Witchy Past

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Witchy Past Page 1

by Kate Allenton



  A Hex Sister Cozy Mystery

  Book 6


  Kate Allenton

  Copyright © 2019 Kate Allenton

  All rights reserved.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, character, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or use fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Coastal Escape Publishing

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  Chapter 1

  Why did I ever want to leave to begin with?

  Gentle waves slapped the hull, rocking the ferry to pull and tug on the nylon ropes. The briny open-water smell welcomed me into the familiar embrace as a tingle of island magic skirted my spine.

  I was home.

  I stepped off the ferry with the entire wedding party in tow. My sisters were excited to be included, but I think it was more to do with their boyfriends being groomsmen and the mini vacation experience on Venture Island, the one island that offered exclusive adventures and catered to mysterious tourists. This week the hotel was all ours.

  The groomsmen served multiple purposes, to keep my sisters entertained and watch their backs, and well, it didn’t hurt they were powerful wizards in their own right.

  “You think he’ll show up?” Margo asked.

  Margo had the most to lose if the voodoo killer made an appearance and tried to kill us. According to Margo’s dreams, he already had our biological father, Alexander, in captivity. Even though Georgia and I never knew the sperm donor, Margo was sure that finding his old journals, might save us all.

  “I sure as hell hope so. We’ll end this once and for all and save Alexander,” Georgia answered.

  My sisters had broken down and told me about the spell that the Hexfords had cast on Ryder’s voodoo-loving family member. They believed Ryder might be the actual killer, out seeking revenge, but I’d never viewed Ryder as anyone other than the man I trusted just as much as my fiancé King Arthur. God love his parents for giving him a name I’ll spend years teasing him about.

  I wasn’t buying that he was the killer, no matter the amount of bad history between his witchy family and mine. King hadn’t been so easy to convince.

  Masterson Venture stood near the bus that was there to collect us and take us to the hotel. His hands shoved in the pockets of his freshly pressed suit. His gaze was assessing, just like every time he met the new arrivals.

  Only this time was somewhat different. My group wasn’t here to cause mischief, and so far, it was only us. None of the wedding guests had arrived.

  My dad’s watchful eyes glanced around us, taking each of us in to see if we were the potential threat.

  "Is that your dad?" Georgia asked.

  "All six feet two inches of permanent scowl. Yep, that’s him.” I dropped my bags and ran to hug him. “Daddy.”

  My brother, Noah, was standing next to my dad. He wasn't wearing a scowl like my father, completely the opposite. His eyes sparkled when they landed on me. He was glad I was back, if only for a week. He and I might be half-siblings like my sisters and me, but I would always be closer to Noah than anyone else. He and I had an unbreakable bond that ran stronger than any blood or DNA.

  Next to my brother stood Watson, one of our best friends. He ran security at the hotel. If anyone could help us watch out for a potential killer, it would be him. He had eyes on every hallway and every dark corner, and I could only imagine how many more cameras Masterson had made him install since he knew we were coming.

  Dark clouds hovered in the sky, making the day sort of gray. But I wouldn't let that stop me from enjoying the reason I was here. I laced my fingers with King’s and wrapped my arm around Livvy’s shoulders when they caught up with me.

  "Welcome back." My dad was a man of few words, and I couldn't blame him. "Tess, why don't you ride with me and the others can take the shuttle."

  Masterson pulled a lollipop out of his pocket, bent down to Livvy’s level, and handed it to her with a smile.

  He hadn’t always been there for me and Noah growing up, but during our last visit, he’d been a gentler man around sweet Livvy.

  Livvy pulled a white rose she must have picked from her garden out of her jacket pocket and held it up.

  The exchange made my heart feel full.

  “It's okay. Ride with your dad, and I’ll take Livvy with me on the bus.” King pressed a kiss to my lips and slid the bag off my shoulder.

  He carried it over to the hotel bus while I climbed into the golf cart with my dad. We waited for the bus to leave before taking the dirt path that cut through the forest.

  "I'm glad you're back."

  I grinned at Masterson. "I missed you too, Daddy."

  For the first time in a long time, I got to see my father smile, the kind that he used to give my mother before her accident. His smile was short-lived because he slipped back into his businessman façade.

  “You don’t have to worry, you know. I'll keep you safe."

  "And who will keep you safe?" I asked while leaning into his arm.

  Masterson’s chuckle was music to my ears, so long overdue.

  My dad turned a bend in the road, and dread filled my veins. First one ghost, then three peeked out from behind the once peaceful tall trees. Had more people died of old age since I’d been gone? Another two showed themselves. A single death bubble floated out of the earth, and the knots in my stomach tightened. I braced my hand on the buggy.


