The King and Jai (Royal & Reckless Book 1)

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The King and Jai (Royal & Reckless Book 1) Page 5

by Isla Olsen

  “Let me guess. This is an American thing?”

  She purses her lips together, but I can tell she’s close to smiling. “Yes, it’s apparently very popular there. Both Lennox and Mr. Winters have mentioned it several times.”

  I let out a heavy sigh. “No wonder the children are so excited.” Halloween is certainly not a foreign concept to us here in Korova, but this trick-or-treating is not something that’s done here, as far as I’m aware. I fix Veronika with a stern look. “The royal children will not be knocking on strangers’ doors begging for candy. And they certainly won’t be pulling pranks of any kind. We’ll have to come up with some kind of compromise to make sure they’re not disappointed.”

  She nods, offering a soft smile. “I’ll see to it, Your Majesty. Perhaps we can organize something here at the palace.”

  Veronika gives a curt bow of her head before exiting my office, and once she’s gone I stand and make my way over to the large window that overlooks the rear gardens.

  My eyes zero in on two figures crossing the path from the palace doors toward the stables. Jai, with Katya’s hand clasped in his, obviously on their way to her riding lesson.

  It’s beyond obvious that my little girl—both my children, actually—are completely taken with their new tutor. And that means, regardless of my own feelings about the man, he’s here to stay. My children’s happiness will always be my number one priority, and if they want Jai around, he’ll be around.

  I let my eyes fall closed, my fingers coming up to pinch the bridge of my nose, as the memory of the other day once again floods my mind. The taste, the scent, the sound, the feel of him inside my mouth. The way he used me for his own pleasure. The way I loved it. And for the briefest of moments I allow myself to enjoy the thoughts swirling in my head, before once again pushing them aside.

  If only things were different…



  Surprise, surprise, after our little interlude in the sex room, the king returns to basically pretending I don’t exist.

  I, meanwhile, can’t seem to get the incident out of my head. And who could blame me? Lukas Romansky, the fucking king of Korova sucked my dick like it was the best thing he’d ever had in his mouth. That’s not the kind of thing you just forget about and move on with your life.

  I’ve spent the last week running an endless frame-by-frame replay in my head, still not entirely convinced I didn’t just imagine the whole thing as part of some wild hallucination brought on by all the rich food I’ve been eating.

  “Oh my goodness, you’re not even listening to me, are you? Hello! Earth to Jai!”

  I see a hand waving in front of my face and blink a few times to see Penny’s exasperated expression come into focus. I offer her a sheepish smile. “Sorry.”

  “What the devil has gotten into you lately? Whenever I talk to you you’re always off in la la land.”

  I cringe. “Sorry. Just been a bit distracted.”

  “Care to share?” She arches an eyebrow, offering a teasing smile. “It must be something good, you’re getting drool in your stew, there.”

  I glance down at the bowl of beef stew I’d forgotten I was even eating. Pushing it away, I take a sip from my water bottle and lean back in my chair, facing Penny.

  “I can’t really tell you.”

  Penny’s eyes light up. “Ooh, even better!”

  I let out a sigh of resignation, knowing she’s not going to let me off the hook. “Okay, fine. So there’s this guy. I can’t tell you who he is, though.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s straight. Or, at least, I’m pretty sure he’s straight. He acts straight. Except for one time when he acted very not straight.”

  “What happened that one time?” Penny presses.

  I take a long sip of my water bottle, keeping her in suspense. “He went down on me.”

  Penny lets out a whistled breath. “Yes, that is quite not straight. So, have you talked to him about it?”

  I shake my head. “No, he’s been ignoring me ever since.”

  At that moment, Boyd enters the dining room. He casts me the kind of glance that I could only label ‘intrigued’ before ambling over to the buffet to collect a few pastries and a banana from the selection there. He selects a napkin from the end of the buffet table and wraps the pastries before exiting the room, presumably to scarf down his lunch and return to work.

