If You Dare (Dare Series Book 3)

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If You Dare (Dare Series Book 3) Page 25

by Shantel Tessier

  She reaches up and grabs her pearls that hang around her neck, usually a clear sign that she’s going to turn me down. I used Lauren as my excuse when I passed out at Deke’s Tuesday night. She didn’t like it, but she didn’t ground me over it.

  “She had a bad day,” I add. “You know? With her parents and all …”

  “Ahh. I see.” She glances around the room. It’s spotless. I have a thing about tidiness when it comes to my personal space. The rest of the house I couldn’t care less about. “Is your homework done?”

  I hold in a sigh. “Yes.” From a young age, my mother drilled into me that education is important—make good grades and make something of yourself—but she never once said that to Becky. It was like Becky was destined to marry royalty, and if I didn’t get into college, I’d be scrubbing toilets. And I find nothing wrong with that profession.

  “May I go?” I ask, trying not to show my anger. I hate that Becky gets to come and go as she pleases, yet I have to ask. I still have three months before I turn eighteen, but that won’t matter. As long as I’m in school, I’ll have to do what she says.

  “I suppose.” She sighs before leaving the next second. No goodbye. No I love you. Nothing. And I’m totally fine with it. I’m used to not being shown any kind of affection.


  An hour later, I’m pulling up to the cabin and see his Jeep is already here. I grab my bag and get out.

  Walking in, I find him sitting on the brown leather couch. He looks away from the TV, noticing me, but doesn’t smile, which is unusual. Seth is always in a good mood.

  “What are you doing here tonight?” I ask him. He hates this place. Says it’s too low class. It belonged to his grandmother or some shit, so his parents kept it but never use it. His mom and stepdad are filthy rich. They’ve got a house on the lake and several homes all over the world. They even have a yacht in the marina where they sometimes stay.

  “Felt like getting away,” he answers, looking back at the TV.

  I can understand that. I plop down beside him and cross my legs, trying to put Deke out of my mind. I haven’t heard one word from him, but why would I? He got what he wanted. Sex. I hate that I crave it again. It hurt just as much this past Tuesday as it did the first time, but it was still amazing. The way he held me and kissed me. My skin tingled for days after. And last night, I craved it so much, I took care of myself thinking of him. “What are we watching?” I try to focus on Seth.


  Of course. Pretty sure he’s seen every episode more than twice.

  He leans forward, picking up a green cup, and hands it to me. “I made you your drink.” I don’t take it, and he sighs. “Demi …”

  “You know I can’t drink that,” I say softly. Ever since Becky drugged me, I have this thing about drinking from a cup that I didn’t make. My father warned us about it back in middle school, but I never thought my own sister would betray me in that way.

  “Fine.” He places it back on the coffee table.

  “You can have it,” I offer.

  “I’m not in the mood to drink.” He gives a clipped answer.

  I frown. Seth is always up to party. “Is something going on with Hayden?”

  He doesn’t respond, but I notice the tic in his jaw, so I drop it.

  “What movie are we gonna watch?”

  Again, he doesn’t answer, and it sends up red flags. I sit back and watch him. His right knee bounces up and down nervously. He pulls his bottom lip in and chews on it. His breathing has picked up.

  “Seth …” I place my hand on his shoulder, and he jumps. “What’s going on?” I demand, starting to get worried. He’s never like this.

  He picks up the remote and holds it out in front of him as a long silence fills the room. When he finally speaks, his voice wavers. “You let Deke fuck you, right?”

  I stiffen. Why does he care? And more importantly, why is he asking a question he already knows the answer to. He knew what my plan was the night of my Halloween party because he helped set it up. But he only knows about that first night. I haven’t filled him in on the fact that Deke was in my bedroom Monday night when he dropped me off at home, or that he fucked me three times Tuesday night. “Yes,” I respond slowly.

  Another silence falls between us before he presses the button on the remote to turn up the volume. Ross’s laughter rises to the point it hurts my ears.

  “Seth, what are you …?”

