Mint Chocolate Chip Mysteries, Books 1-3

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Mint Chocolate Chip Mysteries, Books 1-3 Page 28

by Emmie Lyn

  “What a mistake that turned out to be,” I said.

  But, was it? I wondered.


  I slid off the passenger seat, anxious to find Hitch inside Shakes and Cakes. With day two of our new business almost over, I needed to know how we’d fared while I’d been out gallivanting with Tilly looking for a possible murder suspect.

  Tilly waited for Greg to squeeze out of the back of her car. I was happy to leave her to babysit the passenger.

  I inhaled deeply as I walked into the shop, savoring the aroma of the flowers scenting the air. The smiling customers and buzz of conversations sent a thrill of delight to my brain. Yes, our fledgling business was off to a great start.

  Dani was busy behind the counter making shakes while Hitch balanced a tray of drinks for several tables of Pineville locals. It was soothing to be back in my normal world instead of mired in Tilly’s drama-filled adventure.

  “Hey, handsome,” I whispered as I sidled close to Hitch.

  He spun around after delivering the last of the shakes to a recently-retired neighbor of mine, a grin filling his face. “Welcome back! I thought you’d decided you’d had enough of Shakes and Cakes and took off for a better adventure with Tilly never to be seen or heard from again.”

  I knew he was teasing, but I rolled my eyes as though he was serious instead of totally ridiculous. It was one of the things I liked about Hitch the most. He knew exactly what to say to help ease my tension.

  “You can’t even imagine what it’s like to go off with her when she’s on one of her missions,” I said. “Walking in here is like returning to normal and a welcome dose of aroma therapy.”

  Hitch set two tall foamy strawberry shakes in front of Ruby Todd, the owner of A Donut A Day and her employee, Jessica Golden. “Here you go,” he said. Are you sure I can’t tempt you two lovely ladies with something from our delicious donut selection?”

  Hitch had a twinkle in his eye and a special charm that had the female customers always looking at him like they’d love to eat him up along with their shake and cake.

  “Oh, come on, Hitch,” Ruby said with a gentle pat on his arm. “We sample enough of our donuts while we’re making them. Right, Jess?”

  “Speak for yourself, hon, I limit myself to one a week and only when you create a new recipe.”

  Ruby talked to Hitch like they were accomplices. “Jess has so much self-control when it comes to eating. I have zero.” Ruby laughed a loud deep belly laugh that filled the shop. “You only live once, I say, and I plan to enjoy this lifetime to the max. So, how’s business been for you two?” She looked around the shop and nodded her approval at our renovations.

  “We can’t complain. It’s been busy and we’re getting positive feedback and return customers so, all in all, I’d say we’re off to a fantastic start,” Hitch said.

  “And your donuts are a big hit, Ruby,” I added. “I hope you’ll keep supplying us.”

  “Are you kidding? It’s the best thing that’s happened to A Donut A Day in years. Some people might say it’s a conflict of interest, but you know what I say?”

  I shook my head wondering what piece of wisdom she planned to share next.

  “Hogwash is what I say. We’re all in this together and when someone tries a donut here, they stop for a dozen at my shop. Win-win, right?”

  Hitch patted her shoulder. “I love your attitude.”

  Ruby pulled Hitch close. “We heard that murder victim stopped here yesterday morning before she disappeared. Did you know her?”

  “I’d met her a couple of times, but I didn’t know her at all. Hopefully,” he glanced at me, “the police will wrap this up quickly.”

  “Oh, I know. It’s just frightful to think there’s a murderer on the loose in town, right, Jess? Especially with you doing all that dog walking and house sitting. I hope you’re being extra careful.”

  “Walking dogs is probably the safest activity around. Who’s going to mess with a barking four-legged bodyguard?”

  Ruby snorted. “Your bodyguards are maybe twenty pounds when they’re soaking wet. You really think they’ll protect you?”

  “You’d be surprised at how ferocious those small dogs are. As a matter of fact, Sunny, you have an adorable Jack Russel terrier in your greenhouse with Jasper and the kittens. Who’s that?”

