Sinners' Playground

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Sinners' Playground Page 37

by Caroline Peckham

  “Or don’t,” Chase added and I shot him a scowl before heading to the garage and grabbing my truck keys on the way down.

  Chase talked a big game about sending Rogue out of town again, but the way he looked at her when he thought no one was watching told a different story. He was happy she was back, even if he wouldn’t voice it to anyone, not even himself. It was the only reason I hadn’t beaten his ass for his shitty behaviour. We all had history with her. We’d all had our hearts ripped out. And I knew Chase; this was how he dealt with his emotions. He blocked them out and pretended they didn’t exist until they came crashing in on his head.

  He was gonna have to deal with them one way or another, because the girl was mine and she wasn’t going anywhere. If she ran, I’d find her. This time, no one could stop me.

  I slid into my truck and checked my phone again. Her cell wasn’t giving me any location, but I had another way to track her. I brought up the app on my phone and waited for the location to show up from the tracker I’d installed in her new Jeep. My jaw gritted as the location appeared. It was at fucking Rejects Park. She must have been hanging out with some of the girls who lived there. And I didn’t see the harm in a quick drive by to check she hadn’t gotten any homicidal ideas about cosying up to some trash in his trailer. Because if she had, he was dead. I’d plant two bullets in his chest and one between the eyes for good measure. Then I’d string him up at the heart of the trailer park as an example to anyone else who thought it was a good idea to hit on my girl. I pressed my foot down on the gas pedal as I closed in on her. She wouldn’t dare.

  I soon turned into the park which sat on the edge of the beach down near the pier. I drove my truck down the track which was definitely not intended for vehicles and did a circuit of the park, looking out for her, but the place was dead quiet. I located her Jeep in the parking lot beyond the park between a group of trees and my blood started to burn. What if she was fucking some cunt in one of these trailers just feet away from me? I knew for a fact Carter Jenson lived down here and if she was rubbing shoulders with him again I was going to cut his fucking head off.

  I clutched the steering wheel tighter, my pulse thumping at the base of my skull. I drove back into the park, slowing as I approached a white cabin with the words Park Owner painted on the door. I pulled up, stepping out of my truck and hammering my fist on it. There were grunts and groans coming from inside and I scowled impatiently as I continued to bang on the door.

  “Just a second!” a man said breathily.

  I ripped the door open, nearly taking the thing off its hinges and I came face to face with a hairy ass crack.

  “Jesus,” I muttered, backing up and the guy hurriedly pulled up his pants, ushering a scantily dressed woman out the door.

  “What the fuck?” he rounded on me, but paled the second he set eyes on my face.

  “Yeah,” I said. “That’s the fuck. Have you seen a rainbow haired girl around here? She’s got tattoos, real pretty, belongs to me.”

  His eyes widened and he cleared his throat. “Oh er, Rogue, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah,” I said urgently. “You know her?

  “She rents a trailer here.”

  Acid seeped into my blood and made my head spin like crazy. “Well I’m gonna need a key to that trailer,” I gritted out. She lived here? In this dump full of deadbeats and dangerous assholes? The only dangerous asshole she should have been sleeping within ten feet of was me. She seriously preferred the idea of being here than in my house with a private pool and en-suite and everything else she could ever fucking need?

  The guy gaped at me, smoothing back his greasy black hair and mopping sweat from his brow. “Oh, well…that’s not really the park policy, see?”

  I took my gun from the back of my pants and pointed it at his head. “I don’t live by other people’s policies.”

  “Right, of course. Mind my manners.” He wiped his hand down his jeans and held it out to me as if I might be tempted to shake it. “I’m Joe McCreevy, owner and caretaker of this fine park.”

  I ignored his sweaty hand and placed my finger on the trigger. “The key,” I growled and he nodded quickly, turning away and disappearing before returning with a bunch of keys and shimmying one off of the ring. He handed it to me and pointed down the track. “All the way to the end and turn left. It’s number twenty-two, the little blue one. But um…she’s not there, ya know?”

  My pulse roared in my ears. “Where is she?” I asked in a deadly tone.