  He turns to face me. Brown eyes full of regret. I push myself farther into the couch.

  “Demi, I’m sorry.” I barely hear him whisper over the blaring TV.

  “For what?” I look around the empty cabin. It sits on three acres, backed up to the lake with a small dock, there’s not another close by. You would only turn a TV up if you didn’t want someone to hear what you are about to do. “What’s going on?” He doesn’t answer. Instead, he places the remote back down on the coffee table.

  I stand on shaky legs, picking up my bag. “I’m gonna go.” And begin to walk toward the door.

  But he jumps to his feet and walks up behind me. He grabs my arm, spinning me around, and slams my back into the front door. “Demi.” He sighs my name, staring down at me.

  “Stop, Seth.” I try to shove him away, but he doesn’t budge.

  He pushes his body into mine instead, holding me captive against the door. Seth has played football all his life and got a scholarship to the University of Texas for his ball skills. He’s not a little guy by any means.

  “Seth,” I snap. “Stop.”

  His brown eyes narrow on mine. “I would if I could.”

  “What the fuck …?” He grips my hair, cutting off my words, and yanks me from the door before slamming me face-first onto the hardwood floor.


  I drive down the gravel road with my windshield wipers on. I hate Collins, Oregon. It’s always cloudy and rainy, and I prefer sunny days and warm weather. I need to move to a beach where I can sunbathe all year round. Taking a deep breath, I get out of my father’s car and enter the clubhouse. I’m here to see Bennett.

  “Hello?” I call out, the sound bouncing off the walls and high ceilings. Looking at the table that sits to my right, I smile when a black duffle bag catches my eyes. I remember all the things the GWS always keep on them from Austin’s journal.

  “What are you doing here?” I watch a man step out of the bathroom at the top of the stairs. He stands there, drying off his hands with a white towel before he begins to descend the stairs.

  I roll my eyes. “Cut the shit, Shane. Is Bennett here?” I need to talk to that fucker. He’s been ignoring my texts and calls. He doesn’t want to piss me off.

  He shakes his head. “Just you and me.”

  “Well, I’m not staying.” I turn to leave.

  “Why are you here?” he presses.

  “None of your business,” I call out.

  “How’s your sister?” he asks.

  I stop and turn back to face him as he hits the bottom step. “Taken care of.”


  “Why do you care?” That bitch will die after what she did to me. I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with Deke just yet, but Demi will suffer before I end her miserable life.

  “I tried to get them to kill her.” He shrugs. “But he wanted to protect her for some fucking reason. They all did. From me. Ever since Kellan shot Austin …” He waves a careless hand in the air. “No one trusts me anymore.”

  “No one should trust a shark,” I snap.

  He laughs. “Deke will fall in love with Demi, you know. If he hasn’t already.”

  “He’s supposed to love me.” I feel like if I say it enough, it will happen.

  His lips curl up slightly, and he rubs his chin while looking me up and down. “No one can love a slut, Becky.”

  I slap him across the face.

  He slaps me back and growls. “Don’t confuse me with Deke.”

  I want to laugh it
off, but tears fill my eyes at the sting that lingers. “Austin hits harder than you.”

  He chuckles. “Any girl Cole falls in love with would have to be strong.” He leans in close to my face. “A lesser woman would be dead by now. He would have torn her apart. She was made for it.”

  “Whatever.” I roll my eyes, holding my hand over my throbbing cheek. “Fuck her.” I’ve now put her in the same category as my sister. They’ll both get what they deserve.

  “Would you be saying that if she knew everything you’ve done?”

  My heart begins to pound in my chest. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “No need to play dumb, Becky. It looks ugly on you,” he whispers. “You know …” His hand comes up, and he runs his knuckles over my sensitive cheek. “Kellan and I were the closest. He told me everything.”

  My breathing picks up. Fucking Kellan, I knew he’d fuck me over. That’s what these guys do. Their loyalty is only to one another, and even that weakened over the years as they grew older. “They’ll never believe you.” I decide on.

