Bared Before the Gods

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Bared Before the Gods Page 8

by Alyson Belle

  “Don’t look at him, look at me.” Aphrodite glided my gaze back to her, as she positioned Mal’s member at my center. “I want you to sink down on it and ride Mal as if he were the best horse in the world.”

  Aphrodite chuckled and sat back, covering Mal’s mouth with her slit and began grinding against his face. Her moans wafted through the air. I couldn’t see what Mal was doing under there, but that somehow made it even more erotic to watch. Watching Aphrodite’s pleasure-filled face filled me with lust and desire. My release earlier had not been enough.

  I sank down upon Mal’s thick and long manhood, which slipped right into me and I immediately gasped. I had only felt Mal this deep once before, and it was in the river when he had slammed his whole length into me. Now, I felt the head of him pressing against my womb, deep in my belly. I held my stomach, and when I pushed down, I could feel him.

  “A completely different experience isn’t it?” Aphrodite murmured between our moans, her voice barely above a whisper and filled with ecstasy. I nodded closing my eyes, enjoying this new, intoxicating feeling. I rose and sat again, repeating the motion. I had to work more for my orgasm this way, but I didn’t mind. I could control the speed, and I did. I saw Aphrodite grinding her hips, and I tried the same, only to find it felt great as well. I remembered that Mal liked when I squeezed my walls around him, and so I did, relishing his groans of pleasure in response to my motions.

  I felt his hands grab my bottom firmly, eagerly, he and slammed me down onto him, just like in the river. It seemed Mal liked to establish his dominance in bed. I couldn’t complain, though, because I seemed to like a firm hand myself. Besides, I had found that my legs and hips couldn’t move me as fast as I wanted to go, and his frenzied urging was a blessing. He grasped me firmly and rocked my body to help me go faster, and my long moans vibrated through me. I felt another orgasm snowballing, and I knew what was coming. Aphrodite leaned over, her moans growing louder by the moment and her rocking more and more persistent. She took one of my nipples into her mouth and teased it while we both were ravaged by Mal, her by his mouth and I by his swollen member.

  I swore my breasts never gave me such a feeling when Mal played with them.

  Mal’s grip tightened, and he thrust upward into me with blinding speed. I didn’t have the presence of mind to admire his multitasking efforts because, within breaths, the most earth-shattering orgasm I’d ever experienced erupted within me. My world crashed around me, and all that was left of my mind was the sensation of Aphrodite’s deft lips closing on my breast and Mal’s steady, urgent plowing as he thrust into me again and again. His speed did not falter, and soon a loud growl ripped free from his chest as he and Aphrodite both found their own release, only moments apart. My body fell limp onto Mal as she shuddered the last of his seed into my body, my head resting on Aphrodite’s quivering leg. We were all panting, gasping for breath. Aphrodite hunched over me, her palms resting on my back. I could feel Mal’s chest rising and falling quickly.

  What little of my consciousness was left begin to slip away as Aphrodite unfurled herself, leaving me lying on Mal’s chest by myself, breathing heavily. His eyes were closed, and he appeared to be quickly drifting away to sleep after his release. If it was anything as good as mine had been, I understood the feeling…

  “That was pretty fun. If you ever need to spice things up, you know who to call!” Aphrodite whispered and winked, snapping her dress back on and hurrying from the room. I smiled.

  When Aphrodite had climbed onto Mal, I had been momentarily worried that he would be more focused on her than me—what woman wouldn’t be worried by the actual goddess of love bedding her man? How could a mortal compare? But I’d felt his love directed only at me, and me alone, when he’d grabbed my hips and sent me crashing into my awaited orgasm. I realized then that I loved him more than I’d ever thought possible.