  “Well I don’t know exactly, but she and a bunch of the Rejects headed out to town somewhere. I dunno more than that.”

  I was about to leave when I paused and turned back. “Was Carter Jenson with them?”

  “Er yeah, now I think of it. He was.”

  Anger rolled through me like a dark sea. “What trailer is his?”

  “Third one on the right up that ways.” He pointed and I nodded, stalking back to my truck and driving it toward Carter’s trailer. I got out of the car, stepped up to the door and twisted the handle. It was locked but one hard kick sent it flying open and I walked inside, gazing around his little shithole from the dirty boxers on the floor, to the washing up in the sink.

  I spotted a wad of cash on his nightstand and grabbed a zippo lighter from beside the cooker, humming as I carried the money to the sink and lit it up in a mini bonfire. I dropped it into the sink, letting it burn until it was thoroughly fucked up then ran the water on it so little pieces of green floated in it, just enough so he could tell what it had once been. Then I rummaged through his kitchen drawers, took a steak knife out and plucked a chicken from the fridge. I left it on the side and stabbed the knife into it before grabbing a sharpie from a table and writing on the surface beside the butchered bird. What part of stay away from my girl did you not understand, dead boy?

  I tossed the sharpie onto the floor, left the fridge wide open and headed back outside, tucking the zippo into my pocket. Maybe I should have just killed the guy, but I guessed he could have one more chance. Assuming he hadn’t laid hands on my girl of course. Look at me all reasonable and shit. The guys would be so proud.

  I was about to get back in my truck when chatter reached me from behind the next trailer along and I wouldn’t have given it a moment of my attention, only I heard my girl’s name being mentioned. So I slipped into the shadows, creeping around the side of the trailer and throwing a glance out behind it where two guys were sat around sipping beer beside a smoking barbecue.

  “-those tits man. They look juicy as fuck,” one of them said, miming squeezing and licking some fake tits in front of his face and anger raced beneath my flesh.

  “I’d wrap all that unicorn hair in my fist while she sucked my dick good,” the other replied and I ran my tongue over my teeth then stepped right out into their little fiesta.

  “Evening boys,” I said in a dangerous tone that had made bigger men than them shit themselves.

  “Oh fuck,” the long haired one gasped, his beer almost comically held under his mouth as he forgot to drink it. The other one stood from his fold-out chair, his eyes wide and horrified. “Y-you’re, y-you’re-”

  “Fox Harlequin,” I supplied for the speechless idiot, snatching a beer from the ice bucket beside his chair.

  I cracked it open and took a long swig, letting them squirm as they waited to find out what I wanted. They weren’t gonna like it though.

  I drained the beer, tossed the can and shoved chair boy back into his chair. It folded up on him and he hit the ground with a yelp of fear. I turned towards the other guy and smacked the beer out of his hand, grabbing his shirt in my fist and yanking his bearded face close to mine. “You ever speak about Rogue Easton like that again and I’ll cut your dick off and force feed it to your mother.”

  “I’m sorry, m-man,” he stammered and I grabbed his long hair in my fist, making him scream as I hauled him over to the barbeque, flipped it open and slammed his cheek down on the grill. He wailed like a little bitch and I sho
ved him to the ground just to make him shut the fuck up. His friend was running into the trailer, slamming the door shut and I took the zippo from my pocket, strolling over to it and lighting up the dry grass underneath it.

  Oh wow that shit goes up like tinder.

  I wedged a broom I found lying on the porch against the door so that he wouldn’t be getting back out again too easily and headed back to my truck, slipping inside and checking my phone for any calls from Rogue.

  Nothing. For fuck’s sake.

  I revved the engine and drove up the track, finding her blue trailer. I drove past it and parked up between a few trees at the end of the track where the shadows concealed my vehicle.

  Someone was shouting “Fire!” in the distance and the scent of smoke was carrying to me. Not my problem really.

  I walked up to Rogue’s trailer, frowning at the tiny size of it then banging my fist on the door, pushing my fingers into my hair to straighten it out. Mutt started barking furiously inside, but no answer came from Rogue so I took out my new key and pushed it into the lock, opening the door and stepping inside. The sweet, coconut smell of her surrounded me and I pushed the door shut, breathing her in. Fuck. She was everywhere in this place. I’d missed this smell for so fucking long, I’d forgotten how good it was.

