The Academy of Underachievers: Year One

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The Academy of Underachievers: Year One Page 21

by Alex Dafney

  “What the hell, Briar?” Lana yells loudly as I smack her in the side of the head, her hand releasing my arm and going to clutch her temple.

  Without a word, I race for the door, needing to get away. Barreling through the metal door, I stumble as my heels hit the gravel lot, quickly righting myself and charging forward. The cold night air doesn’t seem to faze me as tears stream down my face.

  “Briar, wait!”

  A choked sob escapes me at the sound of Jet’s voice coming from behind me, but I don’t dare face him. I’m too hurt and humiliated.

  His hand clamps down on my elbow, forcing me to stop. I spin quickly, swinging my hand and connecting square to his cheek as I face him.

  His head snaps to the side with force, but he quickly moves his eyes to mine, a look of bewilderment on his face. “It’s not what you think.”

  I jerk my arm from his grip, shoving both of my hands into his chest. “Really? You weren’t just inside kissing Angie!?” My voice comes out in a maniacal tone, but at the moment, it’s damn sure fitting.

  “You were fucking kissing Angie?”

  I’m suddenly being pulled backward as Colton steps into Jet’s face, shoving him back hard.

  I start to fight against whoever holds me, but surrender as Lana wraps an arm around me protectively, cradling me to her chest.

  “It’s not like that, Colt.” Jet peers around Colton’s large frame, his eyes seeking mine. “Briar, just let me explain.”

  I push away from Lana, no longer wanting to be coddled and to at least seem like the strong woman I hope to portray. “Fuck you, Jet Langburne.”

  His entire face falls at my words, making my chest tighter than it already is.

  “Briar, please.”

  His pleas fall on deaf ears as I turn from him, continuing my trek through the low lit gravel lot. Lana falling into step beside me and remaining silent as quiet sobs escape me.

  Scuffling behind me causes me to pause, turning to find Colton physically keeping Jet at bay.

  “Do not leave her alone, Colton! I swear if anything happens to her, I will fucking end you! Don’t leave her alone!”

  Jet’s eyes move to mine, an agonized look on his face. “Briar! It’s not what you think! It’s Angie! It has been all along!”

  As if on cue, Angie struts out of the bar, her eyes seeking mine in the dark, a smug smile on her face. “You’re right, dear. It is me.”

  Jet stops fighting against Colton, straightening, and watching as she saunters to his side. Without hesitating, he swings an arm around her, that crooked smile that I love so damn much coming to his face as he looks down at her.

  “Tough break, freshman. I warned you not to play with the big kids.”

  Lana charges her, but Colton steps into her path, keeping her at bay. “You fucking bitch! I knew it was all an act! And fuck you, Jet! If it’s the last thing I do, I will rip both of your hearts from your chest and feed them to my cat!” Colton pushes Lana toward me as she continues to fight against him to get to the two assholes that look at me with smug smiles.

  As my eyes fill with tears, I turn from them all, wrapping my arms around myself as I move toward the roadway. Lana and Colton flank my sides, neither of them saying a word as they keep up with my brisk pace.

  Lifting my hand, I wipe my nose with the back of my hand, not caring how disgusting it is.

  “I can’t believe Jet would do that,” Colton mutters as I see him shaking his head from the corner of my eye.

  “It was the strangest thing, one second you were standing in front of Jet, the next Angie was,” Lana speaks lowly over the click of our heels on the pavement.

  I wrap my arms around me tighter, a muffled sob escaping my lips as I shake my head. “I was at the bar.”

  I look over to Lana as I feel her staring at me, her brows drawn together in confusion.

  “You were with Jet.” She says it adamantly.

  I let out a sigh in frustration as I pick up my pace. “No, I was at the bar getting us drinks.”

  We all fall into an uncomfortable silence as we make our way to the Academy.

  “I swear you were with Jet.” Lana shakes her head; her brows pulled tightly together.

  I halt, flinging my hands up at my sides in exasperation as Colton and Lana pause, staring at me with concern. “What the hell does it matter where I was? Jet kissed Angie! None of it matters now.” My knees begin to feel weak at my outburst.