  If someone had told me this was how my life would have ended up, I would have laughed in their face. But now, as I nuzzled against Mal’s chest and twirled my fingers through the thick hair of his chest, I couldn’t picture my life any other way. I was thrilled to be Lucia, thrilled to be with Mal. I never wanted to go back to the arrogant man I used to be, who had cursed the gods out of spite and a thirst for the better things in life. Now I simply wanted to stay the loved woman who had found comfort in Mal’s arms and was blessed enough to make love with a goddess. How many people could say they had done that in their lifetime, anyway?

  Well, their second lifetime.

  I supposed I'd have to get used to that.

  But thanks to Aphrodite, it seemed I would have plenty of time to do so. I snuggled closer to Mal and drifted off to sleep, content in the knowledge that I was loved, and confident that soon enough I would return Zeus’s crown and be done with these gods forever… We were surely destined to live happily ever after. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

  The end… for now. Thanks for reading!

  - xoxo, Alyson

  Want more? Subscribe to Alyson Belle’s newsletter and you’ll get an exclusive FREE book, Forbidden Flirtations!

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  An excerpt from Forbidden Flirtations:

  As I made my way to the central stage, I could feel the eyes of the crowd on me and see them whisper to each other. There weren’t any other glitter-covered girls around, and it was obvious to everyone what I was here for. I struggled to push myself up the four feet required to get up there, and then felt a strong hand on my ass helping me up. I squeaked as it gave a little squeeze and turned around to see a handsome man with wavy black hair wink at me and smile. I huffed, but I appreciated his help.

  The music faded into another song as the DJ cut over, and I realized that everyone was looking at me expectantly. I swallowed nervously. The bass beat faded in. I wiggled my hips and started to gyrate in time with the music. Heather had been right. This body knew how to move, and still being just the tiniest bit high helped me along. I tried to close my eyes, smile, and just flow with the music.

  They loved it. I felt shockingly self-conscious, but I’d also never felt so free. These strangers were staring at me, staring at my half naked body, at my breasts and my ass as I wiggled along with the music in the silliest costume I’d ever worn. It was humiliating and powerful and exhilarating all at the same time.

  Glitter flew off my limbs with every fluid motion, and I began to touch myself: caressing my breasts and pushing my fingers sensually down my body, teasing at my pussy through my black lace panties, taunting the crowed. Neither the men nor the women could keep their eyes off of me. Even the other girls onstage below me had turned to watch, barely dancing themselves. I was beautiful. I was a goddess, and everyone wanted to watch me take it all off.

  I reached behind my back and unhooked the bra first, enjoying the cheers and the gasps as my naked tits bounced out in front of everyone. I shook them, letting them ripple, as I swung around the brass pole set into the middle of platform. Running on pure instinct, I lifted my left leg straight up into the air and grabbed my ankle, grinding hard against the pole with a happy moan at the shock of pleasure that ran through my pussy. I was surprised at how flexible this body was!

  Next I dropped onto all fours and crawled forward along the stage, still wagging my ass along with the thumping beat. Men at the edge of stage hooted and waved at me as I approached.

  Rolling back onto my haunches, I grabbed both ankles and spread my legs wide, snapping them back together and then opening them again. Then, in a single motion I slid my panties down my legs and over my ankles and tossed them into the crowd. People went wild.

  Now I was totally naked, except for the glitter, crawling around on the floor like a horny animal. I could see the men’s cocks straining against their pants as I flashed my pussy at them, and I could see the women shifting in their seats, some of them even touching themselves as I writhed beautifully on the f

  I started to finger myself like I’d seen girls do at some of the dirtiest clubs I went to, and the cheering intensified, almost drowning out the music. I slipped fingers in and out of my pussy, arching my back and working myself relentlessly on the stage, and thumbed my clit for the extra little shocks of pleasure. I was losing myself in the moment again, forgetting anything but how amazing I felt. I lost myself to the euphoric feelings of stroking and fingering my sweet cunt, naked in front of a crowd…

  But suddenly one of the men climbed up on stage with me! I scrambled back, startled. I felt so vulnerable lying on the ground naked as he towered over me, erection bulging at the front of his pants. He held a hand out to me. I calmed down. What was he going to do in front of the whole club like this?

