Destiny of the Sands

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Destiny of the Sands Page 12

by Rai Aren

  Auraelion had met the young Princes before, but this was his first time meeting a real Princess. When Anjia came to greet them, Auraelion had politely bowed to her, and said, “Your Highness” in his most formal voice, as his parents had carefully taught him. Anjia was immediately taken with the youngster and saw how proud Odai and Senarra were of their son. She was happy they had started their own family, they were very caring and loving people and she knew that Auraelion could not hope for better parents. After his formal address, Anjia had knelt down to look Auraelion in the eyes, and a vision came to her of Auraelion standing tall and proud and addressing a large crowd. She felt the people’s warmth and trust in him. She told Auraelion that he was a very special boy, destined for great things, and that he would make his family and his people proud. She also told him he could call her Anjia and that she considered him family. He was thrilled.

  Assan did his best to stand by stoically watching the proceedings. He mostly kept to himself. He and Traeus had carefully avoided one another. The Head Priest would respect his King’s space for as long as it would take. Assan gazed around the room, thinking on how these events affected each person present. He had wiped away his own tears that betrayed his composure. It was as though only a moment had passed since the terrible night he had sent her away. She was back, he thought to himself. The Chosen One was once again among them. She would now fulfill her destiny, walk the path that fate had laid out before her.


  After the late evening meal, the family retired to the library to talk and share. They all stuck to mostly superficial matters, filling in facts, telling amusing stories from over the years. They all avoided, for the moment, the sad and painful parts of their ordeals. This time was for rejoicing.

  As the night grew late, the family walked Anjia to her new bedroom, flanked by two Royal guards. They would give her a full tour of her new home the next day. Though she and Tramen had once shared a room, each child now had their own. The family said goodnight, but Tramen did not want to leave. He asked to sleep in her room on blankets on the floor. Though Traeus said no, Tramen pleaded, and Anjia asked for him to stay as well. Finally, their father relented and extra blankets and pillows were brought into the room.

  Brother and sister sat up talking most of the night, until the stars began to dim, giving way to the first light of dawn. Finally, after yawning repeatedly, Anjia fell fast asleep. Tramen pretended to fall asleep as well, but once he was sure his sister was asleep, he sat up and just looked at her for a long time. He was still the protective brother he had always been to her when they were younger, but he felt that even more powerfully now. He vowed to personally make sure no harm would ever come to her again.

  Chapter 11

  The Announcement

  THE time had come for two important matters. One was to inform the Kierani people of the shocking news that Princess Anjia was alive and had returned to them from her years of exile. The second was to decide whether to tell them that she was the child spoken of in the ancient prophecy.

  The King was terribly nervous and anxious about this. Now that he had his daughter back, he found himself intensely protective of her. He wished he could keep her hidden and safe within the Palace walls forever. He knew though, that was an irrational thought, and that it just could not be.

  However, Traeus was no longer speaking to Assan, and refused to listen to anyone or agree to anything regarding her future until Anjia herself had been consulted, as Mindara had suggested. He searched his daughter out and found her and Tramen deep in conversation on a bench in a secluded section of the Palace gardens.

  “Hello you two,” Traeus said, “enjoying a beautiful day outside I see.”

  “Yes,” Anjia replied, “it is a lovely day. Tramen gave me a tour of the new Palace this morning. It was fascinating to see it, it is so different from the original one.” After what had happened with the first one, she was actually happy to see a new Palace, it helped a little to put to rest old and painful memories.

  Tramen smiled a lazy smile at his father. He had his mother’s eyes, but Traeus’ more masculine features. Traeus could tell how happy and content his son was since his twin sister came home. He seemed whole again.

  “It is not quite as ornate and fancy as the previous one,” Traeus said, “nor as large, but it is home. We could not afford the resources to rebuild it the way it was.”

  “I think I prefer this one,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “I am glad,” her father said, smiling. “I will be relieved when it is complete. This has been a great deal of work. The east wing is all that is left to do. We have been living in various states of construction for years now. Mindara will be especially pleased. I have heard no end of it from her.”

  They all laughed.

  “Anjia,” he said, “forgive me for interrupting, but I wish to speak with you in private.”

  She looked at him for a moment, assessing his expression. “May Tramen join us?”

  “Not right now, I need to speak with you alone.”

