Those Who Trespass Against Us

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Those Who Trespass Against Us Page 2

by Sara Nelson-Rosales



  “Why do we have to go with you guys?” Garrett asked me as I put the Pizza Hut box in the fridge. “It’s so stupid.”

  “Honey, we want to make a good impression on the neighbors and show them how nice and normal we are,” I confidently said.

  “Normal? That is hilarious,” Garrett said while shoving the last piece of his crust into his mouth.

  “I think Garrett’s right Car. We will be right across the street and we are only stopping by for a few minutes,” Shane said as he stared at me, hoping the few minutes would be accurate.

  “Ok, fine, whatever,” I said to them throwing my hands up in defeat. Logan and Charlie were watching cartoons in the living room and from where they were in the show, I figured we had about eighteen exact minutes to go drop in on the neighbors.

  “We will be right across the street guys, so we can still hear and see you. Any arguing and no technology for a week,” Shane told the kids as we walked out the front door. I had stopped at Yankee Candle on my way home this morning and got Hope and Ben the new Lilac Summer candle. Ok, I also got myself one but Shane does not need to know that.

  As we were walking up the sidewalk to Ben and Hope’s door, we heard arguing coming from inside. I couldn’t tell what they were saying, it was just really loud.

  “Maybe we should do this another time,” Shane told me as he turned around.

  “Let’s just do it now,” I said, as I went up the porch stairs, “besides, everyone argues, right?” I said with a raised eyebrow, somehow mentally reminding Shane we had an argument like this last week, possibly only louder.

  I knocked on the door and the yelling stopped and the barking began.

  “Buster, quiet down boy,” I heard Ben calmly say behind the door. He opened the door and smiled, “Hey guys!”

  “Hi Ben, I hope we aren’t bothering you,” I said to him.

  “No, not at all,” he nervously responded. “Please, come on in,” he politely said while holding Buster’s collar.

  “This is my husband Shane,” I said.

  “Hello Shane, good to meet you,” Ben said as he reached out his hand.

  “Nice to meet you too, Ben. Welcome to the neighborhood,” Shane answered, patting Ben on the shoulder.

  We went inside where Ben showed us to the living room.

  “Please, have a seat. I will go get Hope,” Ben told us politely while motioning to the couch.

  I could barely hear Ben down the hallway telling Hope we were there. I was trying to listen to what they were saying.

  “Oh man Car, these are those couches we saw at Slumber Palace that I loved,” Shane loudly said while rubbing the couch.

  “Shhhh!!” I sternly gave him a look and nodded my head toward the hallway.

  “I am trying to hear them,” I said through my clinched teeth.

  A moment later I could hear walking down the hallway on the hardwood floors, which were also quite gorgeous.

  “Hello,” Hope said as she wiped her hands off on a paint splattered apron she was wearing.

  “Excuse my appearance, I was painting the nursery,” she smiled as her messy bun shook her long, red ringlets.

  I handed her the candle and she took off the lid to smell it. “Thanks Carly, I love it,” she quietly said.

  “Could I get you a drink?” Ben offered presumably feeling the awkwardness. “We have soda, water, beer?”

  “Sure,” Shane replied, “I will take a beer.”

  “And you?” Ben asked looking at me.

  “Water, please. Thank you Ben.” I said as Hope headed toward the kitchen.

  “So Ben, what do you do for a living?” Shane asked.

  “I am a highway contractor. We got transferred out here to work on the new Highway 453 conversion,” Ben said.

  “Oh, yeah,” Shane said after taking a drink. “That is a huge project I heard.”

  “Yeah it is. Hopefully with the manpower we can get it done in nine months,” Shane said, looking over at Hope, who gave us a half smile.

  “When the construction is done we have to return to Nebraska. We are only here on contract,” Ben told us as he stepped closer to Hope and rubbed her back.

  “Carly, would you like to see the nursery?” Hope then asked right away.

  “Yes, of course I would,” I said as I stood up, actually surprised she asked.

  We walked down a long hallway to a beautiful bedroom with pink and white curtains, a white crib and a white rocking chair.

  “This room faces the East and I want the sun to shine on her every morning,” Hope sweetly said looking out the window.

  “It is so beautiful Hope,” I told her as I ran my hand across the top of the crib. Above the crib on the wall was a name spelled out in white, wooden letters, “AVERY.”

  I looked down at the dresser where there was a beautiful silver frame holding a picture of Hope with who I assumed might be her mother.

  “Is this you and your mom?” I asked Hope as I picked up the picture.

  “Yes it is,” she said smiling, “she lives in Maryland with my stepdad. “How about your parents?” Hope asked.

  “My parents both passed away when I was in college,” I said as I put the picture back perfectly on the dresser. “Shane’s parents both died when he was little so he grew up with his grandmother who recently passed away a few years ago,” I continued. “Neither one of us ever had any brothers or sisters so it’s just us which is why I always tell Shane I want ten kids!” I laughed, as I rubbed my round belly.

  “Oh gosh I am so sorry, that must be awful,” Hope told me as she refolded the gorgeous pink blanket on the rocking chair.

  “Thanks,” I smiled, thinking of how great it would be for the kids to have grandparents.

  “Listen Carly, I wanted to apologize to you about today,” Hope said while looking down at her feet that were slightly pigeon-toed.

  “I told Ben before we came here that if we were only going to be here for nine months, I didn’t want to bother even meeting anyone who I would never see again,” she said shaking her head. “It was silly of me and I guess I want to blame my hormones,” she laughed and looked up at me with a genuine smile. “We were even arguing about paint color when you got here,” she laughed.

  “Nine months is a long time Hope,” I said to her, putting my hand on her arm, “and it doesn’t mean never seeing us again.”

  “Yeah you’re right,” Hope said. “Let’s go check on the guys.”

  “Honey, the kids,” I quietly interrupted Shane and Ben as they talked about football.

  “Crap, I forgot! Thank you so much for having us over. It was nice meeting you both,” Shane said, shaking both of their hands.

  “We will discuss the Bears defensive line next time,” Ben laughed, patting Shane on the back and winking at me.

  “Thank you again. I love the candle,” Hope said as she put the candle on the coffee table. “I am looking forward to being your neighbor,” she smiled.

  “Me too,” I said waving as I went down the front steps.

  We walked in our house just as I had predicted. The credits for the show were playing, Logan was doing karate moves, Charlie was asleep in the recliner and Garrett was eating pizza, again.

  Once we got the kids all set for bed and their morning checklists done, Shane and I climbed into bed.

  “Oh man, what a day,” Shane sighed while covering up with our blue and white flowered comforter I have had since middle school.

  “So?” I asked Shane, while pulling on the covers also.

  “You were right. They are perfect,” he said putting his glasses on to watch Sport Center.

  “I told you so,” I whispered as I kissed him on the cheek, turned off the light and rolled on to my side.


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