  “You met Pip? She belongs to my friend, Dani Mackenzie from Misty Harbor. Dani owns the Little Dog Diner. They make the cupcakes that keep your donuts company in the pastry display. She made a delivery this morning and offered to stay and help since we were shorthanded.”

  “Well, there you go,” Jess said as she looked at Ruby. “Pip proves my point that a powerhouse can come in a small package. I bet she can hold her own against just about anything.”

  I laughed at that image. “She can. So glad you two stopped by. Hitch and I had better get back to work before the help discovers they don’t really need us.”

  Ruby laughed another one of her deep belly laughs. “I don’t mind that at all. It gives me time off.” She shook her finger at us. “Be sure to schedule some down time or you’ll just burn yourselves out. That’s my advice for today.”

  “Thanks Ruby.”

  “She’s right, you know,” I said to Hitch as we walked back to the counter. “We have to figure out how to balance work and our lives.”

  “It’s only day two, Sunny. We have to get our routine perfected before we worry about taking time off. Speaking of which. You and Tilly were gone for a lot longer than I expected.”

  I glanced out the window where Tilly was still talking to Greg.

  Hitch followed my gaze. “Don’t tell me.”

  “Yeah, Tilly had a plan when we found the sports car and it didn’t involve driving by and writing down the license plate number.”

  “I should have known,” he said.

  I filled him in on the important details we’d learned from Greg. “And now Tilly told Greg that he’s on our team. I’m still not sure what that’s supposed to mean. Hey,” I jabbed Hitch with my elbow. “Ashley’s still here?”

  “She said she’s not leaving until I do. She said she doesn’t feel safe.”

  “It’s just an excuse you know. She’s obsessed with you,” I said. Was I jealous?

  “Listen. I can’t stay at my apartment anyways with the police still searching for evidence. I told her she could follow me back to her apartment, and I’d make sure she got inside safely. Then I’ll come to your place. Okay?”

  “Well, I don’t know.” I couldn’t keep a straight face. “Jasper might not be happy sharing the couch.”

  Hitch groaned. “Jasper snores. Maybe Tilly will put me up instead.”

  As we laughed at our silly banter, I kept my eyes on Ashley. “What’s wrong with her? She just turned white as a ghost.”

  I looked outside to see what she was staring at. Tilly and Greg were still discussing something.

  “Hitch, Ashley just saw Greg. She’s probably afraid he’ll come in here and see her. You’d better take her out through the greenhouse while I talk to Tilly and find out what her plans are for Greg.”

  I waited a few minutes for Hitch to convince Ashley to go with him, then I scooted outside. “Tilly, I need to talk to you.”

  She pointed to her car before she walked over to me.

  “You have to get Greg out of here so Hitch can get Ashley home.”

  “I think I’ve convinced him to stay at my house. He was planning to sleep in his car, but I told him he’d probably get arrested.”

  “That’s what you’ve been out here arguing about?”

  “Pretty much. Let me know when you get home. Toodles!” She dashed over to her car, scarf flying behind her, and caught up to Greg. She probably didn’t want to give him a chance to change his mind.

  I wasn’t sure that wouldn’t be a good idea, but Tilly could hold her own against anyone.

  I hoped.


  Hitch got Ashley safely in her car, then found
me in the shop. “I’ll get her home and meet you back here.”

  “Perfect,” I said, taking a sponge to a spill on the counter. “It’s almost closing time so when you get back,” I wiggled my eyebrows, “we can sit down for a few minutes to unwind.” Before we have to find out what Tilly is up to, I said to myself. Hitch would find out soon enough that she’d invited Greg to stay at her house.

  The last of our customers headed out of Shakes and Cakes with their arms filled with plants and to-go containers. I smiled and thanked them for stopping in.

  Inside, Dani was busy wiping down the counter. I didn’t know how I’d ever thank her enough for staying and helping today, but I believed that someday I’d have the chance.

  I slid onto a stool and made mental notes on her efficient system of closing up. “You saved us by jumping in and helping today, Dani. Thank you. I hope this type of problem doesn’t become a daily event or we’ll be out of business.”

