Honeymoon Blues (Faith Series Book 6)

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Honeymoon Blues (Faith Series Book 6) Page 7

by Nikki Bolvair

  "Let's drive-thru for coffee and hot chocolate then head to downtown. I want to see if Granny Manto still has my lamp."

  Perry shot me a grin. "You got it."

  We pulled up to the antique store and got out with our drinks in hand. "You're getting a lamp here?" Perry questioned, her eyes fixed on the store before coming to rest on me. "Not that I have anything against antiques, but this doesn't seem your style."

  I pushed the store door open, and the pleasant jingle of the bell attached above gave me a sense of home. I loved hearing it.

  The store was full of antiques, but Granny Manto had upgraded and let in a few handmade items as well as a few booths. So it wasn't just old stuff anymore.

  "Whoa," Perry exclaimed when she saw what was inside. "Did Christmas explode in here or what?"

  A chuckle escaped me when I realized she was right. I hadn't been back in since my honeymoon, and Thanksgiving had definitely moved out and Christmas had taken its place. Cinnamon pine cones scented the store, and trinkets of holiday crafts, such as Christmas tree decorations and monogrammed stockings, lined the shelves and display tables. There were homemade lotions and hand scrubs, hand sewn tablecloths with napkins, and tree skirts. There were even large, carved Santa's that were skinny and tall. All of it was mixed in with the old, bringing the store new life.

  "Hi! Welcome to Manto's Antiques and More!" a cheery voice greeted us. I turned to the counter and found a younger woman behind it, grinning at us. "If you need any help, my name is Victoria."

  I sent her a smile and nodded.

  Perry leaned in to me and whispered, "Does she not know who you are?"

  I shrugged and headed toward the back where my lamp had been. "It doesn't matter. Let's go see if it's still here."

  "Do you even have a place to put it?"

  A little of my excitement whittled away. "No, but I will."

  When we reached the back, I saw the place where my white lamp with goosebumps, as I liked to call them, had been and found another lamp had taken its place. My shoulders slumped in disappointment. "It's not there."

  "Maybe they moved it? How long has it been since you've seen it?"

  Biting my lip, my gaze moved over to her. "Two weeks? Maybe three?"

  Perry gave me a small smile that said, 'Girl, I'm sorry, but you waited too long,' and patted my shoulder. "Maybe ask Victoria up front if she sold it."

  I nodded, trying to not to let my hopes die, and headed back up front. Perry drifted behind me, pausing every so often to look at things, so that ultimately, when I got to the counter, I had lost her.

  Victoria flashed me a winning smile when she saw me coming and stopped what she was doing to greet me. One I had worked behind more than once, since Granny Manto had required it of me.

  "Hi." I pointed to the far corner Perry and I had just been at and asked my question. "About two weeks ago, there was a milk-white lamp with polka-dotted textured and brass trim back there. Was it moved, or did you sell it?"

  Her eyes went wide as she nodded. "Of course!" Then she gave me a sad face. "I'm sorry to say, it sold last week."

  I sighed. "It's okay. I guess–"

  “Faith! Is that you?” came the old withered voice of Granny Manto, peeking out of the back room.

  A grin teased my lips when I saw her come out in a red sweater that had Santa in full gear roasting a turkey with a flamethrower. It said, “Ho-ho-ho, Happy Thanksgiving.” I guess we knew who won that debate.

  I heard Perry snort and I knew she’d just read the caption. “Yes, Granny. I'm back.”

  “Well, it's about time, child!” Granny Manto exclaimed as she approached me. It looked like she had been in the back room for a while. With a knowing glint in her eyes, she took me in with a genuine smile on her face. “It's about time you came to see little old me. I give you Monday off and no call. No text or email either. I should fire you.”

  “You wish.” I laughed as Victoria’s eyes grew wide with each word we spoke.

  She shook a gnarly finger at me. “Don’t you tempt me, child.” Then she held out her arms and motioned me in for a hug. I moved in, letting her faux grandmotherly hug envelop me. She might have been a grandmother, but she was pretty much the opposite as far as I was concerned. “It's good to see you,” she admitted.

