Honeymoon Blues (Faith Series Book 6)

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Honeymoon Blues (Faith Series Book 6) Page 3

by Nikki Bolvair

  When my monthly passed and I started having symptoms, I took the test. I was slightly worried about the effects the birth control might have on my child, but I figured I'd learn everything I'd need to know when I went in and had my pregnancy confirmed. I was kind of nervous about that. My nightly thoughts before I went to sleep were consumed by my pregnancy and how I’d change. I hadn’t yet thought about the after, with teddy bears, dolls, cribs, or baby clothes. Even though I should, I’d only got as far as which room would be best for the baby. Since the renovation took over the fourth bedroom nearest to ours for the bathroom and the extra closet space for the master bedroom, we only had two other bedrooms to choose from.

  If I got to pick, it would be the one closest to us, for obvious reasons, and that was because when the baby or toddler cried during the night, it would be the closest room we could get to. I wasn't sure how many kids we would have, but I knew I wasn't ready for a house full. We'd have to see how this one turned out, or in reality, how we turned out as parents and if we were cut out for it. This was like our practice baby. Sad to say it, but it was the truth.

  With that final thought, I jumped in the shower and waited for Kayden.

  Chapter Four


  I paused to watch her go up the stairs, admiring her cute ass bouncing up the steps. She was always willing to show me how much she loved me, us, even after all that she'd been through with her family. She was strong when she was young, just trying to survive without them. Brave to take the leap and move with Brady and his wife Sarah all the way to another state where we would meet—and she would fall for me and my brothers. She was a warrior before she ever became my Queen, but that's what she was to me. A Queen in modern clothing. Glancing back at my task when the buzzer for the stove went off, I loaded the pizza inside the hot oven and grinned. Hopefully, she’d be a naked Queen when I got upstairs.

  Letting the pizza do its thing, I flew up the stairs. I heard the shower turn on—it wasn't the only one getting turned on—and stomped into our bedroom with purpose as I tore off my shirt.

  The fabric of my jeans tightened as I imagined Faith waiting for me all wet and... my head tilted back on a groan with that image flooding my mind, and I began to struggle with my jeans.

  Once naked, I slipped inside with her and saw her grabbing the blue bar of soap, lathering it up. I dipped my head to kiss her shoulder as my arms curled around her waist to pull her back against me.

  “Did you have a good day?” I whispered against her skin, reaching around to take the soap from her.

  She relaxed against my touch, her head rolling to the side. “Mmhm.”

  So fuckin’ sweet.

  I soaped up her back and shoulders before rounding on her front. "Do you even know how sexy as fuck you are? Perfect for me."

  She shuddered at my words, and I loved that I could make her feel this way.

  I lathered up her stomach and hips, whispering what I'd do to her, and her hand reached down to brush against my cock.

  I was already rock hard and ready.

  So was she.

  I dropped the soap, turned her around, and slid my aching cock between her sudsy thighs as my mouth dropped to hers. “Kayden." My name was a whisper on her lips. Her grip tightened on me. She was close. I crushed her hips to mine, feeling her clit against my shaft.

  She went wild.

  Tearing her mouth from mine, she groaned. "Fuck."

  I chuckled. "Yes. We'll do that and more.”

  I lifted her against the shower wall, letting the heat surround us, and slid home into her warm softness. “Faith,” I gasped when her softness closed around me. “Sweetcheeks.” She was on fire.

  I glided back in, where I wanted to bathe myself in her heat. Where I belonged and waited until the first flutters of an orgasm milked me and let go.

  “Love you,” came her sweet, soft sigh that went straight to my heart.

  I kissed her collarbone and whispered it back. Never would anyone get to the place in my heart that she had. My Sweetcheeks. My Queen.

  She fell asleep right after eating pizza, and Tyler and Lincoln still weren't home.

  I left her in our bed and headed down the stairs to wait up for them. I wanted to let them know about what Faith and I had talked about today. About me taking her to the doctor’s next week. Faith seemed a little disappointed that they hadn't made it back in time for dinner. It wasn't that late, I didn't think.

