Her Black Tiger

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Her Black Tiger Page 8

by Marissa Dobson

  “When I get back, you can arrest me if you’d like.” He took her hand into his and sat down beside her. “Until then, I need you to keep this with you. If I’m not back by the time you get up, cut a couple stiches in the waistband of your jeans and slip it in there. That way you won’t lose it.”

  “No.” Even as she said it, he pressed it into her hand and closed her fingers around it. “Carran? What’s going on?”

  “I have leave for a bit.”

  “Why? Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to meet with the wolves.” His thumb caressed over her knuckles. “I shouldn’t be gone long.”

  “I should go with you.” She shoved the covers down so she could climb out of bed and get dressed. “I can tell them what happened. Maybe I can make them see…” She didn’t know what she’d make them see or even what she’d say. This was a side of Donovick that he kept from her. Would his wife be there? Did she even know that he was a shifter?

  “You’re going to stay here where you’re safe. Tad is going to be in charge of your safety while I’m gone. Five others from my team are staying with you and Ambrose will be here. You’ll be safe.”

  “Why now?” She glanced over at the wall clock. “It’s nearly three in the morning. An urgent meeting in the middle of the night, after you said arrangements had been made for in the morning? This can’t be good. You can’t go alone. Take your backup. I’ll stay here.”

  “Red and Taber will be with me.” He gave her hand another squeeze. “Just promise me you’ll keep that on you.”

  “You think they’ll come back while you’re gone.” Her gun was in the holster next to the lamp and this time she wasn’t going to have a problem using it. She’d hesitated in grabbing her gun last time, because it was Donovick, but not this time.

  “No, but even so, Tad and the others will be ready. I…” He let go of her hand and stood. “Scoot over.”

  “You’re not seriously trying to crawl into bed with me now, are you?”

  “Fuck.” He dragged his hand through his hair, pulling the strands away from his face and let out a deep sigh. “I know you don’t understand, but I crave your touch. I just want to hold you in my arms, that’s all. I’ll stay above the blanket.”

  She pulled the pillow out from under the blanket on the other side of her and slid over. He thought she didn’t understand, and maybe she didn’t completely, but she understood what he meant about craving her touch because she yearned for his, too. This longing for him concerned her. She was strong and independent and this felt unnerving. Worse yet, his life was across the country. Eventually, he’d leave.

  Staying on top of the blanket, he sat down next to her, his back against the headboard, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, drawing her close. Her worries popped like balloons, once again reminding her of the effect his touch had on her. It dulled the fears within her, while at the same time heightening other senses and made her want him even more.

  “Maybe we should go to the police,” she said. “If we go to the station, maybe you can sense who’s part of the pack and I don’t know…” Going to the police was out of the question and she knew it. They were too deep into this. She didn’t know what happened to Donovick and Dixon’s bodies, but she knew they’d cleaned the scene. They’d all end up in jail.

  “That’s your natural instinct, but you need to let me handle this. Doing it your way will only make things worse.”

  “How?” She settled into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “Connor heads ups the nerd crew back in Alaska, and he found information connecting the Chief of Police to the Donovick pack. Anything you take to them will work its way to him. The shifter secret is something we’ve all got to work to hide, but even if it wasn’t, he doesn’t want anyone to know that this happened under his command.” His finger teased along the curve of her shoulder, playing lightly along it. “You’ll be labeled as a troublemaker and you career would be over.”

  “It already is.” A halfhearted laugh escaped before she could stop it. “Even if this gets resolved, I can’t go back to the department and they’re not going to give me a reference. I don’t know what’s next, but my days in this city are numbered. I think that’s the toughest blow from all of this. That and my partner’s betrayal.”

  “There are always places looking for good officers. You’ll land on your feet when this is over and you’ll be stronger for it.”

  “How am I supposed to trust my next partner? In the back of my mind I’ll always wonder if they’re a shifter. If they aren’t, I might put them at risk if the wolves end up coming after me again in the future.” There were too many variables in her life now. Too much risk. What about her family? Were they targets because of her new knowledge?