  I reached out and took it, and he smoothly pulled me to my feet. Then he picked me up by my waist and tossed me over his shoulder, giving my ass a few quick slaps while I was there.

  “H-hey!” I cried, my cheeks burning. Everyone was cheering him on, and I saw Heather laughing at us from the bar.

  The man hopped off the stage and started carrying me to the back of the club, where I saw that Door #4 had a green light now. Heather rose and headed toward us too.

  “Wait a minute!” I shouted over the music. “What’s behind door #4? What are you going to do to me?”

  I kicked my feet helplessly, breasts bouncing as I struggled against his burly muscles. He held my petite form easily and swatted my rear again as he kicked the door open.

  “Calm down, hot stuff,” he said in a deep, sexy voice that matched his rugged good looks. “You’re about to find out.”

  Go get the rest, totally FREE, right here:

  Now turn the page for a special preview of other sexy stories by Alyson Belle…

  Bright and Bubbly: A Gender Swap Romance

  Russ can’t keep a girlfriend around to save his life, thanks to his way-overactive libido. But it turns out there’s an easy solution for that problem—girls never have an issue finding a hot date, right?

  When Russ loses his third girlfriend in a row to his overly voracious need for getting down and dirty, he complains to his friends that a girl wouldn’t ever have this problem. Case in point: His friend Krystal, a lesbian who sleeps with dozens and dozens of hot dates. But since he’s not a girl, Krystal proposes an alternate solution: Why not go see a fortune teller and see if a little hypnosis can cure him of his appetites?

  At first, Russ is skeptical, and he’s right to be—the moment he shows up in Madame Orlando’s magic shop, she tells him that he doesn’t need hypnosis. He just needs a partner who’s right for him. But Russ insists, and after a long look into his soul, she sends him home with a magic bath bomb that he absolutely does not believe is going to do anything. His doubt lasts right up until the magic bath bomb does its thing and turns him into a beautiful woman!

  Now, as the gorgeous brunette Riley, he discovers that he loves being a girl more than he ever could have imagined, and he has no problem finding lovers of either gender. But when his string of endless one-night stands begins to leave him feeling a little empty inside, he begins to wonder… will he ever find the person he’s truly meant to be with? Or will he end up stuck forever as the bright, bubbly girl everyone likes to have a good time with, but no one wants to keep?

  An excerpt from Bright and Bubbly:

  Allan didn’t say anything as she suddenly dissolved into a mess of tears, hiding her face in the grey shirt he wore. There was only so much she could think about at once, and everything that had happened in the past few weeks was vying for her attention, shouting and jostling in her brain until she had a splitting headache. Riley loved being a girl—she didn’t want to go back in the slightest. But it was a sudden shift to make, with no prior thoughts about it or warning, and she was overwhelmed by the world around her. Instead of panicking, she simply tried to focus on the rise and fall of Allan’s chest.

  Her breathing eventually slowed to a crawl, unconsciously matching the slow petting of her hair. Tears that had flowed hot and fast when she first began to cry now only slipped free every once in a while, dripping down her face and soaking into Allan’s shirt. Somehow she was sharing a chair with him now, half-seated on his lap and curled into the littlest bundle she could make. She wondered when that had happened, somewhere in the back of her mind—Riley didn’t remember changing her seating position. Allan held her close to his chest, and she became acutely aware of how small she was now. Little enough that her best friend had moved her without her realizing it.

  “You’re a good person.”

  Allan’s words rumbled into her ear, and she felt every syllable as the low, reassuring tone vibrated through his chest and into her. Almost immediately she welled up with tears again, but Riley did her best to stop them before she starting crying all over him again. She’d made enough of a mess for one day. Her gaze focused across the room, on a picture of Russ, Krystal, and Allan that they’d taken the day the boys moved into this house together.

