Murder at Black Lake

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Murder at Black Lake Page 18

by Anne Patrick

  "You wash, I'll dry."


  As they both stood at the sink washing the dishes, it was hard not to envision a future together. Marriage. A family. Find a place in the country with lots of room for their children to run and play. Jamie shattered the vision when she leaned her head against his shoulder and just as quickly moved away from him.

  "That was a lovely dinner." Jamie wiped her hands on a dishtowel, then slid her arms around his waist and initiated a kiss that didn't last nearly long enough. "I should go."

  "You don't wanna stay and watch a movie? I promise we don't have to watch one of yours."

  "Another time. I promise. I have a script I need to read."

  "For your movie in September?"

  "No, a different one."

  "All right." Gage drew her back into his arms and just held her. She had become such a big part of his life he never wanted her to leave, but he knew eventually that would happen. It was inevitable. Maybe a long distance relationship wasn't out of the question. It was better than nothing at all. "Can I talk you into a movie Friday night?"

  She leaned back in his arms, smiling. "I would love to. I'll even let you buy me popcorn."

  He walked her out to her car and gave her a goodnight kiss, then watched her disappear down the street. Lord, please help us find a way for this to work. I don't want to lose her again.


  "I'll do your mom's room if you want," Mallory offered Friday morning as she and Jamie prepared for another day's work.

  Jamie took the last sip of her coffee. "That's okay. You can do one of the other bedrooms." They only had three rooms left to paint, besides Jamie's. And she was saving it to do last, along with the upstairs bathroom.

  "I can't believe we're almost done. What am I supposed to do with the rest of my summer?"

  "We still have the barn and the exterior of the house. I doubt Gage and Derek will be able to do them both."

  Jamie thought of the candlelight dinner Gage had prepared Tuesday night. She wasn't doing a very good job of keeping things casual between them. He was all she could think about. No man had ever made her this happy before. If he felt the same way, which she was pretty sure he did, there had to be a way for them to continue seeing one another. Most of her friends had lives away from California, and they made their careers and relationships work. Sure there would be times when she and Gage would be apart, but if she was to cut back on her workload, she knew they could pull it off if he was willing.

  Mallory punched her in the arm. "Did you hear what I said?"

  "No, I'm sorry."

  "You sure have been acting weird the last few days."

  Jamie ignored the insinuation. "That isn't what you said."

  "How do you know if you didn't hear me?"

  Refusing to get sucked in by her friend's inquisitive nature, Jamie grabbed her breakfast dishes and placed them in the sink.

  "You're not fooling me, you know." Mallory refilled her coffee cup and leaned against the counter, watching Jamie.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about."

  "The total renovation, instead of your original plans to just do a little painting and minor repairs. You looking at furniture Saturday. The goofy look on your face whenever Gage is around. You're in love with him, aren't you?"

  Jamie knew there was no use in denying it. Truth be told, he was the reason she had reconsidered selling the house. Everything changed the night they had found her father's train set. She had gotten a glimpse of the boy in him. The one who had never stopped being her best friend. "Yes, I am."

  "Does he know? Have you told him?"

  "No. And I'm not sure what's going to happen, so please don't say anything."

  "You're still worried he won't fit into your life." Mallory reached over, placing her hand over Jamie's. "Just give him a chance, Jamie. If you two love one another, you can make it work. You're not the first movie star to have a relationship with someone outside of show business." Mallory named off several Hollywood couples, many of whom Jamie knew personally. "Most of them have been married for years."

  "I get it. I know you're right. We can make it work. I just don't know how he feels. He's the one who said we should take it one day at a time. So until I know where he stands on our relationship, I need you to promise me you won't say anything."

  "All right, fine. I will keep my mouth shut. I won't interfere."

  "Thank you." Jamie laughed. "Now, since we're on the subject of romance, why don't you give Cade a call and see if he wants to go to the movies? We can double date."

