The Kilwade Tragedy

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The Kilwade Tragedy Page 3

by Terry Keys

  “Just pull up next to him you big baby.”

  Blaze sped up the car and before he knew it Kaylea’s shirt was up and her breasts were pressed hard against the window.

  Mark and Nikki laughed hysterically.

  “See what I told you about that tequila,” Mark said elbowing Blaze.

  Blaze sped up again. “Stop it, you’re going to give him a damn heart attack!”

  “What? Did you see that smile? I bet that old fart hasn’t smiled like that in a decade,” Mark said.

  “Don’t be jealous, Blaze. I just made his day.”

  Blaze shook his head and rolled his eyes.

  “Don’t worry about Blaze, babe. I’m proud of you. Old men like boobies too.”

  “Amen,” Kaylea agreed.

  They kept rolling along and eventually they lost 97.9 on the radio and picked up static.

  “About fifteen minutes from Buc-ee’s,” Blaze called out to the girls. No one responded.

  Blaze looked up in the rear-view mirror. Both Nikki and Kaylea were passed out. He looked over at Mark who was still pre-occupied by his cell phone.

  “We’ve only been on the road a little over an hour,” he said to Mark eyeing the girls in the back.

  “They partied hard last night I’m sure. Probably hungover. Then the shots we did. I’m not surprised.”

  “You think Kaylea is all crazy like that at those parties?” Blaze asked.

  “I don’t know, but probably. She was like that when I met her. It’s what attracted me to her. She’s just having fun. It’s all good bro.”

  “No, her tits are what attracted you to her,” Blaze laughed.

  “Same thing.”

  A few months before they’d rented a balcony at Mardi Gras – actually Mark’s Uncle rented it for them. With that came a box of one thousand beads. Beads that were only good for one thing. Two hours into their bead tossing a skinny, energetic brunette eagerly flashed them both for beads. Mark teased her for a few minutes before tossing her a few of them. He signaled down to her to stay where she was. A minute later he’d found her through the crowd and the two talked for an hour. The pair exchanged numbers and they’d been dating ever since.

  They reached the exit for Buc-ee’s and Blaze turned off the highway into the parking lot.

  “Wake up ladies!” Mark yelled shaking Kaylea’s legs.

  The girls finally woke up, got out, staggered to their feet and sauntered inside.

  When Nikki got to the door she mouthed back to Blaze to ask if he wanted anything.

  He shook his head.

  “Nikki’s got a really nice ass, Blaze. Have I mentioned that before?”

  “No… I don’t think you’ve mentioned it bro,” Blaze said pushing him. “Thank you for noticing Mark. Anything else you’ve observed that you’d like to share?”

  “Nah that’s it. Good job. I mean she’s not my type so don’t worry. But you’d rather have a nice lookin’ girl than a ratchet chick, right? Then again you’re my bro so I wouldn’t let you have an ugly chick anyways.”

  Blaze laughed. “Yeah, she’s pretty hot I know. And I promise you I won’t worry about you taking her. Your IQ is too low.”

  “That’s the second smart joke you’ve cracked on me today.”

  Blaze shrugged. “If the shoe fits.”

  Ten minutes later the group got back on the road. After their nap and a few more shots the girls were wide awake again.

  “Why don’t we light one of those now?” Nikki suggested pointing towards the bag of weed.

  “What if we get stopped?” Mark asked.

  “Wah wah, don’t be a baby,” Kaylea said. “We’re not going to get freakin stopped. Take one out and hand it back here.”

  Blaze shook his head. He couldn’t believe he was letting them smoke while he drove.

  They passed the joint around. Everyone took a hit but Blaze, because he was driving. He’d never been much of a risk taker.

  “I’ll catch up later – don’t worry,” Blaze said when Mark tried to hand it to him.

  Since they’d lost the radio Nikki connected her phone to the aux and picked up where they’d left off.

  An hour later they pulled into the parking lot of their hotel. Blaze was sure that he’d lost some of his hearing.

  “Who’s ready to have the time of their life?” Mark asked.

  “You know you keep saying that,” Nikki said smiling.

  “Well let’s make it happen!” Mark replied.