  She paused with her cleaning rag. “I’ve learned one important thing from running the Little Dog Diner. Expect the unexpected. If you can pivot and make quick adjustments, you’ll be fine. You and Hitch seem to have a good partnership, which is extremely important. And, everything does get easier with time.”

  “Boy, I hope so.” I leaned on her cleaned counter with my cheek in my hand. “We brainstormed and thought we’d planned for every possibility, but who could have foreseen a murder throwing everything out of whack?” I looked at Dani and laughed. “Well, besides you,” I added, thinking of all the disruptions in her life because of murders in Misty Harbor.

  “Be careful. I know you were off with Tilly today, but asking questions and looking under rocks for clues can backfire.”


  Dani held up her finger, silencing me. “I know what I’m talking about. Keep Jasper with you if you have to go someplace alone. I’m not foolish enough to think you won’t try to get to the bottom of anything that impacts you or someone you love.” She narrowed her eyes to drive home her point. “Just always be careful.”

  I nodded. What else could I do? She was right. I walked around the counter and hugged her. “Your friendship, your words of advice, everything,” I blubbered through a few tears. “Thank you.”

  While we consoled each other and cemented our female friendship to a new level, at least in my opinion, I heard the greenhouse door open and close.

  “Am I interrupting something?” Conrad asked as he and Pip entered the shop. His face told me he suspected the worst from our sobbing.

  “Just some girl bonding. How are the kitties doing?” I asked, glad to change the subject to my magic fur balls.

  “Lots of interest again today. But I’m afraid I have a lot of steep competition for Mama Cat once she can leave her babies. You know, if it helps to sweeten my chances, I’ll adopt one of her kittens, too. Just so you know, it’s my professional cat sitter opinion that Mama Cat likes me best anyway.”

  I laughed at his forlorn expression. “Don’t worry, Conrad. Mama Cat can pick her new family and my guess is that will be you. We only have to wait a few more weeks.”

  Pip danced around Dani’s legs, obviously excited to see her person. “Had fun today, Pipsqueak?” Dani picked her up and received a face wash for her trouble. She laughed and turned away from the busy tongue. “Okay, I guess that’s a resounding yes.”

  After putting Pip down, Dani untied her apron and tried to scoop her tangle of auburn curls back into some kind of order before she grabbed her backpack. “We’re heading home now, Sunny. Good luck with the problem that landed in your lap. I don’t envy you.”

  I watched my good friend and her companion walk to her car just as Hitch drove in.

  “I’m heading home now, too,” Conrad said. “See you tomorrow?”

  “Boy, I hope so. You can help Jasper whenever you want to.”

  “I have to stop in to say hello to Mama Cat, but I won’t be able to stay all day. Unfortunately, I have some jobs to get back to.”

  “Thanks, Conrad. We’ll be fine.”

  I opened the greenhouse door, needing a dose of Jasper’s special soothing mellowness.

  “Hey, girl. How was your day?”

  Jasper carefully stepped around the kittens who’d been using her tail as some sort of jump rope. She greeted me with what almost looked like a smile, so I plopped onto one of the metal chairs. With her head resting on my lap, she let me know that she was ready for an ear massage.

  “That’s the spot?” She tilted her big head so I had easier access.

  The greenhouse door opened and closed with barely a click to disturb the peaceful silence under the canopy of vines and orchid blooms.

  Hitch pulled over a chair and sat next to me. “Ashley’s home. She asked me to stay, but I managed to convince her to just lock her door and stay inside. The police were still searching my apartment so she shouldn’t have anything to worry about.”

  I took that in, satisfied that Ashley’s flirting with Hitch was getting her nowhere, so I changed the subject. “You know, this is my new favorite time of day. Everyone is gone except us, Jasper, and the kittens. This quiet in the greenhouse is just what I need right now. The flowers add a refreshing earthy aroma to the unique peacefulness in here. I love it, Hitch.”

  He took my free hand in his and squeezed. “That’s music to my ears, Sunshine. We’ve created something special, but I wasn’t sure you’d love the greenhouse part as much as I do.”

  “And all the customers that have stopped in. We’ll need to hire more help soon if we hope to ever have time off.”

