A Guide to Documenting Learning

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A Guide to Documenting Learning Page 34

by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

  Klosowski, T., 225

  Krathwohl, D. R., 33

  Krechevsky, M., 17, 115, 116

  Krochmal, M., 171

  KWHLAQ chart, 244f

  Language clarity, 102

  Lapowsky, I., 124–125

  Learner engagement, 63–65, 64f

  Learnigogy. See Documentation phases; Learningflow routine

  Learning, evidence of learningflow routine and, 111–114, 113f

  pre-documentation phase and, 89–91, 91f

  what acceptable as, 57–60, 60f

  See also specific types of documentation

  Learning and Leading with the Habits of Mind (Costa & Kallick), 108–109

  Learning communities, 59

  Learningflow routine overview, 111–112, 112f, 120, 120f

  amplification, 118–119, 119f

  capture learning, 114–115, 114f

  look for learning, 112–114, 113f

  policies that hinder, 227–228

  reflection, 115–116, 115f

  share learning, 117–118, 117f

  See also Documentation phases

  Learning layers. See Documenting learning layers

  Learning networks, 117–118, 218–219, 226

  Learning process, 11

  Learning-thinking, making visible, 15

  Lee, R., 135

  Legacies, 71t

  Levine, A., 171

  The Lily Show—Holiday Craft Edition, 161

  Linktribution, 171

  Literature circles. See 21st century skills challenge

  Look for learning, 111–114, 113f. See also Learning, evidence of

  Lowe, E., 209

  Lurkers, 42

  MacMeeking, M., 30

  Mahler, Evelyn, 234–235

  Management of information, 39

  Mardell, B., 17, 115, 116

  Martin, Amy Jo, 121

  Martin, Katie, 45

  Martinez, S. L., 15

  Mastery, 53

  Mayer, R. E., 33

  McLane, R., 209

  Meaningfulness, 18, 18–19t

  Media, choice of, 22. See also specific types of documentation

  Media literacy, 29–30

  Meetings, networks compared, 218

  Memes, 212, 212f

  Mental models, 76

  Messages, 93

  Metacognition documenting AS learning as, 11, 67t

  Habits of Mind and, 102

  post-documentation phase and, 102

  pre-documentation phase and, 87–89

  Metacognition missions, 159–160

  Microblogs, when used, 92t

  Mindsets, 224–228, 225f

  Missions, 229–231, 230f

  Mistakes, 20

  Mitzmacher, Jon, 208–209

  Mixed-up timelines podcasts, 151t

  Moberg, L., 69t

  Modification, 46, 47f, 49–50

  Morrison, K., 14, 15, 20

  Motivation, 51–53

  Multicultural perspectives, 34–35, 36

  Multilayered writing. See Hyperlinked writing

  #MyFreedomDay, 37

  Mystery Skype calls, 96–99, 98–99f, 156–157

  Narrative artifacts, 27t

  Netiquette, 32

  Network capabilities, 41, 42–43

  Network identity, 41, 42

  Networking, 33, 226

  Networking technology, 41

  Network intelligence, 41, 42

  Network literacy, 41–43, 118

  Networks, professional, 117–118, 218–219, 226

  New eyes, 95

  Non-linear writing. See Hyperlinked writing

  Notecard confession videos, 154–155

  Notetaker role, 98–99

  Nothing-worth-sharing beliefs, 226–227

  November, A., 20, 66t, 67t, 160, 184

  Now literacies overview, 25, 26f

  basic literacy, 26–29, 27–28t

  communication and, 148

  digital citizenship, 30–33, 31f

  digital literacy, 78

  global literacy, 34–37, 35f

  hyperlinked writing and, 170

  information literacy, 38–41, 38f

  learning layers and, 67t

  media literacy, 29–30

  network literacy, 41–43, 118

  protection of students and, 123

  See also Curation

  Observation and evaluation of teachers, 217–218

  Observation as a thinking move, 16

  “Obvious to you” phenomenon, 37

  The Onion News Network, 158

  Orbits of ability, 113

  Organize step, 101, 104

  Oxford Dictionary, 121

  Paper TodaysMeet postings, 131