  She hesitated. She had a strong feeling that her brother needed to join them. “Daddy, I do not mean to argue with you, I think I know what you want to talk to me about and I believe that Tramen needs to be there, too.”

  Her brother just looked at her curiously, wondering what was going on.

  Traeus was about to insist on her coming alone, but he sensed how important this was to her. He needed to start accepting the fact that, as the Chosen One, she knew many things he did not.

  “All right, Anjia. Tramen please come with us.”

  Tramen nodded and followed silently behind his sister.

  They reached the Palace library and Traeus closed the doors. He motioned them to sit down and he took a seat facing them.

  “Anjia, the reason I needed to speak with you is that it is time to tell our people of your return…and of your identity.”

  Anjia thought about what her father said, she knew it had to happen, but she had been enjoying this quiet, peaceful, anonymous time in the loving embrace of her family. She knew her life was about to drastically change once again.

  “I know,” she replied.

  “Father, you are going to tell the people she is the Chosen One?” Tramen asked.

  Traeus was surprised at the question. He had not yet told his son of this. He had wanted to speak with Anjia alone first, then tell Tramen. Apparently he no longer needed to.

  Tramen saw the look of surprise. “It is all right Father, Anjia has just told me everything.”

  “I thought it was time,” she said.

  “I see,” Traeus said smiling, reflecting on both the impeccable timing of her disclosure and the wonderful bond between his twin children. “Well then, I shall continue. Anjia, the reason I wished to see you is that I want your opinion on this. You are old enough now to make certain choices for yourself. If you are not comfortable, if for any reason you do not want…”

  She read his thoughts. “The people need to know I am the Chosen One. I am ready.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “Yes, Daddy. The people need to know that I am here for them.”

  “And I am here to protect her,” Tramen added. Both of them displayed a maturity and presence far beyond their years. “Remember, Father, it is in the meaning of our names – Anjia is the ‘Carrier of Light’ and I am the ‘Warrior of Light’. It was written in our fates from birth.”

  Traeus looked at his children as though seeing them for the very first time. “You both astonish me. I think your wisdom and understanding surpasses my own. I am blessed to have you as my children. I could not be more proud of you, nor love you any more than I do.”

  “We love you, too,” Anjia replied, smiling warmly.


  With Anjia’s permission, a ceremony was arranged on the grounds
of the main temple to announce her return and status. Seats were set up in rows. Royal guards would be positioned throughout the crowd to ensure order was kept. Traeus knew the announcement would be a stunning one for his people and he wanted to ensure the crowd remained under control. He could not be sure how some people would react. The people were not told in advance of what was to occur at the ceremony only that it was imperative that all attend. The city was abuzz with talk of it. Rumors ran wild as to the nature of the official gathering. Everyone was excited to hear what the Royal Family had to share.

  As the Royal Family prepared to leave the Palace on this warm, sunny day, Anjia was to stay behind with two guards until she was called. Tramen gave her a big hug before they left. “I am so proud to be your brother.”

  “Thank-you,” she said, drawing strength from him.

  She watched her family depart, with Assan and Odai following behind. Senarra also remained behind to accompany the Princess at the appropriate time.

  “Princess, how do you feel?” Senarra asked.

  “I am fine, though a bit nervous, I must admit. I have enjoyed the private time with my family. It was so short after so many years apart. Now I will be a public figure again. I know it is time, but so much will again be different after today.”

  Senarra smiled warmly at the young Princess, so brave and so wise. “It seems our lives are continually changing.”

  “Yes, and I suppose they always will.”


  The Royal Family arrived dressed in their finest Royal garments. The people jumped up and cheered as they saw them take their places on the front steps of the temple, in front of a large banner of the Selaren family crest, draped across thick curtains. It was a huge gathering. They had not had one in some time. Traeus could feel the surge of energy from the crowd. He took his place.

  “My people,” the King addressed the crowd, his family and Odai by his side, along with Commander Maraeven. Assan stood quietly off to the far side. An arrangement between him and the King had been reluctantly reached for his inclusion in this event. “Thank-you for coming,” Traeus continued, fighting back nerves. “I have some great news to tell you this day.” He took a deep breath, then plunged into the matter at hand. “First I want to recite the ancient prophecy of the chosen one:

  ‘Though times are troubled and hope may fade

  Let not your hearts despair

  For one day a child shall come to you

  Bringing light and salvation in your darkest hour

  You will recognize the chosen one

  As she shall be brought forth by a magical creature

  From the ashes the one who will save you

  Will also be saved to one-day reign in peace and love

  This child will see far and know much of your hearts

  Beware those who fear her, for they shall also try to destroy her’

  The crowd was abuzz with what this meant.