  I glance back at Penny, whose mouth is hanging open wide enough for me to see her cavities. “Oh my goodness! It was Boyd, wasn’t it? He’s the one who gave you that blowjob!”

  “Boyd gave you a blowjob?”

  I snap my head back to find Lennox has entered the room without Penny or me even realizing, and he’s now staring at me like he’s about to throw up.

  “Fuck, it’s like Grand Central Station in here,” I mutter. I fix Penny with a sharp look. “No, Boyd did not give me a blowjob.”

  “Well, then who did?” Penny asks with a pout. “And why was Boyd ignoring you?”

  My brows draw together in confusion. “I don’t think he was ignoring me. That’s how he always is. And I’ve already told you I’m not telling who it was so stop asking.”

  Lennox slides into the seat at the table next to me, his previous expression now replaced with a teasing grin. “Well, I’m curious now, too. Who is this mystery cocksucker? Where can I get a sample.”

  My fists clench under the table at the thought of Lukas going down on Lennox the way he did to me. I’m not sure why, it’s not like I have any claim over him. Hell, I barely even know the guy. Even so, the thought of him with anyone else makes my hackles rise. I stand up from the table and lean toward Lennox, warning him, “He’s my mystery cocksucker. So back off.”

  Lennox lets out a bark of laughter and calls after me as I exit the room. “How will I know who to back off of unless you tell me who it is?”

  I shake my head wryly but don’t bother answering. Generally speaking, I like Lennox. He’s the only other American on staff here and it’s kind of nice to hear a familiar accent every now and then. But while the guy is as professional as they come when he’s on duty, he’s pretty much the opposite when he’s off the clock, and at times he can get just a tad obnoxious. I have absolutely no clue what’s going on between him and Boyd, but I’m pretty sure it’s something; the fact he looked like I’d just run over his cat when he thought Boyd had gone down on me speaks volumes.

  But I’m not going to pry. I’ll stay out of their business, and hopefully they’ll stay out of mine. Of course, that’s if there’s even any business to stay out of, which, given the way the king has been acting, seems less and less likely by the day.

  After another week of being completely ghosted by King Lukas, I’ve decided it’s time to put this whole thing behind me. Sure, my heart still picks up its pace whenever I catch sight of him around the palace. Sure, I’m still thinking about that blowjob way too often. Sure, I still want him with every fiber of my being. But I need to at least try to move on. He’s made it perfectly clear nothing else is ever going to happen and the message is finally starting to penetrate my skull.

  Tonight, the palace is holding a formal banquet to celebrate the anniversary of the monarchy’s return after the fall of the USSR. And to my complete surprise, I’ve been invited.

  To say I feel a little out of place at this ridiculously formal occasion is putting it mildly. I’m dressed up in a tux, so I at least look the part, but I still feel completely at sea. Fortunately, I have Penny to guide me around so at least I’m not on my own.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” she murmurs to me as we weave our way through the crowd and I do my best to pretend I belong. “I won’t have to spend the entire night making small talk with people I barely know.”

  “At least you know some people, even if it is just barely,” I point out, although I’m pretty sure she knows a lot of these guests better than she’s letting on—she’s been attending these things for fifteen years, after all.r />
  “It’s okay, I’ll introduce you.”

  True to her word, Penny introduces me around to several of the guests, all of whom seem completely fascinated with the fact I’m from America. I kind of wish Lennox were a guest, and not part of the security team, because I’d love some help fielding all these questions.

  After about an hour, Penny pulls me aside, saving me from attempting to answer a question about grits. “Jai, come with me, I’d like to introduce you to someone.” Without waiting for my response, Penny links her arm with mine and guides me across the room toward one of the guests, a dignified-looking middle-aged man whom I recognize in an instant. Oh. My. God. Oh my god! My entire body is rooted to the spot, my jaw hanging open like an idiot as Penny smiles and makes the introductions. “Professor Zolanskov, this is Jai Winters.”

