and dreams. I want to shake your dad’s hand and hug your mom for raising such a beautiful, talented, caring, and funny young woman. I want to sit around your family's dinner table, sharing a meal while your brothers interrogate me relentlessly. But most of all, I want you to feel the same way.” He pauses, his brows tugging together slightly as his eyes let his emotions bleed through. “Tell me we can give this a go.”

  I stare into his eyes that are so sincere, giving a small nod before his lips crash into mine. His hands move to my thighs, his fingers curling in with force. My arms wrap around his neck, holding him to me as his tongue dives into my mouth, a sultry moan escaping me. I shift my legs from under me, letting them fall over the table edge on either side of him as he pulls me tightly against his front.

  My teeth graze his lower lip, causing him to groan against my mouth, his fingers digging into my denim-covered legs.

  Pulling back, he stares at me, his breathing heavy and his eyes heavier. “We need to stop before this goes any further.”

  I ignore him, reaching between us and grabbing his t-shirt in my hand, pulling him back to me. The last thing I want is to stop this. My lips seek his, trailing my tongue lightly along his upper lip until he parts his mouth, allowing me access.

  He growls lowly as my hand slides between us, running my fingers over the waistband of his jeans under his plain shirt that he fills out to perfection. Working the button with one hand proves to be difficult, but I manage to undo it, sliding the zipper down as we continue to make out.

  As I begin to slide my hand into his boxers, he grips my wrist tightly to stop me, pulling away and staring at me with a bewildered look.

  “We don’t have to—.” His words fall short.

  I groan, tilting my head upward to look at the ceiling. “Take me back to your room, Jet.” When he doesn’t respond, I drop my head, seeking his eyes that have an uncertain gaze. Placing my hands to his chest, I shove him back as I slide off the table, staring up at him. “Take me to your room,” I say quietly, a slight plea to my voice, but I don’t care. I’ve wanted this for so long; I could be reduced to begging at this point.

  I yelp as Jet bends, lifting me from the ground and hurrying toward the door. “I can walk.” I huff as he starts into a brisk pace toward the stairway.

  “You’re too slow.”

  I smack his shoulder with the back of my hand as he laughs, taking the stairs two at a time. “We’re not in a hurry, are we?”

  Jet growls in response, causing me to laugh loudly as he makes the last step, putting us on level three. A look of concern passes his face as I look up at him, his steps coming to an abrupt halt as he begins to lower me to the floor.

  My spine straightens as my feet touch the ground, watching as Angie shoves off the doorframe of Jet’s room, sauntering tow
ard us.

  “You’ve already been warned about her.”

  He moves in front of me, keeping me shielded from her approach. “This is none of your concern.”

  I lean around him, watching as she stops just before him, a cocky grin on her face.

  “Except it is, in fact, my concern. She is not allowed to stay in your dorm room any longer now that her room has been remodeled.”

  Her eyes flit to mine, narrowing ever so slightly. “I suggest you get your shit and run back down to the basement where you belong.”

  My eyes narrow right back at her, thoroughly sick of the way she treats me. Moving from behind the safety of Jet’s back, I step to his side, giving her a pointed look as I grab his hand, pulling him around her. “If you’ll excuse us, this isn’t the idea I had in mind for foreplay.”

  The look on her face is almost comical as her face scrunches in anger. Lifting my free hand, I punch the numbers in the keypad that rests along the wall next to Jet’s door, waiting for the green light to allow me to open the door.

  “You’ll pay for this, whore.”

  The light flashes and I push the handle down, swinging the door inward and ignoring Angie’s word as I go.

  Jet rips his hand from mine, spinning to face her. “You have no right to speak to her like that.”

  She shrugs a shoulder in response, lifting her hand and acting as if she’s examining her fingernails. “If the whore shoe fits, right?”

  I tug Jet’s arm, wanting nothing more than to get him inside and let this little showdown end.

  A humorless laugh leaves him as he flings his arms up at his side. “You don’t get it, Angie. I’m not into you. I’ve never been, nor will I ever be.”

  Her eyes quickly seek his, letting her hands fall to her sides, clenching them into fists. “You don’t have a choice!” Her voice comes out loudly, her eyes seething with anger.

  Jet shrugs his shoulders, shaking his head slowly. “We used to be friends, Ang, but I don’t even know who you are anymore.” His voice is low and sad.

  True to character, she ignores him, focusing instead on me. “You are going to regret this. Mark my words, freshman, your days are numbered at this Academy.” Her nostrils flare as she spins, storming down the hallway.


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