  Lana moves to my side, wrapping an arm around my waist as she urges us through the gates. Colton swings his jacket over my shoulders, placing his hand on my back as we move forward without another word.

  Stepping onto the curb of Disappointment Drop off Drive, a humorless laugh escapes me at the irony.

  Colton and Lana both look at me as if I’ve completely lost my mind, which causes me to laugh harder. “I should have known!” I cackle as I point to the ground.

  They glance at each other, then to me, neither seeming to understand the irony of the situation. I let out a long sigh, letting my hysterical laughter fade away as I turn my back to them, moving along the sidewalk.

  “Where are you going?”

  I ignore Lana’s question, moving toward the only place on this campus that gives me clarity.

  Colton rushes in front of me, holding his arms out and forcing me to stop. “Jet said not to leave you alone.”

  I scoff loudly, shaking my head as my gaze drops to the ground. “Jet said a lot of things, Colton.” Seeming to understand that I need some time to process my thoughts and emotions, he steps to the side, allowing me to pass.

  “Call one of us later and let us know you’re alright.”

  I nod slightly as I make my way to the forest.

  Chapter Twenty

  The woods are eerily silent as I walk down the narrow path. Seeing the small bench ahead, my eyes flood with tears once again at the memory of sitting right there with Jet so many times.

  Sinking slowly, the entire night crashes down on me at once. I lift my hands, covering my face as I hunch over, resting my elbows on my knees as my body is racked with sobs.

  “Are you alright?”

  I shake my head to the familiar ghost voice.

  “It’s that handsome boy, isn’t it?”

  I nod, keeping my eyes pinched shut and my face covered.

  “We’ll tap on his window for you.”

  My lip quirks up to the side at the offer. With a deep breath, I raise my head, facing the sad faces of the children.

  “Did he eat something bad?”

  I chuckle lightly while shaking my head at the ghost boy, who is always talking about food. “No, Benjamin. It has nothing to do with food, hun.”

  He wrinkles his nose at me, folding his arms and hovering over the ground. “Did he die? Is he going to be joining us?”

  I give a pointed look to the hopeful smile Emily wears. The preteen has had a crush on Jet since day one. “He didn’t die.”

  She provides an award-worthy sigh and roll of her eyes. “Then why are you sad?”

  The youngest of the bunch attempts to wrap her transparent arms around my leg, me feeling nothing as her hands slide right through me.

  “He kissed another girl.”

  The older kids seem to understand as they gasp or make noises of protest, the little ones stare at me blankly.

  “When you love someone, you are only supposed to love that one person. No one else. Jet decided to love someone else.” This seems to be enough of an explanation as they all gather around me tightly, attempting to comfort me without touch.

  “I’m sorry, Briar.”

  I nod in agreement with Thomas’ words.

  “Hey! There’s the witch!”

  My eyes widen as I glance around us, finding no one in sight, but the hairs on the back of my neck stand just the same.

  “Where?” I whisper as I continue to scan the dark forest.

  Emily points to the pathway I entered. “There!”

  I squint i
nto the dark, not seeing anything out of place. Suddenly, a light the color of pinkish-purple shines through the dense trees, instantly reminding me of the color of my ring.

  Out of habit, I start to spin the black stone on my finger, my heart skipping when I don’t feel the familiar band on my finger. Looking down at my hand, I begin to panic when I find it missing. I never take it off. Never!

  “Missing something?”

  My head snaps over to the all too familiar voice, my sadness being overcome by anger. I rise from the concrete bench as Angie stops a distance away from me on the path, holding her hand out and admiring my ring that glows brightly on her finger. “It would glow a girly helpless color.” She scoffs, giving an exaggerated roll of her eyes before meeting my gaze.

  “Give me the ring.”

  She provides a chortle as she drops her hand, giving me a challenging look. “Come and get it.”

  My hands ball into fists at my side. I’ve never been a fighter, but damn if this girl doesn’t deserve for someone to rip her to shreds, and at this moment, I want to be that someone. I start for her, passing through the ghost children who attempt to block me.