  “Oh, they will. Especially when I show them proof.” My breath gets caught in my lungs. “What do you think Austin will do to you when she finds out what you’ve done?” I don’t answer. “What do you think Cole will do to you?” I stiffen. “Or Deke? He loves her like a fucking sister.”

  I slap him again. “Fuck you.”

  He slaps me, and this time, it has me stumbling back. He grabs me and throws me against a wall. My heart races, and I cry out from his force.

  “What do you wanna do, babe?” His voice drops to a whisper, and he leans his body into mine, pinning me to the wall. “How about I just take care of you right here? Right now? I can tell the boys what you’ve done and then show them your body lying in a shallow grave. I’ll be their hero.”

  I try to shove him away, but it doesn’t work. His lips find my earlobe, and he sucks on it. Bile begins to rise. “Shane, please …”

  His free hand grips my right thigh and lifts it, wrapping it around his hip. “Do you remember? Me and you?”

  “I try to forget.” I sniff.

  “I was the first one to touch, lick, and fuck that pussy. Before you went and passed it around like a joint at a party.” His hand slides up my thigh to cup my ass, and he grinds his hips into mine.

  I whimper, hating the fact that I gave my virginity to Shane. I was fifteen, and he was gorgeous with a car. He had just turned sixteen, and Cole threw him a party at his father’s house. I had snuck out to go. After countless drinks, I ran into him in the backyard. He wanted to go to the beach and get some fresh air. Even though I knew it was bullshit, I left with him. I had spread my legs for him in the back seat of his car that night at the beach. Then he took me home, and he never looked at me again. I knew it was going to be that way. That’s how all the sharks were. Months later, Deke kissed me by the football field. A short time after that, I got with David. Somehow, my numbers just kept climbing. I hate how much criticism I get for doing what they do without a second thought. A guy can fuck four girls in one night, but a girl can’t fuck two guys in the same month without being tainted.

  Such bullshit!

  “I always kept that fun fact a secret from Deke, knowing he’d be pissed at me, but I don’t think he’d give a fuck now.”

  I close my eyes, hating how much that thought hurts. How he betrayed me more than I ever could him. I could sleep with every fucking GWS, and it wouldn’t even come close to the fact he fucked my sister. “Shane …”

  He pulls away from me with a smirk on his face as though he just won some fucking bet. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. They dare each other to do all kinds of shit, and nothing is off-limits. Not even women. “Don’t worry, Becky. I just fucked you then ’cause I knew it’d be easy. I sure as hell don’t want you now.”

  My chest tightens. That’s all I ever am—a fuck! No one ever wants to love me. “Fuck you, Shane …” I shove him away.

  He just smiles at me. “Did you know you were a dare?”


  “Eli dared Deke …”

  “No.” I shake my head. “You’re lying.” I had asked Deke this very question four months ago when he stood in my bedroom at my father’s house.

  “Was I a bet that night at the party? Did Cole bet you to take me home?” We were finally able to be with one another. Cole was claiming Austin for all to see. It was our time. After all the secret hookups and quiet whispers, we were able to be together. But was it true?

  “You can’t be serious. That night was not our first night together, or have you forgotten?” He growls.

  I jab my finger into his chest, and he takes a step back. “So? And I’m dead serious. Did you record us that night too?” I went home with him and stayed in his pool house.

  “Fuck, no!” he snaps. “I would never do that to us.”

  “How am I supposed to know that?” I shout. I bow my head and sigh. I’ve lied to him for so long, maybe I missed his lies. “The bottom line, Deke, is I don’t trust you. And I can’t be with someone I don’t trust. I’ve done it before, and I won’t do it again.”

  “You can trust me. I would never cheat on you. Or film you. Fuck, I love you.”

  “You’re lying,” I repeat. “He was not dared to take me home the night of the party.”

  “Party?” He laughs. “No, I’m talking about the day he kissed you at Collins High by the football field.”

  “What?” I gasp.

  “I won’t lie. Somewhere along the way, Deke managed to fall in love with you, but you’ve fucked him over too many times. See, Becky, you always were nothing more than a game to us.” He tilts his head to the side. “A game that has come to an end.” Then he turns and walks over to the small kitchen.