  I grabbed my phone from my bag. There were two messages. One from Tyler and one from Lincoln. Going over to Faith's bag, I found her phone with the same messages. It was a group text. That was the reason we didn't get it. We were too busy with... other things to worry about where our phones were. And when the guys didn't show, I’d brought up the pizza so we could eat in bed. Faith had promptly fallen asleep after eating.

  I took her phone and mine up to the bedroom to charge and then picked up the clothes on the bedroom floor and tossed them into our ever-growing pile of dirty laundry on the bathroom floor.

  That reminded me of the charts we were going to do. And the date nights. We should really take a day and go over some of those things. Like appliances while we were at it.

  We only had one small couch and a chair in our makeshift living room. Not nearly enough space for all of us to sit. Faith ended up on someone's lap—always. That's how it should be.

  I made my way downstairs and grabbed the last two pieces of pizza, knowing that Tyler probably stopped by our parents’ house and grabbed leftovers. Knowing Mom, she'd pack enough in it for Lincoln too.

  Taking a bite of the pizza, I caught a gooey part and wrinkled my nose. Yuck. A stove had to be top priority, even if Faith couldn't cook. We still needed it for frozen pizzas.

  I leaned back against the countertop in my grey socks and flannel pj pants, eating half-cooked pizza, waiting on my brothers to get home.

  Lincoln was the first to walk through the door, dusting the fallen snow out of his hair. I met him out in the living room. He gave me a quick glance before taking his coat off. "She asleep?"


  He eyed me again, unwrapping his scarf. "And you're not up there with her?"

  I shrugged, turning around and making my way back into the kitchen. "I wanted to talk with you and Tyler."

  He followed me, and I took my stance right where I had been leaning against the counter.

  Lincoln eyed my pizza. "Any left for me?"

  I shook my head. "Tyler's bringing Mom's leftovers home. You can have that when he gets here."

  "So you let Faith, who is pregnant with our child, eat pizza for dinner?" He frowned, tossing a hand at the stove. "Why didn't you order takeout?"

  I shrugged. "Because we got busy and it's pizza?"

  His eyes stayed on me for a second before he grunted and walked toward the fridge.

  Who pissed in his coffee?

  I watched him pull out one of Faith’s cherry Dr. Peppers and pop the top. "Don't let Faith know you're stealing those."

  He paused with the can midway to his mouth. His lips twitched before he answered, "Do you think I'm stupid?" Then took a gulp.

  I huffed. "What has your panties in a twist, huh? Did someone break your favorite pencil?"

  He shook his head, setting the can down on the ugly countertop, and walked out of the kitchen. "I'm going to check on our wife. I'll be back down to chat when Tyler gets here."

  I watched him head up the stairs and sighed when he was out of sight. Something had him upset. What the fuck it was, I had no clue.

  The front door creaked open a little while later and Tyler came into the kitchen with a casserole dish just like I thought he would. He spared me a glance and a 'hey' as he put the dish on the countertop. "Tater Tot casserole." He nodded to the stairs. "She asleep?"

  Walking over to the dish, I lifted the tin foil and let my mouth water as the delicious smell wafted upward. "Yeah, Lincoln's up there with her.” I took out a fork from the utensil drawer and scooped up a

  "She eat?"


  "What did she eat?"

  The sound of footsteps on the stairs padding downward let me know Lincoln was joining us.

  "She had pizza."

  "Pizza?" Tyler echoed as if he didn't hear me the first time.

  My gaze shot his way to find him glaring at me. "What?"

  A slight sting met the back of my head as Lincoln passed by and took my fork. "What’s wrong with giving our pregnant wife pizza after you've sexed her up? The fact that she needs more than damn pizza while she's eating for two. You should have ordered out. Or at least taken her to Mom's so she could feed her."

  Rubbing the back of my head, I let out an exasperated sigh. “Sorry.”

  Tyler grabbed plates from the cabinet and handed one to Lincoln before starting to dish up food. “You’re probably hangry. Eat some damn food and we’ll all talk.”

