Santino (Mafia Heat Book 4)

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Santino (Mafia Heat Book 4) Page 14

by Ella Jade

  “It isn’t like this all the time.”

  “Your first instinct was to run in here with your gun in your hand.” She pushed the hair from her eyes. “I was having a nightmare. It isn’t life or death.”

  “You were screaming for me and yelling not to shoot. I was asleep. I didn’t have time to process that you might be having a dream. I wanted to rescue you.”

  “My point is, you’re supposed to be an attorney.” Her eyes filled with tears. “Like Vincenzo.”

  “Now you sound like my mother.”

  “She’s not wrong.”

  “I am who I am and I’m sorry if you can’t accept it. I’m sorry that I brought you into this mess. It was never my intention to bring you here and keep you against your will.”

  “If you really mean that, you’ll let me go.”

  “You know that fear that nightmare causes you? I have that same fear that something will happen to you. My fear is real.”

  “Mine isn’t?”

  “I only mean that you were shot at. In my house and I wasn’t there to protect you. That was the safest place, or at least I thought it was, and I couldn’t protect you. If that asshole had better aim, you could be dead.”

  “And you could be shot at every time you leave your house. What kind of life is that?”

  “It’s my life. One that I was born into and one that I chose to remain a part of.”

  “That’s not something I envision for myself.”

  “I don’t blame you.” As much as it pained me to admit that, I would let her walk away. My family, the things we did, they weren’t for everyone. They certainly weren’t for someone who didn’t want to be here. “I won’t ask you to stay with me.”

  “Is it that simple for you?”

  “What do you want me to say?” What did she want from me? “It has to be your choice.”

  “Do you know how ridiculous that sounds considering you’re holding me hostage?”

  “You know why I’m doing that.”

  “Nothing is really my choice when it comes to us. It hasn’t been from the beginning.”

  “That’s not true.” I placed my hand on her leg. “You’ve always had the choice to walk away.”

  “Except now.”

  “I can’t keep doing this with you.” I stood from the bed. “This will be over soon enough and then you can leave. I won’t show up where you are. I’ll tell Vincenzo I can’t work with him. I’ll leave you alone. It’ll be as if you never even knew me.”

  “That’s not what I... is that what you want?”

  “Does it matter what I want?” I walked to the door, too defeated to have this conversation. “We’re stuck here together but it’s a big house. I’ll stay out of your way. I won’t make this any more difficult than it has to be. If you need something, let Art know. He’ll relay the message. Gianni had some clothes delivered for you today. They’re outside the door.”

  She didn’t say anything, so I left the room, shutting the door behind me.

  What else is there to say?


  I’d been here for two days. It seemed like an eternity. Knowing my mother wasn’t worried about me offered me some solace. I’d give anything to be on the romantic getaway with Santino that she thought I was on. I guess I’d have to come up with a story for her to gush over. She was going to be so disappointed when I told her it was over between Santino and I.

  I dipped my feet in the indoor hot tub just off the workout room. This place was pretty amazing. If one had to be kidnapped, it may as well be here. As I relaxed in the steam floating off the water, I thought about how things had gone so terribly wrong. He never hid who he was or where he came from. He may not have talked much about it but I knew he wasn’t your average attorney. I’d read the papers and saw what people said about his family on social media. It wasn’t a surprise that he had enemies. Bobby’s crew didn’t like him. Rita often told me how envious Bobby was of the Marchellis. How he secretly wished he could be a soldier for their family.

  All the signs were there. I tried to avoid him in the beginning because I knew being with a guy like him could only lead to heartbreak in the end but I let myself fall for him anyway. I let him sweep me up in his fairytale with his big house, expensive cars, fancy dinners, and charming smile. When we were together nothing else mattered. I liked the way people looked at us. I liked being the center of attention. It was all fine being the mob princes' girlfriend until something mob-like happened and I realized how real and dangerous it all was.

  I was such a freakin’ hypocrite because if given the chance to go back and do it all again, I would. I’d give anything to be with Santino even if I couldn’t admit it two days ago.

  When the doors opened behind me, my stomach fluttered with anticipation. Maybe we could find a compromise. My heart sank when I turned to find Art standing behind me.

  “I don’t mean to disturb you,” he said. “I wanted to let you know that lunch is ready when you are.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I can have the staff bring it here if you’d like.”

  “Where is Santino having his lunch?” Perhaps we could share a meal and stop the hostility between us because no matter what the future had in store for us, I didn’t want to go through my life hating him.

  “He’s not here.”

  “What? I’m sorry but where is he?” My stomach churned when he said Santino wasn’t here. “I thought we were in lockdown.”

  “We are.”

  “Where did he go?”

  “A meeting.” Art wasn’t offering much. “Nothing for you to concern yourself with.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “His father has returned from Italy. He went to the main house to greet him. It was safer for Santino to take a meeting there than to have the others come here. This is supposed to be a secure location. The less people coming and going the better.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me he was going?”