  “If you let me claim you as my mate, you’ll know a shifter on sight and you’ll know if they’re a danger to you. They’ll know what you are, too.”

  “What I am?” She tipped her head to look up at him. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “To other shifters, you’ll smell like me. They’ll know you’re my mate.” He pressed his finger under her chin and shook his head. “Don’t. It’s not meant as property, it’s protection. It means you have a mate and a clan behind you. If they mess with you, they’re taking on a bigger battle than they’re prepared for. Let’s just say my clan is making a name for themselves. Everyone knows about us.”

  “Which means the enemies are multiplying quickly.”

  “I won’t deny we have enemies, but it’s all worth it, and we’ll come out of it better than before.”

  Tonight made it seem like nothing was worth it, but she stifled a yawn and didn’t argue. “Your life is in Alaska and you obviously have a commitment to your clan. Even if I was okay with being your mate…it’s not going to work.”

  “Why? You’ve said it yourself that your days here are numbered. Why not start over?” He cupped the side of her face, bringing it to angle so she was looking up at him. “Just think about it. Okay? We’re about to have company.”

  “Who?” The question barely left her lips when Carran’s gaze shifted from her to the door.

  “Me.” A deep voice answered.

  Carran pulled her closer, his other arm coming around to take her hand into his. “Thaddeus Brown. He’s going to be your protection detail while I’m gone. Whatever he says, you listen to.”

  “Call me Tad.” He gave her a slight nod and added, “We’re not going to have any problems, but if you need anything, I’ve switched rooms with Theodore so I’m next door. I’ll know if anything happens.”

  “He’s trying to say that if someone were to gain entry to the house, you don’t have to call out for him and alert the intruder. He’ll know and he’ll come.” He glared over at Tad, his lip curled into a snarl. “Anything happens—”

  “It’s going to be fine.” She opened her hand to reveal the tracker she still held. “I’ll have this. No matter what happens, I know you’ll find me.”

  “Damn right.”

  “Two minutes, Carran,” Tad interrupted. “I’ll give you two time alone. Brooklynn, if you need anything, let me know.”

  “Thank you,” she called to him as he strolled out of the room, and then she turned back to Carran. “Are you going to parade the rest of your men in one at a time?”

  “No, time is limited. I should have done it earlier, but you wanted to be alone, and then I wanted you to myself. They’re around the house if you want to meet them. Tad will introduce them. They’re good men and I’m leaving you in the best hands I can.”

  “It’s going to be fine.” She smirked as she reassured him, when minutes before he was the one doing the comforting. “I don’t understand everything that’s happening, but I trust you. I’ll stay here and listen to your guys, but I want you to promise me that you’ll be safe.”

  “You have my word. I just found you. I’m not going to do something stupid now.” He pressed his lips to her forehead. “Try to rest. I
’ll be back soon.” He slipped his arm from around her and got off the bed.

  “Carran.” She rose up onto her knees and crawled to the edge of the bed. “One last thing.” She grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled him toward her. When he neared, she pressed her lips to his and the sizzle that had been running through her whenever they touched exploded into a burning heat. A soft moan escaped her throat as she slipped her other hand under his shirt and slid it up his chest. Using the situation to meet his own desires, he slid his tongue into her mouth, exploring it as if it would be the last time. Their kiss was full of urgency and desire, making her want him more. His arms came around her, pressing her against his chest.

  “Carran.” Red’s voice traveled toward them and with one last kiss, Carran pulled back.

  “I’ve got to go.”

  “I know.” Sadness coated her words and she slid her hand out from under his shirt. “Come back to me.”

  “There is nowhere else I’d rather be.”

  Without another word, he walked out of the bedroom leaving her alone again. She hadn’t even known him a day, but watching him leave felt worse than her last breakup. That relationship had lasted two years and she’d never felt the things she felt with Carran.

