Sinners' Playground

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Sinners' Playground Page 39

by Caroline Peckham

  “Those are expensive, motherfucker.” Rogue threw a fist at me and I knocked it aside, capturing her face in my palms and kissing her once more.

  “God you’re a piece of shit,” she growled against my lips, but continued kissing me as I smirked, drowning in the perfect taste of her. She started backing up and I followed her in the direction of the bedroom, knocking something over as I went and Rogue pulled away to look at what it was.

  “What the fuck?” she balked and I glanced down at our feet where a bunch of chopped up condoms had been knocked out of the trash can.

  “We don’t need one, I’m clean,” I promised, pushing her back towards the bedroom and her eyebrows shot up. And you are too considering I took blood from you while you were sleeping and had you tested to make sure. The numbing cream had worked like a dream and she slept like the dead anyway so I probably could have managed without it.

  “Excuse me?” she hissed, folding her arms as she stood in the doorway to her room and covered up her peaked nipples through her top.

  “What?” I demanded, placing a hand on the doorframe, gazing down at her with the very last few seconds of restraint I had. I was going to go full caveman on her and she was going to find out exactly what being claimed by me felt like.

  “Er, firstly, you don’t get to make choices like that for my body, dipshit. And secondly, what right do you have coming in here and cutting those up? This is my home.”

  “It’s not your home. And I’m not fucking you with a condom. I’ve waited too long to-”

  “Get out,” she snarled, pointing at the door. “I’m not fucking you. I was never planning on fucking you.”

  “Liar,” I growled and she stepped forward and shoved me in the chest. Mutt lifted his head from the treats, barking at me and I released a noise of fury. “You’re not kicking me out.”

  “Yeah, I am actually. Because if you don’t leave right this second, you’re never gonna see me again, Fox.”

  A painful lump rose in my throat and I shook my head, refusing to accept that she was playing that card. “Don’t do that.”

  She pointed at the door and I bared my teeth. She lifted her chin, daring me to defy her and I cursed her for being my damn weakness.

  “Fine,” I hissed. “But if you don’t come to the house tomorrow, I’m moving you out of this shitty trailer park and you’ll never see any of your trashy friends again. You’re dating me whether you like it or not.”

  I stepped out of the door and she slammed it in my face, shouting through the door. “I’m not dating you, asshole. I have a perfectly stable, no-drama relationship going with my vibrator!”

  “Not anymore you don’t,” I snapped then her footsteps pounded through the trailer.

  “Argh!” she roared. “You monster. Why would you do this to Vlad?!”

  RIP Vlad. I gathered up my clothes, smiling in satisfaction, though it didn’t last long considering my aching dick and the fact that I’d just been turfed out on my ass. This was my punishment for what I’d done ten years ago. Having her back had been my only dream for all that time, but I’d never considered having her back and not being able to actually have her. It was a whole different kind of hell. And if I didn’t claim her soon, my dick was going to fall off from lack of use. But my lips still tasted of her and as pissed as I was, I had felt her grind on me, heard her moans, felt her desire as it shook the foundations of her body. Maybe she only wanted to fuck me, but that was a start. So I was calling it a win.

  I reached my truck, unlocking it and dumping my shit in the passenger seat before climbing into the driver’s side. I pulled on my jeans and shoes, carving my fingers through my hair as sexual frustration made me want to go on a killing spree. I could just see the news headline now. Ten men found dead with their dicks cut off because Fox Harlequin had blue balls.

  I sighed, starting up the truck and pulling it round to park up in front of Rogue’s trailer. Then I dropped my seat back and started plotting out where exactly I was going to install the secret cameras outside this place. I needed to make sure I could keep her safe when I wasn’t here. Because I couldn’t always be here to watch her, especially when she was making it so fucking hard to be her boyfriend. But Rogue was worth the effort. I had zero experience in this shit, but I was going on my gut instincts and that was to protect her, keep her, and never let her go. So that was exactly what I planned on doing.

  I woke up with a groan, pressing my tongue to my busted lip and flinching away from the pain of it. Kissing that asshole had clearly been a bad idea so far as that injury went. And so far as bad ideas went too. Because Fox Harlequin was a very, very, bad idea.

  If he got his dick inside me, that was it. He would never ever get the message that he didn't own me. And I didn't want to be owned. Especially because, despite the big game I talked, I knew in my heart that I'd never really been free in any other place than this one before. And here in my little trailer with my little dog, I actually had something that was just…mine.

  Sure, I might have been willing to cut and run from any and every situation I'd found myself in before now because I kept my emotions out of any and all connections I'd formed with people. Especially boyfriends.

  But in my heart, I knew that Shawn had been the one who had come closest to owning me before. I hadn't even wanted to get close to anyone high up in the gang hierarchy, but the problem with being criminally addicted in my occupations was that it meant that wherever I found myself, I always ended up tied to the less than legal rulers of the place. And for anywhere around here for miles and miles, that meant falling in beneath one gang or another and having to bend to their rules.

  It turned out that in the town of Sterling where I’d rocked up a few years back, The Dead Dogs ran everything. And everyone with a criminal inclination was expected to pass their takings through them if they expected to be allowed to continue to operate.