  Mutt suddenly rushed me, attempting to maul my leg and I swooped down and tucked the little bastard under my arm. “Hush it, shitbag.”

  I flicked a light on, assessing the place, moving through the tiny kitchen and finding some treats for Mutt which immediately stopped him gnawing on my arm. I investigated the area as I left him to eat. There was a busted knob on the cooker but the place was generally in good condition apart from that. I pushed open the door to the bathroom which was barely big enough to turn around in and a had a tap missing on the sink. I tutted then sought out her bedroom and frowned at the sight of her empty bed. I’d been expecting it, but it was still frustrating. Where are you, hummingbird?

  I considered searching the streets of Sunset Cove, but chances were she’d end up back here eventually. So my best option was to wait until she showed up.

  She couldn’t seriously want to live here over living in my fucking house.

  I clenched my jaw and walked over to her nightstand, pulling the top drawer open and finding a pile of condoms, a vibrator and a notebook. I scooped out the condoms with a growl in my throat, walking back to the kitchen, finding a pair of scissors and cutting them all in half before tossing them in the trash. The idea of her using those with some fucking worthless asshole got my blood hot again and I cursed under my breath, wishing I knew how to make her see that I was the only guy for her.

  Mutt finished his treats and returned to growling at me, but I ignored him.

  I killed another few minutes before I realised I was gonna go insane just waiting here, so I pushed out the front door again, the sound of a fire engine drawing close as I walked along to the next trailer that looked empty and forced the door open. I stole a knob for the cooker and a tap for the sink then returned to Rogue’s trailer and started fixing the cooker first. I twitched the curtain aside as flashing red and blue lights appeared in the park, a plume of smoke illuminated by them where the fire was raging. It didn’t take them too long to put it out, so I guessed it hadn’t spread. Seemed like a lesson well learned to me.

  When I’d fixed the cooker and the sink, I headed to Rogue’s bedroom again, kicked my shoes off and laid down on the patchwork quilt that adorned her bed. Fuck, that scent. I turned to smell her pillow like a crazy person and was glad I didn’t have any witnesses to that shit. I’d accepted that Rogue made me insane a long time ago. My mind was lost and I didn’t care to look for it. Because she was back. And that was all I’d wanted for so long that it’d been hard to remember what it was like before the last ten years had happened.

  I think I’d been happy once. Now I only existed, did what had to be done, looked after my boys and just survived. For all the sunshine in this town, it had been as dark as winter for me since Rogue had left. But my light was finally back and I feared it going out again more than anything in the world. I was empty without her, soulless. I’d become a monster in the time we’d been parted and maybe she was never going to want me like this. But I had to try. I couldn’t be a good person for her, but I could be someone who always protected her, who gave her fucking everything. I’d carve a slice out of the moon if that was what my girl wanted. I’d figure out a way to get it done. She just had to say the word.

  I pushed out of bed again in frustration. Where the fuck was she? It was almost three am now and there was no sound of any partying assholes returning home from their night out. I took my phone out, shooting her another text, but I was starting to think it was pointless. Was she always going to hate me like this? What the fuck was I supposed to do to make it right?

  I’d dated a sum total of zero girls in any real way since she’d left. And before she’d left I’d dated zero girls period. I didn’t want anyone but her, I’d known that at a preciously young age. I’d been one intuitive fucker, I guess. But I knew the value of people like her. People who made everything worthwhile. People who listened and cared and gave their whole heart to you. I’d fucking ruined that when I was supposed to hold onto it no matter what. I just hadn’t had a choice. But this was my fucking second chance. So maybe I wasn’t going about it the right way, but I just couldn’t fucking give up.

