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Tiger Page 15

by Kate LaMontagne

  “I don’t remember seeing any tattoos on my parents, but I was quite young when they died and they both wore a lot of long clothing” Tiger replied. “So, it looks like you’ve managed to collect a lot of knowledge but you’re nowhere near coming up with a cure for the virus.”

  “If your theory about fated mates is valid, that would only help me if I had a fated mate and could locate them. I stand more chance of being one of the few lucky ones to survive the virus without treatment” Tiger said sarcastically, his shoulders slumped in defeat.

  “Not necessarily. The pain you’ve been feeling near the bite scar…. I don’t think that has anything to do with the bite. No victim has ever reported such pains. Based on my Fae research, I think it’s an indication that your body is sensing your mate.”

  “Some Fae say that they experience ‘heartache’ before meeting their fated ones for the first time, then it fades once they’re joined, only to return when mates experience prolonged separation. You’re twenty-eight but you look to be about twenty-two. As a full-blooded Fae, you’d just now be hitting your peak sexual maturity. Being part Fae may skew that timeline but that would be one more indication that your Fae genes are very dominant.”

  “It is unfortunate that we’re working with such a short timeline but being Fae could extend that timeline, or possibly affect the virus in some new way that we have never seen before,” Lucius pointed out. “Ultimately, the best end result for everyone in general would be to come up with a way to kill the virus, but I’m not there yet. I’m sorry laddie.”

  Tiger had zoned out while Lucius sped ahead with his theories. He snapped back to attention when Lucius stopped speaking. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Tiger jumped out of his chair. “Back the cart up! What the hell Lucius! You think I’m sensing my mate?”

  “When did you start having these chest pains?” Lucius asked.

  Tiger furrowed his brows. “Well, naturally I had some pain for a while after the throwback attack, but that faded after a couple of weeks. I didn’t start having the deeper chest pain until after I woke up in the hospital. I assumed it was either from the bite mutating or from the beating I took while I was unconscious in the alley. Apparently, I got kicked a lot, but it hasn’t gone away, and I should be over the effects of the beating.”

  “Has it been getting consistently worse since it started, or does it vary?” Lucius stared at Tiger, practically vibrating with anticipation.

  “I’d say it was pretty much a stable ache from the time it started until I left Aurora. Once I was on the shuttle it started to get worse the closer I got to the valley” Tiger replied.

  “Hah! Yes! It doesn’t alter the virus issue, but I’d say it’s good evidence of the strength of your Fae DNA. I think your fated one is somewhere in Aurora and the pain got worse because you were separating from that person.” Lucius was pacing back and forth excitedly.

  “There’s just one problem with that theory.” Lucius jerked to a halt and spun toward Tiger, frowning.


  “For the past few days, the pain has gradually lessened. It’s back to a dull ache again.” Tiger looked apologetic. He hated to burst Lucius’ bubble and shoot down his theory, but how could he explain it when he’d been here for days now? It should be getting worse.

  Just then, Tae knocked on the door and peeked in. “Doctor Lucius, there are strangers entering the valley on foot. We will go to the village to warn the others.”

  “How many?” Tiger rushed to his pack and rummaged around for his field optics. Clutching them in his hand, he raced for the door as Tae replied, “five men.”

  “Wait here,” he ordered.

  Standing on the porch, Tiger looked toward the ridge, focusing the optics till he could see the group clearly. “Shit! Shit! Shit!” he swore, heading back into the building. “How the fuck did they track me down so fast? They must know about the bite. That damn doctor is with them.” Grabbing his pack, Tiger headed out the back of the building. “Don’t tell them I’m here Lucius. They’ll drag me back to Aurora and I won’t have a chance to find a cure. I’m not going back there!”

  “Wait, Tiger! You know them?” Lucius grabbed his arm.

  “They’re friends. They won’t hurt anyone here, but they must know I’m infected. The law says they have to lock me up. I need to go! I’ll hide in the cave till dark, Tae.” Tiger jerked loose from Lucius and ran out the back door.