  “Briar, no! She’s a witch!” One of them cries out before I pass by.

  “She’s not a witch, but she is a bitch.” I should be ashamed to say something like that before these small children, but all I can feel is the intense anger that consumes me. “You won, Angie. You got the boy, but I’ll have the ring.”

  She throws her head back, laughing, and I figure it’s the perfect distraction to lunge for her. My body slams into an invisible force field, before connecting with her, throwing me backward. Somehow, the ghost children brace my fall, cushioning my landing to the ground.

  “You should listen to your friends.”

  A cloud of electrically charged bolts surround Angie as she stalks toward me huddled on the forest floor. The ghost children cling to me; every part of my skin they touch tingling as fear courses through me.

  Angie glowers at me as she slowly approaches. “I gave you the chance to walk away. I even gave you the opportunity to end your life, not once, but twice, yet you chose to defy my command!” The bolts around her seem to supercharge as her anger rises. Hovering over me, she stops, her hands clenched at her side as the tiny storm rests around her. “Now, you have no choice.”

  She lifts her hand, the energy passing through her palm directed straight at me. The last thing I hear before falling into a deep sleep is the sound of my ghostly friends screaming in horror.

  I groan as awareness suddenly hits me, my eyes staying closed. Moving my hand to rub the sleep from my eyes, I find something substantial bracing my wrist.

  Slowly opening my eyes, I blink quickly as I take in my unfamiliar surroundings. I lie upon a stone surface, my arms outstretched and bound at my sides. My legs are free, and I slowly pull my knees up, trying to ease the stiffness in my back.

  “She’s awake.”

  My eyes dart around the dim room, trying to locate who the voice has come from.

  Three people in long robes with hoods covering them step to the side of the table I’m chained to.

  “Let the sacrifice begin.”

  My eyes widen in horror as they spread around me, one on each side, the last at the base of the table.

  “This will be a significant gift to the Gods. Her power is palpable.”

  The male voice sounds familiar, but with his face cloaked behind the hood, I can’t place it. Catching sight of a pale glowing light, my eyes hone in on the black stone that rests on the finger of the person to my right, knowing Angie is behind that black cape.

  “Why are you doing this?!” I cry out as I jerk my hands, trying to no avail to free myself.

  Angie lowers her hood, giving me a wicked smile. “You’re the sacrificial lamb. Once your blood has been drained, your natural gifts will come to us.” She lifts her hand, gesturing to the other cloaked figures who remain in their places around the table.

  My eyes well with tears as I shake my head side to side. “You already have Jet. Killing me in vain isn’t going to help you. I don’t have any gifts!”

  I’m met with low chuckles from the creepy trio.

  “Silence her so we can begin.”

  Angie lifts a hand, waving it over my mouth without touching me. I try to pry my lips apart to plead with the crazies in the room, but my mouth seems to be glued together.

  “At the stroke of midnight, we begin.”

  Again, the voice sounds so familiar.

  They all stand around me, seeming to be in a meditative state with their heads bowed, hands clasped in front of them.

  I struggle against the bounds at my wrists, kicking my legs around wildly, not caring that my sexy red dress has hiked up so far they all are glimpsing my underwear.

  Dong dong dong.

  I freeze at the sound of a clock chiming through the room.

  “The midnight hour is upon us. We begin.”

  The man to my side unsheathes a dagger from his side, a whimper escaping me as I try to scream.

  “With this sacrifice, we ask for the gifts that lie within her. Let her powers dwell inside of us for eternity.”

  I wince as the tip of the sharp blade pierces my skin in the bend of my arm, moving down to my wrist. My vision becomes hazy as I feel the warm liquid seeping out of my body, pooling into my palm, and trickling from my fingertips.

  “We make this sacrifice in the name of our Lords, who shall give us eternal power and grant us the gifts of this child.”

  My eyelids flutter slowly as I fight the urge to drift into a deep sleep, knowing it’s a sleep I won’t be coming out of.