  “You’re just saying that,” she mumbled under her breath, and he was quick to respond.

  “I’m not. You’re a good person. You’re funny and sweet and you care about your friends. You’re the life of the party.”

  God, she needed him to stop. Riley couldn’t handle all these nice things being said about her—it was difficult to reconcile them with her fear that she was just, at her core, meant to be alone. It was confusing, and he needed to stop talking, and—


  She’d raised her head to his, meaning to knock his chin with the top of her skull, but Allan had leaned down at the same time so he could whisper compliments in her ears. Their lips met clumsily as they moved, and they both pulled away almost instantaneously in surprise, registering the accidental kiss they’d shared. His eyes were wide with surprise, and she could only imagine that hers were too.

  Words built in her throat, but she had no idea what they might be. Her brain certainly couldn’t come up with anything to say—it was stuck on how warm his mouth had been against hers, and how soft and secure it felt to be kissing him.

  Before she found her voice again, Allan dipped his head back down and captured her lips once more. This kiss too was gentle and sweet. It spoke of a long wait: of weeks and years of repressed desire, of feelings that had waited to come to the surface ever since they’d become friends. Riley realized with a start that they were her own feelings, feelings she was projecting into the kiss desperately. As though he’d been able to read her mind and know how sorry she was for ever considering or even looking at anyone other than him.

  He’d always been there for her—first as Russ and now as Riley. There’d been countless nights they’d stayed up talking to each other about their dreams and hopes for the future. She could read Allan better than anyone else on the planet, and he always knew what to say to make her laugh.

  She’d been an idiot to look anywhere else for the love and connection she so desperately craved. It had been right next to her for the last few years.

  Allan seemed to agree. The hand that had been petting her was now tangled up in her soft brown hair, holding her face close to his so that he could deepen and intensify the kiss. Riley was at the mercy of his desire, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. They were both hungry for something that had waited years to come to fruition, and now that it was finally here neither one of them wanted to stop…

  Mayan Maiden: A Gender Swap Romance

  When you’re dumb enough to piss off a goddess, being turned into a woman is the least of your concerns…

  When best friends Seth and Noah set off for the ultimate spring break Mexican vacation, they have a wild, booze and party-fueled vision of how their week is going to go, and the throngs of hot girls at the airport are just their first taste of that. But all of those plans get cut short when an ill-advised nighttime jaunt to some off-limits, ancient Mayan ruins puts the guys face to face with an actual, incarna
te Mayan goddess. She’s powerful, gorgeous, and very pissed off at all the people who keep exploring her temple and taking her sacred objects.

  Fed up with thieves, she punishes Seth for the intrusion by transforming him into her own image—a ravishingly hot Mayan maiden—and tells him that he can’t have his old body back until they recover her sacred statue from the thieves that took it. But Noah and Seth (now calling herself Sera) don’t even know where to begin looking, and Sera has no experience being a woman!

  They’ll need to track down the thieves and help Sera adjust to her awkward new situation before her time runs out, which would be hard enough if she wasn’t also completely distracted by the strange, powerful attraction she now feels for her best friend. How did she never notice how hot Noah was before, and how on earth is she going to navigate these feelings that are driving her crazy? It’s getting hard to remember why she even wanted to be a guy in the first place, when it’s so much fun to be a girl…

  An excerpt from Mayan Maiden:

  “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  I wasn’t sure. But I wanted to try. My body insisted. I didn’t care how bizarre and dreamlike this all was. I nodded and tentatively grabbed his hardened rod in my hands. It was smooth and hard and it had a nice warmth emanating from within—the same warmth I had felt deep inside me when he was playing in my bottoms earlier. He sighed and closed his eyes, and I smiled. It was working. We were really going to do this.

  I just sort of did what I always saw girls doing in porn and let my body guide me. Guys always masturbated to them, wishing girls would do the kinds of things porn stars did, and I wanted to fulfill that fantasy for him. Why not?


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