The Academy of Underachievers: Year One

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The Academy of Underachievers: Year One Page 19

by Alex Dafney

  “That’s where you are mistaken, little lady. You don’t belong here.” He stops, his eyes raking up and down my body.

  Jet is instantly at my side, his face looking like he’s ready to rip this guys head off.

  The ringleader of the other team doesn’t seem to notice, his eyes meeting mine. “Why don’t you save yourself the embarrassment and run along? None of you deserve even to be standing in an Academy of this prestige.”

  I roll my shoulders back, giving him an arrogant smile. “I guess we’ll see who’s standing last.”

  Their entire group laughs loudly, one of the guys in the back even slapping his knee in amusement. The ringleader's eyes never leave mine.

  “It’s too bad you’re from the wrong side of the tracks. I’d love to see what those lush lips of yours look like-“

  His words die away as Jet lunges at him, lifting him off the ground by his collar and slamming his back against the wall.

  Colton and his football buddies move into action, all grabbing Jet and urging him back.

  The pompous prick from the opposing team swipes at his shirt as if he’s been touched by dirt. “Calm down, asshole. It’s not like I would touch an Underachiever with a ten-foot pole.” He looks over to me, letting his eyes move over me. “Not even one as exceptional as her.”

  Jet struggles against Colton and Ben, the football captain, who restrain him.

  He glares at Colton. “I’ve already punched you once this year, don’t make it twice.”

  Colton shrugs a shoulder. “Dude. You should be thanking me. Whatever you have in mind for that dickwad, will be nothing compared to what Briar will do to you if you get us disqualified.”

  Jet’s eyes find mine, instantly letting his anger fade as he considers the consequences.

  Colton slaps his hand against Jet’s shoulder, shoving him lightly back to his rightful place beside me. As soon as he’s within reach, he snakes his arm around me, holding me against his side protectively.

  The ringleader of the other group rolls his eyes at the gesture. “No need to keep her tight, bro. No one here wants to dip their-“

  Jet’s hand tenses at my side, and I immediately talk over the asshat before me.

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  I almost laugh at the widened eyes and gasps that spread through their group. Taking a step forward, I jut a hip out, placing my hand to my waist and adorning my best resting bitch face.

  “One more word out of you, and I’ll gladly be disqualified to watch these guys beat that arrogant smirk right off your face.”

  He opens his mouth, then snaps it closed quickly, a scowl pulling to his brows.

  “Fuck this. Let’s show him how we take care of matters like this back at our Academy.” Lana steps up beside me, sporting her own bitch face.

  “I have a better idea. Us three girls against this pathetic group of spoiled brats.” Angie steps to my other side, her bitch face overshadowing mine and Lana’s combined.

  “You girls really think we’re going to let you have all the fun.” Ben steps into the line, pounding his fist into his other hand.

  “I call the one that tries to run!” The other football player joins the front line, bouncing from one foot to the other in rapid succession.

  Colton and Jet take up the rear.

  “I think we already know which one I call.” A shiver runs down my spine at Jet’s threatening tone.

  The entire group begins to back away, the ringleader holding his hands up, palms facing us. “We, uh, we don’t want any trouble. Enjoy your time at the Academy.” He spins, briskly moving away from us.

  My team laughs as they all trip over one another to escape us, not having any reason to since we haven’t moved an inch. After rounds of high fives, we walk into the designated classroom, ready to show these people what’s about to hit them.

  Hours later, we stand together in a tight group on the stage in the auditorium, waiting to hear the final results of the entire competition. Colton scored high in his round, having dejected every advance and temptation spell the volunteer witch had thrown at him to seduce him. Although Jet had to restrain Lana during the exam physically, I know we scored well.

  The football jerks also performed fantastically. They were able to subdue multiple attackers, paranormal, and normal alike during the virtual reality exam, being the last two standing at the end of the demonstration.

  I let out a shaky breath, clutching my hands together in front of me.