  I’m not joking when I say this is what normal people must feel like when they meet Lady Gaga. I let out a nervous bubble of laughter as I shake Professor Zolanskov’s outstretched hand, warning myself not to fanboy all over one of the most esteemed scholars in my field.

  “Oh my god. It’s such an honor to meet you, sir. I’ve read all your work. You actually inspired my masters thesis…” Okay, so much for that plan…

  Fortunately, Professor Zolanskov is very good natured and politely takes in all my rambling adoration, even asking me questions about my thesis and my plans for future studies.

  “Perhaps you would like to come to a lecture at St. Vladimir’s while you are here,” he suggests after I’ve told him all about my PhD plans.

  My eyes light up at the invitation to visit Korova’s most prestigious university. “Yes, absolutely. That would be amazing!”

  The professor nods. “Perhaps next week, or the week after. Once my students have completed their mid-semester exams.”

  I can’t help my head from bobbing back and forth enthusiastically. “Yes, thank you. That would be great.”

  We wrap up the conversation and I let Professor Zolanskov return to his other acquaintances. I’ve just returned to Penny’s side when a chorus of murmurs ripples around the room.

  Next to me Penny gasps. “Oh, wow. This just got interesting.”

  I glance over in the direction she’s looking to see two men have just taken to the dance floor. At first I think it’s Prince Aleksandr, but then I realize it’s his cousin, Prince Sebastian, who I met briefly a couple days ago when he arrived at the palace to stay for the banquet. He’s been openly bisexual for a while now, so why him dancing with his current boyfriend should cause a stir is completely beyond me.

  After the initial buzz, though, the murmurs die off and everyone seems to go back to their conversations. But then there’s an outraged cry from a woman who was clearly absent for the initial hubbub. “Oh my god! What is he doing? Is he trying to embarrass me?”

  She’s young and attractive and looks very familiar but I can’t quite place her right now. Probably because I’m concentrating on throwing mental daggers at her. “Who’s that again?” I ask Penny.

  “That is Princess Sofia,” she tells me in a tone that makes it clear she’s not a fan. “She’s Prince Sebastian’s sister.”

  Ahh, yes…the socialite. She’s Korova’s answer to Kim Kardashian, and is no doubt fretting over how her brother’s display will affect her popularity.

  As if drawing me like a magnet, my eyes land on King Lukas, who I notice is also watching Sebastian and his boyfriend. But I’m relieved to see there’s no hint of disapproval there. Instead he’s wearing a strange expression that somehow seems half happy and half full of despair.

  Despite my earlier resolution to forget about him, I can’t stop my heart from reacting to that look on his face, and as if of their own accord, my feet start to move across the room in his direction.

  I stop right in front of him and he blinks at me a few times, clearly surprised to see me. The surprise turns to outright shock when I ask, “Your Majesty, may I have this dance?”

  He hesitates for a long moment, but the invitation was loud enough that I really gave him no choice but to accept. He takes my offered hand and we head onto the dance floor. And if the buzz for Sebastian and his boyfriend was loud, it’s nothing compared to the ruckus that breaks out now.

  I can feel the tension in Lukas’s frame as the music starts, so I try to put him at ease. “Come on, men dance together all the time in Korova.”

  “Peasant dances,” he counters. “In the countryside. Not the waltz at grand banquets.”

  “Tomato-tomaato.” I say with a wry smile. “Besides, I think it would have caused more controversy if you’d turned me down.”

  He nods. “You may have a point.”

  “Really? King Lukas is admitting that I an ignorant American is right about something?”

  He lets out a breath of wry laughter. “You’re a good dancer.”

  “That surprises you?”

  “A little bit. Yes.”

  “You know, it occurred to me earlier when everyone was asking me about America that I know more about this country than I do my own. The waltz is part of the culture here, ergo…”

  He nods. “I see.” He pauses for a moment as if hesitating about whether to say what’s on his mind. “You seemed to be getting along very well with Professor Zolanskov.”

  I arch a brow. “You were watching me?”