  Without another word, I walk out of the clubhouse, fall into my father’s car, and start it up. “The Best You Had” by Nina Nesbitt plays through the speakers. Removing my cell from my pocket, I pull up Deke’s number, and fresh tears begin to fall. I need to make it right with him. He’s the only one who can save me at this point.



  I SIT BY the pool in the cool night air, and I’m on my third cigarette while Cole does his laps. Now that it’s November, he’s turned the heater on in the pool.

  My phone dings, and I pick it up off the table next to me to see it’s a text from Becky. It’s like all the others she’s sent me. She’s relentless.

  Becky: Why her?

  Becky: Did you think she was me?

  Becky: Why didn’t you tell me?

  Becky: Do you not love me anymore?

  Same ole, same ole.

  I ignore them and drop the phone onto my lap. Cole pops his head out of the water, sucking in a deep breath, but says nothing.

  My phone begins to ring, but I don’t even bother looking at it. I have nothing to say to Becky. I didn’t sleep with Demi for any other reason than I wanted her. Simple as that. And I was single. Am single. I don’t have to explain myself, especially to her. She’d kill me if she knew I did it for a second time. Third time. Fourth time. They were all better than the first, if that’s even possible. And it’s all I’ve thought about. I’ve been hard for the last three days.

  It stops for a second and then starts up again.

  “You gonna answer that?” Cole asks.

  “Nope.” I take another drag. It stops after the second ring this time, and I sit back in the lounge chair.

  “Wanna talk about it?” he asks.

  I almost laugh. “Not much to say.” At this point, I’m not sure who fucked me over more. Demi or Becky. One cheated on me, and the other used me.

  Fuck, I’m starting to sound like a bitch whining to her girlfriends about a guy she expected to love her.

  I hear the sliding glass door open, and a moment later, Austin comes to stand beside me. “Get your ass out of the pool,” she tells Cole in a rush.

  “Austin, what …?”r />
  “Get the fuck up.” She ignores him, smacking my arm so hard I drop my cigarette in my lap.

  “What the hell?” I bark, trying to shove it off before it burns my fucking dick through my jeans.

  “What’s going on?” Cole demands, jumping out of the pool.

  “Demi is here.”

  My teeth grind at the mention of her name. I can’t do this again. I don’t see it ending well. I hated that I felt the slightest bit sorry for her when she confessed she wanted to be anyone but herself. It’s just another trick. Now that I haven’t seen her in days, I’ve been able to think clearly. She picked Seth over me. And I refuse to do this again. I’ve already done it with Becky.

  “And?” Cole growls.

  “And she needs our help.”

  I snort. “Tell the bitch to go to hell.”

  Austin shocks the shit out of me when she slaps me across the face. And fucking hard, I might add. I jump to my feet.

  “Get the fuck over it,” she yells. “This is serious.”

  Cole grabs her arm, forcing her to face him. “What is going on?”

  She takes in a deep breath. “It’s about Seth.”

  “That doesn’t help her case.” I growl.

  She pulls away from Cole and places her hands on her hips. “Every time I forget how big of dicks you guys can be, you remind me.” Then she spins around and enters the house, slamming the sliding glass door shut.

  Cole grabs his towel and dries off with a hard look on his face. I step on my cigarette, making sure it’s out before I go inside to face whatever bullshit is going on.

  Cole and I enter the house and find Demi sitting on the couch with her head down between her hands. Austin sits beside her, rubbing her back and speaking softly.

  “Why the fuck are you here?” I demand, coming to stand in front of them.

  Austin’s head snaps up, and she glares at me. “Deke …”

  “No, he’s right. I shouldn’t have come,” Demi whispers.

  “This is my house, and you are welcome here anytime you want. This is a safe place.”

  What the fuck is Austin talking about? Safe place? Is she trying to say I hurt her last time she was here? Because Demi never told me no or to stop. She was very willing. “Get the fuck out.”


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