  Lincoln grinned and took the plate. “Fine.”

  I exited the kitchen and paused at the stairs to listen for any rustling from upstairs. All seemed quiet. I moved on to the living room and plopped down in the chair, leaving the small couch for them.

  Tyler and Lincoln came in, sitting down with food in hand, and got comfortable.

  “Okay, what’s going on?” Tyler asked first before he took a bite of his food.

  I sank down into my seat. “Apparently, Faith has a doctor's appointment next week?”

  Both of them lifted their heads with wide eyes and froze, then looked to one another before coming back to me

  “Aw, fuck,” Lincoln cursed, his gaze meeting mine.

  Tyler had similar sentiments. “Sorry, she made the appointment when you were gone. We forgot to text you.”

  I sighed, nodding. “I know. Didn't find out until this afternoon when I was picking her up from work. It was a surprise to her that I didn't know, and she felt bad about it.” My lips curled up at the sides. “So bad that she said I could be the one to take her to her first appointment.”

  Lincoln's eyes went wide. I knew he wanted to be there for her first appointment so he could ask all the questions he had. Hell, we all had them.

  Lincoln set his plate aside and leaned forward on the couch, drawing my full attention. Tyler also paused his eating and was currently speechless.

  “Wait,” Lincoln finally got out. “Why can't we all go?”

  Tyler, the voice of reason, answered, “Because, even though we’re all together, some people won’t be as accepting of our relationship. It’s not a widely known thing to have more than one husband. We still need to be cautious when presenting our relationship to others.”

  Lincoln uttered a low, “Fuck,” before sitting back. “People are going to have to get used to it around here.”

  Lincoln grumbled, picking his plate back up, and stood, heading to the kitchen. He muttered along the way, “This may be our first child, but definitely not our last.”

  Me, being the more optimistic one, offered a suggestion. “Well then, let's find a good doctor. One that we can stick with long-term so that we don't have to be explaining the situation all the time. Let's have her confirm the pregnancy, get what she needs, and then we'll go from there.”

  “Good thought.” Tyler sighed. “Honestly, I didn’t think she’d get pregnant that fast.” He got up and took the same path as Lincoln. “At least we all know to use rubber with her now, even with birth control.”

  Lincoln came back and gave me a glare. “Fine, okay, one complication off the table to worry about. But I get her next appointment,” Lincoln negotiated.

  Tyler came back into the living room just in time to nod in agreement. “Fine. I get the one after that.” He took a deep breath. “I also have something to say. With Faith being pregnant and all, we should hold off on the vigorous sex stuff.”

  In all my life, I'd never seen my brother blush, but his face tinted pink, which could have been due to the cold. But with the timing, I think it had to do with his suggestion.

  Lincoln’s gaze swung to Tyler. “Why the fuck would we do that?”

  “Because it might harm the baby,” Tyler said softly. “I’ve heard stories about how lots of sex while pregnant can be harmful. I’m just... I'm just afraid to do something wrong. I mean, obviously Kayden was with her tonight, and I won't ask you details, but let's say one of us is in the shower with her and we're doing some kinky shit. What if she falls? It’s happened before. We need to be careful.”

  Grunting, I realized that’s what we’d done tonight. It was slippery. I turned my head away from him, thinking about it now.

  “Or how we tag team her. Some of the stuff we do, it's a lot for one woman. Let's just tone it down a notch until we can find out more information.”

  “Fine,” Lincoln relented, but it sounded forced. I knew he’d ordered some stuff online for him and her. I wondered if his plans now had to take a back seat? “I guess I'll pick up a baby book and see if I can find anything in there or maybe on some website forums,” he finished.

  I turned back to them with a groan. “Just text me the questions and I’ll ask them.”

  “Damn right you will.” Tyler grunted. “Welcome to married life.”

  “You too, asshole,” I shot back.

  Lincoln left without saying anything and headed upstairs.

  Standing up, I grinned. “He has the right idea. Plus, it’s too cold to be down here. Heat rises, and I’d much rather be in bed with Faith.” With that, I left Tyler to figure out if he was going to stay up to work on numbers or make the same path Lincoln and I were making.