  Jet reaches in front of me, prying my hands apart and taking one in his own, giving a gentle squeeze before beginning to run his thumb over my knuckles lightly.

  “We gave the best we have, babe. The cards are in the judge's hands now.”

  I give a small nod, knowing he’s right, but still dying inside awaiting the results.

  The female announcer who has given directions all day, strolls onto the stage from the side entrance, holding a microphone in one hand, a small index card in the other. Stopping in the center before us, she faces the crowd of spectators. “Please give a warm welcome to Dr. Henry Pippin. Director of the Paranormal Enforcement Agency, and the announcer of this years Academy Bowl winner.”

  She exits the same way she came as we all clap politely.

  An older man passes her, taking the microphone from her extended hand.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.” He quips before making it to the center of the stage. “It has been my astound pleasure to watch the Bowl this year and to see the many talented up and coming potential Agents we have in this group of young men and women.”

  A round of applause sounds through the auditorium.

  I should join, but my hand stays firmly locked around Jet’s. He lifts his other hand, placing it to my lower back, his subtle attempt to calm my nerves.

  “Let us begin with the scoring of each round.” Dr. Pippin pulls a pair of wire-rimmed glasses from his jacket pocket, placing them on the brim of his nose as he squints at the card he holds in his hand.

  “In the first event, alluding temptation, third place goes to the Academy of Paranormal Elitists.”

  The same announcer walks onto the stage, brandishing a wide smile as she moves toward the group of students that stand to our right, placing a small trophy before them.

  “Second place is awarded to the Paranormal Academy of the East.”

  I chance a glance to my left, seeing the leader of their team giving me a dirty look as their trophy is placed in front of them.

  I give him a roll of my eyes before facing forward, awaiting the first place announcement.

  “First place will be awarded to, oh, wow.” He glances over his shoulder, his eyes locking on mine as he gives me an appreciative head nod, my heart beginning to stammer in my chest.

  Looking forward, he draws the microphone back to him. “First place, goes to the Academy that has never competed in the Bowl games. The Academy of Underachievers!”

  Numerous hands pat my back as the female announcer places our trophy to the ground before us.

  Looking over my shoulder, my eyes find Colton, giving him a bright smile that he instantly returns.

  “Moving to the next category, the third-place prize in simulation of apprehension is awarded to Witch One Whey Academy.”

  I pull my hand from Jet’s, giving a light clap to the only team who has treated us decently since our arrival.

  “Second place will be, Paranormal Academy of the East.”

  I drop my hands to my sides, instantly seeking Jet’s strong embrace. Instead of gripping my hand, he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me against him.

  “First is going to us, babe.” He whispers against my hair as I wait with baited breathe.

  “First place,” he pauses, shaking his head lightly. “Folks, if it didn’t say it right here on this card,” Dr. Pippin holds the card up to the crowd. “I wouldn’t believe the next words out of my mouth myself.” Lowering the card, he reads aloud. “First place is awarded to the Academy of Un

  Ben and his sidekick make whooping sounds behind me.

  I don’t even have to turn around to know they are pumping their fists in the air as the hostess of the evening places our trophy next to the other before us.

  Dr. Pippin turns to face the students on stage, giving a charming smile.

  “The finalist are The Paranormal Academy of the East, Witch One Whey Academy, and The Academy of Underachievers. The rest of you, great work, but you may exit the stage.”

  The other two teams move by us, grumbling voices coming from the students as they pass, most giving us dirty looks as they exit the stage.

  “Without further ado, the third-place trophy goes to….”

  I hold my breath, my mind spinning out of control as I wait for him to announce.

  “Witch One Whey Academy! Congratulations on placing in the Academy Bowl.”

  I notice the distinct look of disappointment as the woman places the large trophy before them.

  “Now, for the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The first-place trophy, prize money, and bragging rights for the year go to….”

  My nails bite into Jet’s hand as I squeeze with abandonment, holding my breath as I wait for Dr. Pippin to announce the winner.