  "I'm not going to ask him out. If he wants to go on a date, he can call me."

  "I know he's going to." Jamie had a good feeling about them. "He's just been busy."

  "How do you know?"

  "Gage talked to him earlier in the week. He's got a lot going on, work-wise, right now." Jamie waited for a response but didn't get one. "Why don't you come with us then?"

  "No. I'm not going to the movies with you and my brother."

  "Why not? The three of us used to go to movies all the time when we were kids."

  "You and Gage weren't dating then. Though you might as well have been."

  "Fine, stay home and sulk." Jamie grabbed the dishtowel from Mallory and snapped it at her. It hit Mallory's forearm.

  Mallory cocked an eyebrow at Jamie. "You're so going to pay for that."

  "Oh, yeah. You've gotta catch me first." Jamie tore out of the kitchen with Mallory right on her heels.


  Gage went to his mom's for lunch. The scent of apple pie hit him as he walked in the front door. She greeted him with a hug in the entryway of the kitchen.

  "Where have you been keeping yourself? Seems like I haven't seen you in weeks."

  "You know with the chief out, I've been pretty busy at work." Gage took his cap off and sat down at the table.

  "Uh huh." She threw him a knowing smile and stepped to the refrigerator. "Haven't seen Mallory much either. How are she and Jamie getting along with their painting? Do they need any more help?"

  "I think they've just about got the interior done. Derek and I are going to get started on the outside this weekend." It was surprising how much effort Jamie was putting into a house she was only going to sell. Sure, she would get a better price for it if the place were fixed up, but she was going to a lot of trouble to make that happen. Even more surprising was how much fun she seemed to be having doing it.

  "So, work isn't the only place you've been keeping yourself?" With a smile, his mom set a glass of iced tea with lemon in front of him.

  "No." Gage hadn't told his mom about his feelings toward Jamie. Not because he didn't think she would approve, but more out of fear. Afraid of the questions she might ask, to which he himself didn't have answers. Like how in the world, a relationship was going to work between them?

  "I think it's nice the three of you spending so much time together. It's just like old times."

  "Not exactly," he braved.

  She put a platter of ham slices and bread on the table and sat beside him. Glancing over, she smiled. He had a hunch she already knew what he was about to tell her.

  "Jamie and I are dating."

  She covered his hand with hers. "I thought there was something going on between you two."

  "I'm not exactly sure how it'll all play out, but I know I haven't felt like this in a very long time. Things were pretty casual between us until the night that guy broke into her house. I think I realized then just how important she is to me. I'm in love with her, Mom."

  "What do you plan on doing about it?"

  He grinned at her bluntness. "I have no idea. Jamie has changed in so many ways, yet at the same time, I can still see that little girl in her that I had a crush on all those years ago."

  "You know she's living a dream she's had since she was that little girl."

  "I know, and I don't want to do anything that will keep her from it. I can't see myself living her li
festyle, though. She's all about making movies, going to red carpet events, being with other actors. I don't think I could fit into that. I'd be like one of the Clampetts from The Beverly Hillbillies."

  Stella laughed as she squeezed his hand. "Nothing says you have to fit into her lifestyle, Gage. Jamie isn't just a movie star, she's a woman. I'm sure she has hopes and desires just like the rest of us about finding someone special and starting a family. Don't over think it, sweetheart. Just follow your heart and let the Lord work out the rest."

  He smiled at her supportive words. She was right. Jamie wasn't just a starlet. There were so many layers to her he could spend a lifetime unveiling them.

  After lunch, Gage was tempted to swing by and see Jamie before heading back into town. He knew she would be busy, though, and didn't want to bother her. It was only a few more hours until he would see her tonight. In the past three weeks, there was seldom a day went by they hadn't been together. When she left in September to do her new movie, it would be torture. He wondered if she was allowed visitors on the set. It would be interesting to see how things worked behind the scenes. Whatever happened, Gage was willing to be as much a part of her life as she wanted him to be.