  Happy wife... Happy life.

  Chapter Five

  Wednesday I woke up tired and exhausted. Though I didn't know why. I laid in bed the longest until all the guys were out, then rolled out from under the covers and went into the bathroom, like I do every morning, with an extreme urge to use the bathroom.

  I growled when I saw that the seat was up, even though the toilet had been flushed.

  Putting it down against the lip, I did my business, not in the mood today to deal with toilet lids, beard shavings in the sink, or clothes on the floor. I wasn't even sure if I was ready for work today.

  I was still anticipating a call from Grandma Manto; I hadn't talked her since the four of us got back from our honeymoon. It was only a matter time before she called or showed up. I never knew what she was going to do. Next week I’d go over there like I had been and help her out. She wasn't one to let it go, especially since I was family to her now. But she’d have ulterior motives, since Marissa might be carrying Van’s baby. The whole thing was a mess. My aunt and uncle had no idea Marissa didn’t know who the father was, only that she got herself into this predicament. The whole situation was complicated.

  Leaving the problem for another day, I turned on the shower and stepped in, thinking about everything I had going on today. It was Thursday and that meant unpacking my house with my husbands. I grinned when I thought of them that way.

  Switching gears, I wondered why I hadn't heard from Raina. She might be busy with her new bundle, but I thought she might have called. Maybe she was giving me space. Being newly married and all. Maybe this weekend we could go over and I could snuggle my little niece.

  Getting out of the shower, I wrapped up in a towel and was overcome by the wretched smell of burning flesh. Ugh. Bacon. My hand hit my mouth, and before I was sick on the floor, I made it to the toilet, emptying the contents of last night's dinner. Even when that was gone, it didn’t matter that my stomach didn’t have anything in it, I still heaved.

  I had to get dressed and get out of here. Cold nipped on my wet shoulders and my knees dug into the tiled floor from praying to the toilet god.

  Groaning, I stood and flushed the toilet, then headed back over to the sink to brush my teeth.

  The smell was still there, but I had a reprieve for the moment and took it to get dressed and grab my phone. Racing downstairs, I found my shoes and put them on as the guys talked in the kitchen.
My hand covered my nose in between putting on shoes.

  Then Lincoln saw me, his aqua eyes lighting up. He waved my once favorite breakfast food—now an unwanted piece of burned flesh—in the air with a wide grin. “We have bacon–”

  My hand slapped over my mouth and I shook my head, racing to the front door.

  Once outside on the porch, which once had a humongous hole the size of the Grand Canyon (maybe I was exaggerating a bit), I gulped in cold crisp air and sighed when the nausea retreated.

  Brushing off the bit of snow on the porch rail, I leaned against it wondering about my next move. Did I go back in there? How could I? Not with the– I stopped my train of thought before I could make myself nauseous.

  The sound of footsteps scraped across the porch, and I turned to find Lincoln there with his eyebrows up into his hairline. He held my coat, which I’d forgotten to grab in my rush. “What was that?”

  I turned away from him to look out over our front yard. “No more bacon.”

  “Oh. You got sick?” He laid the coat over my shoulders and helped me into it.


  Kayden was next to come out, and Lincoln informed him of the no bacon rule.

  “Really?” The surprise in Kayden’s voice said it all.

  I turned back to Lincoln and Kayden and gave a shrug. I felt bad that they went to all the trouble to make it for me. I loved bacon, but now I didn’t think I’d ever think of it the same way.

  “It just doesn't agree with me.”

  Lincoln cupped my cheeks and dropped his lips to my forehead. “Okay,” he whispered against my skin before wrapping his arms around my body and drawing me into his. “No more bacon.”

  Kayden shot me a goofy grin. “Our baby doesn't like bacon. Got it.”

  “Kayden.” Lincoln’s chest rumbled against my cheek. “Go tell Tyler what’s going on and grab your stuff. You can take her out for food before you drop her off at work.”

  His smile dropped a bit, but he gave a nod and went inside to do as he was asked.


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