  “I'm sorry I haven't talked to you lately.” I drew back and smiled softly, wondering if she knew about me being pregnant. “I’ve been preoccupied unpacking and... other things.”

  Her eyes narrowed in on me as her lips pursed. “Uh-huh.”

  Giving a one shoulder shrug, I raised my eyebrows innocently.

  “Fine,” Granny relented. “So, what are you doing here?” She was totally ignoring Victoria, focusing all her attention on me, until she saw Perry behind me. “And who is this?”

  “Hi!” Perry chirped, stepping up to my side and holding out a hand. “I’m Perry. I’m pretty sure we met at Faith’s bridal shower a few weeks ago.”

  Granny gave a slow nod as if remembering and took her hand. “Of course, I know you!” With a pat, she let go of Perry’s hand and turned to a plate of saran-wrapped goodies and offered them to us. They had been on the counter marked for sale, but if Granny made them, we would not be eating them. Who knew what she put inside them. “Goodie?”

  “Oh, thank you,” Perry said, reaching for a treat.

  I slapped her hand down before she could take one. “No, Granny. We’re not hungry.”

  Granny frowned and eyed Perry. “I have a nephew or two who are looking for a life mate. Are you single?”

  Perry glanced to me before answering, “I’m single but not looking for anyone at the moment.”

  “Granny, stop trying to set up my friends with more of your questionable relatives,” I said teasingly.

  Granny huffed. “The only questionable one in our family is you, right now. You and your three husbands.”

  A gasp sounded behind us. The three of us spun to Victoria, who was still behind the counter listening in. When Victoria noticed she had our undivided attention, she blushed. “I’m sorry.” Her voice was high pitched with embarrassment. “I’ll just check on things in the back.” She some shuffled papers before hurrying her way to the back room.

  “That girl...” Granny shook her head. “She’s wonderful behind the counter, but some days I wonder about her.”

  “Granny, you wonder about everybody,” I smarted back as she tried to push the plate of goodies on us once more.

  “Are you sure you won’t take some?”

  Perry was eyeing them, so I answered for both of us, keeping her hand down. “We’re sure.”

  The twinkle came back in the old biddy’s eyes. “Why?” she asked, putting the tray down. “I wouldn't have spiced these. They’re for customers. You can't drug customers. It’s bad for business.”

  Perry giggled as if it were a joke. When none of us joined in, she sobered. “Wait. Really?”

  “As chocolate cake,” I replied.

  Granny ignored me and asked, “You girls busy?”

  “Just doing some shopping,” my no-good friend answered before I could interrupt.

  “Good,” she said as if it was decided. “You girls are coming with me.”

  “What?” we both chirped.

  “Granny, we had our whole day planned,” I reasoned.

  She moved past me, swiping my purse as she hobbled out the shop door. “Well, now you have your whole day planned with me.” Then she wiggled my purse as if it were a prize. “Coming?”

  I glanced to Perry, who shrugged.

  “Victoria,” Granny yelled. “I'm headed out. You and the new girl can hold down the fort.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” she called back, and Granny slipped outside.

  Unsure what to do, I sighed and linked arms with Perry to head out the door. “I guess sometimes it’s best to just go with the flow.”

  “And your purse,” Perry added, amused.

  I chuckled. “Yes, and that.”

  ***r />
  An hour later and deep in north Rochester, Granny pulled into Ruby Gordon’s furniture store.

  She had us listening to Christmas music and entertained us with holiday traditions, which I was familiar with from the last few years. She also told us stories of her grandsons—one of which had supposedly gotten Marissa pregnant—which kept us oblivious to where she was going until we were there.

  “What are we doing here?”

  Granny took that moment to bring up the conversation, yet again, that I wasn't ready, or willing, to talk about. Marissa.

  “How is that cousin of yours?”

  This made me bristle, and I knew Perry was in tune with what was going on. “My cousin is just fine. Now, Granny Manto,” I said, refusing to talk about her. “It’s freezing cold and we’re parked in front of a furniture store. Why?”