  “I didn’t think you were on speaking terms.” He sighed. “Santino doesn’t think you’re on speaking terms either.”

  “We’re not.” The nerve of Santino leaving here and not telling me. How come he got to come and go and he pleased but not me? “When will he be back?”

  “In a few hours.” He glanced at his watch. “As I said, it’s nothing for you to worry about.”

  “Why aren’t you with him?” An odd sensation came over me. “You’re always with him.”

  “I know.”

  “How could you let him go alone?”

  “I would never let him go alone.” His tone held annoyance over my question. “You’re right, I should be with him but he didn’t want me to leave you.”


  “Dominick sent extra protection for him. I know he’ll be fine but don’t for a second think that I wouldn’t rather be with him. He’s been my responsibility for a long time. If something would have happened to him the other night, I would never have forgiven myself.”

  “You mean as much to him as he means to you.”

  “Thank you for saying that.” He shrugged. “I’m here right now because that’s what Santino asked of me. It was more important to him for me to stay here and make sure you’re protected.”

  It still didn’t change the fact that he left here without telling me. What if something happened to him while he was gone. What if he doesn’t come back?

  “Are you sure he’s okay?”

  “He’s with his father and brothers.”

  Is that supposed to make me feel better?

  Chapter Fourteen

  This place turned us into different people...


  I got in late last night and decided to go for a morning run to clear my head. Once my father’s flight landed, we went straight to a meeting with Bruno. We couldn’t get anything useful out of him. But that wasn’t really the point of the meeting. It was more to make sure he understood he was on our radar and if he sent the shooter, there would
be no place for him to hide. The only reason he was still breathing was out of respect for Angelique. They may have been estranged but he was her father.

  Bruno assured us that he had nothing to do with the attack on the main house. He wanted nothing to do with us. He had a few choice words for Gianni about him stealing Angelique from him and poisoning her mind against him but he said that wasn’t enough to send a lone shooter to the property. I hated to admit it but what would be the point of sending one man to take all of us out? Bruno would know that anyone who was lucky enough to get onto the property would never make it out alive.

  “Where were you?” Luca came down the stairs. “Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?”

  “I didn’t think you’d care.”

  “You left the place you said was supposed to keep us safe. You said I had to stay here because that was our best option.”

  “It is our best option.”

  “But you left.”

  “I can handle myself.” I finished my bottle of water. “I’ve been back since last night. I didn’t think you’d care one way or the other, so I didn’t bother telling you.”

  “You didn’t think I’d care?” She placed her hand on her hip. “You left me here.”

  I couldn’t tell if she was upset that I’d left or relieved that I was back. I wasn’t sure what was going on. “You haven’t said a word to me in days. I told you I’d stay out of your way. Does it really matter that I left?”

  “Yes, the whole reason I’m here is because it isn’t safe for me to be anywhere else. Why would it be safe for you to go back to your family?”

  “I didn’t go alone.”

  “You didn’t take Art.”

  “I left him here with you so I knew you’d be protected. I had to go. I didn’t have a choice.”

  “Kind of like I don’t have a choice?” When she moved toward me, I saw the fire in her eyes. She was pissed. “Only you get to come and go as you please. You don’t have to answer to anyone. You won’t even let me talk to my mother. You left me alone and isolated here. You could have been killed.”

  Maybe she was relieved I was back. I could use that to my advantage.

  “How could you be so inconsiderate?” She yelled. “How could you leave me here?”

  “I didn’t think it was a big deal.” I shrugged. “If I had known you were going to worry about me, I would have told you. But you acted like you wanted no part of me, so I went about my business.”

  “Are you serious?”


  “What’s wrong with you?”

  “What’s wrong with me? You’re the one who ran out on me in the middle of the night causing me to bring you here.”

  “I caused you to abduct me?”

  “You’re also the one who told me to leave you alone.”

  “You don’t listen to anything else I say, why would you listen to that?” She huffed. “You’re the reason we’re in this mess.”

  “Me?” I yelled. “The rest of my family is already back in their own houses, agreeing to stay on the property until we know it’s safe. We’re the only two locked in a safe house. Do I have to remind you whose fault that is?”

  “Don’t you blame this on me.”

  “Who should I blame it on?” Now she was making me angry. “I’m doing the best I can here. Why can’t you cut me a fucking break?”

  “I should cut you a break? What about me? You’ve uprooted my life. I can’t work, I can’t see my mother, and I’m surrounded by all these guards like I’m a criminal. Do you know how screwed up your family is?”

  “Don’t.” I was going on three hours of sleep. I didn’t want to have this argument with her. “I’m going to get a shower.”

  “Don’t walk away from me.”

  “Luca,” I warned. “You don’t want to do this with me right now.”

  “Did I hit a nerve?” She hit my chest with her palm. “Can you not see how crazy your life is? You have so much potential and you’re wasting it on your father’s business.”

  “Don’t do that.” Why is she provoking me?