  We enjoyed the silence for several more minutes, but I knew it couldn’t last forever. “Hitch?”

  “Uh-huh,” he answered in a dreamy tone.

  “Tilly invited Greg to stay at her house. She wants me to let her know when I get home.”

  His eyes flew open. “What? He’s the one who scared Ashley to death and now Tilly’s babysitting him?”

  “She’s probably thinking it’s better to keep him close where we can keep eyes on him instead of having him on the loose and possibly causing trouble. He told us that he gave Ginger a ride to your apartment. That’s why he was sitting there. He wanted to check out this friend of hers.”

  “And that’s supposed to make me feel better? What if Greg is Ginger’s stalker? The guy she thought was out to hurt her?”

  “I don’t know, Hitch. I’m just telling you what Tilly’s doing. You know as well as I do that she doesn’t listen to anyone once she’s made up her mind. Let’s go to my house and find out what she has in mind for the next part of her plan.” If she even has a plan, I added silently.

  “I’m hungry,” Hitch said. “That’s the next part of my plan.”

  “Oh, I almost forgot. Dani left a surprise casserole in the fridge for us. The note said she knew we wouldn’t feel like cooking. I’ll grab it on the way out.”

  Hitch held his hand out and pulled me to my feet. “Sorry for sounding angry. It’s been a long day. I can’t go home, Ashley is a high maintenance neighbor, and now we have to deal with Greg. But,” he smiled at me. His eyes tired but that familiar twinkle was still there. “I get to spend my time with you so there is a light at the end of my day.”

  I returned Hitch’s smile but a twinge of dread about what might come next hung under the happiness.


  A comfortable quiet filled Hitch’s car as we drove to my house. Jasper, alert in the back, watched the scenery speed by. My loyal companion, always ready for anything.

  Dani’s casserole rested on my lap. Curiosity gnawed at me. Impatience won. I lifted a corner of the foil and peeked at the contents.

  “Oh, Hitch, you won’t believe what Dani made for us,” I said, practically drooling at the sight of this treat. Thinking about food was a welcome distraction from trying to figure out why Ginger was murdered in his apartment. “Take a guess.”

  “Lasagna,” he said without even thinking.

  “Nope. Try again.” />
  “Macaroni and cheese.”

  “You get half a point for that.”

  His face lit up. “Lobster mac and cheese?”

  I pulled the foil back so Hitch could see the big chucks of pink lobster meat mixed in the macaroni under a crispy breadcrumb topping.

  He licked his lips. “Well, my day is complete,” he said, smiling broadly. “How’d she know that’s what I’ve been craving for weeks?”

  “Because we live on Blueberry Bay and it’s pretty much everyone’s favorite comfort food in all of Maine? Or, it’s a lucky guess. Does it matter?”

  He shook his head. “Not at all.” He reached over and tried to grab a chunk of lobster, but I slapped his hand.

  “That’s disgusting. You have to wait. I’ll make a salad and I have a bottle of chardonnay that I’ve been saving for a special occasion.” Special occasion being pretty much any event that involved food and Hitch. “How does that sound?” I envisioned a relaxing evening, not filled with drama.

  “Maybe we can sneak in, lock the door, and forget about Tilly. Enjoy this special gift, a glass of wine, and just relax,” Hitch said like he’d read my mind.

  “Maybe,” I answered without much conviction. “She does have a key to my house, though. Unfortunately, there’s no way to keep her out. And,” I added, “we have to get this Ginger mess out of our lives before Officer Walker makes more trouble for us. I hate having it hang over our heads.”

  That thought dragged me down a notch and I stared at our quaint little town out my side window as Hitch drove us back to my place. Then Hitch broke into my solitude.

  “You’re right, Sunshine,” he said, startling me with an unusually loud voice.”

  “Well, of course, I am.” I chuckled. “But about what exactly?” I’d lost thread of our conversation.

  “We have to figure out why Ginger decided to come to Pineville. Do you think the reunion was a cover for something else?”

  He turned a corner and I grabbed our dinner before it went sideways off my lap. “Easy on the turns. We have a delicate load here.”


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