  “Yeah let’s make it happen!” Kaylea added. “We’ve been planning this for months. I’m so excited!”

  After they were all unpacked and settled in their hotel rooms, the foursome decided to walk a few blocks to Sixth Street. None of them had ever been and they were excited to go and check it out.

  They weren’t old enough to buy alcohol so they filled flasks with tequila and set off.

  “Damn, it’s hot in Austin too,” Mark said looking up at the sun.

  “Yeah dip shit, we’re still in Texas,” Blaze called back to him laughing.

  The walk was further than they’d thought. Plus it was August in Texas which meant one hundred plus degrees.

  “I bet I can get a guy to buy us a beer first,” Kaylea teased Nikki.

  Nikki rolled her eyes. “Not with those – maybe if you had these!” she said pointing to her breasts.

  “These will do me just fine – you’ll see. Ain’t that right baby?” she asked turning to Mark.

  He nodded enthusiastically. “Let’s do another shot before we get too far.”

  The boys took the flasks out and they all took another shot.

  Blaze poured another and gulped it down too. “I’ve been driving all day. I have some catching up to do, right?” he asked the group.

  “Big facts, bro,” Mark said. “So, shut up and drink up!”

  The boys finally put the flasks away and continued walking.

  Finally, they made it to the strip of bars, restaurants and tattoo parlors that lined both sides of the street.

  “Heaven can’t be much better than this – can it?” Nikki asked.

  “Probably not,” Kaylea responded. “Look at this place.”

  Blaze felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He dug it out and looked down at it.

  It was his mom. Did you guys make it there okay?

  “Important?” Nikki asked.

  “No – not at all. Just my mom acting like she cares again.”

  “So you going to at least text her back?”

  “Nah, not right now.”

  “What the hell is the Pecan Festival?” Kaylea asked reading the name on a sign.

  No one in the group knew.

  “Some artsy festival they have here,” Mark said reading off of Google from his phone.

  The group walked further down the street and spent a minute here or there looking into the different booths.

  “There’s some pretty dope shit here,” Blaze said.

  “Dope?” Kaylea asked.

  “Yeah dope, you know, cool?” Blaze replied.

  “No one says dope, Blaze.”

  “Well I do. Is that okay with you hippie girl?”

  Kaylea had bought a pair of sandals and some hippie jewelry from one of the booths.

  “Bellybutton, tongue, lobes, nose…“ Kaylea said pointing.

  “Don’t forget the nipple piercings,” Nikki added.

  “How could I forget,” Kaylea laughed.

  “How could any of us forget,” Blaze mumbled.

  Two guys had been walking behind them about five yards back. They were close enough to hear their conversation.

  “Hey, do you really have all of that stuff pierced?” the taller, muscular one called out to Kaylea.

  Kaylea smiled at Nikki and then turned to him and replied, “Yeah, I do actually.”

  “That’s kind of bad ass,” he said extending his hand. “My name’s Chris.”

  Blaze stopped and pushed his hand away. “Well Chris, she’s kind of w
ith us bro, if you hadn’t noticed,” he said folding his arms in front of him.

  Chris laughed and looked over at his friend. “Relax bro, I’m not looking for no smoke. Just making conversation with the lady. Besides, she looks like she can more than handle herself.”

  “Yeah well like I said, she’s with us so just move it along bro,” Blaze added taking a step towards him.

  “Well I said I’m not looking for smoke, but if that’s what you want,” he answered walking towards Blaze.

  Nikki ran between them. “No, stop. Let’s go.” She pulled at Blaze’s arm.

  Blaze backed away, but he never took his eyes off either of them. When he got about twenty yards from them, Chris winked.

  Nikki pushed him. “What the hell is wrong with you!?”

  Blaze looked at her confused. “What? We just supposed to let them hit on our girls with us standing right there?”

  “The guy was just being nice, Blaze,” Kaylea said.

  “No. He was being a dick,” Mark chimed in. “All of those piercings are bad ass,” he mocked. “Weak ass line too.”

  “Jealous?” Kaylea asked with a smile.

  “Yeah, do you want Mark and I to start being niceto all the girls we pass?” Blaze asked.

  Neither of the girls said a word.