  That was how I'd met Shawn and I couldn't deny that he'd drawn me in right away. He was just one of those dudes with the biggest balls in the room and the hardest glare. His aura made everyone look his way and when I found him looking back, I'd made the dumb decision to encourage it. Call it dick blindness, but every girl craved powerful cock from time to time, right? And it turned out that once he'd had a taste of me, he'd decided that he wanted another and another until somehow, I became his.

  Not that he'd ever stopped fucking other girls apparently, as I’d found out the night he’d tried to kill me. But I was the one he claimed publicly, the one he wanted most often and the one who was dumb enough to think that was a sweet enough deal at the time.

  But sweet and Shawn really weren't combinations that mixed and I had been an idiot to fool myself into believing that he was more hooked on me than he clearly was.

  I'd been with him for over a year before I realised I wasn't ever going to be allowed to leave on my own terms. And it had been more than two years when he decided to kill me and dump my ass back here.

  Fucking Shawn.

  Thinking about him hurt. Not because I'd ever loved him - he was too cold for that, too unreachable and I dunno, depraved, I guessed. He had that piece of him missing. There wasn't a heart beating in his chest, it was just a cold, dark, power hungry void. And that had been just fine by me until I'd realised that meant I was yet again disposable.

  I probably should have run long before it got to that point, but I was dumb enough to think he liked fucking me so much that he’d keep me around long term and I really didn't have anywhere else to go. So now here I was. A dead girl walking, thrown away once again.

  I pushed out of bed, showered, made coffee then headed out onto my tiny deck to drink it in the light of the rising sun.

  But the moment I pushed the door open and Mutt shot out to go pee, I froze.

  There, parked up right in front of my trailer in a space that was not big enough at all, down a path absolutely not intended for cars, was a big ass black truck with a big ass blonde asshole asleep behind the wheel.
br />   What. The. Fuck?

  I placed my mug of coffee down and stalked back inside with my eyes narrowed and fury in my veins. Who the fuck did he think he was to just dominate my fucking life like this?

  I stormed to my room, yanking open the door to my little closet and quickly dressing in a pair of denim shorts, a bikini top with an oversized blue tank over the top of it and a black baseball cap. I topped the look off with the pink sunglasses that had formerly belonged to JJ and a pair of white tennis shoes.

  I glanced in the mirror at the various scrapes and bruises I’d acquired, taking a moment to look at the hickies on either side of my throat.

  As my gaze slid between the two of them, a blush heated my cheeks and I had to fight it off as I thought about the fact that both of them had had their mouths on me last night. It was a damn shame they were both assholes though because I was starting to feel the need to get laid with a quiet kind of desperation that I was seriously going to have to work on soon.

  I shoved those distracting ideas aside and focused on the task at hand, releasing a harsh breath.

  Then I strode back to my little kitchen, poured a glass of water and headed outside to clear out my Fox problem.

  It was too hot to be sleeping in freaking trucks, so Fox had left his windows down before leaning his chair right back and kicking his feet up onto the dash. It looked uncomfortable as fuck and I wished him a cricked neck for his troubles. He had a pistol in his lap, his hand curled loosely around it, but I was willing to bet the cocky motherfucker believed no asshole would ever dare try and sneak up on him in his own turf. More fool him.

  I stalked towards him, lifted the glass and dumped the contents in his lap with a wicked smirk.

  "What the fuck?" Fox bellowed, shoving himself upright and glaring around like he was hunting for a head to rip off while raising his pistol.

  "Morning, asshole, time to go," I said as he opened his door to leap out of the truck.

  I smirked at him tauntingly as water dripped down his bare chest making me think about the way he'd pressed those muscles against me last night, the way he'd kissed me, ground his hard cock between my thighs and-

  Damn, that backfired fast.

  I worked to fight off the oh so tempting thoughts of this particularly pushy motherfucker and turned to jog back up onto my porch to escape him.

  "Where are we going?" Fox demanded as he stalked after me. His heavy footsteps making my little wooden porch tremble as he closed in on me.

  He clearly hadn’t realised that I’d meant it was time for him to go and I wasn’t planning on joining him, but one look into his psycho eyes told me I wouldn’t get rid of him that easily, so I came up with an alternative on the spot.

  "Shopping," I said sweetly, turning around to smile at him over the rim of my coffee.

  "Why do you look so freaking happy?" he grunted. "Isn't this the part where you start yelling again?"

  "I don't think so," I replied with a shrug. "I think that's what you want. To get me all hot and bothered and fired up. So I've decided to play you at your own game instead."

  "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, reaching out to take my coffee from me and drink the half of it I hadn't gotten to yet. Motherfucker.

  I wanted to dick slap him for that alone, but I sucked in a deep breath and blew it out through my nose, forcing myself to stay calm.

  "First of all, I think you should know that I'm celibate," I began, my gaze raking over his body slowly before I licked my lips. "I'm waiting for marriage, the white dress, Cinderella carriage, the lot."

  "Fine," Fox replied, not even blinking as he set the empty coffee mug down. "Then I'll book a church and have you pinned beneath me in a white dress by the weekend."