  He claimed she was his mate, the woman he was destined to spend his life with, and when she’d first heard it, that word had scared her. The very idea made her want to run in the opposite direction. Now, something felt right about being with him. In his embrace, she had this overwhelming sense of belonging, and a reassurance that everything would be fine. Maybe he was right that they were meant to be together. Was she ready for that? There were too many uncertainties in her life and no easy answers. When it came to Carran, there was more that she needed to know before an answer would come. She just wasn’t sure if she was ready for the answers he’d give her.

  Chapter Eleven

  The meeting with the wolves was less than a mile from the barn where Carran rescued Brooklynn. This time, instead of a barn, they’d meet at the Alpha’s home. They were in fact walking into the wolves’ den, but Ty had negotiated safe passage for them that night. There was a possibly a war brewing between them, but the treaty meant unless the pack wanted to be marked and hunted down, they’d let Carran, Red, and Taber leave the meeting unscathed. Once they arrived back at the safe house, they’d be fair game and the wolves could attack. It also meant they had to keep their end of the deal. Hurting one of the wolves without them first making a move would void the treaty, leaving their lives in the balance.

  “I’ve seen two guards. Where are the others? Surely they have more than two guarding the den.” Red continued to scan the grounds as Carran pulled the SUV into the driveway.

  “Doesn’t matter now. We’re in their den.” Taber glanced in the back at Red. “You ready for this?”

  “I’m fine.” But there was an uncertainty in his voice that had Carran and Taber exchanging a glance. “Wolves are unpredictable and they make me uneasy.”

  “Let’s do this.” Carran took the keys from the ignition and opened his door just as a young man came toward their vehicle.

  “Randolf is waiting.” He tipped his head to the front door. “If you’ll follow me.”

  The light from the house was enough for Carran to get a good look. Their escort was a teenager and if his guess was correct, the boy wasn’t even driving yet. Carran didn’t have time to question him before the front door opened and a man stepped out. His long smoky gray hair brushed along his shoulders, framing his face, and drawing attention to his dark eyes. Carran wasn’t sure who the power display was for, but it was clear from the power vibrating off him that he was Alpha there.

  “I told you to go home,” the older man hollered at the kid, his voice deep and rough.


  With a shake of his head, Randolf cut the young man off. “Now.”

  The boy glared at Carran, his fists balled, and the wolf was pushing toward wanting a fight. Having enough sense not to disobey his Alpha, he turned and quickly scurried off, leaving Carran with questions. While he wasn’t sure who the boy was, it was obvious he didn’t want them there.

  “Come in.” Not waiting for them, Randolf stepped farther into the house.

  Scanning the area again, Carran walked toward the house. His tiger was on full alert, scanning every window for possible movement but finding nothing. They were in the wolves’ den and the pack’s sense of ease didn’t sit well with him. Maybe he had been on alert so long he’d forgotten what their clan had once been. Before their lives changed and their battles started, they had been similar to this. There had always been guards on duty, but they were vigilant for humans overstepping the bounds. Now they were up against deadlier things. Rogues and Tabitha’s enemies were their new concern, while humans catching them in their animal form had dropped lower on the list.

  Inside, the man led the way past a living room and into an office. While the rest of the house had been sparely furnished, the office was centered around a large red oak desk. The two high back chairs in front of it were deep red, and the atmosphere seemed formal and strictly business. This was where Randolf conducted business and he wanted them to know they were on his turf now.

  “My brothers, Claw and Steven.” Randolf stood behind the desk, introducing the other men, and tipped his head just enough for them to get the idea. “Take a seat.”

  “Not you,” Steven told Red before he could take a seat. “I’ll question you across the hall.”

  “No.” Taber stepped in front of Steven who moved toward Red, but his gaze was on Randolf. “There is an agreement in place clearly stating that we’d come here but we’d stick together. You’re not going to divide and try to conquer, are you?”

  “They’ll be through the adjoining doorway in Claw’s office. Steven can get his story without influence.” Randolf laid a hand on the back of his chair.