  “Didn’t think so,” Blaze added. “Like I said, they were trying to play us.”

  “Yeah, well whatever. You could have handled it better. We could have just walked away. You didn’t used to snap so easy. What the heck’s gotten into you lately? It’s like you turn into a different person when you get angry. Now you’re trying to fight random guys in the middle of the street? You’re scaring me. I’ve never seen you like this,” Nikki said.

  Blaze digested the question but said nothing. He knew something had been wrong with him. His patience with everyone had grown thin. More and more all he wanted to do was be alone. But even then he wasn’t quite satisfied.

  Mark put his hands up. “Just cool it – okay? I’m going to fix this. Reach slowly into your back pockets and take out a shot.”

  No one moved.

  “C’mon today, people. I’d like to drink this before I turn sixty.”

  Finally, one by one they all took their drinks out.

  “Good. On three we’re drinking to river fun and drunk sex.”

  Kaylea laughed and Nikki actually smiled. Blaze’s face stayed cold and emotionless. Nikki nudged him.

  “It’s over,” she whispered to him. “I’m sorry, I just don’t want you getting into any fights. It’ll ruin our entire weekend if you’re in jail, right? And besides, who’s going to protect us from random guys then?”

  Blaze managed a smile and relaxed a little bit.

  “Turn those drinks up – let’s go!” Mark yelled.

  The group held their drinks high in the air and then swallowed in one gulp.

  “Is this how it’s going to be all weekend?” Blaze asked wiping his lips. “I’ll be hammered before it gets dark.”

  “Is what how it’s going to be?” Mark asked.

  “Shots, fun and drunk sex?”

  Mark nodded. “Yes and smoking. Lots and lots of smoking.”

  “Sounds like my kind of weekend,” Kaylea said leaning in for a hard kiss from Mark.

  “I can dig it,” Nikki added. “You behave and maybe we’ll try that thing you asked me about,” she whispered winking.

  Blaze grinned and grabbed Nikki by the waist. “I’m down. If you think you can handle it.”

  “Wait, what thing?” Mark asked.

  Blaze ignored him. “I’ll need a video for research purposes.”

  “I don’t know about a video. I don’t want you showing that guy,” she said pointing to Mark.

  “I’ve never seen any of your videos, thank you very much,” Mark said.

  “So how did you know there were others?” she asked elbowing Blaze in the stomach.

  “Hey! Don’t hit me. I didn’t show him anything,” Blaze laughed.

  “This is going to be a great weekend. I can already tell,” Mark said with a smile.

  Monday, Aug. 19

  Chapter 2

  Blaze clenched the blanket with both hands and pulled it over his head. He was seventeen now and didn’t need to be woken up for school like a little kid anymore. She should know that. They’d asked him to get a job to help cover his cell phone, gas and insurance and he had. They told him to keep his grades up and minus one “C” in Chemistry, he had. Well, before a few weeks ago, his grades had been fine. Somehow he’d even managed to spend time with Nikki. Despite everything that he had going, his parents never let up. It was never good enough. He was never good enough. They always wanted more. Couldn’t they just say one time, Good job son!? Was that too much to ask?

  As he lay there he thought about not going at all. What was the point? School was stupid. He’d still wind up with some plant job working sixty plus hours a week. He’d do that either way with or without a high school diploma. That’s really all there was in Kilwade – work at a plant or become a cop. He already knew he wasn’t cop material. Oh or play football.

  His head still rang from all of the alcohol and weed from the weekend. Or maybe it had been Kaylea and Nikki screaming and singing at the top of their lungs for six hours straight. It had been after one in the morningwhen they’d gotten in the night before. Why couldn’t she just let him sleep it off?

  The bangs on the door started again. “Blaze! It’s six forty-five, you were supposed to be up twenty minutes ago!” his mom, Steph, yelled at him through the door.

  “I have a large display alarm clock on my dresser. I know what time it is,” he mumbled to himself. But he said nothing to her. He wanted to make her have to yell again. She was always mad anyways no matter what he did or didn’t do. All she cared about was his little brother, Kevin. So he said nothing.

  “Blaze, don’t make me come in.”

  Now she’s getting angry. He smiled.