  “The Paranormal Academy of the East!”

  The breathe I was holding slowly blows out of me as cheers erupt through the air, confetti raining down from the ceiling.

  Jet pulls me to him, dipping his head to rest in the crook of my neck. “Congratulations, Briar!”

  As he pulls away, I attempt to keep the fake smile placed firmly on my face while the attendant places a large trophy before us. I notice my teammates all bouncing erratically, hugging each other, giving high fives, and generally excited to have placed second.

  “Miss Knotwood!”

  I spin to find Dr. Pippin standing before me, a kind smile on his face as he offers his hand.

  Jet releases his tight hold on me.

  I hesitantly place my hand in the director’s.

  “It has been a pleasure to watch you and your team compete today. I must say, when I heard of your Academy’s desire to compete after years of silence, I was surprised.”

  “We owe all the motivation to Briar.”

  I glance over to Jet, my heart clenching at the proud beaming smile he wears.

  Dr. Pippin gives him a cursory nod.

  “As I suspected, Mr. Langburne.”

  His eyes move back to mine, giving my hand a gentle squeeze before releasing me. “I look forward to next years Bowl.” He gives me a nod before moving away.

  Jet pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me and lifting me from the ground as he spins us in a circle. “You are incredible!”

  His and the team's excitement seems to be contagious, and I find myself giddy with the fact we’ve come this far and overcame so much.

  “I’m not talking to you, Colton.”

  I let out an annoyed sigh to Lana’s remark, having heard it the entire way back to campus.

  “Why are you so damn stubborn?” Colton’s eyes flare with anger as he chases Lana up the steps that lead to the entryway.

  Jet chuckles lightly next to me as we stand on the curb, watching them bicker at the top of the landing. “She needs to chill. He won the round.”

  I glance up to Jet from the corner of my eye, agreeing with him on some level, but also understanding Lana having to watch some woman careen around her boyfriend. “I’d probably be pissed if I had to watch some witch grind all over you.”

  He looks down to me, arching one brow as his lip lifts at the corner. “This jealous side of you is hot.”

  I scoff, causing him to chuckle.

  “We’re celebrating tonight!” Ben strides by us, the large second place trophy thrown over his shoulder.

  Shrugging, I shout after him. “What did you have in mind?”

  He looks over his shoulder as he traverses the steps. “Bar. Tequila. Karaoke.”

  I groan as he faces forward, not wanting a repeat of the first night I went out with them.

  Jet slings his arm around my shoulder, ushering us up the stairs. “I think a celebratory drink is in order.”

  We part ways in the foyer, him heading up to his room, Lana and I down to mine.

  “I’m so damn furious!” Lana growls as I push my dorm room door open.

  I give her a sympathetic smile as she strides in, flopping back on my bed with a growl.

  “Colton only did what he had to in order to win his event.”

  She glares at me, and I lift my hands, palms facing her in a placating manner. “I would be mad too, but don’t let it ruin our night.”

  She narrows her eyes at me, opening her mouth to retort, but interrupted by the door swinging open.

  Colton barrels into the room, looking like he sees red. “Dammit, Lana! You can’t be mad at me over this!”

  She bounds from the bed, folding her arms over her chest and glaring at him. “I have every right to be angry! You had your hands all over that bitch.”

  Colton groans, tilting his head back and placing his hand over his eyes. “So did everyone else.”

  Lana turns, snatching my pillow from the bed and chunking it in his direction.

  Lifting my hand, I cover my mouth to stifle the giggle that desperately wants to escape as the pillow slams into his face, him looking at her with bewilderment.

  “You did not throw something at me!”

  Lana gives him a pointed look, glancing around the floor. She bends at the waist, snatching my jacket that had fallen to the floor when she flopped on my bed, bringing her arm back and sailing it at him.

  He catches it with one hand, growling her name as he moves toward her.