  Gage held Jamie's hand as they crossed the street to the theater. Several dozen people were gathered outside, waiting to purchase tickets. It surprised Jamie to see this many movie lovers in a town the size of Jackson Ridge out on a Friday night to see a film that had been in the theaters for over a month.

  "Do all these folks live here?"

  "Probably not. This is the only theater in a hundred mile radius."

  "You're kidding. Greensburg doesn't have one?"

  "It burnt down two years ago. You want to wait over there while I get our tickets?" Gage motioned to the building next door, away from the crowd.

  Jamie had worn a hoodie and a pair of tinted prescription glasses she seldom wore, to help conceal her identity. "Only if you don't want to be seen with me," she teased.

  Gage put his arm around her. "Now you know that isn't true."

  Once he purchased their tickets, they stepped inside to the lobby. The smell of buttered popcorn made Jamie's tummy rumble. She'd been looking forward to it all day.

  Mr. Williams waited on them. His once charcoal black hair was now mostly grey, and arthritic fingers trembled as he counted the change back to Gage. Jamie was tempted to talk to him but doubted he would remember that little pigtailed girl who used to follow him around asking all sorts of questions about the movies he showed.

  Popcorn and drinks in hand, Jamie and Gage found some empty seats in the midsection and settled in. Jamie had seen the movie six weeks ago at its premiere in L.A., but she didn't tell Gage that, afraid if she had, he would suggest they do something else. Besides, she didn't come for the movie. She just wanted to be with Gage.

  While the previews were showing, Jamie asked him if he had any news about Ricky Drayton.

  "I've searched the various databases for anyone named Drayton who lived in Green County in the past and struck out. I also had Bob Addison's secretary search their case files, thinking maybe Drayton was a client of your father's. Nothing there either. Hopefully, Cade is having better luck."

  Jamie knew both he and Cade were doing all they could to uncover the truth about her father's murder, but her patience was running thin. She wanted it all to be over with. She wanted answers.


  As the film credits began to roll, Gage peered down at Jamie nestled against him. She had fallen asleep on him midway through the movie, but he didn't have the heart to wake her. She and Mallory had been working hard on the house all week, and he knew she was exhausted. He waited until the lights came on before he gently moved his arm from her shoulder.

  Jamie raised her head and looked at him, a beautiful smile caressed her lips. "I am so sorry."

  "Don't be. I didn't mind a bit." He kissed her, giving little thought to the other patrons moving up the aisle beside them.

  Once most of the crowd had exited, Gage held her hand and they made their way into the lobby. "I'll be right back," Jamie said and walked off before Gage had a chance to say anything.

  He saw her approach Mr. Williams and they began talking.

  While he waited, he looked at the posters of the upcoming movies. Half expecting to see one with Jamie, he was disappointed when he didn't. His musings the other night about them having a future together still lay heavily on his mind. He didn't know if he would ever fit into her world of fame, but he was willing to give it a shot if it meant he could keep her in his life.

  Someone bumped hard into Gage. He spun around and came face to face with Ed Bryer.

  "Sorry, Hansen, didn't see you there," Ed said with a smirk. Janessa stood next to him, smiling. He rubbed his bushy beard. "Old man Williams needs to invest some money in this place and get better lighting."

  "Or you just need glasses, along with hearing aids."

  "Could be. Where'd your new girlfriend go? Did she dump you, too?"

  Gage glared at the man, his fist doubled at his side. Not usually prone to quick anger, Ed Bryer knew exactly which buttons to push to get his blood boiling.

  "There you are, darling," Jamie said with a southern accent. She put her arm around Gage's waist and offered her hand to Janessa. "I'm Twyla Adair from down round Nashville. And who might you be?"

  Oh boy.

  "I'm ah . . . ah Janessa."

  "Aren't you a purty little thing. And who's this big fella with ya?"