  Lukas sputters something in response and I decide to throw him a lifeline. “He’s invited me to watch a lecture at the university.” I’m unable to keep the enthusiasm from my voice.

  “And that’s something you’re excited about?”

  “Of course!”

  His brow furrows slightly as a pensive expression touches his face. “I envy that enthusiasm. I never cared much for school.”

  “Your children seem to enjoy it,” I point out.

  He smiles fondly. “Yes, they get that from Lesia.”

  The song comes to an end and Lukas and I separate. I bow to him, and just before he turns to leave I make a decision about something. “Your Majesty?”


  “I sleep with my door unlocked. Just…FYI.”



  “Your Majesty, if I may ask—what was that last night?”

  “What was what?”

  Veronika casts me a doubtful glance before returning her attention to the tablet in her hands. “You know exactly what. Was it some kind of statement, dancing with the tutor?”

  “Should I have turned him down? Surely that would have caused a greater stir?” I ask, parroting Jai’s comment from last night.

  She lets out a soft sigh. “I suppose you’re right.” Pausing in front of me, she looks up and levels me with a concerned look. “Is there something I need to know about, Your Majesty?”

  My brows creep upward. “Such as?”

  “I think you know what I’m referring to, sir.”

  Yes, because that’s exactly what I need—my entire staff trying to manage my private life.

  I shake my head. “No.”

  She frowns, as if she knows I’m not being completely honest with her, but eventually she lets it go with a resigned sigh and steps out of my path. “Fine, but I’d appreciate it if you let me in on any more big statements like the one you made last night. Do you know how difficult it’s going to be for me to wrangle the press today? Prince Sebastian dancing with his boyfriend is one thing, but you dancing with the tutor—it’s going to be chaos.”

  “I’m sure you’ll handle it expertly, as usual,” I say with a smile as I reach my office. Veronika simply shakes her head with exasperation and leaves me to my work.

  Of course, I’m right. Veronika is able to handle the press with her usual skill, which is evident when I turn the TV on just before midday and catch the end of the briefing.

  “King Lukas was asked to dance by a guest at the banquet and he accepted the invitation. He also accepted dance requests from his cousin Princess Sofia, Lady Kristina Patrovic and Alice Janners, the ambass
ador for the United States.”

  “So, there’s nothing more to it?” A reporter asks.

  Veronika shakes her head. “There’s nothing more to it.”

  “What about the pictures that show King Lukas and Mr. Winters smiling and laughing during their dance?”

  “I believe they were sharing an anecdote about the royal children,” Veronika says. “Mr. Winters is tutor for Prince Tomas and Princess Katarina and as we know, King Lukas loves his children a great deal. Any story about them would always put a smile on his face.”

  I smile, admiring her ability to spin absolute rubbish on demand.

  “Did King Lukas know before the dance that Jai Winters is gay?”

  “Yes, he knew Mr. Winters is gay, but as I’ve already said, the dance was simply a matter of the king accepting an invitation,” Veronika says.

  “So he wasn’t using it as a way to show his support for Prince Sebastian? Or Prince Aleksandr”

  “If you’re going to continue to make me give the same answer over and over I think we’re going to end this press conference here. But for the record, King Lukas loves his brother, and his cousin, and will always support them. He doesn’t need a grand gesture to show that.”

  Maybe I should let them believe that it was all about supporting Seb and Alik. It would throw them off the real story. Not that there’s much of a real story. It’s not as though I’m actually considering taking Jai up on his suggestion.

  I wasn’t considering it. Not really. Maybe about five percent of me was genuinely considering it, but the rest of me was adamantly opposed. And yet, here I am, creeping through the dark hallways of the residential suites in the dead of night.

  I stop outside Jai’s door, hesitating for a moment before pushing it open. His suite is of course much smaller than any of the royal ones, but it’s still rather generous. The door opens into a sitting room, which I see Jai has converted into a study, and beyond that is a large bedroom and ensuite bathroom.


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