Battle For Earth

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Battle For Earth Page 8

by Daniela A. Wolfe

  The transformation gradually trickled down my arm and every bone, every muscle sizzled with pain until it finally stopped at the end of my fingertips. I gasped as my vision cleared just a little bit and brought my hand up so I could look at it. My entire arm was smaller and the hand itself was too. Before my fingers had always been short and stubby, but now the transformed one was long and delicate and it was very much the hand of a woman. The area around my right nipple started to tickle and I grabbed at it as it began to swell. There was a very brief flash of pain, but as the right side of my chest gradually bulged outward, the pain was almost nonexistent. When the tingling started around my left nipple I gritted my teeth and prepared myself for the left side of my chest to start growing. Sure enough after another very brief burst of pain the left side began to grow too. In very short order I had two full-sized breasts sticking out from my chest.

  The changes rippled across my body and continued to my left shoulder and down my other arm. It hurt like hell and I fell to my knees my hand still latched onto the powercell as the transformations cascaded down my body. After my left arm came my abdomen and as my insides twisted and turned I felt my stomach rebel. I turned my head and spewed a seemingly never-ending stream of vomit all over the place. Then the pain hit my waist which produced even more cracks and pops before the ripples moved down into my crotch and hips.

  I gasped and reached a hand into my pants and felt my penis retract into my body. I shuddered and slid my hand out of my pants as the changes continued. After that my hips swelled out then my legs shrunk one at time until finally it was over.

  My hand fell away from the powercell and I slipped it into my shirt and felt a pair of lumps–‘no’, I corrected myself ‘they’re breasts’–sticking out from my chest. Hot tears stung my face and I gritted my teeth as I muttered the words, “Oh god, how could I have been so damn stupid?”

  “Jellfree?!” Mara’s voice asked and I felt her hand on my shoulder.

  I shuddered, reaching up to touch her hand. Everything felt so very different, even her hand on my shoulder. Not because she had changed in any way, but because the size and shape of my entire body had been altered so drastically.

  “Dear lord… Jellfree are you alright?”

  I shuddered anew and put my hand on the ground to push myself up, but quickly snatched it back up when I felt it touch something wet. I brought it up so I could look at it and found it covered in a thick brown, almost black, sludge and holy hell did it stink. I looked around and found that a large pool of it had formed around my body. My now over-sized pants and boots were drenched in it. Well, that and my vomit. I was amazed that I hadn’t noticed it sooner, but I think the pain from my transformation and the shock of finding myself so suddenly in a female body had been what had kept it from becoming immediately apparent.

  “Dead flesh left over from the transformation process.”

  A new voice said suddenly and I looked up to find the K’teth’s female human form, standing over Mara and me, seemingly made flesh.

  “What the hell?!” I said suddenly blinking up at her.

  The K’teth looked down at me and smiled. “Don’t worry Jellfree, I haven’t gained physical form. The image you are seeing is an illusion that you and you alone can see. I thought that if we could interact this way it might be less disconcerting for you.”

  “Well, how considerate of you!”

  “Jellfree?” Mara cut in. “Who are you talking to?”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. “That damned K’teth… She’s not just talking in my head anymore… She’s chosen to appear as a full-blown spook.”

  She folded her arms across her chest and looked at me with a thoughtful expression, “Interesting.” She glanced down at my feet and frowned.

  “What is it?” she said reaching down to touch the black goop on the floor, sniffed at it then scrunched her lose in disgust.

  “Vakrexid would surmise that it is discarded tissue from the transformation process. The K’teth likely expunged it through Jellfree’s pores or perhaps her anus,” the doctor tweeted walking through the illusory form of the K’teth and kneeling down next to me.

  I groaned at the doctor’s use of ‘her’, but didn’t try to correct him. Vakrexid may be the first person to use a female pronoun, but I knew he would not be the last. I certainly looked like a “she,” and had the body to boot, but hell I certainly didn’t feel like one. I still felt like myself on the inside; I’d just been stuck into a pretty little wrapper.

  “I… shit I’m a mess.”

  “God,” I added looking at my long and delicate-looking fingers. “It’s done… I’m really a woman now.”

  “Amazement!” the doctor proclaimed flailing his arms wildly before turning to examine Mara’s face. “It is most remarkable, but Vakrexid believes you bear a striking resemblance to Mara.”

  I locked gazes with Mara and saw her eyes grow wide in astonishment then she abruptly blinked and shook her head, “God, you’re right. How is that possible?”

  The K’teth’s image rolled its eyes, and she knelt down next to me between Mara and the doctor.

  “I used her genetic code as a partial template when remaking your body, is it really that hard to deduce?”

  “You used her as a template?! And what gives you the right?! Why the hell did you do this to me?!” I screamed my hands shaking with sudden rage.

  “Jellfree,” Mara said reaching out to grab my shoulder.

  “I did what I felt was necessary. You don’t know what it means fo r me to find a host among a species other than the Qharr. It could mean freedom for my kind!”

  She reached out my face and I suddenly jerked back when I felt the touch of her hand as if it were real.

  “And… making me female? That was just for shits and giggles?!”