  Chapter 16

  TJ stared across the valley, shading his eyes with his hand. They’d stopped to shuck out of their winter gear once they reached the warmer elevation of the valley floor. An unexpected blizzard had kept them snow bound for two days midway to the research center and slogging through the heavy snowpack had slowed their progress further.

  TJ wasn’t feeling particularly charitable toward Tiger at this point and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on the brat. ‘He lied to me about those scars…. and so convincingly too. When I get my hands on him, I’m going to plant a tracker in his ass!’ Now that they were out of the snow field and unburdened by the heavy snow gear, they were able to quickly proceed to their destination.

  Ignoring the fish-eyed stares directed their way by the locals as they approached the compound, TJ stepped forward and pressed the buzzer at the front door of the main building while his group casually kept an eye on their surroundings. As well as Remi and the doc, Jess Fuller and Tony Granger, members of TJ’s UCAR team, had accompanied TJ to provide support on their trek into the largely unexplored area.

  They were all dressed in civilian clothes to avoid any implication that this was a military operation. When there was no immediate response, TJ knocked loudly and heard heavy footsteps approaching from within.

  Doctor McNair opened the door, registering surprise, then smiling widely when he glanced over TJ’s shoulder and spotted Stafford. “Max! Is that you?” he gushed and lunged forward, practically knocking TJ out of the way to pull Max into a fierce hug.

  “Come in gentlemen, come in! What brings you to my humble facility? Are you mapping the back country for future expansion or perhaps Max felt the need for more protection this time?” He threw his arm around Max’s shoulders.

  “I’m glad to see you again Max but it’s not like you to just drop in unexpectedly.” He ushered them into a lounge area, and they dropped their gear on the floor, sitting down around a large round table.

  “Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, tea? Maybe something stronger?”

  “Do you have somewhere we can speak in private Lucius?” Max asked after the introductions were done, not answering McNair’s questions.

  “Certainly, follow me. We can talk in my office. I’d love to give you a tour of the place afterwards, if you’re interested. It’s been a while. We’ve made a lot of changes.”

  “Wonderful, I’d love to see what you’re working on Lucius!” Max replied. TJ and Remi followed, while Jess and Tony remained in the lounge heading for the coffee dispenser.

  Lucius closed the door behind them and dropped into his desk chair as the others took seats across from him. “I must say this is a pleasant surprise. How can I help you?”

  “Lucius, please forgive the interruption but we’re looking for a young man we believe was headed here from Aurora looking for you. His name is Toro Yamano. He also goes by the nickname Tiger. Have you seen him?”

  Lucius looked perplexed. “No, I don’t believe so. What does he look like?”

  “Long black hair, usually worn in a braid, violet eyes, about five foot eight, Japanese / Fae descent, wears silver jewelry, athletic build and carries a sword,” Remi replied.

  Lucius narrowed his gaze at Remi, assessing the stranger. “Well, that’s intriguing. I’m afraid no one fitting that description has come to me. Is he in some sort of trouble? Why would he be looking for me?”

  “I’m afraid we’re not at liberty to discuss that Lucius; it’s a confidential matter.”

  The three of his visitors looked at each other. “Is it p
ossible we were wrong? Maybe something happened to him along the way?” Remi said worriedly.

  “I don’t think so. He can take care of himself,” TJ replied. “Look, doctor, we’re his friends. He’s not in any legal trouble but we think he came here looking for help with a medical issue. He just cut ties with us and disappeared suddenly. We’re desperate to find him and offer any help we can,” TJ explained.

  “I’m afraid I can’t help you gentlemen, but you’re welcome to stay for a few days in case he shows up. We have enough extra rooms to provide meals and shelter for your group if you’d like to rest up,” Lucius offered as he stood up. “I’m sure you must be exhausted.”

  “Max, I’ll have my staff set your friends up with some rooms while I show you around, unless you’d like to rest first. You all are welcome to join us, of course, but I expect you’d find it rather boring.”