  Suddenly my room is being trashed as Lana bounces around, picking up any item she can and flinging it toward him. He catches everything, beginning to chase her around the small area as I stand watching the scene in shock.

  “You were enjoying her all over you!”

  I sidestep as they move my way, watching in horror as she lifts the lamp from my slanted desk, attempting to throw it at him. The plug in the wall keeps it from hurtling too far, instead crashing to the floor with a thud.

  “For fucks sake! Stop throwing shit at me!” Colton darts toward her, gripping both of her hands in one for his.

  She thrashes, trying to pull away from his grip, but he keeps her restrained.

  “You know why I placed first?” His voice is loud, his face red with anger, and his nostrils flaring as he looks down at her.

  She turns her head, keeping her eyes averted from his. Lifting his other hand, he grips her chin lightly, urging her to look at him. She relents, letting him see her angry stare that overshadows the hurt in her eyes.

  “Do you know why I was able to perform so well?”

  Lana remains quiet, as do I, waiting for his explanation.

  His face softens as he moves his hand up to cup her cheek, still keeping her hands locked between them. “The entire time that witch was trying to tempt me, I thought about you.” His lip hikes up to one side, stroking her cheek lovingly. “There’s not another woman in this world that could tempt me the way you do.”

  Lana scoffs loudly, arching her brows up in annoyance and parting her lips to speak.

  Colton slides his hand down, holding one finger over her mouth to silence her.

  “You, my fiery redhead, made it possible for me to withstand the test. I thought about your intoxicating green eyes, the way your hair fans out on the pillow when you sleep, the cute wrinkle of your nose you make when you laugh.”

  He arches a brow upward, giving her a coy smile. “The way you giggle when the stubble of my cheek tickles the inside of your thigh.”

  I pinch my eyes closed, groaning because I do not want to be here for this conversation, yet it happens to be taking place in my room.

  “You’re the only girl for me, pumpkin spice.”

  Lana rewards him with a giggle, pressing
up on her tiptoes.

  I move my eyes around the room, taking in the tornado state it’s in thanks to the lover's quarrel.

  “And you are the only guy for me, pickle pants.”

  I grimace at the ridiculous names, ready to vomit as they begin to make out with absolute abandonment.

  Snatching my leather jacket from the floor, I dart toward the door. “Do NOT have sex in my bed!”

  Lana gives me the middle finger behind Colton’s back as I glance back at them, slamming the door closed once I’m in the hallway.

  I shake my head as I move toward the stairs. At least I have a few things in Jet’s room so I can get ready for the evening without having to do so around the reconciling couple. Taking the last step, I venture onto the third-floor landing, turning to the right.


  Looking over my shoulder, I find Angie jogging my way, a warm smile on her face. “I’ve been looking for you.” She stops just before me.

  Tilting my head to the side, I give her a questioning look. “Oh?”

  She nods, hiking her thumb over her shoulder in the direction she appeared from. “If you need to get ready, you can use my room.”

  I shake my head lightly, tilting my head in the direction of Jet’s doorway. “I was going to Jet’s room. Colton and Lana are making up in mine.” I finish with an eye roll as she giggles.

  She reaches forward, grabbing my arm and tugging me toward the opposite end of the hall. “The Dean is speaking with Jet. You can borrow something of mine.”

  I reluctantly allow her to drag me toward her room, looking over my shoulder with a feeling of worry. As if sensing my concern, Angie links her arm through mine as if we’re old friends, smiling over at me. “Don’t dread. Mr. Langburne is discussing the upcoming summer break with his son.” Her words ease my mind only slightly, still not feeling comfortable with the secret meeting.

  Angie pulls her arm from mine, opening her door. “Sorry about the mess.”

  My eyes widen as I step inside her pristine room as she holds the door open. If this is what she considers a mess, she’d be appalled at the current state of my room.

  “Bathroom.” She points to the next door to my left as the entry door swings closed behind her. “I’ll fix your hair.”


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