  “Tsk tsk tsk. I would’ve thought better of you all.”

  My eyes close at their own accord at the sound of Mistress Penelope’s voice.

  “Guards!” The vaguely familiar voices bellow.

  At the sound of scuffling, I conjure every ounce of strength left in me to open my eyes. My vision is doubled, hazy around the edges with black spots, but I see Jet fighting one of the hooded men.

  Assuming this is a horrid nightmare of my past love who so callously threw me aside, I allow my eyes to close, letting the deep fog take me over.

  My brows draw together at the pain emanating through my cheek.

  “Briar! Dammit! Open your eyes!”

  Jet’s strained voice carries through the darkness to me, yet my heavy lids remain in place.

  Feeling a weight on my shoulder, I jolt involuntarily. The pressure continues, a chocked sob echoing through the fog.

  “Briar, please don’t leave me. I love you, babe. Stay with me.”

  I try to force a fuck off through my lips, but in my exhausted state, I simply fall back to the darkness that seeks to consume me.

  A buzzing sound swirls around my head, my brows drawing together at the annoying noise as I roll to my side in the plush comfort that surrounds me.

  “Try harder!”

  Jet’s clipped, loud tone causes me to tense, sinking my fingers into the fluffy blanket that surrounds me.

  “If you yell at me one more time, Mr. Langburne, I will unleash a caldron of miniature clown filled bubbles to wreak havoc on you!”

  A smile tugs at my lips at Mistress Penelope’s on point threat for the person at hand.

  Jet releases a heavy sigh, the pillow I’m floating on sinking to one side. I flinch as a hand touches my side, fingertips grazing my exposed skin.

  “She has to be okay.”

  Mistress Penelope clears her throat loudly. “Give it time.”

  The slow trail along my side makes me want to draw my knees up and cower away, but my body doesn’t seem to want to work with my thoughts.

  A loud thud sounds in my mind, my brows drawing together.

  The pillowy cloud I rest on sinks to one side, an arm wrapping around my middle and a warm body pressing against my back.

  “I’m here, Briar. Come back to me.”

  A shiver runs down my spine a
s Jet’s whispered words tickle my neck. As his nose trails along the sensitive skin behind my ear, the darkness yet again takes me over.

  My eyes barely slit open, not really able to focus on anything particular in the dark room. I swallow slowly, my throat and mouth feeling like sandpaper with the lack of moisture. I wince as I lift my hand, my entire arm throbbing as I try to rub the sleep from my eyes, but giving up at the horrible pain and letting my arm fall slack.

  As my eyes adjust to the light, I realize I’m in Jet’s dorm room, yet I have no idea how or why I’m here. I lie still, staring up at the ceiling as I think of the last thing I remember.

  A cold, stone slab beneath me and three crazy cloaked beings talking about sacrificing me.

  Moving my thumb to the third finger on my hand, I’m disappointed to find my ring is still missing from its rightful place.

  “Stupid bitch,” I mutter to myself. I pinch my eyes shut as the lamp next to the bed illuminates the dark room.

  Jet pushes himself up on his elbows, staring at me intently.

  Lifting my injured arm, I shield my eyes with my hand, fighting through the pain that sears at the movement. Opening my eyes, I stare at my palm, my eyes slowly widening with shock as I pull it further from my face. “What, the hell, is wrong with my arm?!”

  Jet bounds upward, placing his hands on my cheeks as he rests on his knees, his eyes wide with disbelief. “You’re awake?”

  Lifting my other hand, I swat his hands away, not wanting to feel his touch, and damn sure not wanting to be comforted it by it. I stare at my arm, narrowing my brows at the line of stitches that start at my wrist and travel to the inside of my elbow. I only wish that was the shocking part. My entire arm is a neon green color.

  Pushing myself upward, I rest back on the headboard, a heavy sigh escaping me. “Please tell me this is going to come off, and I’m not going to be some quarter of a hulk.”

  Jet still stares at me, resting back on his legs and not saying a word.

  I pinch my eyes shut as my head begins to throb intensely.

  “What’s wrong?”


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