  Masterson slowed the golf cart. A worried look etched the fine lines of his face. "Not again."

  "The death omens are back.” I swallowed around the golf-ball-sized lump in my throat, more angry than scared. “Someone is going to die.”

  I'd been able to see these bubbles since I was a little girl. It was always my first warning that meant death was nearby, ready to claim someone.

  “Yeah, Ryder Shields.” My dad’s voice was filled with conviction.

  “Dad, we don’t have any proof that he’s done anything wrong.”

  My dad shook his head and hit the gas pedal again. “We don’t have any proof that he didn’t.”

  "Regardless of who the killer is, we’re prepared, right?"

  "Absolutely, Tess. We're ready for whatever he brings." My dad pressed his lips together in a fine line. I knew that look. The one he was trying
not to give me. He had a secret. Something he wasn’t telling me. I didn’t have to use a spell to know I was right.

  “Spill it,” I said.

  “What?” my dad asked, like he had no clue what I was asking.

  “Whatever you’re keeping from me. Tell me.”

  "Fine. I called the Halliwells and invited them to your wedding. Your step-siblings are already at the hotel.”

  My eyes narrowed. The Halliwells weren’t my favorite people but considering Masterson was my stepdad, and the Halliwells were his kids from a previous life, I didn’t care that he’d invited them. Not much anyway, though a little notice would have been nice. The fact I carried their mother’s magic in my veins made the knot in my stomach twist even tighter. They’d made no bones about wanting the magic back. The question was if they’d kill me to get it. “I can’t see them getting upset if something were to say…happen to me and I died. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Masterson rubbed his neck. “I just want us all to get along like a family. Your mother would have wanted that. Besides, I’d never turn away the opportunity to have additional strong witches on the island that could help protect you.”

  Who was going to protect me from them? I kept my question to myself.

  “With a roomful of witches and wizards, you’ll be safe. Nobody would dare try to attack during your wedding. We’ll kill them first and your step-siblings will help. They’ve already promised.

  My dad couldn't see the ghosts like I could. When I had left, there had been only one or two on the island, my mom being my favorite. Something was different this time. Ghosts were scattered through the forest, watching us as we passed. It was as though a sea of death had descended to watch the fallout. My stomach twisted into a tight little knot.

  My dad drove the buggy off the path and parked in front of the hotel. King and the others stood next to the tour bus gathering their luggage. My brother, Noah, and Watson were helping them. King didn't take his eyes off me as we approached. With his arm around Livvy’s shoulders, he guided her to where Masterson had parked.

  "Everything okay?"

  "Just peachy and informative. It seems the Halliwells were invited.”

  “The sisters that need you to die to get their mom’s witchcraft out of you?” His expression stilled and grew serious. “Why?"

  “They won’t hurt her. They are family,” Masterson announced, climbing out of the buggy.

  The automatic doors opened with a swish as a woman stepped out, her gaze intense before her face eased into a teasing smile. There was a strong energy in the air surrounding her. She exhibited power, confidence, and beauty. I didn't like her already.

  "Masterson, dear. I didn't think you would ever get back with her," the woman said, coming up to me and trying to hug me.

  Dear? I held out my hand to stop her and gave my dad a look with a raised brow. "Dad?"

  "This is going to be good.” Noah rubbed his hands together.

  "I can see you're not a hugger, and judging by the confusion written on your face, I can guess your father hasn’t told you anything about me." The woman smiled and held out her hand. "I'm Regina Thompson, your stepmom."

  Chapter 2

  “Wait, what?” My mother’s apparition appeared. Her blonde hair billowed around her shoulders as she circled Regina. “Looks can be deceiving, darling. You aren’t going to like her.”

  Regina’s fake smile faltered for a mere second and would have been missed by many, but not by me. Had she heard my mom? Could she see her? I refrained from answering. This had just gotten interesting.

  "Dad? Is there any other news you forgot to put in the family newsletter?"

  My dad sighed. “Tess, you know we don’t do newsletters.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe we should, seeing how you forgot to use a phone to tell me you were freakin’ married.” My voice rose an octave.

  Regina dropped her outstretched hand to her side. "I'm sure this is a big shock for you.”

  Pink intergalactic aliens, riding unicorns, descending from space kind of shock would be more accurate.

  Color tinted Regina’s cheeks, adding light pink splotches just barely visible through her makeup.

  “Tess, you’re making her uncomfortable. I raised you better than that.” My father met my eyes with the same stern look I grew up knowing.

  He took Regina’s hand in his. His nonverbal statement didn’t go unnoticed. I snapped my mouth closed. Dang it. Maybe he was spelled.

  "You’re right, Dad. You did raise me better than that. My apologies, Regina.”