  “What?” She pushed me. “That?”

  “You’re out of control.” I headed for the stairs.

  “I’m out of control?” She stood in front of the staircase.

  “Get out of my way.”


  “This is real life. You chose to be with me and these are the consequences.” I clenched my fists by my side, trying to control my rage. “Stop acting like an entitled brat and grow the fuck up.”

  She raised her hand to slap me but I wasn’t playing today. I gripped her wrist in my hand. “You can say whatever you want about me but my family is off limits.”

  She tried to struggle out of my hold but my grasp was too strong. “I told you I wouldn’t be as forgiving as I was the other day. Keep your hands to yourself. Are we clear?”

  “Santino.” Dominick stood in the foyer. “That’s enough.”

  Vincenzo was behind him. They must have come in through the back entrance. Luca had me so crazy that I hadn’t even heard them.

  I released Luca’s hand and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled.

  “I need to speak with you,” Dominick said.

  “Why are you here?” I asked Vince.

  “I thought maybe Luca could use a friend.” He smiled at his assistant. “Let’s go to the family room.”

  Vince placed his hand on Luca’s back and walked down the foyer with her. She seemed more relaxed with him. Was that why she wanted me to be more like him? Did she envision herself with a man like Vince? A legit attorney who could never hurt her?

  “Didn’t I tell you not to lose your focus?” Dominick yelled. “Whatever is going on between you two has to stop.”

  “It will, once we’re out of here,” I assured him.

  “Well, today may be your lucky day.”


  “This place turned Santino and I into different people.” I took a seat on the sofa. “I kept hoping he would see how crazy this plan is but he digs his heels in deeper and says he’s protecting me.”

  “He’s not going to see your side of this.” He sat next to me. “Santino is more like Dominick and my father than I thought. When they view a threat to those they care about, they stop at nothing to make sure everyone is safe. They don’t care how their methods affect everyone else. They want to get the job done.”

  “Like abducting me?”

  “Luca,” Vincenzo said. “I’m sorry my family got you into this mess.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “I know it isn’t fair they’re holding you here. If I had any clout with Dominick, I’d tell them to let you go but they’re doing it for your safety. If Santino was the target the other night, your relationship makes you vulnerable. If you could hang in there for a few more days, maybe things will resolve themselves.”

  “Resolve themselves?” I threw my hands in the air. “Someone shot at me while I was in Santino’s living room. How do I know I’ll ever be safe with him?”

  “You don’t, I’m afraid.”

  “You’re not being very reassuring.”

  “I wish I could be.” He leaned against the back of the sofa. “I struggled with the same questions when Nadia and I got together. Would she be a target because she was with me? Because of who her father is? We were shot at early on in our relationship.”

  “It was terrifying.”

  “I wanted to let Nadia go but I realized bad things happen all the time. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow and if we could make one another happy and my family could protect us then why shouldn’t we be together?”

  “How do you live like this?”

  “It’s the only way I know how to live but I was able to distance myself and make a name of my own like Sal has. It’s harder for Dominick and Gianni but they accepted their place in this family a long time ago.”

  “Santino? What about him?”

  “It hasn’t been e
asy for him. He struggles although he never shows it. He carries a burden that Sal and I didn’t.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve already said too much.”

  “Vincenzo, please. I want to understand who your brother is.” As angry as I was with Santino, I still wanted him. I wanted a life with him but I was too afraid to admit that to him. Being with him came with consequences and sacrifices.

  “My mother had already given up two sons to my father’s lifestyle. I never had much interest in it and knew my path was set when I went to Harvard. Salvatore was destined to run the winery, so that meant the two of us could lead a legitimate life.”

  “Your mother must have been relieved.”

  “When Santino said he wanted to go to law school, we all thought that meant he wanted to work with me, securing his legitimate future but he struggled with that decision.”


  “Being the youngest isn’t always the easiest. By the time Santino was old enough to understand what our father did for a living, Dominick and Gianni were already working for him. My mother didn’t want the rest of us to follow that path so my father paid a lot of attention to Dominick and Gianni.”

  “That must have been hard for you, Sal and Santino.”

  “He didn’t neglect us and was always there for us but my mother sheltered the three of us. Sal and I were fine with it. Santino looked up to Dominick and Gianni and sought my father’s approval as often as he could.”

  “How did your father feel about that?”

  “My father loves Santino as much as he loves all of us but I think on some level he wanted to respect my mother’s wishes. In doing that, he pushed Santino in another direction leaving him stuck between being a legitimate attorney or working with my father. That only made my brother want to prove himself harder. He’s a very determined man.”

  “I know.” I gazed around my current prison.

  “I’m sorry but my family is trying to keep you safe. The rest of us haven’t left the main property since the shooting. Santino thought it best to isolate you so you couldn’t get hurt.”

  “Because I acted like a brat and ran.”

  “No one blames you for that. Between you and me, I’ve thought about running away many times through the years.”


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