  Paper tweeting, 125–127

  Parody, 158

  Passion-based learning, 66t

  Past knowledge applied to current situation, 102–103

  Pedagogical documentation defined, 45–46

  learning layers and, 68t, 69t

  SAMR taxonomy and, 46–51, 47–50f, 52f

  People react to being called beautiful, 36

  Perfection, 20

  Perspective taking, 17

  Persuasive artifacts, 28t

  Phases. See Documentation phases

  Photo-a-Day Challenge, 94

  Photo documentation. See Image/photo documentation

  Photographer role, 98

  Pink, D., 51–53

  Pinterest, 144

  Pintrich, P. R., 33

  Planners for documentation, 242–243f

  Platforms overview, 121, 144

  interaction of tools with, 122, 122f

  keeping current with, 113

  purposes of, 122–123

  schoolware versus worldware, 123–124

  selection decisions, 90–92, 90f, 92–93t

  sharing and, 118

  See also Backchannel platforms; Image/photo documentation

  Podcasts, 148–150, 149f, 151t

  Polley, Sarah, 189

  Post-documentation phase, 100–109, 100f, 104f, 108–109f

  Post-It Plus app, 127

  Practice, 225

  Pre-documentation phase, 84–93, 85f, 86–89t, 90–91f, 92–93t

  Price, D., 51, 71t, 232

  Primary learners, 63–64, 64f

  Privacy, 30–31, 78, 123

  Procedure artifacts, 28t

  Producers/consumers, 32, 117

  Professional development conference hashtag feed unpacking, 179–180f, 179–181

  evidence of learning and, 59–60

  scavenger hunts, 152

  visual quote cards and, 139–140

  Professional learning networks, 117–118, 218–219, 226

  Professional podcasts, 151t

  Project Zero, 15, 111

  Proust, Marcel, 95

  Purpose, 53

  Purposes of documenting learning overview, 12–14, 13f

  amplification, 21–23

  during-documentation phase, 93–100

  making visible, 15–17

  meaningfulness, 18, 18–19t

  sharing, 19–21

  Questioner role, 98

  Questions contemplative questions, 108–109

  post-documentation phase, 101, 104–105

  pre-documentation phase, 17, 85, 86–87t

  sharing and, 118

  Raindance.com, 101

  Raths, J., 33

  Reasoning using evidence, 16–17

  Recount artifacts, 28t

  Redefinition, 46, 47f, 50–51

  Reflection duality of, 112

  learningflow routine, 115–116, 115f

  as step in post-documentation phase, 102, 104–105

  timing of, 85, 96

  See also Unpacking

  Reggio Emilia philosophy, 33, 46

  Research artifacts, 28t

  Respect, 32

  Responsibility, 31–32

  Ripple effects. See Amplification

  Risk taking, 59, 70

>   Ritchhart, R., 14, 15, 20

  Rivard, M., 17, 115, 116

  Rohde, M., 186

  Rosen, J., 170

  Routine. See Learningflow routine

  Rubin, T., 209–210, 219

  Sackstein, S., 233–234, 237

  Safe-place opportunities, 59

  SAMR taxonomy, 46–51, 47–50f, 52f

  Sanfelippo, Joseph, 207, 208

  Scaled grading systems, 233–237

  Scavenger hunts, 152–154

  School branding. See Branding

  Schoolware, 123–124

  Screencasting, 93t, 158–163, 163f

  Screenshooting, 92t, 135

  Secondary learners, 64–65, 64f

  Selection decisions, 17

  Self-assessment, 66t, 69t

  Self-awareness, 34–35

  Selfies, 210–211, 213, 214f

  Self-motivation, 51–53

  Sharing overview, 81

  amplification and, 74, 75f, 75t

  benefits of, 19–21, 77

  feeling like I have nothing worth sharing, 226–227

  hyperlinked writing and, 169

  learningflow routine, 117–118, 117f

  learning layers and, 69t

  network capabilities and, 42–43

  questions to consider for, 118

  reasoning for, 73–74

  redefinition and, 50

  as step in post-documentation phase, 102, 107

  tools for, 20

  voice and, 23, 33

  Sheninger, E., 209–210, 219

  Sherratt, S., 237

  Sheskey, B., 17

  Shirky, C., 20

  Sinanis, Tony, 207, 208

  Sivers, D., 37

  Sketchnotes application of, 92t