  I took Rogue’s vibrator from her drawer, envious of the damn thing. Better this than other men, but still. The asshole had been inside my girl without my permission, and I had some rage to vent. I dropped it to the floor, stamping on the smug little bastard, cracking it open as it took the full force of my rage. It started vibrating angrily and I stomped harder on the defiant rubber dick, booting it to death until the batteries rolled out. When it was in pieces, I kicked it under the bed and smiled satisfactorily. If the machines rose up and took over the world, I’d officially be naming myself the Vibratornator.

  I walked over to Rogue’s closet again, flipping the door wide and pausing as I spotted her new cellphone sitting on the shelf, switched off with the SIM card laying on top of it. That was almost enough to make me crack a fucking tooth, but I guessed I knew she wasn’t actually ignoring my messages – she just wasn’t getting them because she’d disabled the fucking phone and left it here.

  I blew out a frustrated breath and opened her panty drawer. There was a sparkly little thong amongst the mix of sexy shit and panties with childish pictures on like ponies and rabbits, even a few with the Green Power Ranger. Apparently she wasn’t over her little obsession with him and I kinda wanted to burn his face off of my girl’s panties, but I knew she loved this shit so I guessed I could let it fly. I was being reasonable after all.

  I pulled out the sparkly thong and was even more pleased when I realised it was rainbow coloured. I ran my thumb over the inside of it and found myself getting hard. Seriously fucking hard. I hadn’t gotten laid since, ergh, fuck only knew. It was either the dancer chick or the nurse. But she’d definitely been brunette because I vaguely remembered fisting her hair while I bent her over something and pictured her as Rogue. Story of my life.

  I wrapped Rogue’s panties in my fist as my cock strained against my jeans and a groan escaped me. Where the fuck was she? Why wasn’t she here? Was she out fucking some asshole in a club restroom?

  I swore, fury bubbling under my flesh and I clenched her panties tighter. No, she’s mine. She wouldn’t. She’s fucking mine.

  I unbuttoned my jeans and squeezed the head of my throbbing cock through my boxers before figuring fuck it and dropping down onto her bed. I freed my dick and wrapped her panties around it in my fist, jerking myself off as lust and fury and possessiveness coiled inside me, desperate for an outlet. I rubbed my hard length in furious strokes, the feel of her little panties wrapped around it so good that it made me groan.

  I was just a teenager in her goddamn bed, fucking my hand, wishing I was fucking her. Was I
gonna live in torment like this forever? Was I really never gonna feel her riding my cock, her tight, wet pussy wrapped around every inch of me like I’d imagined for too many years?

  “Fuck,” I hissed as I squeezed the base of my dick and rubbed myself harder. Picturing her. I always pictured her. The real twenty six year old Rogue was even better than the version I’d concocted in my head. So much fucking better. Her tits were fuller, her tan more golden, her ass-

  I groaned as I came into her panties, using them to soak up every drop of my cum. Mutt barked and I lifted my head, finding him watching me from the doorway, looking indignant.

  “Don’t judge me, you little asshole,” I muttered and he scampered away.

  I balled the panties in my fist, tucking my dick back into my boxers and buttoning my fly just as the front door banged open. I shoved the panties into my pocket, pushing a hand into my hair as my breaths came unevenly.

  “Fuck, why are the lights on, Mutt?” Rogue’s voice came from beyond the room and I got to my feet, walking to the door, but she pulled it open before I could.

  She screamed bloody murder, diving at me with a fucking frying pan and I snatched her wrist before she could hit me over the head with it.

  “Drop it,” I commanded and her eyes went wide as she realised who was in her trailer, but I swear her grip on the frying pan tightened rather than loosened.

  It took me one second to absorb the bruises and cuts on her and terror ripped through my core. She had bite marks on her damn throat and her lip was red and swollen. “What happened? Where the fuck have you been?” I wrenched the frying pan from her hand, tossing it behind me then caught her face in my grip to examine her closer. Concern coiled in my chest and I pushed past her, dragging her after me toward the bathroom.

  “Get off of me, you psycho!” she cried, trying to peel my hand off of her arm.

  I pushed her into the bathroom ahead of me while Mutt yapped and I followed her into the tiny space so she was basically tit to chest with me and there was no way out. “Who. Hurt. You?” My hands were curled into fists and murder was calling my name.


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