  Traeus looked at Mindara.

  She nodded encouragingly.

  The King continued, his heart pounding in his chest. “As faithful and loyal followers, we will all remember being taught about this prophecy from the time we were small children. This is still taught today and it is something, as Kierani, that we have all fervently hoped and prayed for – that the Chosen One would one day be amongst us, to help guide us out of the darkness and into the light of peace and prosperity.”

  The crowd voiced its enthusiastic agreement as the sun shone brightly upon them.

  The King smiled, getting swept up in their fervor. “The Kierani people have shown themselves to be resilient and strong. Together, we have overcome many tragedies.”

  The large gathering loudly acknowledged this truth, recalling all they had been through, all that they had survived.

  “Well, I am overjoyed to tell you, we have been rewarded for our constant faith in the future of our society.” He looked at Mindara, who was holding Alaj, and reached out for her hand. Then he turned to Tramen, and held his hand as well. Tramen motioned for Setar to join them and the young boy took his older brother’s hand.

  “When Queen Axiana died, my daughter, Princess Anjia was also lost.” He paused, trying to determine the best way to say this. “As a people, we collectively grieved as we felt the pain of that loss. None more so than my family.” He felt his heart beat faster, his palms growing sweaty. Both Mindara and Tramen squeezed his hands, keeping a firm grip to steady him. “However, miraculous news has recently reached my ears, and my home. My daughter was lost that day, but not to death’s final embrace. In fear for her life, she was taken to a safe place, to be raised in anonymity…and now she has returned.”

  Confusion quickly spread through the crowd. “What is he saying? What does he mean?” people whispered amongst themselves.

  Assan stepped forward. Traeus nodded towards him, not making eye contact, as he and his family took a step back. The Head Priest now addressed the crowd. “Good people, your Royal Family, House Selaren has suffered much over the years. After Queen Axiana’s death, members of the priesthood found Princess Anjia. It was recognized immediately by the circumstances of how she was saved, and other signs, that she was the Chosen One the ancient prophecy spoke of.”

  An audible gasp reverberated throughout the crowd. All those gathered were riveted. They were hanging on his every word.

  “The day of that terrible, destructive storm, the lion Amsara had sensed the Princess was in grave peril. He escaped his enclosure and ran straight towards the river. When we were finally able to track him down, he had already located the Princess and dragged her from the water’s edge. She would have surely died if it had not been for his instinct that day. Kierani citizens, Amsara is the magical creature in the prophecy. There is no other way to explain his actions that day. Other than by divine birthright, his destiny, this could not have been possible.”

  The din from the crowd grew louder. Assan could tell they were both stunned and confused. “Has our King lied to us all these years about the Princess?” he heard one person ask.

  “Please understand,” Assan pleaded, waving his hands to try and quiet the noise, “at that time, when we realized Princess Anjia was the Chosen One, we felt she was at risk and needed to be protected. The Draxen’s evil plot to overthrow your Royal Family proved us correct. Their deviousness was exactly the reason why the Princess’ survival was not revealed. They had intended to assassinate her as well. It was the decision of the priesthood that she should be hidden away for her safety and for that of her family. The Royal Family did not know she survived. It was the only way we believed that she would be unharmed.”

  Loud gasps were heard throughout the crowd. Confusion began anew.

  The King decided to step forward to calm the situation. “As you can imagine, this has been a most difficult time for my family. But, an old wound is healing as our family is restored. What was done, though I was in the dark, was done in the best interests of my daughter, the Royal Family and you the people.” He looked at Assan and held his gaze for a moment. Something within him was struggling to accept that himself. He turned back to the crowd. “Though we were without her for many years and felt that loss keenly, she is alive and well and has come home.” Traeus turned back to Odai and nodded. The young priest went to summon the Princess. “You all must have many questions,” the King spoke, “and I assure you, over time they will be answered.”

  The impact of the King’s words rippled through the crowd. The increased energy and tension they created was palpable. After an initial hush, whispers caught fire throughout, spreading quickly as the Kierani struggled with what this meant. Suddenly cries of joy rang out.

  “It is a miracle!” one person shouted.


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