  Lucius opened the door and spoke to Tae who stood close by awaiting instructions. “Tae, please show our guests back to the lounge and then make sure they have comfortable rooms assigned to them. They’ll join me for dinner this evening in the main dining room.”

  Turning to Max, he said “Shall we?”

  Remi and TJ followed Tae as Max and Lucius headed off in another direction. Once Tae had them all safely ensconced in a suite of guest rooms, they gathered in the living room to strategize their next move.

  Jess and Tony had been read into the theory of what was going on with Tiger. As his unofficial brothers there was no concern that they would spill to anyone else. They kept quiet while Remi and TJ speculated about what had happened to Tiger and how to proceed next.

  “He had a good lead on us, and we didn’t see any signs of a struggle along the way. There’s only one approach to the valley. All the signs pointed to this being where he was headed. Do you suppose he’s hiding nearby, waiting for an opportunity to approach McNair without being seen?” Remi asked.

  “I don’t know,” TJ replied. “It doesn’t make any sense. McNair shouldn’t be a threat to him, unless he’s worried about someone else here. Maybe we need to split up and recon the area tomorrow. McNair said he hasn’t seen him, and the natives won’t be any help. It’s a lot of ground to cover though and we don’t know how long Tigger has.”

  “Please! Must you phrase it that way Kirk? Hopefully Max is finding out how close McNair is to having a cure for TD. If we find him but have no cure, what’s the point? I won’t let him return to become a lab rat damn it! I’ll do whatever it takes to protect him!” Remi was barely holding it together. How could he go from being ecstatic over finding the love he never thought he’d have to possibly having his lover turn into a homicidal monster to be hunted down? Tears stung his eyes, but he managed to hold them at bay as he paced back and forth.

  “I’m not sure how much to believe of what McNair is telling us anyway,” TJ grumbled. That damn Scot seems a little fishy to me and he’s way too friendly with Max.”

  Jess snorted and elbowed Tony. TJ spun around and glowered at them. “Something you’d like to share with the class?”

  They both looked back with an air of innocence. “No sir, Cap!” Jess replied. When TJ turned back to Remi, Jess smiled and winked at Tony.

  “Max seems to trust him. I get the impression he’s a little eccentric but basically a good man and a dedicated doctor. The articles I’ve read say he’s very protective of the natives. Maybe he’s just a little reserved because he’s questioning our true intentions” Remi said.

  TJ, ever the suspicious field operative, speculated “Maybe he’s already met Tigger and has him stashed away to use as his own personal lab rat.”

  “Shit! You don’t really think that’s the case, do you?” Remi looked horrified.

  “I don’t know. I’m just spit-balling here, ‘cause I’m frustrated, and I don’t know what to do. I’m not used to being so impotent.” Jess snorted again and TJ pointed a finger at him and threw him a warning look. “I’m scared for Tigger…. but I also want to spank his ass for pulling this shit on us!”

  “This whole thing is way out of my comfort zone. I know how to charge in and kill the enemy; blow things up. What do I know about saving someone from a damn virus?” TJ threw himself on the couch, leaning back with a heavy sigh and pressed his palms against his eyelids till he saw spots.


  Tae hurried away from the door to the suite, where he’d been eavesdropping on Tiger’s pursuers. He headed toward the waterfall, pausing from time to time to check his back trail, but there didn’t appear to be anyone following him.

  Stepping into the downpour, Tae made his way to the cave entrance and called out to Tiger as he found his way in the dark. “Tiger, it is only me. I bring news of the doctor and the strangers.”

  Tiger stepped out of the shadows, drawn katana in his hand, and pulled Tae further back into the cave where he had a fire going. He sheathed his blade and squatted back down by the fire, looking expectantly at Tae. “Are they still here? Did you make sure you weren’t followed?”

  “I was not followed. The one called Max was still with Doctor McNair. I listened outside the door while the others talked about you. They are not sure if they missed you on the way here or if they were wrong about where you went.”