  “Regina and I are happy. So be nice."

  Be nice? Was he off his rocker? What in the heck had happened in the month and a half since my last visit? Masterson wasn't the type of guy to jump into unknown waters with both feet. He was the type of guy that liked to overthink things, mull on them and contemplate every angle, like he did on the list of those he let live on the island. Where was this woman's background check?

  I turned my aggravation toward Noah pegging him with my irritated look.

  He couldn't hide the grin. He shrugged as if being able to read my mind.

  I cleared my throat and held out my hand. "Regina, welcome to the family. I hope you’ll call more often than my father."

  My dad’s jaw ticked, but I didn’t care. This wasn’t the type of news to spring on me. "If you’ll excuse us, I'm kind of tired, and I'd like to get checked into our room and get settled."

  "Of course. I'll show you which one you’re in. Your dad put me in charge of guest services. Wasn’t that your old job before you ran off to explore the world and sow your oats?" Regina asked.

  For the love of all that was holy, if this woman didn’t quit talking, we were going to have issues, and I’d see how powerful my new mommy dearest was. The rest of the group would be in for a fireworks show…well, maybe green goop, seeing how that’s all the Halliwell matriarch had taught me when her witchy powers invaded my body at her death.

  Noah grabbed my luggage and my hand and guided me toward the hotel doors. "I'll take care of Tess and this group, Regina. Weren’t you and Dad supposed to go into town?”

  Regina smiled and looked over at my father. "I almost completely forgot, Masterson.”

  "Noah will take good care of you all. If there's anything you need, just let us know," my father said before guiding Regina to the golf cart.

  "A semi-automatic to kill Ryder would be great,” Georgia said.

  Carson took Georgia’s hand. “She’s just kidding." He kissed her on the lips before whispering in her ear, loud enough for all of us to hear. “King and I came prepared."

  "So did I,” Margo said. She glanced at her watch checking the time. “My preparations should be arriving tomorrow.”

  “Margo, you don’t need weapons. You’ve got me, baby,” Andrew said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

  “We need more, just in case.” She smiled up at him. “I called out the big guns.”

  “What am I, a fluffy bunny?” he asked, making everyone grin.

  They could prepare all they wanted for the voodoo killer. We still had no idea if he would make an appearance. My sisters thought they knew the killer’s identity but I wasn’t convinced. So instead of waiting in dread, I decided to continue on with my life. I wasn’t about to let a maniac stop me from marrying the man I loved.

  My father was married. Everyone was trigger-happy and ready to shoot Ryder before they even knew for sure he was the one trying to destroy us all. Just what in the hell had happened since the day I’d left? How convenient it was that Masterson had found love again when there was an unknown killer gunning for us. My sisters believed that killer was Ryder, but I wasn't so quick to jump on that ship. I’d never gotten the heebie-jeebies from him, and I like to think my killer radar was still working. No way would I have ever let my guard down around a heartless killer.

  Noah took us into the hotel and slipped behind the reception desk. At least there, everything was how I remembered it.<
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  “I’ll check them in.”

  “This is my job, Noah. You’re the chef. Go cook for them or something.” The new female desk clerk batted her eyes.

  “My sister needs somewhere special to stay. I’ll take care of her.” Noah smiled seductively at the girl and winked before picking her up and moving her out of the way.

  He went about checking us in and giving my sisters keys to rooms on the tenth floor. They took the elevator up, probably glad the travel portion of the trip was over.

  "I saved the best for you two."

  "You put us in Dad's penthouse?" I asked.

  "Okay, well, almost the best. I would have put you in the honeymoon suite, but you have Livvy with you.”

  He reached beneath the counter and held out a key with a smiley face keychain. "I thought you might like something a little more familiar."

  My wide grin rivaled the smiley face on the keychain. Excitement skirted my spine at the thought of returning to familiarity. Contentment settled in my bones. I was finally going home.

  I snatched the key from his hold and grabbed my suitcase. “That was exactly where I would have picked."

  “Where are we going?" Livvy asked as she and King followed me out.

  "I don't think being away from your sisters is a bright idea right now."

  As much as that made sense, I couldn't bring myself to turn around. The warning system that my neighbor used would have to suffice for now. That was… My shoulders deflated, and I slowed in my steps. King was right. It wasn't just me that was in danger. If I took Livvy and King to my old beach house, and they didn't have the other witches around to protect them, they could get hurt. If anything happened to them, that would be on me, and there was no way I would let my family get hurt as a consequence of this grudge the Hexfords had started.

  "You're right.” I turned around and walked them back into the hotel.

  King took my hand and smiled down at me. "We can come back and stay at your beach house when this is over."


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