  “That is a discussion for another time once we’ve gotten a little better acquainted,” she grinned then abruptly vanished.

  “Dammit!” I cursed.

  “What did it say?” Mara asked finally joining the doctor and the K’teth on the floor beside me.

  I relayed what the symbiote had said about using Mara as a genetic template and her successive refusal to explain herself. Mara’s eyes widened slightly upon hearing the news and I got the sense that she found it very distressing despite the lack of emotion displayed on her face. I caught a flash of concern in Mara’s eyes as she let out a long sigh.

  “Come, Jellfree dear, let’s get you cleaned up then we’ll try to help you through this.”


  I wobbled on my feet and gripped the sides of the cupboards as I struggled to gain balance. I tried to take a step forward, but my foot slid and I nearly went tumbling to the ground. Thankfully, Mara was there to catch me.

  “Crap…” I gasped and fought down the sudden urge to run away screaming like a mad… woman. It would have ended disastrously anyway I couldn’t seem to keep my balance in this damned new body.

  “I think it would be helpful if you removed those boots of yours. At the very least I think you could move a little easier.”

  “Vakrexid will help!” the doctor suddenly proclaimed.

  The boots were coated in that god awful goop left over from my transformation, but the doctor didn’t show any hesitation as he moved to unlace the boots and helped me slip them from my feet. It didn’t do much to improve my balance, but at least I wasn’t wearing those huge clodhoppers anymore. My pant legs were coated in it as well and the doctor looked up at me, but it was Mara that spoke. “I think you’re going to have to remove your pants or else you’ll track that muck all over the place.”

  I swallowed hard looking down at my pants in dread. My newly expanded hips were all that was keeping them from falling to my ankles, but removing them would leave my crotch bare for both Mara and Vakrexid to see.

  “Oh, hell,” I said reaching down to the waist on my pants with shaking hands.

  I closed my eyes, unfastened the button then undid the
zipper and pushed my pants down from around my hips. I opened my eyes and looked down to see a full formed –and for some reason hairless– vagina resting between my legs. I wanted to weep, but I forced back the tears and gritted my teeth. As much as I hated it I was going to have to live with that infernal body for the rest of my life and I was going to have to accept it.

  “The goop soaked all the way through your clothes.” Mara said, craning her neck to look over at the doctor. “Doctor, I don’t suppose you have any rags laying about, do you?”

  The doctor blinked. “Nothing suitable to this task, Vakrexid is afraid.”

  Mara sighed looked from me then to the doctor and then over to the door. She walked across the room then slid the door open a crack and poked her head out the opening. “Jaysen, do be a dear and go retrieve a towel or two.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” came Jaysen’s muffled reply through the door.

  “Oh, and Jaysen,” Mara added suddenly. “Why don’t you find Kaya while you’re out and have her retrieve an extra set of her clothes for young Jellfree here?”

  Mara slid the door shut and I looked down at my bare crotch my cheeks burning bright red with embarrassment as I realized I’d been standing around the whole time with my privates exposed. I quickly covered up by yanking down on my shirt and pulling the ends down over my new vagina.

  “Why’d you ask him to go get Kaya? I’d prefer to keep away from her for the time being.”

  “I can understand how you must feel, dear, but I need you two to get past your personal issues if you’re going to be working together. We have a planet to retake, and as much as I can sympathize with your predicament, I can’t have these sort of problems getting in the way of what must be done.”

  “I’m so sorry to have inconvenienced you. I didn’t ask for any of this, all I want is just a little space. Is that too fucking much to ask for?” I glared at her and felt hot tears sting the corner of my eyes.

  She smiled and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I cleared my throat before clearing my throat. I bit my lip and quickly changed the subject. Quite frankly, Mara confused the hell out of me and I didn’t know how to respond to her.

  “You really think you can do it? I mean the gray skins have such a stranglehold on Earth. Even if you somehow managed to form a large enough force to drive them off they can call in reinforcements and quickly retake the world.”

  “We will retake Earth, it’s just a matter of time.”

  Though she didn’t raise her voice, her conviction almost made me believe, almost. She smiled coyly and I got the sense that there was something she wasn’t tell me, but I never got a chance to ask her as it was about that time that the door swung open.

  “Hey, Maya I got some towels and clothes like you asked,” Jaysen said stepping through the door followed closely by Kaya then his eyes darted to the corner of the room where I was standing. “Oh,” was all he said as he stared at my with his jaw hanging open.

  “Jellfree?” Kaya gasped bringing her hand up to her mouth. “God! Is that you?”

  “I-I’ll just set these down right here,” Jaysen muttered his face bright red as he practically threw them onto the counter and fled out the room.

  “I probably should have told him to knock before entering,” Mara grinned before turning to frown at Kaya. “Help me towel the bo… girl off would you?”


  “Vakrexid will never understand this human obsession with… what is it you call it? Oh, yes modesty,” the doctor muttered absently. “On my home-world it is considered completely natural for-one to walk about unclothed supposing it is warm enough.”