  image/photo documentation with, 135, 136f, 138

  unpacking and, 186–188, 187f

  Skitch, 124

  Skype, 156

  Social media amplification and, 23

  response to and motivation, 53

  sharing with, 20

  See also specific types

  Social media artifacts, 28t

  Socrates, 173

  Soft skills. See 21st century skills challenge

  Sound effects, 150

  Soundhearing tour podcasts, 151t

  Sound recording. See Audio documentation

  Spencer, J., 69t

  Stager, G. S., 15

  Stiggins, R. J., 12

  Stockman, A., 69t

  Storytelling, 71t

  Stürmer, Mariana, 91

  Substitution, 46, 47f, 48–49

  Supervisor role, 99

  Synthesis, 36

  Tags, 39

  Teacher observations, 217–218

  Teachers, characteristics of, 3–4

  Team blogging, 166–167, 167f

  Technology. See Digital media and technology

  Techopedia, 121

  Text, when used, 92t

  Text documentation, 124

  Text types, 27–28t

  Thinking moves, 15–17

  Thoughtful determination, 84–85

  Throwbacks, 213–214, 215f

  Time issues, 224–226

  TodaysMeet, 130–131, 182–184, 183–184f

  Tools overview, 90–92, 90f, 92–93t, 144

  for annotexting, 176

  defined, 121

  interaction of platforms with, 122, 122f

  keeping current with, 113

  purposes of, 122–123

  schoolware versus worldware, 123–124

  sharing and, 118

  text documentation, 124

  See also Backchannel platforms; Image/photo documentation

  Transmedia documentation, 51

  Tutorial designers, 160–163, 163f

  21st century skills challenge overview, 189–190, 190f

  amplification step, 198–203, 199–201f

  application of, 204–206

  capture learning step, 193–194, 193–194f

  debriefing, 203–204

  discussion protocols step, 193

  look for learning stage, 192–193, 192f

  reflection step, 194–197, 195–196f, 196t

  sharing step, 196–197, 197f

  teacher framing of, 190–192, 191t

  Twitter overview, 124–129

  action steps, 9b

  chats on, 125, 127–129

  hashtags, 39, 125

  unpacking, 176–181, 177–178f

  Two-sentence reflections, 151t

  Types of documenting overview, 5f, 12

  documenting AS learning, 8–11, 11f

  documenting FOR learning, 6–8, 9f

  documenting OF learning, 4–6, 6t, 7f, 54

  Unpacking overview, 188

  blog posts and, 173–176, 174–175f

  conference hashtag feeds, 179–180f, 179–181

  Google Docs and, 184–186, 185f

  infographics and sketchnotes, 186–188, 187f

  multiple ways for, 132–133

  as step, 101, 103

  TodaysMeet and, 182–184, 183–184f

  Twitter and, 176–179, 177–180f

  Upgrading, 224

  USies, 210–211, 213, 214f

  Vallillo, Emily. See 21st century skills challenge

  Values, 229–231, 230f

  Video, when used, 93t

  Video conferencing platforms, 156

  Video documentation overview, 150–152

  audio compared, 148

  bitesize learning, 155–156

  documentaries, 157–158

  interviews, 156–157

  metacognition missions, 159–160

  notecard confession videos, 154–155

  scavenger hunts, 152–154

  screencasting, 158–163, 163f

  tutorial designers, 160–163, 163f

  See also Image/photo documentation

  Viewpoints, 17

  Visible, making, 15–17, 29–30

  Visible versus visual, 15

  Vision, 229–231, 230f

  Visual literacy, 29

  Visual quote cards, 139–143, 139f, 141f, 143f

  Visual quotes, 216, 217f

  Visual versus visible, 15

  Voice, 23, 33

  Voice recording. See Audio documentation

  Watson, L., 138

  Wayans, Keenen Ivory, 83–84, 101

  What They Think I Do, 212, 212f

  What We Remember the Most, 202–203

  Wien, C. A., 29, 45–46

  Wikipedia, 40

  Wilson, D., 17, 115, 116

  Wittrock, M. C., 33

  Wondering, 17

  Worldware, 123–124

  Yousafza, Malala, 25

  Zmuda, A., 229




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