  She opened her door and started to climb out, and as she did this, she stated simply, “Because you need furniture.” Then she shut her door and waited for us in front of the store, with my purse.

  “What are we going to do?” Perry asked from the backseat. “Is she just going to stand out in the cold?”

  I watched the old bat do just that and grumbled, “Yes. She knows that I won’t let her stand out in the cold and she’ll wait out in there until I get out of this damn car.”

  “So... we’re getting out?”

  I opened my door. “Yes.”

  Right when both of us shut our doors, Granny Manto’s car beeped, signaling that she’d locked it and secured the alarm.

  Perry hooked our arms together and leaned in. “Go with the flow, huh?”

  I elbowed her. “Shut it.”

  Following Granny inside, I asked, “How would you even know that I don’t have furniture?”

  She turned and gave me a wink. “I have spies.”

  That had me missing a step; thankfully, Perry caught me. “What does that even mean?”

  With a dismissive wave, she quipped, “Asks the girl without any curtains on her windows. How do you think I found out?” And with that, she left me gaping as she went to talk to an associate.

  When she saw I wasn't following, she turned back to me with her red sweater and Santa and gave me ‘the gramma look’ with her hands on her hips. “Well, are you coming?”

  Perry linked arms with me and leaned in to whisper in my ear, “We might as well see what she’s up to.”

  I humored Granny Manto, and it ended up with her buying me a whole living room set and a kitchen table.

  “What just happened?” Perry asked as we walked out of the store.

  I was still shaking my head, wondering the same thing myself.

  “I–I’m not sure.”

  “I bought you what you need!” Granny sounded smug. “Now, let’s go to lunch. Your treat.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Perry dropped me off at home and I noticed the truck in the driveway. Kayden or Lincoln must be home.

  Once inside, I found Lincoln in the kitchen setting bags of food on the counter.

  “Hey,” I greeted him, realizing that he must have gotten home shortly before me. “Kayden here too?”

  He turned around, leaned his back against the counter while folding his arms, and his crystal blue gaze took me in. When his eyes came back up to meet mine, heat flared in his icy gaze. “Nope.”

  My insides squeezed. I knew what that meant.

  “One or two things can happen right at this moment,” Lincoln said softly as his blue eyes burned with an inner fire. I waited for him to go on, and his lips tilted up into a smile. “One, we can sit down and eat this food that I bought or...”—he paused, watching me very carefully—“you could go upstairs, strip, and lay down on our bed, and I'll do wicked things to you.”

  From one heartbeat to the next, I stood frozen while he waited for what I would do.

  I knew what I wanted.

  My bag dropped to the floor.

  I unzipped my boots and hopped from one foot to the other and dumped them right there in front of him.

  Lincoln's blue eyes went wide.

  I almost snorted. He was the dominant one. He should have known this was coming.

  I didn’t wait. No hesitation. I hightailed it upstairs to our room and did as he asked.

  In our bedroom, I tore off every article of clothing, just like he’d instructed, excited about the possibilities of what was to come. Lincoln always liked to stretch my boundaries, have me try new things. His freakish desire to put me on edge always resulted in a fantastic ending.

  Crawling up on the bed, I put myself in the middle and waited for him.

  My body came alive as I heard him come up the stairs, and step-by-step, anticipation rose.

  Once in the bedroom, he held an unlit candle and set it on the bedside table along with a glass of water and a small vial of something. What was all that for? I watched him light the candle. Setting the mood maybe?

  “Good girl.” His deep voice vibrated with satisfaction when he saw me exactly where he wanted me. “Stay there. I'll be right back.”

  I squeezed my thighs together wondering what was coming. What he had in mind for me. He went into our closet and came back out with a tie. Oh man, I knew what that meant.

  He climbed up on the bed and kissed my lips. His buttoned-up work shirt brushed against my chest as he did this, making me acutely aware that he was still dressed. The kiss was brief. He drew away and tapped my arms. “Hands.”