  “Voiding an agreement between two Alphas could cause a war.” Carran kept his senses open as they pressed through this battlefield. “We agreed to come to your land with certain conditions in place. Are you going back on your word to our Alpha?”

  “No,” Randolf answered quickly, tipping his head to Steven who grabbed another chair and placed it next to the others. “You’d have tried it, too, if roles were reversed.”

  “We stand by our word.” Watching the wolf Alpha with new understanding, Carran took a seat. Randolf was too quick to answer, as if he was worried they’d tell Ty. It was interesting that he was concerned when it came to the tigers. “You had us come out in the middle of the night, so why don’t we stop these games and get to the point of this meeting?”

  “The point is you’ve killed two of my wolves.” Randolf glared at them.

  “In order to protect an innocent female.” Carran’s jaw tightened. What they did wasn’t without reason. If the Alpha had better control over his wolves, Brooklynn wouldn’t have been in danger and they wouldn’t have had to go after the wolves. “She was in the wrong place and witnessed an uncontrolled shifter, but there were options other than torturing and killing her. Or haven’t you taught your wolves what to do with witnesses besides killing them?” Randolf snarled, but Carran didn’t back down. “Donovick was her partner. He could have told her, and they could have come to an understanding. When the lion didn’t do a thorough job, Donovick went after her.”

  “I smell your so-called innocent female all over you. Maybe you’re twisting the story to fit your needs.” Randolf pulled the chair out from behind his desk and sat. “Maybe Donovick tried to protect Brooklynn from you and instead of going back to Alaska without issue, you killed him.”

  “How does the fact that I’m the one who killed the second wolf play into that fantasy?” Red raised an eyebrow, clearly amused.

  “He was the one at the wrong place. You killed him to eliminate witnesses.”

  “You don’t believe any of that.” Taber sat between Carran and Red on the chair that Steven had added and watched the wolv
es. “If you did, you wouldn’t have agreed to this meeting. You’d have staged an attack.”

  “Maybe I respect your Alpha enough to give you a chance to admit your wrongdoings.”

  “That’s a lot of maybes, too many variables, and I’m not buying it.” Carran leaned forward. “You know your wolf was out of control and instead of accepting that, you want to transfer blame to us. You have a grieving mate and a fatherless child that you need to be concerned about.”

  “You’re here to give her closure.” Steven slammed his hand on his Alpha’s desk. “You left my sister a widow.”

  “That was Donovick,” a soft voice said from behind them, drawing their attention.

  Carran turned to take the woman in. Her short black hair was wild, making it clear she’d been driving her hands through it anxiously, and her face was stained with tears. What was most alarming was the black eye and handprint around her neck. What had happened to her?

  “Meghan, you shouldn’t be here.” Steven came around the desk and went to her.

  “So you can accuse them? Donovick…” Her voice broke and Steven wrapped his arm around her. The touch was enough to make her stronger and her gaze traveled over them before landing on Carran. “I smell him on you…but I smell her, too. She’s…”

  In that hesitation, the realization dawned on Carran that the woman before him knew Brooklynn was his mate. That was news he’d like to keep out of this meeting, if he could help it. He needed to do something or say something before she had the chance to announce it. “Donovick’s mate, I presume.”

  “My Donnie…he was a good man.” Her hand went to her eye as if just speaking about him brought back the memory of how it happened.

  It infuriated his tiger enough for him to ask, without thinking where he was. “He did that, didn’t he?”

  “That’s pack business.” Randolf bellowed before she could answer.

  “Dad, I think we’re past that.” She stepped away from Steven and walked farther into the room, her gaze never leaving Carran. “Thought you had the family dynamics laid out, didn’t you? Donovick’s pack, so obviously my Donnie was related to the Alpha. Except I’m not the one who mated into them, he was. He took our family name when we mated instead of the other way around. He claimed he didn’t want me to lose the respect that the name held, but later I realized it was because he craved the power that the Donovick name held.”


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