  I glared at the doctor and held up my arms so that Kaya–who had just finished toweling me off–could pull the shirt over my head. The fabric running against my nipples felt odd, and I shuddered as it came free. The exam room was cold and I folded my arms across my naked chest, to help cover them both for warmth and modesty.

  “Damn!” Kaya proclaimed as she stared fixedly at my breasts.


  Kaya shook her head and sighed.”Well, it’s just that you’re bigger up top than me.”

  “I don’t think any of the women in my family were ever that busty if that creature used me as a template it certainly took some liberties.”

  “If you two are through staring at me chest, can I have a damned shirt please?” I growled feeling very self-conscious as they stared at me.

  Mara snorted then grabbed a shirt from the nearby stack and tossed it into my arms.

  I held the shirt in my hands and looked down at the two balls of flesh poking out from my chest. They were pretty big, I had to admit, but not so huge that they appeared freakish. In fact, if they weren’t sitting there on my chest I would have found them to be quite glorious, but they were there and that was a pretty big problem or at least I certainly thought so. Hell they weren’t really much bigger than Kaya’s, but God who would have thought I’d end up with bigger boobs than my ex?

  I slipped the shirt on and grimaced as my hair caught in the back of my shirt. It was insanely long and had grown down to the back of my knees. The end of it had gotten a little dirty from the black goop on the floor, but Kaya had toweled it off which had dried it up a bit. I slid the hair out of my shirt and shuddered a bit as the damp end slid up my back. I held a big handful of it in front of my face and grimaced.

  “I don’t know why that thing gave you such long hair… and really blue? What’s that all about?” Kaya said her nose all scrunched up and her lips pursed.

  “The hair I can handle,” I muttered glaring at Kaya irritably as I cupped my breasts in my hands. “It’s these damn things that I’m a little more concerned about, them and the freaking slit between my legs.”

  Kaya grimaced. “Yeah, well… I can’t really say I know what it’s like on the other side of the fence, but I don’t think I’d be exactly thrilled if my chest flattened and I suddenly grew a cock and balls. I can’t say I’d really miss the periods, and it might be nice to be a bit stronger.”

  “You sound almost like you might like to be changed.”

  She shook her head and sighed. “There are a lot of things in my life that might have turned out a little differently if I’d been a man, but honestly being a woman is part of who I am. I wouldn’t trade it in for anything.” She rubbed the back of her neck and cleared her throat before blushing and glancing around the room as if she’d said something she thought was embarrassing. “Well… all I can say is welcome to team girl.”

  “Yeah, thanks just what I always wanted,” I responded dryly. “Can I have those pants now?”

  “Oh! Right!” she Kaya responded tossing a pair of slacks at me.

  “Thanks,” I said gratefully as I quickly grabbed them out of the air and pulled then up my legs.

  “You know…” Kaya said crinkling her nose. “I think you need a bath. You really stink…”

  I grimaced then held my hand out to her, “Lead the way.”


  “It seems like such a waste to get dressed only to have to get undressed again.” I grumbled staring across at Mara and Kaya who both had their arms folded across their chests in near identical disapproving poses.

  “Well,” Kaya grinned. “You could have walked through the hallway naked. I’m sure the guys would have liked that.”

  I crinkled my nose and looked around the shower room and let a long sigh. I knew I smelled absolutely horrible, but I wasn’t all that eager to get naked again. It was strange, I know, but when I had clothes on I could almost pretend like I hadn’t been changed. Once, I stripped down I knew that I’d be confronted with my new feminine body and I didn’t know if I could handle it. Logically, I knew that all the parts were the same whether I was nude or clothed, but having to see my bare breasts and those damned vaginal lips between my legs… Hell, it wasn’t exactly something I was looking forward to.

  I shuddered ever so slightly then I started to strip down to my birthday sui
t and walked toward the nearest shower stall. The room itself wasn’t much different than the one back at the compound. The walls and floors were covered with plain white tiles and maybe half a dozen shower stalls. That really was the only big difference, the stalls. The Qharr didn’t really understand the human sense of modesty so they built shower rooms for humans slaves without any separators or dividers. They did at least have separate shower rooms for men and women, but that was only because they had this weird superstition about bathing in the same water as the opposite sex.

  I looked down at my naked breasts then back at Kaya and Mara then made my way for the nearest of the stalls and closed the door behind me. I pressed the indentation in the wall in front of me and gasped as hot water come cascading down the shower head above me.

  “Here,” came Kaya’s muffled voice and I looked down to watch as a bar of soap slid across the floor into the small gap at the bottom of the stall. I retrieved it from the ground and started to soap up my body. I tried to ignore the strangeness of it all, but the unfamiliarity of my new form prevented that and it wound up being the most unforgettable shower of my life.

  I ran the soap over every nook and cranny and when I got down to my crotch my hand hovered over my pussy and I pursed my lips. I looked down and scowled at the damned thing before tracing my fingers across its surface. God! Those damned lips didn’t belong between my legs and as my hand came away I leaned against the side of the stall weeping silently.

  “No, no, NO!” I screamed gripping the side of my head. How could I live like this? The body the K’teth had forced upon me felt so foreign and above all just wrong.


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