  We had done this a couple of times before, so I knew what to expect when Lincoln tied my hands loosely.

  As he finished the tie, he left a small loop at the end and I wondered what it was for. His large hand covered mine with a gentle squeeze. “Comfortable?”

  “I’m good,” I said, my heart picking up speed when he took my hands and brought them above my head.

  “Good. I’m putting the loop through a D ring I installed on our head board yesterday.” His hands traced down my arms, skipping over my tickle spots, and resting at the sides of my body, just by my breasts. “I want you to tell me if you get uncomfortable or scared.”

  I nodded.

  He leaned over me. “Words sweetheart. I need them.”

  I shivered. “I will tell you if I’m scared or uncomfortable.”

  He kissed my lips and gave my sides a squeeze. “Good. Now, I am going to blindfold you. It will heighten all your senses.” His blue eyes stared into mine, curious and intense. “Will you be okay with that?”

  I'd never done that before, but I trusted him. “I trust you.”

  He gave me a big smile and kissed me again, getting off the bed to grab yet another thing from the closet, but this time it looked more like a face mask.

  “Have you finished your toy shopping? Or are there more things coming my way?” I asked coyly.

  He chuckled. “I guess you’ll have to find out. Lift your head,” he directed as he drew the black satin mask over my eyes. “Are you comfy?”

  I wiggled in my spot as a smile played on my lips. “As comfy as I'll ever be.”

  “Good girl,” his deep voice praised. He moved away from me and I heard a click before some music turned on.

  “What are you going to do?” I asked, having no clue what was coming my way next.

  “We're going to play with a little bit of wax.”

  “Oh,” I responded with a little apprehension in my voice. “Like hot wax?”

  “Yes,” he answered, then I felt the bed move and he covered my body with his. He kissed my lips, his hands caressing me everywhere. He nipped the column of my collarbone down to my nipples and took one in his mouth with slow, sweet suction. His hands moved from my sides down to my waist as he spread my legs and pressed against me.

  I could feel the band of his pants press against my intimate area as he moved over me.

  I gasped as he let go of one nipple just to go to the next and do the same thing, until he had them both tight against my body with arousal.

  “It's going to be a little ho
t,” he whispered as he moved slightly away from me. A gasp escaped as I felt the sting of hot wax meet the top of my nipple and I jerked slightly, causing it to dribble down the curve of my breast and chest.

  “Shit,” he murmured and felt him blow on the wax until the heat lessoned and the wax hardened. It felt like a tight pressure that was warm and tingly.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just a little hot and unexpected,” I responded, not sure what to think about what he was doing to me.

  “You okay for me to continue?” Was he going to do that to my other one? I had to admit, after a second or two it didn't seem so bad. So, I agreed.

  “Good girl,” he praised and told me hold still.

  I did and felt the wax dribble onto my other nipple. The stinging came but only briefly as it warmed. It dried against my body with a tight hold. Before I could ask why he was doing this, he started to explain, “Remember that candlelight I brought in here? It's called a sensual candle and it’s made for this kind of play.”

  His hands rubbed against the rise of my breast. He leaned down to kiss my lips again. “Once I take off the wax, I’ll kiss those pretty, perky breasts and it's going to feel like nothing you've ever felt before.” My breath caught at his explanation. Only a moment or two later, after kissing and pressing against me, his thumb drew up against my nipple, breaking the wax until it cracked and fell away.

  A gasp escaped my lips at the first touch of his mouth against my heated skin. It caused a stinging sensation that prickled with pleasure and coursed straight down between my thighs. My hands clenched on his tie as my body wound tight.

  He sucked in air, and I groaned feeling the tiny bites of pleasure along my skin.

  “I'm guessing you like that,” he mused.

  With an incoherent yes from me, he moved over to the other nipple, giving it the same attention.

  Need bloomed. My knees drew up around his hips and I pressed against him. He was creating a pressure that was building into something that was desperate for release.

  Letting go of my nipple, he scooted down lower and kissed my nether lips and latched onto my clit with a soft and gentle suck.

  I was going to explode before he ever got in me.


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