  It took every ounce of Gage's restraint not to laugh. Jamie, on the other hand, showed complete grace. Even her smile looked genuine.

  "My husband, Eddie."

  "Ed," the man corrected sharply.

  Jamie arched an eyebrow at Janessa. "He's got himself a bit of a temper, don't he? Now me, I like a man who's even-tempered and knows how to treat a woman," Jamie ran her hand along Gage's chest, "with pecks and a six pack fittin' of one of them there fashion models. He isn't just nice to look at, though. He's as sweet as the sassafras tea my daddy used to make."

  Ed grabbed Janessa's hand and brushed passed them.

  "Now you two don't need to rush off. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings there, big fella." Jamie turned to Gage. "You reckon I might've overdone it?"

  Gage burst out laughing and wrapped his arms around her.


  Jamie glanced over as Mallory came out the back door of her house laughing. She looked at Jamie and shook her head. Jamie stuck the wire brush she had been using to scrape around the windows into her back pocket and climbed down the stepladder. They had been at it since six that morning. Gage and Derek had already managed to power wash the whole house.

  "What's so funny?" Jamie picked up her bottled water from the picnic table and took a swig.

  "Gage just told us about your performance last night. Man, I wish I'd been there."

  "It wasn't one of my finer moments. I made a mockery of the fine people of Tennessee." Jamie was afraid if she didn't improvise, Gage would do something stupid like hit the guy. Not that the brute didn't deserve it.

  Stella came out with a platter full of fried chicken. The tantalizing scent had been wafting from the house for the last half hour, making Jamie wish she had forgone the buttered popcorn last night so she could indulge today.

  Gage and Derek joined them, each carrying a side dish. "You should consider coming with us on a mission trip sometime, Jamie," Derek said as he set a bowl of potato salad down next to the coleslaw. "We're going back to El Salvador in January."

  "I'm afraid my schedule won't allow it. I'll be on a promotional tour the whole month. I would love to go some other time, though."

  "Really?" Gage asked, seemingly surprised.

  "Sure, if you can keep my presence under wraps. Otherwise, you may have some unwanted media attention."

  "I think we could do that." Gage wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

  Stella tossed J
amie a smile of approval. "Do you have a new movie coming out? Is that what you'll be promoting in January?"

  "Yes, so for four weeks straight I'll be traveling all over the country doing premiers, junkets, and talk shows."

  "Sounds like fun," Mallory said.

  "Not as much as you think. Most days I do four or five, so it gets old pretty quick."

  "Do you get a percentage of the box office or are you paid up front?" Derek queried as they all took a seat at the picnic table.

  "Both, only it's a small percentage. It differs from actor to actor. Some get a larger cut."

  Gage said grace and Stella handed Jamie the plate of fried chicken. Jamie took a leg and passed it on. "What I'd like to know is how you remember your lines?" Stella asked. "I can't even go to the grocery store for three items without a list."

  "It's an act of faith, Stella. I have to trust on any given day, the lines I've so carefully tried to memorize will come out of my mouth in the right order and in the right place. The good thing is when I do mess up, which I often do, I have a director who can yell 'cut' verses being on live stage where I would have to ad-lib or have someone feed me the next line."

  "I remember that happening to you in a couple of your school plays," Gage teased.

  Jamie laughed. "You would remember that."

  "If only Mrs. Pipps could see you now." Gage smiled as he held her hand.

  After lunch, Jamie helped Stella clean up in the kitchen while the guys and Mallory worked down at the barn. Jamie had just filled the dishwasher when her cellphone rang. Glancing at the screen, she saw Richie's number. It was the first time he had called in over a week. As she had done the previous times, she hit 'ignore'.

  "I was thrilled when Gage told me you two were dating." Stella poured two cups of coffee and handed Jamie one of them. "I've never seen him this happy before."

  "It all seems so sudden, yet very natural."


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