  “Spare me mom, please. Neither of us want you to come in here.”

  She folded her arms. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  He pulled the blanket from his face and sat up. “Whatever you want it to mean, mom. But I’m up. You wanted me awake, now I’m awake. You can go now.”

  “Didn’t you have Book Club today?”

  “I quit the Book Club mom. Lame.”

  Steph didn’t understand – Blaze loved the Book Club.

  “You used to love going?”

  “Okay. And I used to wear diapers too. Can you just leave please?”

  She wanted to say something back to him but she didn’t. Every time the two of them spoke it ended with a fight. No matter what she said, or did, or how she tried to help. Or how sweet she tried to sound. She didn’t understand how they’d drifted so far apart. He used to be her sweet, innocent baby boy and now he’d turned into someone who didn’t even want to be in the same room as her.

  Maybe it was the divorce, she thought. Maybe he blamed her. She’d been too afraid to ask him how he felt about the whole thing. Afraid and a tad embarrassed. She had gained quite a few pounds over the years and hadn’t taken the best care of herself. However, that didn’t give John an excuse to cheat on her. Not once but twice. Staying together for the kids was never the right thing to do, is what she had told herself. Or was it? Maybe she should have forgiven John again and sucked it up?

  She’d wanted to talk to Blaze so many times about it all. But she was weak and really didn’t know what to say. How could someone know what to say? So she said nothing. Not one word about the divorce or any of it. Which had probably been worse than simply talking to him about it all.

  Blaze stared at the Slayer poster on the wall. Mark had turned him on to Slayer, Cannibal Corpse and Mayhem a few years back and it was love at first sound. He’d seen them all perform live and had even talked about starting a thrash band with Mark and two of their friends. They’d spent a few months practicing and had gotten pretty good
. They called themselves The Dead and the foursome had even written a few original songs. Then his parents got a damn divorce and ruined it all. Now he had to spend most of his free time working.

  He rolled over and picked up his cell phone to text Nikki. He scrolled through and noticed that he already had a few texts from her.

  One text read, Wake up sleepy head.

  While the next text was a picture of her in bra and panties

  Need something to help you wake up?

  He smiled and texted back, Hey baby – I’m awake but I need to be awakened more… what else ya got?

  You’ll see me later and I’ll help you in person.

  Tease. I’m still in bed actually… getting up now… can’t get any more tardies to 1st.

  HMU when you get to school.

  Okay. Luv u Nik.

  He tossed his phone on the bed and rubbed his eyes trying to fish out the last bit of sleep from them.

  Ten seconds later, it chimed again. He picked it up and unlocked it.

  A smile flashed his face. He’d gotten another picture from Nikki. This time she hadn’t held back.

  I can always count on you.

  Now get dressed.

  He walked over to the window and looked out. Any second now his mom and brother would be leaving. Then he’d finally come out of his room.

  A loud noise echoed from downstairs followed by a, “Dammit!” He peeked downstairs and saw his brother holding what appeared to be a cracked phone.

  His brother grabbed his backpack from the couch and walked outside.

  Blaze headed back to his room. It was now ten till seven, giving him about fifteen minutes to shower, get dressed and get on the road.

  As he dug through his closet his cell phone started ringing. He ran over and flipped it over so he could read the screen.

  Sperm Donor.

  No thanks, he thought.

  Before his parents had gotten divorced, he and his dad had a pretty good relationship. It wasn’t perfect but it was good. Actually, it was better than the two or three of his friends’ relationships with their parents. It was mostly due to Blaze pretending to like his dad’s hobbies, but it gave them a chance to spend time together. A few of them he actually ended up liking. But after he found out that his dad was all talk and not a man of his word, he wanted nothing to do with him. He’d always taught Blaze to treat people how you wanted to be treated and to keep your commitments, but he himself hadn’t done that as a father. He hated his dad now and he was old enough to not be forced to visit him, so he hadn’t. Then Christmas came, then Blaze’s birthday and there were no gifts. Not even a call for his birthday. No more games of chess or Magic the Gathering. No more trips to the gun range. His whore came into his life and Blaze had been left to fend for himself. So screw him. If only his emotions could be turned off as easily.


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