  My lips popped open in surprise and I just shook my head. "No. Fuck, your level of crazy is out of control. I was just saying that to make you back off."

  Fox gave me a dangerous look that made butterflies go to war in my stomach and before I really knew what was happening, he'd grabbed me by the waist, tugged me flush against his body and had lifted my chin so that I was forced to meet his green gaze.

  "How about I back off when your heart stops beating like that around me?" he suggested, sliding his hand from my jaw to press down against my thundering heart which was being a damn traitor again alongside my libido.

  I swallowed thickly, closed my eyes and pictured a whale doing a hula dance with starfishes covering his nipples. The damn whale was doing a good job at being sexy though, so I gave up on that and just focused on the day that Fox had ruined my life instead and that helped me to shove him back a step.

  "I said we're going shopping, so what are you waiting for?" I demanded.

  I sidestepped the big asshole, whistled for Mutt and headed over to hop into his truck before rearranging his seat back into an upright position again.

  Fox scraped a hand over his face in an attempt to wake himself up or maybe in a display of frustration then followed me, shoving me along the bench so that he could get in behind the wheel.

  "No. I'm driving," I demanded, climbing on top of him and trying get him to shove over, but it was like trying to move a stack of bricks and I just ended up straddling him with the steering wheel digging into my ass.

  Fox's hands landed on my thighs and he huffed as he leaned back against his headrest, looking at me seriously enough to make me pause in my attempts to make him move. There was a darkness in his soul that was all new and should have been terrifying. Yet sometimes, I felt like I wanted to crawl right into it and live there with him too.

  "Nobody tells me what to do, hummingbird," he growled and I knew that that was the god’s honest truth. This man didn’t bend for anyone and I was treading a thin line with his temper, but I just couldn’t help myself.

  "Is that why you fuck girls without a condom?" I sneered, pushing off of his chest to climb back out of his lap, but he dug his fingers into my thighs to stop me.

  "Not girls. Just you. When we come together, I want to feel every single piece of it. I want your hot pussy tight around my aching cock and for there to be nothing in this world left to divide us," he said roughly, making my thighs squeeze together in an attempt to block out that visual.

  "You're delusional," I said, my voice coming out unintentionally breathy.

  "One of us definitely is."

  "Just drive already," I growled, climbing off of him with pure determination and choosing to sit on the far side of the cab, leaving the middle seat empty between us.

  Fox did as requested for once and when he managed to force his truck back out of Rejects Park, I directed him up the roads towards the high end boutiques on Avalon Row beside the salon JJ had taken me to to get my rainbow hair.

  We pulled up outside a lingerie store and Fox looked as happy as a fox in a chicken coop as I jumped out and led him inside with Mutt on my heels.

  "No dogs allowed!" a perfectly presented woman cried as my little monster scurried in and she gave my less than pampered outfit a look that said I didn't belong here either.

  "Well then why are they letting you work here?" I tossed back at her, smirking as she clutched her imaginary pearls and heading deeper into the store to the section beyond the red curtain at the back.

  Rich people made me laugh doing shit like this, trying to hide their sex lives away like it was something shameful or bad. Personally, I'd hang a display of floggers in the window alongside an artfully laid out selection of butt plugs, but I didn't run the store, so what did I know?

  Fox moved up close behind me, looking around at the sex toys lining the wall and leaning down to speak into my ear.

  "What are you trying to achieve by bringing me here?" he growled, the lust in his voice all too clear, but no, this was not a couple’s toy shopping excursion.

  "I trust you brought your credit card? Because I'm seeking reparations for Vlad the Impaler," I replied sweetly.

  “You gave that thing a full title?” he asked arching a brow at me.

bsp; “Yeah. And he lived up to his job description nicely. But now he’s been vanquished so I need a replacement.”

  "I'm not buying you another vibrator," Fox growled. "If you want to feel something long and hard inside you then I have everything you need right here."

  I scoffed dismissively and moved over to the shelves holding the vibrators, raising my eyebrows as I looked at the top end models sitting proud at the end of the row. Some of those things cost over two hundred dollars. That shit had to be good.

  I reached up and grabbed the three most expensive ones, arching a brow at the oral vibrator which was said to mimic the tongue unlike any other. Yes please. Who needed a man when I could have hundreds of dollars of drama free silicone?

  "I'm not paying for these," Fox growled as I dumped them into his arms.

  "Well, if you don't then the next time you let me out of your sight, I'm gonna go and find a bar and I'll pick out a big blonde, tattooed asshole and let him go to town on me without a condom while I call him Badger and let him plunder my fox hole."

  "Then I'd kill him," Fox said darkly and I had no doubt that he meant that.

  "That won't erase the fact that he would have had his cock deep inside my-"

  "Fine," he snapped, his jaw ticking with rage. "But when you're getting yourself off using one of these things, and panting my name into the dark, just remember that I can do it a hundred times better in person than some piece of plastic."

  "Whatever you wanna tell yourself, Badger." I turned and walked away from him, sauntering up to the checkout and smiling at the bitch who had now gotten a bitch friend to come join her in scowling at me.


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