  “The doctor told them they could stay for a while to see if you would come. He lied to them and said he had not seen you. I think they believed him. Mostly. The tall golden-haired warrior they call TJ / Kirk / Cap is suspicious. He has many names. He must be very important.”

  “Only in his own mind,” Tiger snorted. “How do you know he’s a warrior?”

  “How could be not be?” Tae said with a dreamy expression. A minute later he perked up. “Why does he call you Tigger? Do you also have many names?”

  “Yeah, something like that. It’s a long story.” He waved his hand dismissively.

  Tiger stared into the flames, trying to decide what to do. He could probably spare a few days and hold out in the cave since they didn’t have a concrete cure yet. They were still running tests. He knew Lucius would continue without him.

  Tae had told Lucius that he had a female friend who might be willing to help with his research, but McNair would have to go to her. She would never go anywhere near the compound.

  He doubted that would gain him any respite, however. TJ and Remi were military and obligated to make sure he turned himself in, which he would never do. Handing himself over to the authorities would mean game over. An automatic death-sentence.

  With no cure, even if he ran, they’d end up hunting him down once he turned and how many would he infect before they caught him? No, he needed to stay in case Lucius had a break-through, but how long could he remain in the cave without being discovered? His head was throbbing, and he wasn’t coming up with any answers.

  Tae watched Tiger and saw his expression harden as if he had come to a decision. He sat down next to Tiger, leaning his head against his shoulder, and linked his fingers with Tiger’s.

  “I do not think they mean you any harm. They are your friends, yes? They say they want to help you and they are very worried about you, especially the one called Remi.”

  “They do not seem to trust the doctor completely. The one called Kirk thinks the doctor may have you locked away, but I think he is jealous of Doctor Lucius because he flirts with Max.” He giggled and blushed.

  “The doctor flirts with everyone. I have seen the way he looks at you when you are not watching, but he is too honorable to do anything while he is trying to find a cure for you.”

  Tiger’s eyebrows shot up. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, you are a beautiful man after all.” Tae laughed and patted Tiger’s leg, then grew quiet. Pulling back, Tae turned Tiger’s face to make sure they had eye contact. “I think you should talk to them before you decide what to do. If they say you must go back, we will help you with whatever you decide. You know we will not fight but we have many places where they will never find you and the doctor will help too.”
br />   Tiger swallowed hard and squeezed Tae’s hand, wondering how he’d ever gotten lucky enough to have this quiet little man’s friendship. The whole situation was overwhelming. He knew TJ and Remi wanted to help but they were career military men. He just wasn’t sure if they were willing to break the rules and risk their careers to help someone who might end up killing innocents.

  “Remi. Bring Remi tonight after the others have gone to bed. No one else. I’ll explain everything to him and see what he has to say.”

  Tae nodded and pulled the pack over that he’d brought with him. He started laying out food, utensils and water. “I brought enough food for several days. If you run out of water, the water from the waterfall is pure enough to drink. There are blankets in there too. I will bring Remi and wait outside by the pool in case you need me. Try to get some rest my friend.” Tae patted Tiger on the shoulder and padded away towards the darkened entrance.

  Chapter 17

  Remi stepped into the cave behind the waterfall. Tae had told him he was meeting Tiger there, but it was pitch black and he couldn’t see a thing. He wondered briefly if this was a trap. Not that he didn’t trust Tiger, but what if Tae had lied?

  He didn’t know the natives well enough to trust them completely. If he continued forward would he be lost in an endless cave system, or possibly fall into a bottomless pit? He stood still debating what to do and waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness when he felt a sharp point against his back.

  He froze, inhaling a sharp breath. “Tigger?”

  “Hands up. Don’t turn around,” Tiger replied. He patted Remi down for weapons. “Keep moving forward. You’ll see a light shortly. Did you come alone?”

  “Yes. Just me and Tae. He said you wanted to talk to me alone.”


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